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媒介间议程设置效果是议程设置理论的重要拓展领域。本研究探讨了新媒体环境下互联网等媒体与传统媒体间的议程设置现象,并分析了议程融合和融合新闻等具体表现形式。同时,本研究也指出新媒体环境下的媒介间议程设置的负面效应,即网络谣言和虚假新闻的产生与扩散问题,在此基础上,重新审视了媒介间议程设置的控制机制——把关这一概念。  相似文献   

由于网络媒体的出现,媒体议程设置与受众议程设置之间的关系发生变化,二者在网络媒介中互动性增强,大众媒体对受众的影响力再也不是绝对的。因此,有学者认为,网络环境下,议程设置的功能弱化甚至会消失,本人试图从传统媒体是网络虚拟社区个人议题主要设置者;议程互动使议程设置功能螺旋式上升;网络高科技隐形提升议程设置三个方面进行论述,试图提出不同的看法,即议程设置功能在网络媒体不仅存在而且获得了强化。  相似文献   

本研究基于“议程融合”理论的基本假设,以受众为研究的对象和出发点,通过实验研究的方法,探究信息时代下受众的不同媒介接触行为对议程设置效果的影响,得出如下结论:受众在议程设置中处于主导地位,大众媒体的议程设置功能虚弱;受众的群体交流是其议程设置的主要动力。  相似文献   

申丹丹 《新闻世界》2013,(5):127-129
议程设置理论始于上个世纪六十年代,是大众传播的效果研究重要理论之一。经过多年的发展,建立在传统媒体环境下的议程设置理论是否还适合新的网络媒体时代?本文通过分析传统的议程设置理论以及当前的网络传播环境发现,网络媒体的确对传统的议程设置理论产生了冲击,"议程设置"理论在新的媒介环境下发生了变化,呈现出了新的特点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

传播学中的议程设置理论提出之后,不少学者纷纷着手对“议程设置作为大众传媒的一种功能”进行研究。所谓“议程设置”,即媒介通过对某些议题报道量、报道顺序的不同,影响了受众对它们的重要性的认识,从而为受众设定了议程。20世纪末,网络媒体兴起,在网络媒体的大背景下,议程设置理论出现了一些新的变化,[第一段]  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,适用于传统媒体的"议程设置"理论是否依然适用于网络媒体? 很多研究者认为,在网络传播中媒介的议程设置功能将会发生变化.针对这一问题,笔者以具体事例来验证这一观点,研究网络媒体的议程设置功能在网络传播中的不同影响.  相似文献   

主持人语:在新的媒介生态环境下,以互联网为代表的新媒体、新技术正在渗透到各个领域,使传统媒体的议程设置功能发生了改变,互联网自主设置议程日渐凸显。新媒体传播的快捷、即时,为受众获知信息带来了便利,同时也使虚假信息、低俗信息、新闻炒作等现象快速传播,致使媒体公信力急剧下降,从而削弱了新媒体的议程设置效果。目前我国媒体尚未建立规范的新闻职业道德监督机制,这就对新闻工作者的职业道德提出了新的挑战。探究传统媒介形态下的新闻职业道德规范,进一步探索新媒体传播方式下的媒介自律行为,完善传媒行业信用体系建设,加强新闻自律和他律,对营造和谐的舆论环境、强化大众传播的议程设置功能等具有重要意义。本期“传媒大讲坛”特邀湖南师范大学新闻与传播学院博士生导师徐新平教授等撰文,文章以1902年《中国日报》拟订的“各报馆公共章程”为主线,分析中国最早的新闻职业道德规范,从其制定的背景入手,探讨这份章程在我国新闻伦理发展史上的重要价值,以期对我国现行媒介道德准则的形成与完备提供借鉴。继而刊发湖南师范大学新闻与传播学院燕道成教授等的文章《网络“热门话题”的形成机制与议程设置功能》,此文是2015年度国家社科基金项目:“大数据时代青少年网络政治参与的有序机制研究”(15BXW029)的阶段性研究成果,文章在分析新浪微博“热门话题”形成机制的基础上,探讨互联网背景下议程设置功能的正面效应,在新传播形态下倡导媒介的正面导向作用。  相似文献   

吴林红 《新闻世界》2014,(10):53-54
新媒体带来一场新的传播革命,正在深刻改变媒体格局和舆论生态。本文试图从议程设置理论视角,分析党报话语权面临的挑战,探讨如何重塑党报话语权。党报在发挥议程设置功能中必须实现"两步走":一是影响目标读者的议程,二是影响其他媒介特别是新媒体的议程。针对媒介间议程设置的"溢散效果",本文提出,只有变被动为主动,将(非主流媒介)"倒逼"转为(主流媒介)"倒灌",党报才能成为媒介中的"意见领袖",发挥社会舆论的"压舱石"作用。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,建立在互联网技术平台上的自媒体已经成为信息传播的重要载体。相对于传统媒体而言,以微博为代表的自媒体由于使用主体的复杂性、交流过程高度的交互性、表达意见的充分自主性以及受众信息接收的自由性,使得媒体的议程设置功能发生了重大变化。自媒体环境下议程设置的变化1.议程设置载体发生变化在网络媒体出现之前,议程设置的  相似文献   

新媒介环境下议程设置理论研究新进路的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
议程设置理论是传播学和新闻学的关键理论之一。当下媒介环境发生变化,传统的传播模式正在被颠覆,延续传统媒介环境下议程设置思路,研究遇到困境。根据新媒介环境下议程设置形成的新模式,我们提出新的研究假设和新的议题显要性转移图,并做一分析,在新媒介环境下,由多元个体组成的社群通过互联网等新媒介对于人们想什么或者怎么想具有重要作用,个体和社群议程是大众媒介议程的重要补充源,不局限于以媒体议程设置为中心的单一研究方向,把使用新媒介的个体和社群对媒体议程的作用纳入研究的重点范畴,重视新媒介的平台作用,最后提出了新的议程设置的效果地图,归纳出了研究的新重点。  相似文献   

This study compares the agenda-setting effects of national and local media on public salience in a market where an issue was both local and national with the effects in a market where it was primarily national. A new measure of public salience is also introduced. Results indicate that agenda-setting effects of local and national media are very different, with local media exerting a stronger agenda-setting influence when the issue is both local and national.  相似文献   

本文以提升网络舆论引导力为视域,通过对网络议程设置的实证研究来探讨当下网络舆论引导的实效性。研究结果表明:从总体上看,网络媒体与网民之间具有议程设置的效果,网络媒体之间也具有议程设置的效果;具体而言,各个网络媒体所具有的议程设置能力又有所不同。对其原因,文章从网页设计和议题两个层面进行了分析,并有针对性地提出了提升网络媒体网络舆论引导力的一些策略。  相似文献   

网络中的“议程设置”与公众自我议程设置   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗春 《新闻界》2007,(4):29-30
在网络传播模式下,"议程设置"仍然存在,但由于传受关系发生了很大变化,出现议题设置权下放,传播内容多元化等新特点,同时,网络中也出现了公众自我议程设置,并为传统媒体设置议程的现象。  相似文献   

Current Critical Problems in Agenda-Setting Research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
After experiencing steady development over the past three decades,agenda-setting research appears to be in a period of flux. Thispaper discusses three current and critical problems that agenda-settingresearch has been facing recently: the problems of process,identity, and environment. These problems are critical becauseeach has implications that might call into question the valueof agenda-setting theory. The process problem concerns the natureof the agenda-setting process, specifically, the degree to whichthe agenda-setting process is automatic and unthinking. Theidentity problem asks whether the new concept of attribute agendasetting will become indistinguishable from framing or traditionalpersuasion research. The environment problem asks if the developmentof communication technology and the subsequent growth in thenumber and variety of news outlets will minimize the impactof media agenda setting at the social level, leading to fragmentationof the public agenda. After examining each of the problems,I suggest that the agenda-setting perspective is still worthpursuing, and I present an agenda that agenda-setting researchshould address for its future development.  相似文献   

本文以报料信息内容、媒体呈现的报料内容及报料人群体抽样调查三部分资料为基础,以时间序列分析技术对报料信息和媒体呈现内容关系进行了分析,研究发现,报料人群体是公众中积极参与媒体议题建构的群体,他们具有显著的设置议题意识,但是参与议题建构的能力有限,原因之一是多数报料人将媒体视为可借助解决来自草根阶层社会问题的工具。报料信息经过媒体把关人的严格判断和挑选才可能进入媒体议题,这种挑选并非按照各类信息报料的多少来确定,而是根据是否具有新闻价值来判断。报料人群体参与建构媒体议程的目标能否实现,要看各媒介组织自身的定位和媒体框架。  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between age and the media's agenda-setting effects both by cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis. Using American National Election Studies surveys and the New York Times Index data from 1960 to 2004, we test three possible effects of age on the agenda-setting process: generational, life-cycle, and period effects. Findings show the public agenda is fairly stable across generations and age cohorts despite increasing signs of media diversification and audience specialization. More important, different generations’ agendas were overall correlated with the media agenda in each year, indicating robust agenda-setting effects of the media on the public, except for baby boomers. The findings generally support the hypothesis of period effects. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

It is hard to imagine a more challenging arena for communication research than that presented by new media and their impact on our society. We have witnessed the fastest evolution in communication technology in human history and, along with it, the evolution of communication conceptions and theories used to assess its impact. More than a decade has passed since Chaffee and Metzger first published their intriguing article “The End of Mass Communication?” and suggested that the new media will change the notions of mass communication and, as a result, the theories used in communication research. Today, we know more about new media and its effect on communication, society, and communication theories. The present article, therefore, sets out to reassess Chaffee and Metzger's claim by describing the development of several core theories of communication research, namely the agenda-setting theory and the notions of media audiences and the Digital Divide, in light of the new media. Our review shows that the role played by communication technologies in social, cultural, political, and economic processes is as central and influential in the new media era as it was in traditional media environment and that, although theories may change to accommodate the changes of the new media environment, researchers are still dealing with the “old” issues of power and resistance, and structure and ownership.  相似文献   

A survey conducted in McAllen, Texas, a largely Hispanic area, examined whether exposure to Spanish-language cable news had an agenda-setting effect. Results show that level of exposure was associated with agenda-setting effects for Spanish cable news, but perceived media credibility and media reliance were not related to the strength of agenda-setting effects. Exposure, credibility, and reliance were also not associated with agenda- setting effects for English-language newscasts-perhaps because English speakers had more news options in the survey area.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the intermedia influence of the Internet on traditional news media. Accordingly, this study examined the influence of Internet bulletin boards on newspaper coverage of the 2000 general election in South Korea at both first and second levels of agenda-setting through content analyses of major newspapers and the Internet bulletin boards during the campaign. Results of cross-lagged correlation analyses showed that newspapers influenced Internet bulletin boards at the first level of agenda-setting. Additionally, at the second level of agenda-setting, the influence of Internet bulletin boards on newspapers was found. Although reciprocity appeared in a few time spans, the results imply that the Internet funnels and leads public opinion as well as affecting the coverage of other media.  相似文献   

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