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“电视湘军”在新时期中国电视业改革中具有举足轻重的地位,它的成功实践,让中国电视节目形式多样、价值多元,强化和推进了中国电视荧屏的亲民色彩,加速了中国电视业的国际化进程,改变了中国电视的竞争格局,为中国电视产业化发展模式提供了重要参照。  相似文献   

作为中国电视业的重要组成部分,地市级电视媒体如何应对加入WTO后所带来的机遇和挑战。这既是一个理论问题,更是一个实际问题,曾为中国电视业的繁荣和发展作出过重大贡献的地市级电视媒体,随着信息时代的到来,就陷入新闻受众流失、录播设备老化、广告收入锐减、专业人才匮乏的困境中;加入WTO后,WTO的协定制度又将给它的生存和发展设置种种关卡。所以,绝大部分地市级电视媒体将圆满地完成其阶段性的光荣使命,按照“强者更强,适者生存”的发展原则,自行融入到新的发展进程中,或被撤销,或进行集团整合。这样才有利于整个中国电视业主动应对挑战,赢得新的发展机遇。  相似文献   

这次中国电视业的改革 ,体现了政府对居于强势地位的电视媒体进行治理整顿、加强管理的意图 ;表现出对电视媒体多重本性的某些认可 ;表露出中国加入WTO的紧迫感与焦虑感。但是 ,这次中国电视业的改革 ,也存在着十分突出的问题 :首先 ,这场改革是否真正成为了大整合 ;其次 ,这次改革是否缺乏市场经济的法制基础 ;第三 ,这次改革是否会降低竞争的活力。对于这些问题 ,论文进行了较为深入的理论阐述和回答。  相似文献   

电视对相声题材及其形式有所限制,相声也容易产生依赖性。会诊中国电视,及时调整电视体制,增强电视竞争力,已成为中国电视业的一件大事。突破管理体制的束缚,是中国电视的出路所在。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后信息技术产业、电信业和电影业的进一步开放,对中国电视传播业发展的影响和冲击将会越来越大,同时WTO将给中国电视传播业在广告市场的份额、媒体经营成本和媒体结构的调整等方面带来较大的发展机遇。WTO将开辟一条中国电视传播业走向世界最便捷的通道。面对WTO的挑战,中国电视传播业要在观念更新、体制创新、调整改革战略、培养人才建设方面做好进一步的深化改革,加速中国电视业体制的变迁与整合,促进中国电视传播业的有序竞争和发展。  相似文献   

电视是中国社会的一个聚焦点。从空域逐渐开放着中国电视新变动格局 ,从中央到地方 ,可以体味出中国电视产业的喜与忧、欢与愁、彷徨与反思、阵痛与梦想。针对海外传媒大鳄的渗透 ,适时做出差异领先的战略选择 ,应是中国电视业在国际电视市场竞争中赢得优势的重要利器。  相似文献   

随着电视事业的发展,媒体活动营销已成为中国电视媒体最为火热的关键词.从湖南卫视、安徽卫视媒体活动的亮点可以分析电视媒体活动营销及其给飞速发展中的电视业带来的机遇和变化.  相似文献   

在经济迅速发展和技术进步的现阶段,中国电视业进入了大调整时期,面临巨大的市场机会和发展空间。政府积极调整管理行为,改进现行稍显落后的电视管理体制,对于促进电视产业化进程,促进我国经济发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下,各行各业都要以市场经济为背景,与时俱进,以谋求新环境下的发展。在电视传媒产业化的新形势下,有针对性地进行电视营销成为电视业发展的必然趋势。本文结合当今社会中比较有发展空间的几种现代营销理念,对我国电视频道、节目、产品的自我市场营销思路进行分析、探讨。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下,各行各业都要以市场经济为背景,与时俱进,以谋求新环境下的发展.在电视传媒产业化的新形势下,有针对性地进行电视营销成为电视业发展的必然趋势.本文结合当今社会中比较有发展空间的几种现代营销理念,对我国电视频道、节目、产品的自我市场营销思路进行分析、探讨.  相似文献   

在文化体制改革的号角声中,中国民营电视产业进入到了一个新的发展时期。中国民营电视,从暗流涌动到逐渐浮出水面,从承接电视节目制作业务到介入电视频道运营,逐渐形成有别于西方商业电视的中国民营电视产业。  相似文献   

阐述了韩国文化以电影电视为主要形式大量进入我国,受到普遍欢迎。韩剧在很大程度上刺激了中国公民赴韩旅游的热情,以直观的方式将韩国的风俗习惯、旅游风光、时尚元素等展现在中国观众面前,吸引中国公民到韩国进行参观游览。分析了韩剧中对我国公民赴韩旅游动机的诸多要素以及韩剧对赴韩旅游产生的影响,对我国影视业和旅游业的互动发展有所启迪。  相似文献   

从信息论的角度对有线电视节目所提供的信息有效性进行了分析并给出了对应的措施,希望有助干理清有线电视产业化的发展思路和采取有效的应对其它行业竞争对手的策略,从而提高自身的产业竞争力。  相似文献   

对于武术影视产业的概念进行了界定,认为武术影视产业来源于武术、武术影视产业推动武术发展,同时也对我国武术影视产业发展现状及趋势进行了分析,认为当前我国武术影视产业发展所存在的问题是:产业链严重缺失、缺乏市场竞争力、融资面临诸多问题、产业政策和法制环境欠缺.由此,提出了促进我国武术影视产业发展的对策和建议,并对河南是否适宜发展武术影视产业进行了思考.  相似文献   

A 2-wave longitudinal study of personality in adolescence was conducted with data obtained at ages 12 and 17 years from approximately 60 European American and 60 second-generation Chinese American youth. At Time 1 they completed the Children's Personality Questionnaire and at Time 2 they completed the High School Personality Questionnaire and self-report measures of high school grades, depression, and self-esteem. Chinese American and European American adolescents became more similar to each other over time through developmental and acculturative processes. Adolescents of both ethnicities increased in Extraversion and Independence. Despite this general trend, the Chinese American youth continued to report lower levels of Extraversion than European American youth. Extraversion and Anxiety predicted school grades for European Americans and psychological adjustment for Chinese Americans.  相似文献   

Qiang Zha 《Compare》2011,41(6):751-768
This paper analyzes how China has managed to embrace mass higher education in a short timeline, and examines how far this move has followed the existing or established patterns elsewhere through comparing its core aspects with those of four identifiable models of mass higher education: the American model, the Western European model, the Latin American model and the East Asian model. While acknowledging that the current structure of the Chinese higher education system appears to resemble the American in many ways, this paper concludes that it is fundamentally different from the American model, as well as from the Western European and the Latin American models. Largely mirroring the East Asian model, the Chinese approach features a strong sense of ‘state instrumentism’ and is also characterized by integral tensions among its various sectors, which could turn into either positive dynamics for vibrant growth or negative forces leading to serious social justice and equity issues. After enjoying an unprecedented expansion between 1999 and 2006, Chinese higher education has come to a historical juncture to reconsider its success in the light of more collaborative and normative ideologies, such as those grounded in social justice and human potential.  相似文献   

教师在语文教学过程中应采取行之有效的方式,将影视资源引入语文课堂,使影视资源的应用价值得到充分体现。针对当前语文课堂教学存在的教学模式单一、学生兴趣匮乏、教学资源不足等问题,文章从激发学生兴趣、开展阅读教学、开展写作教学、增强情感体验等方面,对影视资源在语文课堂的运用进行相关探讨。  相似文献   

李雪 《海外英语》2012,(10):197-198,205
美国电影业在美国经济中的地位举足轻重,并已成为美国文化向全球扩展的招牌之一。其中,好莱坞电影在整个美国电影发展的过程中发挥着中流砥柱的作用。通过分析好莱坞电影及其代表作品的特点,可以让人们更清楚地了解美国电影产业。  相似文献   

Parents and early childhood teachers in Chinese societies and the United States have had dissimilar views about appropriate art instruction for young children. The Chinese view is that creativity will emerge after children have been taught essential drawing skills. The American view has been that children's drawing skills emerge naturally and that directive teaching will stifle children's creativity. Forty second-generation Chinese American and 40 European American young children participated in this longitudinal study at ages 5, 7, and 9 to explore possible cultural differences in and antecedents of their drawing skills and creativity. Chinese American children's person drawings were more mature and creative and their parents reported more formal ways of fostering creativity as compared to their European American counterparts. Correlations showed that children who had more opportunities to draw and who received more guidance in drawing were more advanced in their drawing. For Chinese Americans, fathers’ personal art attitudes and children's Time 1 drawing skills predicted 53% of the variance in children's drawing scores four years later.  相似文献   

Chinese parents exert more control over children than do American parents. The current research examined whether this is due in part to Chinese parents' feelings of worth being more contingent on children's performance. Twice over a year, 215 mothers and children (Mage = 12.86 years) in China and the United States (European and African American) reported on psychologically controlling parenting. Mothers also indicated the extent to which their worth is contingent on children's performance. Psychologically controlling parenting was higher among Chinese than American mothers, particularly European (vs. African) American mothers. Chinese (vs. American) mothers' feelings of worth were more contingent on children's performance, with this contributing to their heightened psychological control relative to American mothers.  相似文献   

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