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Ganokendras (people’s learning centers) employ a literacy-based approach to alleviating poverty in Bangladesh. They give special attention to empowering rural women, among whom poverty is widespread. The present study reviews the Ganokendra-approach to facilitating increased political and economic awareness and improving community conditions in line with government initiatives for poverty reduction. Many Ganokendras implement programmes geared towards income-generating activities and establish linkages with other service providers, both governmental and non-governmental. As is shown, one particularly successful strategy for facilitating women’s economic empowerment involves co-ordinating micro-credit available through other agencies.  相似文献   

边境少数民族地区能否顺利脱贫是我国脱贫攻坚取得全面胜利的关键环节,也是国家安全、区域经济发展与社会和谐的重大议题。地形地貌限制、机会与资源有限且分配模式相对固化是其贫困文化的内核。本研究以云南省怒江傈僳族自治州和德宏傣族景颇族自治州两个边境少数民族地区的教育脱贫攻坚政策实践为例,阐释了边境少数民族地区的贫困特征与特殊挑战,从杜绝因学致贫、阻断代际贫困、促进民族团结、辐射边境教育等方面分析了教育脱贫攻坚政策的效能,并指出教育脱贫攻坚政策的设计与实施基本是按照教育外部因素和内部因素两层逻辑展开。  相似文献   

我国的扶贫工作已进入攻坚期,扶贫攻坚的思想脱贫问题与贫困地区的经济发展问题、物质匮乏问题同样重要。文章从调研湖南省慈利县贫困人口的思想问题入手,总结导致该地区贫困的几种典型脱贫思想观念及产生的主要原因,提出解决思想脱贫问题的方法只能是发展思想政治教育,文章结合慈利县贫困地区的实际情况,从思想上重视思想政治教育作为前提,再结合新时期符合我国国情的政治教育理念以及构建全面性地政治教育体系等方面,提出了慈利地区贫困人口思想脱贫的破解对策。  相似文献   

1847年《哲学的贫困》是马克思批判蒲鲁东《贫困的哲学》而写成的一部论战性著作。立足于马克思创立的唯物史观,在分析马克思《哲学的贫困》过程中,解读出了马克思主要针对蒲鲁东颠倒地理解经济范畴与社会存在的关系、形而上学地理解辩证法的实质、唯心主义地理解社会发展动力三个方面的批判。从马克思对蒲鲁东这三个方面的批判过程中,进而可以看到《哲学的贫困》是马克思哲学理论与政治经济理论的分界点。这个分界点就是马克思不仅对自己刚刚创立的新唯物史观的验证运用和丰富发展,而且更为重要的是马克思在刚刚创立的新唯物史观指导下开始了对政治经济学批判的科学批判历程。因此,《哲学的贫困》也就成为马克思政治经济学批判的科学起点了。  相似文献   

近年来,我国边疆地区的职业教育事业迅猛发展,但是边疆少数民族地区的妇女职业教育相对滞后。对边疆少数民族妇女进行职业教育是实现边疆精准脱贫和教育公平的重要体现。目前,边疆少数民族妇女职业教育存在内容缺乏创新、形式单一、教育范围狭窄的问题。在对大量文献收集及分析的基础上,从政策的制定和执行层面给予边疆少数民族妇女职业教育方面的扶持和优惠,使得边疆少数民族妇女职业教育内容具有创新性、形式更加丰富、受教育对象更多,从而提高边疆少数民族妇女各方面的可行能力和生活质量,促进边疆民族地区职业教育水平和经济的发展。  相似文献   

习近平总书记在《摆脱贫困》一书中对贫困的内涵进行了再认识与辨证思考,强调要克服只从经济层面单向度地理解贫困,贫困的本质及其造成贫困的决定性因素是贫困者“头脑中的贫困”。高校也应从精神和思想层面对高校大学生“贫困”群体进行再认识,正视存在于家庭经济困难学生中的“头脑中的贫困”现象。“扶贫先扶志”,相对于经济上的贫困,贫困大学生“头脑中的贫困”更应该值得我们关注。从“经济扶贫”到“教育治贫”就是要加强理想信念教育,引导贫困生树立“先飞”意识;做好开发式能力资助,帮助贫困生“丰满羽翼”;开展艰苦奋斗教育,培养贫  相似文献   

教育是促进民族地区经济社会发展与个体生活质量改善的重要力量。在后脱贫时代,探求民族地区教育扶贫现状有助于优化教育的社会功能与民生功能。民族地区教育扶贫面临与经济社会发展欠协调、民族文化内生力量被忽略、民生改善主体性待提升等现实困境。民族地区教育扶贫的困境源于教育扶贫目标窄化、教育扶贫制度不健全、学校教育职能单一、地方课程开发与实施不力。注重教育扶贫的民生价值取向,转变教育扶贫政策重心,优化学校教育类型结构,加强培养民族成员的文化主体性,是推进民族地区教育扶贫的现实策略。  相似文献   

贫困治理一直以来都是关系经济发展与社会长治久安的大问题。自改革开放以来,中国实现了大规模的减贫,取得了巨大成就。然而,在当今绝对贫困人口数量规模缩减的同时,贫困问题也出现了新的特征与挑战。传统以政府为主导的单一的扶贫理念与扶贫模式已不能适应日益多元复杂的贫困治理。亟须我们创新思维,建立一种多主体多维度切入的合作共治的运转机制。鉴于此,基于大扶贫视角与治理理论为支撑,从贫困治理三种机制存在的优缺点对单一扶贫治理模式转变的必要性进行论证并从理论和实践上对多元主体合作机制的可能性给予阐释,在此基础上对贫困治理多元合作机制进行初探。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that women’s education increases infant survival with a magnitude that varies along methodological designs. Besides, the causal chain from women’s education to infant survival has so far remained largely unknown. This cross-country study investigates the relationship between women’s education and infant survival in 95 low- and middle-income countries using a comprehensive set of mediating and control variables. The article applies structural equation modelling on aggregate data, which were produced by the UN, UNESCO, UNICEF and the World Bank. The independent variables are from 2000 to 2009, and the dependent variable, infant mortality, is from 2018. The models are adjusted for income level, population size and extreme epidemic or political instabilities. Structural equation modelling is an advantageous method to specify how women’s education affects infant survival explicitly through the indirect influences of an enhanced child health provision and through an increased reproductive autonomy for women. Overall, women’s education is an equally important variable with poverty alleviation and women’s reproductive autonomy in explaining the cross-country variation in infant survival. The models, taking into account key child health policies, provide new evidence on how women’s education is mediated to better infant survival in low- and middle-income countries.  相似文献   

从政治社会学的角度看改革、发展、稳定的辩证关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国要发展,无疑要走现代化道路,要把摆脱贫困落后、迅速推进现代化确定为战略目标。改革是社会主义现代化建设的客观要求,改革带来了经济社会的发展,推进现代化进程,但现代化进程中遇到的新矛盾,要求社会主义经济、政治体制改革必须在保持政治稳定的前提下谋求渐进式的发展。  相似文献   

In the framework of a household’s collective decision processes, this study presents a structural empirical model to test the hypothesis that child labour is compelled by household’s poverty and parent’s bargaining power against one another. To this end, a measure for mother’s intra-household bargaining power is developed. I use Iranian Household’s Income and Expenditures Surveys (2005 and 2010). Estimation method used in this study is multinomial logit. Findings indicate that household’s poverty is not the sole cause of child’s work incidence. Instead, given the other factors such as poverty, being the first born, local labour market prospect and gender fixed, mother’s bargaining power is found as a significant determinant of child’s work and school attendance. However, the magnitude of its marginal effects vary by gender and across geographical areas.  相似文献   

Agricultural development projects have been promoted in many places as a feature of poverty-reduction strategies. Such projects have often been implemented without a strong in-built education component, and hence have had little success. Agricultural projects seek to improve food security by diversifying a household’s resource base and facilitating the social and economic empowerment of women. The present study presents a survey designed to assess the relationship between education level and ability to benefit from dairy-development projects in Kenya. Results reveal higher occupation and employment levels among beneficiary than non-beneficiary households. On the other hand, beneficiaries of poverty-reduction schemes require specialized training. Apart from project-specific training, the level of general education alone cannot predict the attainment of project objectives.  相似文献   

面对贫困这个普遍的世界难题,习近平结合我国扶贫实际,在继承和发展前人思想和经验的基础上,充分运用马克思主义世界观和方法论,创造性地提出了一系列扶贫理念、举措和战略,形成了一套对中国扶贫工作具有科学指导意义和实践价值的思想体系。习近平扶贫思想是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,具有深厚的历史渊源、丰富的时代价值和可实现的实践路径。研究习近平总书记关于扶贫工作的重要论述,对于打好脱贫攻坚战、决胜全面建成小康社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

生态问题已经成为21世纪人类社会最重要的问题之一,如何在发展经济的同时保护好生态环境是当前许多国家面临的两难选择。作为生态脆弱的贫困地区——重庆市万州区而言,在发展社会经济的同时如何保护好生态环境更具有紧迫性和挑战性。万州区既是国家级贫困城市、重庆市"一圈两翼"中"渝东北翼"的中心城市,又是三峡库区的腹心城市,一方面,发展地区经济,摆脱贫困,实现区域经济的腾飞,是万州义不容辞的责任;另一方面,保护生态环境,特别是长江水资源环境和沿江水土资源、植物资源等,又是万州区必然的历史使命。用万州区2002—2011年的相关数据来分析万州社会经济发展与工业三废的关系,既能掌握和理解万州地区生产总值与工业三废之间的关系,又能找出它们之间的发展规律,为万州这样的生态脆弱型贫困地区的社会经济发展提供借鉴,也能进一步的检验环境库兹涅茨曲线在类似地区的具体表现。  相似文献   

自1999年开始的高校扩招,在一方面,扩大了中国适龄青年接受高等教育的比例,但在另一方面,也扩大了贫困大学生这一特殊的群体。在国家政策方面,虽然有着对贫困生资助的相关政策,但也广泛存在社会化欠缺的问题,构建培养贫困生的"助学"和"自助"体系,是贫困大学生社会化的重要教育机制,从而将贫困大学生培养为"面向21世纪教育振兴"的人才。  相似文献   

The Millennium Summit held in New York in September 2000 outlined the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The first of these involves the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, setting two targets: halving by 2015 the percentage of the world’s populace in 1990 with income less than US-$1 a day (i.e., cutting this percentage from 27.9 to 14%); and halving the share of people who suffer from hunger. As for education, the MDGs seek to ensure that all children can complete primary schooling by 2015. Drawing on examples from selected southern African countries, the present study examines the need to strengthen economic support for (adult) education as an instrument of poverty eradication. It argues that human capital is one of the fundamental determinants of economic growth, and that this economic resource is essentially determined in both qualitative and quantitative regards by education.  相似文献   

中国扶贫成就举世瞩目,进入了新时期,面对贫富差距扩大,扶贫工作的重要性上升,尤其是农村可能出现重大社会问题的预设前景下,政府更加要重视贫困农户的帮扶,如何将贫困农户甄别出来就成为扶贫工作首要课题。在农村,在贫困农户甄别实践中出现了一些必须规范的问题,也有必要将扶贫工作与民政工作做一定区别。我们通过对实证进行分析,结合中国经济、文化、社会背景分析原因,认为存在问题主要是制度设计上出了漏洞,应当在政府主导的前提下,进行修正,建立科学的甄别机制是必要的,据此提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Jonathan Boston provides an insightful analysis of the emergence and persistence of child poverty in New Zealand (Boston, 2014, Educational Philosophy and Theory). His remarks on why child poverty matters are brief but, as he reports, “[t]here is a large and robust body of research on the harmful consequences of child poverty” (Boston 2014, pp. 10–11). One cost he does not explicitly mention is the increased risk of maltreatment faced by children living in poverty. Given the clear correlation between risk of abuse and poverty, Boston’s recommendations might be expected to go some way to addressing New Zealand’s appalling child maltreatment statistics. However, Boston himself identifies both fiscal and political barriers to the implementation of his proposed strategy. “Fundamentally”, he observes, “without adequate multi-party agreement, it will be hard to reduce child poverty on a durable basis” and “[c]urrently, such agreement is lacking” (Boston, 2014, p. 21). Even if we accept Boston’s strategies for child-poverty reduction, then, it is prudent to consider other responses to the consequences of child poverty. Significant and controversial aspects of New Zealand’s 2013 White Paper for Vulnerable Children can be read in this light, and one of them – the proposal to use predictive risk modeling (PRM) to identify children at risk of maltreatment – is the focus of this commentary.  相似文献   

丁玲的《阿毛姑娘》是一个内涵非常丰富的文本,它容纳了作家对于女性命运非常密集的思考,而以往的学术界对它的关注不够。在经济基础上,阿毛的悲剧首先是贫困的悲剧,穷是所有人最深刻的人生体验。在女性权利上,阿毛是中国千千万万个被"父母之命,媒妁之言"而派定了终身的代表。在知识启蒙上,阿毛的无智无识直接导致了她无法决定自己的人生命运。在物质欲望上,都市欲望的无限膨胀与欲望的无法满足之间的鸿沟使阿毛坠入无底深渊。在精神生活上,阿毛遭遇了爱的无法满足的悲剧。多重人生悲剧终于导致了阿毛之死。在中国现代文学史上,阿毛是都市被动现代化过程中殉难的受难者的隐喻形象。  相似文献   

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