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洪迈编纂的《夷坚志》是一部重要作品,过去研究比较薄弱,张祝平对之作了比较全面的梳理和探讨,《夷坚志论稿》是近年《夷坚志》和言小说研究新的收获。此书史料内容相当丰富,提出不少学术新见,其研究思路和研究方法也颇有值得称道的地方。  相似文献   

《世说新语》到底是不是小说历来说法颇多,这主要是由小说概念的复杂性和《世说新语》自身文本的多重性所决定的。但就现有材料而言,《世说新语》非小说论是错误的。  相似文献   

鲁迅《古小说钩沉》所辑唐代佛教论著《辩正论》注,涉及唐前小说《幽明录》、《宣验记》与《冥详记》的有关故事二十四条,向无专门校注。现以齐鲁书社出版的鲁迅校录《古小说钩沉》为底本,参校日本《大正新修大藏经》与《中华大藏经》相关条目,成此校笺。凡有异文,均出校记,参以鄙意,以按语标出。  相似文献   

近三、四年来,《红楼梦》研究似乎不太景气。虽然每年照样有数十篇论见诸各类刊物,也不乏论问世,但是,既未出现新颖的观点,也没有形成大的波澜。这种局面在2003年底有了转机。那是缘于中国联出版社出版了徐乃为先生的红学作《甲戌本石头记辨误》。这是一本向红学界公认的《红楼梦》的最早版本——甲戌本提出  相似文献   

《庄子》之思想与《周易》有关 ,这可从《庄子》论《易》、《庄子》论“命”、《庄子》之文句等方面得到证明。  相似文献   

从小说《围城》中我们认识了钱钟书先生的才情横溢、妙喻连篇,在散文《论快乐》里,我们同样可以领略钱先生一贯的睿智和幽默。做一套妙趣横生而回味隽永的心灵体操。  相似文献   

对文学作品的分析必须立足于文本。脱离文本、大而化之的放言高论,不是流于空谈,就会陷于谬见。《中国现代文学史》(湖南师大出版社1999年版)有关《边城》“文化悲剧”论,便属此类典型个案。  相似文献   

菲茨杰拉尔德的《The Great Gatsby》译为《了不起的盖茨比》比译为《灯绿梦渺》更能体现作品的主题。“了不起”这三个字蕴含着极其丰富的化意义,它向人们展示的是“迷惘一代”的风貌以及那个时代“美国梦”的破灭。这篇论尝试着从当时的化背景、小说的主题以及作品的写作技巧这三大块来分析《了不起的盖茨比》。  相似文献   

通过《吕氏春秋》与《易传》的比较研究 ,从宇宙生成论、宇宙变化论、宇宙一体论等方面分析《吕氏春秋》的易学思想 ,就会肯定《吕氏春秋》在中国易学哲学史上的意义和价值  相似文献   

金圣叹的《水浒传》评点及其小说美学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金圣叹的《水浒传》评点涉及小说美学的诸多方面,包括创作思想、人物性格论、情节结构论。金圣叹小说情节美学的最大特点是运用了读者阅读、接受心理学。  相似文献   

对中国农业社会主义改造历史意义的再评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农业社会主义改造是新中国历史上的一件大事,中国农村的历史因此发生了巨大变化。过去学术界对此有基本肯定和基本否定两种评价,但我们认为都存在各自的片面性。我们认为既要充分肯定农业社会主义改造对农村生产力产生的长期的积极的作用,以及对中国农村全面进步的深刻影响;同时也要看到农业集体化积极作用没有充分发挥的阻滞因素,力求总结经验教训,为当前解决“三农”问题提供思维方法。  相似文献   

资源的禀赋往往决定一座城市的属性和产业格局,在这座城市烙下深深的印记,对这座城市的形成、发展和转型产生重大而深远的影响。煤炭工业的兴起带动淮南各项事业的发展,并在安徽中北部形成一座煤矿城市,使淮南成为华东地区以煤炭、电力为主的重要能源基地。研究煤炭工业在不同历史时期对淮南城市发展产生的作用和影响,确立淮南城市发展的基因,对于促进淮南可持续发展和城市转型,建立科学发展观,有着积极而重要地作用。  相似文献   

Polychronicity is the natural tendency or preference for structuring time that has an influence on people’s behaviors. Highly polychronic individuals are involved in everything, doing many things at once because they value human relationships and interactions over arbitrary schedules and appointments. In contrast, highly monochronic individuals focus on one thing at a time, perceive other events as interruptions, and stress a high degree of scheduling, and promptness in meeting obligations and attending appointments. Although time is an important variable in educational contexts, and in particular in online learning, there is a lack of studies on polychronicity in educational research. This article reviews, summarizes, and extends the literature on polychronicity conceptualization and assessment; it discusses the limitations of the results and offers a multidimensional proposal for a polychronicity construct. Finally, the implications of students’ time differences and their impact on instructional situations are discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过野外实地观测,利用小波理论尝试性地分析了1000m样带上植被总盖度在不同尺度下的分布特征。通过不同尺度下小波变换映像值的分析,解决了植被格局研究中在不同尺度下同时进行规模、强度、纹理分析这一久而未决的难题,发现了植被格局规模在不同尺度下的变化符合分形性质的特点。  相似文献   

一国教师供给的数量与质量深刻的影响着该国的教育发展。目前,我国教师供给的状况是总量基本满足,教师过剩和教师短缺现象同时存在;教师供给质量参差不齐,优质教师资源短缺;教师供给结构性问题突出。影响教师供给的因素包括:预期报酬,生活工作条件,成为教师的成本,进入其他行业的机会,成为教师的风险等。  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of teachers’ perception of trust in colleagues on their sense of empowerment in Mainland China, with a particular focus on the mediating role of teacher efficacy. The results of a survey of 1646 teachers indicate that although teachers scored positively on trust in colleagues, efficacy and empowerment, they had relatively lower scores on general teaching efficacy (GTE) and participation in decision-making. Trust in colleagues was a significant predictor of teacher empowerment. In addition, personal teaching efficacy had a significant mediation effect on the relationship between trust in colleagues and teacher empowerment, while GTE had not. These findings lead to some implications for understanding the nature of GTE and the relationship between trust and teacher empowerment.  相似文献   

基于数据包络分析模型(DEA-BCC)对我国不同区域高等教育公共投资绩效的测度分析,我国高等教育公共投资在经费规模上存在较大区域差异,即东部最高、中部其次、西部最低,且在绩效水平上也存在显著区域差异。而基于面板Tobit回归模型对高等教育公共投资绩效影响因素的实证分析进一步表明:对于全国,地方经济发展水平、人力资本水平和城市化水平对高等教育公共投资绩效产生正向影响,高校生师比和政府财力对高等教育公共投资绩效产生负面影响;三大区域受不同影响因素制约。  相似文献   

To compare the metaphorical views of elementary and secondary school environments, as recalled by American and Chinese college students preparing to become teachers, preferred and actual school experiences were related to metaphors, such as being in a crowd, in a prison, on a team, or in a family. The analysis of data revealed that American elementary schools were most often compared to being in a family and secondary schools to being on a team. Hong Kong students, on the other hand, compared elementary schools to being on a team and secondary schools to being in a family.  相似文献   

对有效教学的研究具有重要的教学理论意义和现实针对性,教学有效性作为其最终目标是一个动态的不断发展的价值判断体系,在新课程改革背景下有新的时代价值,同时教学有效性的价值取向也在不断的完善与发展,是新的教学观确立的助推器、有利于师生关系的重构、有助于聚焦学生的成长和发展、有助于实现教师文化的创造、有利于促进教师的专业化发展。  相似文献   

Six experiments on learning in honeybees were prompted by the possibility that results previously attributed to a difference in amount of reward (20- versus 5-μl drops of sucrose solution presented on colored targets) might be due at least in part to a difference in delay of reward attendant on greater difficulty in locating the 5-μ1 drops. Substantial reduction in the diameter of the targets, which was designed to facilitate location of the drops, impaired discrimination of the colors, perhaps because their salience was reduced in the process (Experiment 3). White dots used to mark the location of the drops on larger targets also impaired discrimination of the colors, which presumably were overshadowed by the dots (Experiments 1, 2, and 4). That the dots did not serve merely to equate delay but were themselves discriminated was demonstrated in Experiment 5, which produced as well the first indication of an effect of amount of reward uncontaminated by the possibility of differential delay: Animals trained with a 5-μl drop on a dotted target of one color and a drop of the same size on an undotted target of a second color preferred the dotted target, but animals trained with a 5-μl drop on a dotted target of one color and a 20-μl drop on an undotted target of a second color preferred the undotted target. In Experiment 6, with odors substituted for the colors on the assumption that they were less likely to be overshadowed by the dots, what could be interpreted as a pure amount effect was found again. Aside from their relevance to questions about the role of amount of reward, the results have some interesting implications for the theory of discriminative learning in honeybees.  相似文献   

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