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米娜  王文奎 《职业圈》2008,(6):67-68
文章从高校毕业生的就业问题入手,结合目前企业发展中存在的人才短缺问题,建议企业和高校互动联系,为大学生提供实习机会。通过实习,从大学生中选择高素质、高技能、高层次人才,建立企业的人才库,完善企业的人才储备体系。  相似文献   

企业人才储备与大学生实践互动双赢   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从高校毕业生的就业问题入手,结合目前企业发展中存在的人才短缺问题,建议企业和高校互动联系,为大学生提供实习机会.通过实习,从大学生中选择高素质、高技能、高层次人才,建立企业的人才库,完善企业的人才储备体系.  相似文献   

张秀丽  赵艳梅 《职业圈》2013,(24):150-150
从目前的实际情况来看,企业中的技能人才开发上存在诸多问题。因此,本文就如何提升技能人才开发水平提出了具体的对策,对于推进企业持续发展来说具有非常重要的现实意义。一、目前技能人才开发的现状第一,数量短缺,不能满足企业发展的需要。目前我国经济高速发展,企业也随着经济的发展而不断壮大。在此过程中,大量具有丰富实际工作经验的技能型人才走上管理岗位,造成一线生产、服务岗位极度匮乏,严重制约企业安全生产、优质服务的需要;同时随着科学技术的不断进步。大批新设备、新工艺、新技术的使用,客观上也急需一大批学习力强、适应性高的新型技能人才。  相似文献   

苏拥军 《职业圈》2014,(33):117-117
本文介绍了发电企业确定岗位的特征,明确阐述了以人才测评为主的后备人才选拔机制,分析了后备人才的储备对发电企业的重要胜和培养后备人才需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

孙志文 《职业圈》2010,(2):59-60
随着我国经济的高速发展,市场竞争在某一程度上已经演变为人才的竞争。人才资源已成为企业内最重要的资源,人才储备也逐渐成为企业人力资源规划的重要内容。文章就人才储备为企业提供人力保障的现状、优势、方式等方面谈了几点看法。  相似文献   

李伟城 《职业圈》2008,(32):56-57
市场竞争的核心内容是人才竞争,作为市场竞争主体的企业必须十分重视引进人才、培养人才、爱护人才和正确有效地使用人才。  相似文献   

魏成利 《职业圈》2007,(8S):55-56,78
最近几年,在我国人力资源管理界兴起了人才测评技术。作为我国家纺业龙头的孚日集团与我们合作,探索利用此项技术进行企业内部基层管理人员甄选、培训等,研究的工具是《企业管理人才素质测评系统》(RSC,SPSS12版),实际操作中根据企业和选拔对象的实际情况增加了部分内容。此项研究为孚日集团基层管理人员的甄选提供了科学的依据并取得了显著效果。  相似文献   

周正勇 《职业圈》2011,(25):64-65
中国常被那些总部设在日本、欧洲和美国的企业认为人工成本低,在高管的薪酬福利上也应该比较便宜。这种想法当然是错误的,事实上,如果你想争夺到顶尖人才,就必须支付恰当的薪酬,中国的高管待遇也相当丰厚。今天,经济危机加大了中国企业走出去的迫切性,对全球化,现在有不少企业的根本思维是资产抄底的思路。在这个主导思想下,很多企业可能更多的在考虑怎么借助今天的外部环境,把资产拿下来,至于拿下来以后怎么创造价值,怎么跟自身现有的业务整合,企业可能都没有来得及想透彻。这与顶尖人才短缺与战略上的认识误区有一定关系。  相似文献   

中国常被那些总部设在日本、欧洲和美国的企业认为人工成本低,在高管的薪酬福利上也应该比较便宜。这种想法当然是错误的,事实上,如果你想争夺到顶尖人才,就必须支付恰当的薪酬,中国的高管待遇也相当丰厚。今天,经济危机加大了中国企业走出去的迫切性,对全球化,现在有不少企业的根本思维是资产抄底的思路。在这个主导思想下,很多企业可能更多的在考虑怎么借助今天的外部环境,把资产拿下来,至于拿下来以后怎么创造价值,怎么跟自身现有的业务整合,企业可能都没有来得及想透彻。这与顶尖人才短缺与战略上的认识误区有一定关系。  相似文献   

最近几年,在我国人力资源管理界兴起了人才测评技术.作为我国家纺业龙头的孚日集团与我们合作,探索利用此项技术进行企业内部基层管理人员甄选、培训等,研究的工具是《企业管理人才素质测评系统》(RSC,SPSS12版),实际操作中根据企业和选拔对象的实际情况增加了部分内容.此项研究为孚日集团基层管理人员的甄选提供了科学的依据并取得了显著效果.  相似文献   

This paper contextualises research on the economics of music. The papers considered represent a crossroad in economics music research. One branch is the most heavily explored area of the impact of digital technology on consumption of music. The others comprise one entirely new topic which is crowd-sourced funding of new music recordings. The other topics are extremely old in terms of relevance but very new in terms of there being little prior economic analysis. These are environmental damages from musical activity and the efficiency of belonging to a pop–rock musical ensemble versus being a solo artist.  相似文献   

Thomas Kaiserfeld 《Minerva》2013,51(2):171-194
By comparing three types of hybrid organizations—18th-century scientific academies, 19th-century institutions of higher vocational education, and 20th-century industrial research institutes—it is the purpose here to answer the question of why new hybrid organizations are continuously formed. Traditionally, and often implicitly, it is often assumed that emerging groups of potential knowledge users have their own organizational preferences and demands influencing the setup of new hybrid organizations. By applying the concepts epistemic and academic drift, it will be argued here, however, that internal organizational dynamics are just as important as changing historical conjunctures in the uses of science when understanding why new hybrid organizations are formed. Only seldom have older hybrid organizations sought to make themselves relevant to new categories of knowledge users as the original ones have been marginalized. Instead, they have tended to accede to ideals supported by traditional academic organizations with higher status in terms of knowledge management, primarily universities. Through this process, demand has been generated for the founding of new hybrid organizations rather than the transformation of existing ones. Although this study focuses on Swedish cases, it is argued that since Sweden strove consistently to implement existing international policy trends during the periods in question, the observations may be generalized to apply to other national and transnational contexts.  相似文献   

This paper engages with the question of the new as the first stage in what may, at a later time, turn into an innovation. Taking our cue from John Dewey, the new is here interpreted as a consequence of indeterminacy. We study practices that induce indeterminacy in order to ‘source’ the new. Based on findings from a collective research programme, we distinguish three ways of inducing indeterminacy: configuring situations, creating things and risking valuations. For each of these ways of inducing indeterminacy basic variations are described and discussed in greater detail. The three ways of inducing indeterminacy are shown to correspond to a present-centred concept of time that distinguishes the now from a past and a future horizon. The cases presented affirm the claim that the new is not an inevitable consequence of the increasing entanglement of technoscience and the economy but something that needs to be sought for, cared for and actively produced.  相似文献   

This study explores the intersection of culture, new media, and social context—an essential component of intercultural new media studies—by investigating the social uses of smartphones, tablets, and laptops in university classrooms in Denmark and the US. American and Danish university students differed significantly in (1) frequency of new media use, (2) preferred classroom policies regulating use, (3) perceived impact of use on learning, attention, and student participation, and (4) preferred instructor strategies for handling distracting uses. Danes and Americans also differed significantly in authority values that are linked to students' new media use in the classroom.  相似文献   

Nowadays, some virtual museums include 3D room scenes to show the models of its pieces, just like in real museums. Nevertheless, the generation and maintenance of this kind of scenes is generally difficult and should be done by an expert. For example, any change such as including a new piece or modifying the position of an existing fragment usually requires a different design and the creation of a new scene. In this paper we present a case study on the development of a web-based application to automatize this process. To this end, a database to store both graphic and non-graphic information about the pieces, and some 3D rooms to show them has been created. The designed scenes only contain some pieces of furniture to exhibit the fragments, which will be subsequently included. Thus, when a room is loaded in the web page, its associated pieces are obtained through a query in the database and its models are dynamically included in the original scene. Therefore, the position changes or the inclusion of new pieces are not performed in the 3D model, but in the database. Our application makes the transmission of the knowledge to the general public easier because any new discovered piece can be included in a existing museum effortlessly.  相似文献   


With the rise of the shadow banking system, a new form of state–market hybridity has emerged, challenging existing monetary approaches to financial stability. A stable financial system today has essentially come to depend on a stable shadow banking system. Central banks are in the process of adapting to this new development. To secure the logic of laissez-faire market liberalism, the sovereign must resort to unprecedented measures and radically intervene in the financial markets. This new form of state–market hybridity forces central banks to provide ample reserves, to act as a dealer of last resort, and to give shadow banking actors access to their balance sheets. Such policies, however, produce new contradictions and fragilities. Based on Foucault's concepts of sovereignty and security, this paper argues that in today's world, the rationality of the laissez-faire security dispositif has become flanked by the rationality of sovereignty to a much greater extent than previously. Without losing its dominant status, the security dispositif is currently adapting so as to operate in crisis mode based on a post-laissez-faire rationality. The repo crisis of 2019 has demonstrated that central banks are still in the process of searching for ways to handle this new constellation.  相似文献   

Geiger  Roger L.    Creso 《Minerva》2005,43(1):1-21
This paper examines the recent history of State-level policies in the United States for knowledge-based economic development, and identifies an emerging model based on technology creation. This new model goes beyond traditional investments in technology transfer and prioritizes cutting-edge scientific research in economically relevant fields. As research-intensive universities are indispensable for technology creation, these policies have yielded substantial new investments in university science.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the early history of David Bohm’s mechanics from the perspective of Ludwik Fleck’s thought-collectives and shows how the thought-style of the scientific community limits the possible modes of thinking and what new possibilities for the construction of a new theory arise if these limits are removed.  相似文献   

Andrea Bonaccorsi 《Minerva》2010,48(4):355-387
New sciences born or developed in the 20th century (information, materials, life science) are based on forms of complementarity that differ from the past. The paper discusses cognitive, or disciplinary, institutional, and technical complementarity. It argues that new sciences apply a reductionist explanatory strategy to complex multi-layered systems. In doing so the reductionist promise is falsified, generating the need for multi-level kinds of explanation (e.g. in post-genomic molecular biology), new forms of complementarity between scientific and non-scientific organizations, and new forms of experimental and informational facilities. The paper develops the argument in theoretical terms, comparing it with the STS literature, and offers preliminary evidence based on the experience of Networks of Excellence.  相似文献   


As financial transactions are increasingly digitized, old and new kinds of intermediaries are only expanding in importance. Intermediaries, mediators and brokers sit at critical junctures and operate between diverse financial arenas and pathways. We argue that mapping the intermediate entails identifying how different kinds of actors—human and non-human, objects and interfaces, institutions and practices—delimit or reify but also stitch together and overcome spatial and temporal differences in people's financial lives, while taking on varying burdens of risk. Mapping the intermediate is both an empirical and methodological exercise. Empirically, it requires following the agents and traders, brokers and material objects that facilitate transactions and add, extract, or re-work different kinds of value. Methodologically, intermediaries and the intermediate are not only the objects of analysis but act as analytical tools in their own right, making the process and politics of transactions visible and tangible. Attending to the intermediate in our inquiries around money, currency and new digital financial technologies, thereby, offers new directions for grounding finance in politics and history and better connecting micro and macro and local and global economic processes.  相似文献   

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