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高校学生党支部是党的基层组织的重要组成部分,是党在大学生群体中开展工作的重要基础,是团结、带领广大青年学生立志成才,努力成为中国特色社会主义事业的合格建设者和可靠接班人的战斗堡垒。从管理学角度出发,高校学生党支部作为一个组织,为了更好地实现组织目标、发挥组织功能,应不断寻求规范合理的组织运作形式适应复杂多变的环境,谋求组织的科学化管理,体现党组织的先进性。本文试从矩阵式组织结构的基本原理和高校学生党支部建设工作的现状入手,探讨在高校学生党支部建设中实施矩阵式组织结构运作模式的必要性、可行性以及具体操作方法。  相似文献   

美国高校学生组织管理具有促进学习的管理任务、法制化强的管理制度、一级管理的组织结构、学生自治的管理方式等特点。中关高校学生组织管理在管理理念、管理目标、管理体制等方面存在差异。我国高校学生组织管理应以马克思主义思想为指导,坚持党的领导,借鉴国外先进经验,提升管理水平。  相似文献   

高校学生档案管理普遍存在档案意识淡薄、“多头分散”管理及管理手段单一等问题,要通过转变观念、规范档案材料的收集整理以及推进学生档案管理的信息网络化建设等对策来加强高校学生档案管理。同时,建立健全高校学生档案的长效管理机制特别需要注意组织建设、制度建设以及评估体系建设等问题。  相似文献   

文章在我国现阶段教育调整、学生变化、大学变革所导致的管理环境变迁的现实背景下,对高校学生组织的特征及现状展开分析,深入分析学生组织建设的实践,提出目前高校学生组织建设在组织结构、体制和机制、管理评价与队伍建设等方面存在的主要问题,并进行原因分析,并以此为背景,参照组织行为学的理论研究视角,提出适合高校学生组织嘉禾实际的变革与发展框架,对加强高校学生组织建设的途径和方法进行了展望。  相似文献   

社会转型和教育发展助推高校学生管理逐步改进,组织资源整合为学生管理新路径提供一定条件和基础。文章从管理制度、管理理念和管理方式三方面进行研究,论述学生管理基本概况,剖析高校学生管理存在的问题,进而探寻其优化路径。研究表明:高校学生管理存在制度规范与管理理念难以衔接、学生优先与管理意识难以协调、自主规范与管理方式难以糅合等主要问题。为优化高校学生管理,需构建扁平化组织结构,进行组织分化;进行制度改革,建立合理化激励制度;整合自组织与情感性资源。  相似文献   

高校学生自组织是指未经民政部门或学校社团管理部门正式注册而自发成立、自主运作和自行发展的学生组织。高校学生自组织具有存在形式非正式化、管理方式非科层化、发展程度非均衡化和资金来源非供给化等特征。近年来,高校学生自组织数量急剧增加,自组织在丰富校园文化生活、评价高校管理水平、锻炼学生参与能力、培养学生公民意识和鼓励学生国际参与等方面具有正影响力,但也可能产生思想失范、沟通失范、组织失范、边界失范和约束失范等负影响力。为了发挥其积极优势,消解其消极影响,应当通过采取调查研究、向他组织转化、提供保障、实行联合自律、辅导员融入、动态预警和规范管理等措施实现高校学生自组织的管理机制创新。  相似文献   

加强高校学生组织建设是高校学生管理工作的重要课题.本文运用组织行为学的相关理论,对高校学生组织结构、选拔任用、成员激励等方面存在的问题进行了分析,并提出优化组织结构、激发学生干部潜能的具体对策.  相似文献   

根据相关文件,高校学生社团是以加强大学生思想政治教育、作为制度化教育的补充形式以及个人兴趣培养为宗旨而出现,在建制上要求社团成员自治并设立指导教师。高校学生社团作为一种拟自治组织,组织目标的实现是通过组织管理实现的,依据高校学生社团的拟自治性来加强管理和建设,是一种理性选择。  相似文献   

刘振平 《职教通讯》2017,(14):46-48
以高校学生组织运行机制与学生干部能力建设为研究对象,通过问卷调查,对研究对象进行了实证分析,认为高校学生组织运行存在缺乏系统性、整体性、制度建设滞后等问题,学生干部能力建设普遍存在定位不准、素质高低不一等问题。提出通过加强组织定位、完善培养和考核机制、提升学生干部能力等方法,以促使学校相关部门改善学生组织的架构和提升学生干部的能力,完善学生管理工作。  相似文献   

根据相关文件,高校学生社团是以加强大学生思想政治教育、作为制度化教育的补充形式以及个人兴趣培养为宗旨而出现,在建制上要求社团成员自治并设立指导教师.高校学生社团作为一种拟自治组织,组织目标的实现是通过组织管理实现的,依据高校学生社团的拟自治性来加强管理和建设,是一种理性选择.  相似文献   

高校学生干部是学生管理制度的执行者,是学生和学校、教师之间联系的纽带与桥梁,其作用不可忽视。高校学生干部从上岗开始到工作结束,在这个期间会出现多种心理问题,甚至有部分高年级学生干部因为无法很好地调节自己的心态而工作积极性弱化,最终导致告退。对于此类异常现象,高校的相关部门和专职学生管理工作者应当给予高度重视,认真探讨其原因并采取切实可行的措施,以培养一支高素质的学生干部队伍。  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a qualitative case study, as part of which staff perspectives of student disclosure of mental health issues in an Australian post-secondary vocational education setting were explored. Twenty teaching and specialist support staff from four vocational education and training institutions participated in individual semi-structured interviews. Institutional policies and practices related to the management of disability at each site provided contextual information relevant to the staff experience. All data were analysed thematically. Staff participants strongly supported student disclosure of mental health issues. Staff linked the likelihood of course success for students experiencing mental illness with disclosure and the implementation of educational supports. Findings draw attention to subtle differences in constructions of student disclosure reported by the specialist support staff and the teachers: differences in perspective which were consistent across locations. This study highlights the influence of personal experience of mental illness and institutional processes for educational adjustment on staff perspectives of student disclosure. Implications of the current practices in post-secondary education student support services are discussed. Further research on disclosure beliefs among teachers and specialist support staff, in a wider range of educational settings, would allow for a deeper exploration of issues raised by this study.  相似文献   

In this article, the author used a parenting style framework to explain mixed evidence about the influence of teacher practices on student outcomes. Participants included 3 fifth-grade math teachers and 45 of their students. The author assessed teacher practices, teaching style (i.e., demandingness and responsiveness), student engagement, self-efficacy, and standardized achievement test scores. The most academically and socially competent students were those who experienced an authoritative teaching style (i.e., consistent classroom management, support of student autonomy, and personal interest in students). The author found disengagement and limited ability beliefs in the authoritarian context (i.e., consistent classroom management but limited autonomy support and limited personal interest in students). She found smaller academic gains in the permissive context (i.e., inconsistent management, autonomy support, and interest in students).  相似文献   

Class management is a critical challenge for educators. Previous management research focused largely on the teacher, ignoring the impetus and target of teacher action, the student. It was the purpose of this study to examine students’ perspectives on teachers’ behaviors that impeded or contributed to effective class management. Interviews with 182 students focused on student behavior and teacher practices. The conversations were recorded and later transcribed. The interview data were analyzed using constant comparison methods. Despite the widely varying school contexts, students provided consistent reports that effective managers set early, consistent standards, and developed positive relationships with students.  相似文献   

加强学生党员的继续教育,既是现实需要,又具有重要的战略意义。我们要在实践中对学生党员继续教育的内容、方法、途径、手段等方面进行不断探索,学生党员继续教育中党性修养是重要内容,理论培训是有效形式,实践锻炼是基本途径,严格管理是重要手段。  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) has become a common component in the process of designing and delivering distance-learning courses of study. Many researchers have addressed the technical and pedagogical issues surrounding IT-enabled or IT-enhanced distance-learning systems. However, studies of the management of the student's learning experience as it is influenced by the emerging virtual organization would assist practitioners and researchers as they seek to understand the important challenges of current practice in distance-learning systems. This paper reports on the operation of a one-window approach to serving students, using the organizational structure and technological innovation of a call centre. Before the call centre was established, it was hypothesized that the call-centre approach would be well suited to routine tasks of supporting student learning. In practice, it was found that most student inquiries were indeed in the category of routine tasks and that only a small proportion of student inquiries could be categorised as uncertain events that required the specialised knowledge of the professor or other academic expert. Implications for the management of other distance learning systems are considered.  相似文献   

This study dealt with university faculty attitudes toward the validity of and varying uses for student evaluations of teaching. It was hypothesized that faculty attitudes toward the potential uses of student evaluations would be systematically related to a professor's a priori frame of reference regarding the validity of these instruments. On the basis of responses to selected questionnaire items, faculty were divided into those whose frame of reference (1) opposed the idea that student evaluations could be made valid, (2) supported the idea that existing evaluation forms were valid, and (3) were uncommitted regarding this validity question. A fourth group, administrators at the university, were also surveyed. Large and consistent differences among these groups were found on policy matters such as the use of student evaluations in tenure and promotion decisions, in providing information to students to help them choose courses, and on a variety of other issues. In each case the results supported the hypothesis.Authors' names are ordered randomly.  相似文献   

In residence halls on college campuses, one may hear a (male) student say, “Yes I did vandalize the wall, but I was drunk,” or “I ‘had a few’ before I kissed that ‘butter face’.” Researchers and university administrators could point to these as examples consistent with the problems of student drinking. They could also read these utterances as problematic performances of masculinity. Both groups would be correct. Ethnographers would seek to understand the underlying patterns of these statements, and ethnomethodologists the usefulness of these statements for actors in situ. This ethnography reports the findings of a study of student ways of speaking on a residential college campus. Data show that students’ patterned ways of speaking, especially when making references to drinking, mitigate problematic student behaviors, such as urinating in a corridor of a residence hall. Although such mitigating statements are, at times, by themselves problematic, they (re)produce a much more troubling masculinity.  相似文献   

在经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化、教育国际化的背景下,高校面临着传统显性思想政治教育与刚性管理突破的选择与创新,更彰显出以人为本在高校管理工作上的时代价值与实践意义。而落实以人为本,需要突出把握的一个重点是,就是要架构服务型大学生管理体制。以人为本语境下服务型大学生管理体制的架构,要以人为本,用全面化的管理思路构筑育人环境;贴近学生,以主体性的管理模式鞭策学生向上;以文化人,用多样化的特色文化浸润学生心灵;服务学生,以专业化的管理水平促进学生成长;关爱学生,以人性化的管理手段激发学生成才;立足长远,以常态化的管理机制推动学生发展关爱学生。  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the relationship among teacher classroom management behavior, student engagement, and student achievement of middle and high school science students. These variables were investigated across varying levels of academic aptitude. Two week long units were taught by 30 experienced science teachers. During this period of time teacher classroom management behavior, student achievement (n = 570), student engagement (n = 269), and student academic aptitude (n = 649) were measured. Twelve selected management indicators from Georgia Teachers Performance Assessment Indicators (TPAI) were used to measure teacher classroom management behaviors. Regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the variables, and appropriate post hoc procedures were used. Analyses showed that there was a significant relationship among all variables. Post hoc analysis showed that these results were consistent across levels of aptitude. Other relationships found were between student engagement and achievement, student aptitude and achievement, and student aptitude and engagement. Correlation coefficients were obtained for each individual management indicators. Those particular management behaviors which were correlated with achievement and engagement are: identifies students who do not understand directions and helps them individually, maintains learner involvement in lessons, reinforces and encourages the efforts of learners to maintain involvement, attends to routine tasks, uses instructional time efficiently, provides feedback to learners about their behavior, manages disruptive behavior among learners.  相似文献   

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