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The Rude Student     
小孩子有时候还挺“残忍”的。他们会趁同学不注意把别人身后的椅子拉开,玩游戏的时候搞排斥、欺负弱小的同学或是嘲笑别人,诸如此类等等。如何才能在班里树立一种友好团结的风气呢?  相似文献   

This study considers whether formally segmenting 4-year institutions by admissions selectivity affects the admission of transfer students. It develops a new measure, the student admission ratio, to compare the admission of transfer students in formally and highly segmented systems, informally and less segmented systems, and in formally unified systems. The study finds that the segmentation of systems by admissions selectivity does not adversely affect transfer admissions. The study concludes by positing that the formal structure of a system is not so important for student transfer as the processes for implementing transfer policy, and it considers the implications of this for practice.  相似文献   

A woman has at least 2 pairs of black gloves, 2 pairs of white gloves, and 2 pairs of red gloves in a drawer. The gloves will fit either hand; they are not right or lefthanded and each pair is identical. If they are removed from the drawer at a time without looking at the colors,  相似文献   

过了暑假,你也许要进入实习阶段。第一次走上讲台,面对学生。第一次走进办公室与你的未来同行和指导老师面对面。你做好准备了吗?以下文章将回答你所关注的问题。  相似文献   

The junior middle school phase is one in which students first come into formal contact with science subjects and is a key period in the formation of their attitudes toward the sciences. Any setback in science studies in this period inevitably affects the students' studies in the senior middle school phase and even their future choice of specializations and the direction of their career development. Thus science education during the junior middle school phase is of the utmost importance for the students' growth. Studies by scholars abroad show that the great majority of girls have the same intelligence and ambitions as boys when they enter school, but by the time they graduate from junior and senior middle schools they have much less confidence in their abilities and their self-esteem has conspicuously declined. There is also a big difference between boys and girls in terms of their choice of advancement to higher schools, and a relatively small proportion of girls choose to take science courses in senior middle school. In terms of choice of vocations, most girls remain stuck in the narrow field of traditional occupations for females, such as nursing, health care, and secretarial work, and display a clear tendency toward job gender patternization. The rate of school dropouts and discontinued schooling is much higher among girls than boys.1 Studies by scholars in China show that stereotyped gender impressions among teachers leads to incorrect conduct in education and teaching. For instance, teachers believe that boys are more clever. They make different dispositions for girls' and boys' learning activities, and lavish more attention on boys. Such different feedback to learning information [sic] from boys and girls widens the difference between students of different genders.2  相似文献   

在英国,人们有时抱怨乘公共汽车很贵。每次旅行,不管是短途还是长途,价格都是1英镑。但对于国际学生来说,坐公共汽车是便宜的。如果你是一个国际学生,你就可以只花80英镑买一张3个月的储蓄票。用这个票你可以去城里的任何地方。  相似文献   

Considerable disagreement exists among mental health experts as to what constitutes normal adolescent behavior. Some clinicians believe that turmoil and crisis should be expected. Others who have studied young people in high schools and colleges have discovered that the vast majority pass through this period of life without notable psychic instability. The primary features of adolescent behavior most likely to reflect the quality of an individual's psychological adaptation are identified. A model of normalcy is presented. It is contrasted with three other psychological states-temporary adjustment reaction, neurotic symptoms, and severe maladjustment. Case examples illustrate each of these mental states.  相似文献   

在英国,人们有时抱怨乘公共汽车很贵。每次旅行,不管是短途还是长途,价格都是1英镑。但对于国际学生来说,坐公共汽车是便宜的。如果你是一个国际学生,你就可以只花80英镑买一张3个月的储蓄票。用这个票你可以去城里的任何地方。[第一段]  相似文献   

Four undergraduates and a history professor planned for and carried out research in the Belgian State Archives in an attempt to answer the call from the Boyer Commission’s seminal report that identified the need for meaningful undergraduate research opportunities in the American higher education system. Our faculty–student mentoring experience provided an opportunity to develop practical skills for historical research. Success of the mentoring project was determined through ongoing dialog and through analysis of student reflective essays. While an international project of this scope may not be feasible for many institutions, mentoring projects in domestic or even local archives could be similarly beneficial.  相似文献   

Chemical representations serve as a communication tool not only in exchanges between scientists but also in chemistry lessons. The goals of the present study were to measure the extent of student teachers’ knowledge about chemical representations, focusing on chemical formulae and structures in particular, and to explore which factors related to the education in school and university contribute to inter-individual differences. Using a quantitative cross-sectional design, 322 students from 12 German universities in different stages of their university education were tested with the Chemical Representations Inventory (CRI, Taskin, Bernholt, & Parchmann, 2015). In addition, a short questionnaire was administered containing demographic data and possible factors that could have an effect on students’ success in solving the items of the inventory. The data was analyzed by using Rasch modeling. The results show that student teachers’ knowledge about chemical representations is quite low, with an average of students’ total achievement of 50 % in the corresponding inventory on chemical representations. A multivariate linear model revealed that passing exam(s) in organic chemistry at university, the grade of school leaving certificate, gender as well as studying chemistry in upper secondary school on basic and advanced levels are significant predictors of student teachers’ knowledge. In total, these predictors are able to explain 30.3 % of the variance in the test results. The dominance of school-related variables in the regression analysis indicates that school education seems to be still important after several years of studying and is not equalized by education at university.  相似文献   

This article discusses how student disengagement is conceptualized by English-speaking youth attending English urban public schools in Montreal, Quebec. School dropout is theorized as being a culminating event in a process of school disengagement (Rumberger, 2011 Rumberger, R. W. (2011). Dropping out: Why students drop out of high school and what can be done about it. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Using 2 qualitative methods (maps and interviews) in a grounded theory approach (Charmaz, 2014 Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing grounded theory: A practical guide through qualitative analysis (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [Google Scholar]), a theory of disengagement is presented and supported by existing literature in student engagement and school dropout. Student disengagement is framed from a socio-ecological perspective (Lawson &; Lawson, 2013 Lawson, M. A., &; Lawson, H. A. (2013). New conceptual frameworks for student engagement research, policy, and practice. Review of Educational Research, 83(3), 432479.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in a move away from its predominant conceptualization as an individual trait. In doing so, we highlight some issues of urban education in Montreal, addressing such themes as inequity, low-income status, experiences of failure and the pass/fail paradigm, the elementary/secondary school transition, normativity, and, finally, the public/private distinction in schooling.  相似文献   

The essence of helping student‐teachers lies in an exploration of their concerns about teaching. Based on this assumption, the current study aimed to explore student‐teachers' concerns and potential topics of reflection, following their teaching experiences. The analysis of fifty‐nine journals revealed the complex pattern of past and future‐oriented concerns relevant to students' personal and professional identity, the mission and fading of the teaching profession, and the emotional dimensions of teaching. This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion about developing growth‐producing experiences for student‐teachers through their teaching practice.

Die Erforschung der Interessen und Sorgen von Lehrerstudierenden bezüglich des Lehrens stellt eine wesentliche Hilfe für sie dar. Auf der Grundlage dieser Einschätzung bestand das Ziel dieser Studie darin, zu explorieren, auf welche Thematiken und Interessen sich die Reflexionen der Lehrerstudierenden, im Zusammenhang ihrer Lehrerfahrung, beziehen. Die Analyse von 59 Zeitschriften brachte diesbezüglich folgende Sachverhalte zu Tage: es existiert ein komplexes Muster von Vergangenheits‐ und Zukunftsorientierten Interessen, die relevant für die personale und die professionelle Identität der Studierenden sind; das Auf und Ab der Lehrerprofession; die emotionalen Dimensionen des Lehrens. Dieser Aufsatz will zu den laufenden Diskussionen über die über ihre Lehrpraxis vermittelt Schaffung von entwicklungsermöglichenden Erfahrungen für Lehrerstudierende beitragen.  相似文献   

适用对象: 中、小学英语教师如果学生违反纪律或不认真听讲,作为老师的你会怎么做呢?罚做作业?对着学生大声说话引起他们的注意? 这些做法恰恰被作者列入十大教学禁忌的范围,快看看你有没有曾经使用了这十大禁忌?  相似文献   

Findings from transition studies as well as studies of student food show that the transition from living at home to independent living influences student food consumption and that food consumption might be problematic during this period. Furthermore, both students’ enactment of being in transition and the food habits and practices they bring with them from home may differ profoundly. Drawing on qualitative interviews and focus groups with 55 students, the paper explores student food consumption during this transition. Whereas some students come across as novices, virtually starting from scratch, several others are well-versed in the domain of cooking. Furthermore, in the present study, the students are not starting out their cooking careers in a vacuum, but entangled in their parental food practices. The students, who experience the least problems in regard to ‘habitualisation’ of ‘proper’ food consumption are those, who are experienced cooks from home. Nonetheless, the students do not automatically extend the practices and habits, with which they were brought up, unchanged, but instead, actively develop new habits, often with a clear feeling of being in transit. Transition is thus not an objective fact, but instead the individual student’s enactment and perception of his/her life and changes herein make formation of habits and practices meaningful. However, the extent to which students successfully take on the role as self-catering depends on both the student’s competencies and skills acquired prior to independent living, living situation and, most importantly, the student’s ability to habitualise grocery shopping and cooking.  相似文献   

In December 2014, the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) introduced the ‘Good practice framework for handling complaints and academic appeals’ which will inform external judgement on each university's approach to conflict management from the current academic year 2015–2016. The framework aims to improve the complaint process for higher education student complainants. However, based on the outcomes of one of the few empirical studies researching students’ complaints, the author argues that it is the wider experience for complainants that must be addressed and to do so effectively the sector must change the culture of concern surrounding complaints and recognise the vulnerability of a student body that expects guidance in all aspects of its engagement with the university. A positive institutional stance that seeks to learn from complaints and assumes a proactive approach to student communication will support both earlier conflict resolution and an improving experience for students in a scenario where academic failure now has lifetime ramifications in respect of future employment.  相似文献   

英国开放大学知识媒体研究所(KMI:Knowledge Media Institute)负责人彼得·斯科特(Peter Scott)表示.未来将有更多的高校学生可以从来自世界各地的资源中获得混合式的教育经历。他(她)们可以选择在美国哈佛大学注册.浏览来自英国牛津大学的在线演讲。参加印度孟买大学的在线讨论。进行其他国家大学的在线测试等。这意味着网络学生(Cyber Student)开始进入高等教育发展的视野。  相似文献   

Disruptive, antisocial behaviour remains an ongoing issue for all schools, and particularly those identified as inclusive. Children who exhibit elevated levels of antisocial behaviour have an increased risk of numerous negative life consequences, including impaired social relationships, escalating aggressive behaviours, substance abuse, and school dropout. Schools remain committed to the use of exclusions as response to disruptive behaviours, justified in terms of protecting the teaching and learning environment of others. However, exclusions disrupt the educational and social supports of these ‘high‐risk/high‐needs’ students at a time when they need it most. Schools remain confounded, citing insufficient resources and time. This paper suggests student behaviour self‐monitoring presents opportunities for a combined intervention and assessment strategy, increasing the capacity to identify and respond to incidents of disruptive behaviour for all students before patterned disruptive behaviours emerge or are constituted as problematic.  相似文献   

The concept of student engagement is receiving increased attention from researchers, higher education leaders, and the general public in recent years. This increased attention represents a shift from the more traditional resource and reputation model of academic quality to a model that emphasizes institutional best practices and student experiences that enhance student learning and development. At the same time, institutions face rising operating costs and the public faces rising costs of attendance. However, relatively little effort has been made to explore the potential relationship between these two important research and policy areas. This study examined the relationship between institutional expenditures and student engagement based on data from 142 colleges and universities. The results of an OLS multiple regression model, including a factor for student engagement as the dependent variable, suggest that administrative expenditures are negatively related to student engagement. These results support further exploration of potential complex causal links between expenditures and engagement and may provide support for initiatives to reverse historical trends and adjust institutional spending.I would like to thank Ms. Cathy Statham for assistance in obtaining data for this study.  相似文献   

The student teacher rapport,which is a special Kind of interpersonal and social relationships,influences the process of teaching and learning to such an extent that the result of teaching and learning will be a good one if the teacher and the students have built up a harmonious relationship and vice versa it is extremely important that the teacher should be a good user of the target language and teaching methods.In addition,the teacher has to have the knowledge of students physiological and psychological development.  相似文献   

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