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This study showcases the Science for Citizenship Model (SCM) as a new instructional methodology for presenting, to secondary students, science-related technology content related to the use of science in society not taught in the science curriculum, and a new approach for assessing the intercorrelations among three independent variables (benefits, risks, and trust) to predict the dependent variable of triggered interest in learning science. Utilizing a 50-minute instructional presentation on nanotechnology for citizenship, data were collected from 301 Taiwanese high school students. Structural equation modeling (SEM) and paired-samples t-tests were used to analyze the fitness of data to SCM and the extent to which a 50-minute class presentation of nanotechnology for citizenship affected students’ awareness of benefits, risks, trust, and triggered interest in learning science. Results of SCM on pre-tests and post-tests revealed acceptable model fit to data and demonstrated that the strongest predictor of students’ triggered interest in nanotechnology was their trust in science. Paired-samples t-test results on students’ understanding of nanotechnology and their self-evaluated awareness of the benefits and risks of nanotechology, trust in scientists, and interest in learning science revealed low significant differences between pre-test and post-test. These results provide evidence that a short 50-minute presentation on an emerging science not normally addressed within traditional science curriculum had a significant yet limited impact on students’ learning of nanotechnology in the classroom. Finally, we suggest why the results of this study may be important to science education instruction and research for understanding how the integration into classroom science education of short presentations of cutting-edge science and emerging technologies in support of the science for citizenship enterprise might be accomplished through future investigations.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been touted as the next ‘industrial revolution’ of our modern age. In order for successful research, development, and social discourses to take place in this field, education research is needed to inform the development of standards, course development, and workforce preparation. In addition, there is a growing need to educate citizens and students about risks, benefits, and social and ethical issues related to nanotechnology. This position paper describes the advancements that have been made in nanoscale science and nanotechnology, and the challenges that exist to educate students and the public about critical nanoscience concepts. This paper reviews the current research on nanotechnology education including curricula, educational programs, informal education, and teacher education. Furthermore, the unique risks, benefits and ethics of these unusual technological applications are described in relation to nanoeducation goals. Finally, we outline needed future research in the areas of nanoscience content, standards and curricula, nanoscience pedagogy, teacher education, and the risks, benefits, and social and ethical dimensions for education in this emerging field.  相似文献   

受国际金融危机的影响,企业面临的经营压力和法律风险明显加大,其直观表现就是法院受理的涉企案件数量和类型的明显变化。引发企业法律风险的原因有哪些?企业法律风险有哪些类型?企业应当如何防范和化解法律风险?党委政府和法院如何积极应对?为此,梅州市中级人民法院民二庭利用审理涉企案件的专业优势,专门制作了关于企业法律风险的调查问卷,向当地200家各类企业开展了历时3个月的问卷调查和走访调查,同时对全市涉企案件进行了统计分析,形成了针对性的调研报告,为党委政府和法院的相关决策,为企业防范和化解法律风险提供了重要的第一手信息。  相似文献   

"共容利益"是美国著名经济学家奥尔森理论中重要的基础性概念,是他用来解释"集体行动的逻辑"、"国家兴衰现象"、"权力与繁荣"的理论基石。在风险社会面前,无论是高校自身,还是政府、社会、家庭都面临风险的重新分配,那么高校在实施公共安全教育时,惟有通过与政府、社会、家庭形成有机衔接和良性互动,基于平等信任基础上的合作共治,才能使各主体之间的利益共生共荣,推动公共安全教育的地域互补、风险共担和资源整合,保障社会公平正义,促进社会和谐。  相似文献   

政府和人民之间的信任关系是社会信任关系的核心,政府公信力的强弱关系到一个国家的经济发展,直接影响到一个民族面对突发事件所表现出的凝聚力,是一个政府社会合法性的基石。我国现阶段的政府公信力由于各方面原因,存在着行为信用下降、政策信用下降、效绩信用下降等情况。要加强我国政府的公信力就要从公务员的观念、考核制度、制定政策、执行政策的指导思想入手。  相似文献   

政府网络舆论危机是公共危机的一种,指网络公共舆论因某些突发事件而背离政府主导的价值取向和话语主流,官民信任破裂、互动僵化,导致政府公信力骤降的紧急态势。政府网络舆论危机根源于政府公信力的不断流失以及官民和谐关系的僵化变异,也是网络公共舆论汇聚、公众公民意识形成和社会转型时期社会治理问题暴露与偶发的结果。应对政府网络舆论危机,存在着四个层次的治理举措:第一层次是采用危机治理策略平息事态;第二层次是促进理性的网络政治参与,慎用网络技术控制;第三层次是修复和提升政府公信力,促进社会和谐;第四层次是推动政治体制改革,打造政治共识。  相似文献   

开平碉楼既是文物,也是特殊的财产权,具有符号、信息和权利三种物质形态。由于资金短缺和法律滞后等原因,开平碉楼正面临损毁倒塌、私自开发、原真性破坏等危险。建议加强对开平碉楼的整体保护,完善公益信托制度,拓宽筹资渠道,构建公、私法层面立体化的管理架构。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationships between scientific epistemological views (SEVs) and information commitments (ICs) of high school students in Taiwan. Data were collected from 486 Taiwanese high school students via two self‐reporting instruments: one was the SEV questionnaire, including five scales for representing students’ views toward scientific knowledge; and the other was the ICs survey, involving six scales for exploring their evaluative standards and searching strategies of online science information. Structural equation modelling analysis was used to examine the relationships between the aspects of SEVs and ICs. The results of the measurement model confirmed that both the SEVs and ICs instruments had highly satisfactory validity and reliability. The structural equation modelling analysis further indicated that students’ SEVs guided their evaluative standards and searching strategy when dealing with Web‐based science information. For example, students who viewed scientific knowledge as more changeable and tentative significantly tended to adopt a more sophisticated evaluative standard, such as carefully inspecting the content of web sites for judging the usefulness. The findings in general suggested that students with more constructivist‐oriented SEVs might develop more advanced standards and searching strategy toward online scientific information to derive great benefit from Web‐based environments. Consequently, the role of SEVs should be highlighted as increasingly metacognitive engagement with online science information.  相似文献   

高萌 《唐山学院学报》2018,31(4):58-61,66
在分析政府公信力和政府职能相互关系的基础上,概括出政府公信力视角下行政职能转变的三种模式:公众依赖的管制型政府、公众质疑的指导型政府和公众信任的服务型政府。通过对我国政府公信力现状的分析,提出了促进我国政府职能转变、建设公众满意的服务型政府的意见建议。  相似文献   

While official reviews have concluded that Commonwealth Government programs to encourage university - industry research links have been largely successful, studies are needed to explore the extent and nature of such partnerships, and their effects within universities. Further, sections of the academic community and major media warn that industry links and university commercialisation efforts threaten traditional research and scientific values, and accepted norms of academic life including academic freedom. Survey data reported in the paper show that, on balance, industry - research links are working reasonably well for Australian science and technology academics. Some 36.7% of respondents in our sample drawn from three major Australian universities received industry research support and this group tended to be better qualified, more senior and more productive in research than academics without such partnerships. Respondents generally were well aware of both the benefits and risks of industry funding. On the positive side, respondents identified the main benefits as the provision of additional resources, support and enhanced career opportunities for students, opportunities to apply basic research results to industrial problems, less red tape than with government funding, and enhanced university prestige. On the negative side, respondents were concerned about threats to research autonomy, undesirable consequences associated with the commercialisation of knowledge, the low intellectual level of some contract work, reduced time of talented researchers available for teaching, and pressures on researchers to spend increased time on commercial activities.  相似文献   

“郭美美事件”是当下比较热议的话题,它与之前发生的陕西“彩票事件”、贵州“瓮安事件”、山西“疫苗事件”等轰动一时的事件有着相同的特点:透过这些事件可以折射出民众对政府的不信任,在一定程度上反映出政府失信问题相当严峻。失信的原因主要表现为政府在管理政策、决策上存在缺失、不足以及公众因素问题等方面。要提升政府公信力。就必须建设服务型、廉洁、有限及法治的政府。  相似文献   

Students’ perceptions of their classroom climate have been found to relate significantly to students’ learning outcomes. The purpose of the present study was to construct an instrument for assessing elementary-school students’ perceptions of classroom climate, based on a previous instrument that was being used in Chile by a public national school mental health program as a tool for aiding teachers in improving classroom management, but which showed poor psychometric properties. We used a six-staged mixed-methods approach to construct relevant items and dimensions based on this measure and by adapting previously-existing scales. Item development included participatory construction of items involving program officials, focus groups with students, and a pilot study. The final version was administered to a sample of 6813 elementary-school students. Results showed adequate reliability and construct validity, convergent validity with school climate, and divergent validity with peer victimisation. When consequential validity was explored through semi-structured interviews with program officials and school administrators, we found that the instrument was being used as a tool for helping teachers to improve their school climate and management skills. We discuss the importance of constructing instruments using a mixed-methods approach.  相似文献   

梳理“文化产业”“创意产业”和“文化创意产业”三个概念的演变过程,对比其他国家和国内各地区的使用情况,分析三个概念的异同.三个概念间边界模糊,常被混用,易导致政府管理、行业自我定位、公众认知的混乱.研究认为,三个概念的指代对象因有所侧重而各有不同.“文化产业”侧重于文化的产业化,特别是传统文化和产品的开发;“创意产业”强调创意对产业附加值的提升;“文化创意产业”则强调产业的“文化性”和“创意性”.通过政府、产业和学术三个层面概念使用的合理性与可行性论证后,建议以“文化创意产业”作为产业统一名称.  相似文献   

In this study, two data collection instruments were used to examine how Dutch secondary school teachers learn in the workplace. Firstly, they completed a questionnaire on their preferences for learning activities on two occasions. Secondly, during the intermediate period, they reported learning experiences in digital logs. Results of both instruments indicate that teachers often learn by critical individual reflection and by involving colleagues in particular challenging or problematic situations. An additional finding concerns the reporting of sequences of learning activities in the digital logs which is clearly different from the focus on single learning activities as found in most literature and as used in the questionnaire. Furthermore, the digital logs provided a fine‐tuning of the concepts of ‘involvement of colleagues’ and ‘experimentation’ in relation to teacher learning. The study concludes with a critical reflection on both data collection instruments. Finally, implications for future research on how teachers learn are discussed.  相似文献   

中国在应对社会转型期的诸多挑战时出现治理能力相对滞后和政府公信力下降的问题,反映到网络舆论中就是网民对政府的不信任和抵抗。网络公共舆论常常因某些突发事件而背离政府主导的价值取向和话语主流,造成官民信任破裂、互动僵化,导致政府公信力骤降的紧急态势。政府网络舆论危机既根源于政府公信力的不断流失以及官民和谐关系的僵化变异,又反过来对政府公信力和政治稳定构成极大杀伤力。政府网络舆论危机的治理可从四个层面展开:采用危机治理策略平息危机事态;促进理性的网络政治参与,合理使用网络技术控制;修复和提升政府公信力,促进社会和谐;推动政治体制改革,打造政治共识。  相似文献   

教育元宇宙的虚拟与真实、线上与线下融合特征,将极大拓展教与学的时空边界,促进教学观念与模式的变革。本研究首先从教育元宇宙的虚拟重现、虚拟仿真、虚实融合和虚实联动四个应用层次入手,分析教育元宇宙在情境化教学、个性化学习、游戏化学习和教学研训场景中的应用潜力,然后指出教育元宇宙在行业标准、信任机制和应用导向等方面面临的挑战,最后从政府部门、教育主体、行业和企业多方协同的角度,提出制定行业标准、建立管理制度和培育典型案例等推进策略。本研究从教育元宇宙的应用视角,探析其应用潜力、风险挑战及未来发展,可为我国教育元宇宙的研究与实践提供参考。  相似文献   

The goals of this study are to map applications of nanotechnology that are recommended to be taught in high-school science and to identify the ‘need-to-know’ essential nanoscale science and technology (NST) concepts for each of the selected nanotechnology applications. A Delphi study using a community of experts was used to address these goals. Five nanotechnology applications that should be taught in high-school science were found to be important and reached a consensus by the Delphi-study experts: (1) nanomedicine, (2) nanoelectronics, (3) photovoltaic cells, (4) nanobots, and (5) self-cleaning. It was found that teaching these five nanotechnology applications should be based on all seven NST concepts, and therefore, these applications can be used as an appealing context for teaching the essential NST concepts. The different recommendations between the two communities of experts emphasize the importance of involving teachers and scientists in the process of designing a scientific curriculum. Identifying the applications of nanotechnology that should be taught in high-school science and identifying the connections between the applications and the essential NST concepts constitute an important step that supports designing a context-based nanotechnology program before it is integrated into a high-school science curriculum.  相似文献   

PX事件发生的直接诱因是民众担心PX及PX项目会对环境带来系列有毒污染。PX事件也折射出民众与社会对化学缺乏正确的认识,化学的不利一面被无限放大,而化学的有利一面被全然忽视。重塑化工行业良好社会形象,一方面要求政府加大安全生产与环境保护的监管力度,逐步建立起牢固的官民互信体系;另一方面要依靠化学本身的技术革命,大力发展环境友好的绿色化学与化工,以利从源头消除化学污染。  相似文献   

This study aims at building a theoretical base for continuous change in education and using this base to test the mediating roles of two key contextual variables, knowledge sharing and trust, in the relationship between the distributed leadership perceptions and continuous change behaviours of teachers. Data were collected from 687 public school teachers. The results showed that the combined effect of knowledge sharing and faculty trust in principal mediated the relationship between teachers’ distributed leadership perceptions and continuous change behaviours. The directions of the coefficients of the relationships between the independent variable and the dependent variable suggested that higher distributed leadership perception leads to increased knowledge sharing and trust in principal, which in turn was associated with greater continuous change behaviours. The study showed that school systems have an extensive capacity for self-improvement, even in the absence of a pre-developed change plan.  相似文献   

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