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瘦驼 《初中生》2011,(Z4):94-96
今年6月14日,北京昌平疾控中心确认有蜱虫咬伤人犬。这不禁让人回想起去年夏天和今年5月分别发生在河南和山东的蜱虫叮咬致人于死的新闻。屡屡发生的蜱虫事件使人们几乎谈蜱色变,好像这种虫子是一夜之间出现的新魔鬼。这绿豆大小的虫子,真面目到底如何?  相似文献   

据中国军网2011年3月17日援引新华社北京2011年3月17日电,2011年3月17日出版的新一期国际权威医学刊物《新英格兰医学杂志》刊登了中国疾控中心的一篇研究报告,公布了他们的研究成果——确定了一种新型布尼亚病毒是我国部分地区出现的蜱虫叮蛟所致疾病的病原体,  相似文献   

瘦驼 《初中生》2011,(9):94-96
今年6月14日,北京昌平疾控中心确认有蜱虫咬伤人犬、这不禁让人回想起去年夏天和今年5月分别发生在河南和山东的蜱虫叮咬致人于死的新闻。屡屡发生的蜱虫事件使人们儿乎淡蜱色变,好像这种虫子是一夜之间出现的新魔鬼。这绿豆大小的虫子,真而日到底如何?  相似文献   

今年6月14日,北京昌平疾控中心确认有蜱虫咬伤人犬、这不禁让人回想起去年夏天和今年5月分别发生在河南和山东的蜱虫叮咬致人于死的新闻。屡屡发生的蜱虫事件使人们儿乎淡蜱色变,好像这种虫子是一夜之间出现的新魔鬼。这绿豆大小的虫子,真而日到底如何?  相似文献   

大米粒 《特区教育》2010,(10):F0003-F0003
艾米姐姐今天要讲的是咬人的虫子。 河南信阳商城县,原是大别山下一个默默无闻的小地方,却因“蜱虫连续咬死人”事件闻名全国,小小蜱虫一时间让人谈之色变。  相似文献   

今年6月14日,北京昌平疾控中心确认有蜱虫咬伤人犬.这不禁让人回想起去年夏天和今年5月分别发生在河南和山东的蜱虫叮咬致人于死的新闻.屡屡发生的蜱虫事件使人们几乎谈蜱色变,好像这种虫子是一夜之间出现的新魔鬼.这绿豆大小的虫子,真面日到底如何?它们传播的疾病又有多可怕呢?对于广大农民来说,蜱根本不是什么陌生的东西.  相似文献   

邢嬛 《父母必读》2011,(3):44-45
蜱虫,这个平常和芝麻绿豆差不多大的小虫子,以前我们都不曾知道它.却因其对人体的危害而一夜成名。那么,我们该如何防范这个会吸血、会释放毒素的小虫子呢?  相似文献   

劣迹斑斑的牛惊鸟 在南非,最有名的小鸟跟班要数牛椋鸟了.长颈鹿、犀牛、野牛、大羚羊,好多大型食草动物身上都能见到它们的身影.每次看见它们,总是在某种哺乳动物的身上,你几乎见不到它们离开野兽的样子,真让人怀疑是不是它们的吃喝拉撒睡全在这些动物的身上解决——起码我们知道,它们就是这么解决"吃"的. 人们早就发现,牛椋鸟的食物是动物身上的寄生虫、跳蚤、吸血苍蝇等,最主要的是蜱虫.人们一度把牛椋鸟和长颈鹿等动物之间的关系赞誉为经典的"共生",意思就是相互帮助,大家都得到好处.可是后来,随着研究的深入,人们发现,实际上并不是这么回事.牛椋鸟吃蜱虫是很卖力,一天能吃上100个吸饱血的成蜱和1万个幼蜱.  相似文献   

"蜱虫咬人事件"经媒体报道之后,人们几乎是"谈蜱色变",好像这种虫子是一夜之间出现的"新魔鬼"。但事实上,对于广大农民以及野外爱好者来说,蜱根本不是什么陌生的东西。即便对于高度关注此事的城市居住者来说,离蜱也并不算远。  相似文献   

The medical and economic importance of ticks has long been recognized due to their ability to transmit diseases to humans and animals. Ticks cause great economic losses to livestock, and adversely affect livestock hosts in several ways. Loss of blood is a direct effect of ticks acting as potential vector for haemo-protozoa and helminth parasites. Blood sucking by large numbers of ticks causes reduction in live weight and anemia among domestic animals, while their bites also reduce the quality of hides. However, major losses caused by ticks are due to their ability to transmit protozoan, rickettsial and viral diseases of livestock, which are of great economic importance world-wide. There are quite a few methods for controlling ticks, but every method has certain shortcomings. The present review is focused on ticks importance and their control.  相似文献   

I never wanted to be anything but a broadcaster, a talker. And for 40 years, I've been doing just that. To me, the ability to talk well is one of the great pleasures in life and can bring with it some of life's greatest rewards, I'm not saying it's always easy. The vast majority of people would rather jump out of an airplane without a parachute than sit next to someone they've never met at a dinner party. But the more you work at it, the easier it will be. To get you started, here are my five basic ingredients for learning how to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere.  相似文献   

根据江泽民总书记“三个代表”的重要思想,阐述新时期如何发挥思想政治教育的优势,使这项工作做到入情入理,情理融合,达到良好效果。思考与探究的要点是情与理的同一性、差异性与辩证性。  相似文献   

公鸡来报晓,催人起得早。谁要睡懒觉,脑子不开窍。早睡又早起,有个好身体。早起又早睡,  相似文献   

我省是一个科技教育大省,我省经济社会发展战略一是科教兴省战略,二是人才强省战略,三是工业强省战略,四是可持续发展战略.从我省发展战略来看教育问题,教育如何为这些战略服务?前两个战略要求教育为全省经济社会发展做出贡献,后两个战略也是以教育为基础的.高水平大学、农村基础教育、职业教育是三大教育战略.我省职业教育和我省发达的高等教育来比,和我们重视的基础教育来比,是一条短腿.全省整个教育结构是不合理的,是严重失衡的.陕西的职业教育到了非抓不可的时候了,我们应该加大力气,把职业教育推上去.  相似文献   

就如何改进历史课堂教学,如何培养提高学生的历史素质进行了论述,认为应先从教师自身进行改革、历史课教学在加强历史素质教育的同时应教出历史学科的学科特点,尤其应大力加强历史人文素质的教育,以提高学生人文素养.  相似文献   

Recent technological advancements in data storage and processing have changed how companies conduct their business. An increasing number of firms have started putting their efforts in extracting information from their databases to improve profitability and reduce costs using quantitative approaches. Thus, the job market has been experiencing a rapidly growing demand for business analytics (BA) practitioners, and universities across the globe are increasingly responding to this newly emerged field by offering both undergraduate and graduate level degrees as well as certificate programs. Thus, this research aims to provide a framework for academic institutions to develop a state‐of‐the‐art master's in business analytics (MSBA) curriculum by identifying concepts, skills, knowledge, and tools (CSKT) that industry seeks in BA practitioners. Our data‐driven methodology utilizes peer institution analysis, indeed.com web scraping, and focus group analysis with mid‐ and senior‐level analytics leaders from major companies. Our contribution to the literature and recommendations to institutions developing MSBA programs are offered at the end.  相似文献   

R Kail 《Child development》1988,59(4):1154-1157
In this article, I show that many of Stigler et al.'s criticisms of my 1986 article are incorrect or based on assumptions that are implausible. I agree with their conclusion, however, that theories of cognitive development must include both domain-specific and general processes.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(2):191-202
In their response to my article, "Item Response Theory, Vertical Scaling, and Something's Awry in the State of Test Mark," Yen, Burket, and Fitzpatrick (this issue) question the validity of my field observations. I present evidence that validates those observations. They claim that my simulation was unrealistic. I present evidence (convincing, I believe) that they are simply misinformed. They argue that Thurstone scaling has several weaknesses. I present information that should enable them to understand the procedure better and that reveals that the supposed weaknesses do not, in fact, exist. They say they are very "up front" about not being able to measure students at the extremes accurately but claim the vast majority of students are assessed well, thus implying that my use of data for students at the 2nd and 98th percentiles led to conclusions that would not be found if other segments of the score distribution were examined. I duplicated the analyses at the 15th and 85th percentile points and demonstrated that they were wrong. Yen et al. seem to be convinced that the variance of performance decreases (they use the term "homogenization") as learning progresses. Using their published data for 7 on-grade tests administered at the beginning and end of each school year, when the same on-grade test form was used-thus eliminating any confounding introduced by scaling—I show that in 67 of 77 instances the variance increased. This should serve as convincing evidence to the most doubtful person that the variance of performance increases as learning progresses. Given that there is a serious problem, as clearly illustrated in Figure 2, I suggest some avenues that research could take to address it.  相似文献   

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