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孝文 《高中生》2011,(2):58-59
迪拜塔 几年前,摩天大楼的高度一般保持在450米左右。富有的迪拜人决定打破这一纪录,建造高度达823米的迪拜塔。这栋摩天大楼的结构采用全新的“扶壁核心”设计:平面有点像一朵三叶花瓣,中间为六边形.六边形的边上也间隔设置核心筒结构。  相似文献   

威尼斯作为一个水上城市,总是被作家们所喜爱。朱自清的《威尼斯》、莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》和  相似文献   

《金瓶梅》中的西门庆由一个破落户财主一跃而成为一个拥有万贯家财的富商决不是偶然的。,这是由他的商人本质所决定的。虽然西门庆通常被看作是集地主、官僚、商人于一身的人物,但是从本质上说,他主要还是一个商人。西门庆经商的场所不仅在商场,甚至在官场和情场,他都能把他的“商业”经营得有声有色。西门庆作为中国本土的封建商人,还具有他一定的代表性。他代表了中国早期的封建商人,从他身上我们可以看到中国封建商人的一切恶习。可以说,西门庆是中国商人的集大成者,他代表着中国封建商人的方方面面。  相似文献   

快到新年,迪拜债务危机,全球哗然;新年伊始,世界最高的迪拜塔落成,再一次让全球聚焦迪拜。一边是让世界为之一震的危机,一边是又一个世界之最的辉煌。高考路上的经历,或许就像迪拜,辉煌与危机同在。  相似文献   

你知道世界上最贵的酒店在哪里吗?你知道形似棕榈树的人工岛在哪里吗?去阿联酋迪拜吧,那里有所有的答案,据美联社报道,世界首座以太阳能为动力的整体旋转大厦即将在迪拜动工,它将成为人类建筑史上新的奇迹。  相似文献   

这里不是“鬼城” 赵女士,长期定居迪拜 谁都会认为迪拜这回可危险了。但是,作为生活在迪拜的人来说,日常生活并没有怎么受到这次债务危机的影响。  相似文献   

近日迪拜债务危机使迪拜这个阿联酋第二大城市成了世界的焦点.我在去年曾到迪拜旅游过一次,领略了这个被誉为“海湾明珠”的城市的异域风情。  相似文献   

中国古代“重农抑商”的传统思想导致了商人地位的低下。在唐以前,文学作品中的商人形象是庸俗不堪的.往往是讽刺和抨击的对象。但在唐代小说中商人的形象和人们对“商”的看法发生了微妙变化,其根源就在于唐中叶以后重商思潮的兴起和商人地位的提高。  相似文献   

清代怀庆会馆的历史考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
怀庆会馆是清代以来河南怀庆商人集资建造的活动场所,是怀庆商人发展的标志和智慧的结晶。分布在各地的怀庆会馆,为将怀药推向海内外市场,谋求怀帮贸易更大的发展进行了多方探索。它的兴衰是怀庆商人兴衰的重要标志,并从一个侧面表现出怀庆商人的经营策略与艺术,在一定程度上展显出河南商业文化的特色。  相似文献   

“如果你是明星,请带钱去迪拜,因为那里是天堂。”曾几何时,迪拜俨然是明星大款炫耀和投资的天堂。但当势如洪水的迪拜危机袭来,天堂一夜之间就变成了地狱。“如果你是明星,同情你一无所有离开迪拜,因为那里是地狱。”突兀而来的危机,不但让绝大多数来不及撤离的投资家,面临着生与死的考验,贝克汉姆、舒马赫、伍兹、贝克尔等大腕体育明星,更是眼睁睁看着自己的投资急剧缩水,或者化为乌有……  相似文献   

As the offshore mobility of higher education has increased in recent times, the question of how it interacts with the recipient cultures has become ever more significant. Using ethnographic methods, this empirical study examined the adaptation of the UK teacher education model – the Postgraduate Certificate in Education – to the context of Dubai. The study asks ‘how do students and tutors experience the adaptation of British education in the context of Dubai?’ This paper will argue that tutors and students in offshore Dubai teacher education are ‘selective cosmopolitans’ who negotiate cross-cultural influences pragmatically and ambivalently. The study addresses a significant gap in the literature, as there is little written on the internationalisation of higher education in the context of Gulf Cooperation Council countries. There is also an inadequate appreciation of the role of local culture and religion in offshore education and tutors and students’ role as active agents in negotiating cross-cultural dynamics in the offshore educational setting.  相似文献   

As the need for instructing a globalized workforce increases, instructional designers must embrace the constraints and the opportunities these projects provide in order to move the field of cross-cultural instructional design (ID) forward. Cross-cultural projects offer multiple avenues for growth in ID practice, overcoming cultural barriers, and a venue to apply and test contemporary models, methodologies, and theories in ID. This design-based research case study employed a rapid prototyping methodology and the constructivist ID model, Layers of Negotiation, to collect critical cultural information for the design of this cross-cultural instruction. Instructional strategies deemed effective for instructing an unskilled workforce in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, included job aids, situated learning and apprenticeship principles consisting of modeling, coaching and scaffolding. Use of the constructivist ID model and instructional solution for a cross-cultural workforce for The Dubai Mall are presented. Evaluation results indicate the success of the instructional strategies varied dependent upon worker culture, and the sequential nature of the instructional strategies.  相似文献   

This study uses the ‘Index for Inclusion’, developed by Booth and Ainscow, as a framework for investigating inclusive provision in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), introduced through the ‘School for All’ initiative. The study, by Nadera Emran Alborno of the American University in Dubai and Eman Gaad of the British University in Dubai, adopts a qualitative research approach, using a multiple case study methodology, to provide a rich and contextualised picture of implementation from the perspective of the various stakeholders. Following the ‘Index for Inclusion’, the findings are presented in terms of the three key school dimensions of cultures, policies, and practices. Themes emerging from the data include barriers to participation and learning such as the lack of effective training, adequate support services, and inclusive classroom structures. Also included are positive system characteristics such as the welcoming school climate, support among stakeholders, and emerging parent and community involvement. The study provides insights into the possible challenges to the implementation of the ‘Index for Inclusion’ in schools in the UAE.  相似文献   

《福布斯》最近公布了“好莱坞最红宝宝”排行榜.详细地介绍了一些名人夫妇最可爱的子女——或至少是那些频繁成为新闻的孩子。这回荣登榜首的是“绝非”同性恋者(实际上是同性恋者)的汤姆·克鲁斯和他美丽的妻子凯蒂·霍尔姆斯的亲生女儿——迷人的苏芮·克鲁斯。不管她那信奉基督教科学派的父母有多么古怪.苏芮却是一个小美人儿。紧跟其后的是布拉德·皮特和安吉莉娜·朱莉的女儿希洛·朱莉·皮特。  相似文献   

Kevin  Hall  王祥钢 《英语沙龙》2009,(2):12-15
广州电视观光塔是紧随中国的鸟巢建成的;鸟巢是为举办2008年奥运会而建造的。从塔底一直测到塔顶上方突出的500多英尺高的针状物,广州电视观光塔的高度估计在2001英尺。这将使其成为世界上第三高的建筑,仅次于迪拜塔和美国北达科他州布兰查德的KVLY—TV电视发射塔。  相似文献   

Smartphones are developing rapidly and continually with new features that make them widely used in many contexts. This paper is to reflect on students’ behaviours of using smartphones spontaneously (unplanned use) in the classroom, in a university in Dubai city in UAE. This reflection shall address the following questions: How can the instructors integrate smartphones into the classroom? How will they know that the students are using their phones in a way that relates to and enhances their learning? What are the implications and restrictions? The answers to these questions will illustrate that smartphones should be utilised as teaching tools since they support students’ learning; and therefore, should be allowed in the classroom.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship references indicate that integration of the student body can result in an enhanced learning experience for students and also greater satisfaction. This paper reports the results of a case study whereby mechanical engineering students studying at a newly established branch campus in Dubai of a British university were exposed to vertical and horizontal integration. Different activities have been embedded to ensure that students integrated and worked together with their peers and colleagues at different levels. The implemented processes and practices led to improved academic achievements, which were better than those of a similar cohort of students where no effort had been made to integrate. The analysis revealed that cooperative learning and the degree of academic support provided by teachers are positively and directly correlated with academic as well as the students’ own sense of personal achievement. The results are discussed in light of previous research and with reference to the cultural context of the study.  相似文献   

Grace Karram 《Compare》2014,44(2):274-296
Higher education has become a key strategy for the economic development of certain city-states that are positioning themselves as higher education hubs, recruiting both students and foreign providers. This article presents the findings of a research study that examined the online messages of foreign branch-campuses in education hubs (Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore). The project adapts and expands on Fairclough’s notion of critical discourse analysis to include virtual discursive space in order to understand how foreign providers address context, and what values are central to their programming, as they construct their virtual presence in new locations. The findings identify that the dominant themes on institutional websites reflect key issues facing higher education, including quality, leadership, international connections and technological advancement. The paper concludes with a conceptual framework that assists institutions in moving beyond these themes to re-consider context in their overseas operations.  相似文献   

Third-country faculty are faced with significant challenges interacting with university students who come from different socio-cultural backgrounds and have different expectations regarding faculty’s role, behavior, and leadership style. This paper compares diversity practices and action options that can facilitate or hinder the integration of third-country faculty across five universities established in an equal number of countries. The proportion of third-country faculty in American universities abroad is also used to provide a measure of diversity. Notwithstanding recent trends pointing to the internationalization of higher education universities have yet to develop an appropriate institutional mentality along with supporting diversity policies that would help them gain global efficiencies by hiring qualified international faculty. This may have serious implications for organizational effectiveness with respect to resource acquisition and even the long-term survival of the organization. The author is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Management and E-Business in the School of Business, the American University in Dubai.  相似文献   

This study investigates Pakistan's secondary school children's constructions of their national identity in a Pakistani school in Dubai by drawing on data collected from students and teachers from the case school and analysing national curriculum textbooks used in the school. Informed by Foucault's concepts, the article problematises how the curriculum textbooks are employed as a technology of power for inculcating national consciousness in the students. The findings suggest that Pakistan's national curriculum textbooks deploy a specific version of Islam as a major technology, which then influences other national identity signifiers in the textbooks for shaping students' national identity. The school affords a crucial space for the complex interplay of these technologies, which construct students' ethnocentric national identities, encouraging social polarisation. This has implications for Pakistan's national social cohesion as well as the potential for subverting international peaceful coexistence and working relationships, particularly in the selected overseas study context.  相似文献   

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