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博物馆是人类收藏记忆凭证和熔铸新文化的殿堂,由国家统筹建设博物馆、对提升国家文化软实力意义重大,也可以对各地博物馆发展建设发挥引领示范作用。根据目前我国博物馆的功能结构和未来博物馆的建设,需要以国家力量主导统筹建设国家自然历史博物馆、国家当代艺术博物馆、国家考古人类学博物馆和国家设计博物馆这四座博物馆。  相似文献   

2019年是美国自然历史博物馆建立150周年。在150年的发展历程中,随着博物馆功能逐渐明确为教育、研究与收藏,藏品在该博物馆中的作用也逐渐发生转变。藏品在收藏、研究与传播中所发挥的作用,是自然历史博物馆历史传承与新时代转变的体现。美国自然历史博物馆正在经历一系列的创新与转型,对于自然历史博物馆的未来发展有很大的启示意义,也有助于我们在当代背景下去理解自然历史博物馆的本质与价值。  相似文献   

正2017年11月7日,由中国国家博物馆、俄罗斯国家历史博物馆共同主办的《纪念十月革命100周年—俄罗斯国家历史博物馆藏十月革命文物展》开幕。俄罗斯驻华大使安德烈·杰尼索夫,俄罗斯国家历史博物馆馆长阿列克谢·列维金,俄罗斯国家历史博物馆策展人奥莉加·阿伯拉莫娃,俄中文化教育发展基金会会长崔姗,文化部部长雒树刚,国家文物局局长刘玉珠,国家  相似文献   

中国大陆地区自然博物馆现状及发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自然博物馆(Natural History Museum)英文原意是指“自然历史博物馆”,是收藏、研究、展示反映自然发展历史的自然环境或自然遗产的博物馆。自然博物馆在我国博物馆行业中起步较早且占有重要位置。  相似文献   

澳大利亚自然博物馆创建于1827年,是新设的新南威尔士州境内所建起的第一座自然博物馆,在世界最古老的历史博物馆中名列第六。博物馆的历史澳大利亚自然博物馆筹建于十九世纪二  相似文献   

2017年11月7日,由中国国家博物馆、俄罗斯国家历史博物馆共同主办的《纪念十月革命100周年—俄罗斯国家历史博物馆藏十月革命文物展》开幕。  相似文献   

一、自然博物馆的性质自然博物馆的性质和其他博物馆一样,也是“科学研究机构”、“科学教育机构”和"标本收藏所"。但自然博物馆(外国称为"The Natural History Museum",意即自然历史博物馆)又是具有自  相似文献   

浙江自然博物馆是国内为数不多的省级自然历史博物馆,也是长三角地区最具特色和影响力的博物馆之一。在八十多年的传承、积累和探索中,为保护自然遗产、普及科学知识、传承人类文明、  相似文献   

当今世界博物馆的最大特点是多样化、数量多、分布广、门类齐全、内容广泛,可以说博物馆囊括了有关人及周围世界的一切领域。各种各样的专门博物馆是这一特点的集中体现。如英国伦敦的铁路博物馆、日本东京的纸博物馆、美国华盛顿国家宇航博物馆、中国自贡的盐业历史博物馆等。什么是“专门博物馆”,我们认为它是从历史、自然、科学技术等诸类博物馆中游离出来的,是诸种学科的细小分类,自成  相似文献   

以北京、上海、天津、重庆四大直辖市自然博物馆新馆建设为标志,中国自然博物馆正在掀起新一轮的建设高潮。本文结合近年来国外自然历史博物馆在建馆目标和功能定位的理论和实践,结合各地新馆提出的建馆目标及功能定位,进行了深入的研究,对国内自然博物馆新馆的建馆目标、功能定位及实现途径进行探讨,以期对当前的中国自然博物馆更新运动有一定的理论与实践的参考意义。  相似文献   

This article explores the question of how transnational audiences experience anthropology exhibitions in particular, and the natural history museum overall. Of interest are the ways in which natural history museums reconcile anthropological notions of humanity's shared evolutionary history—in particular, African origins accounts—with visitors' complex cultural identities. Through case studies of British, American, and Kenyan museum audiences, this research probed the cultural preconceptions that museum visitors bring to the museum and use to interpret their evolutionary heritage. The research took special notice of audiences of African descent, and their experiences in origins exhibitions and the natural history museums that house them. The article aims to draw connections between natural history museums and the dynamic ways in which museum visitors make meaning. As museums play an increasing role in the transnational homogenization of cultures, human origins exhibitions are increasingly challenged to communicate an evolutionary prehistory that we collectively share, while validating the cultural histories that make us unique.  相似文献   

广义的科学博物馆包括自然博物馆、科学工业博物馆和科学中心三种类型,狭义的科学博物馆指其中的科学工业博物馆。本文通过对比分析国内外科学博物馆的发展历程与现状,认为近年来中国的科学博物馆事业过于偏重于科学中心的发展,缺失了科学工业博物馆这一类型。本文提出:因科学工业博物馆在展示内容、展示方式上的独特优势,中国的科学博物馆应补上这一课,大力建设科学工业博物馆。  相似文献   

University‐based natural history museums are specialized cultural institutions that serve diverse constituencies. On one hand, these museums promote scientific research and collections through the work of curators and students and must advance the universities' missions. On the other hand, they must provide exhibition and public programs for the local community, or if they are a state museum, serve the citizens of the entire state through these activities. The challenge for university‐based natural history museums is to achieve a balance among their activities and services, given available resources. In the twenty‐first century, university natural history museums must further adapt by promoting social awareness of topics such as biodiversity and fostering learning in informal and formal settings. The Florida Museum of Natural History, an official State museum located at the University of Florida, is a prime example of a comprehensive university museum with a broad spectrum of programs that promote and enhance learning activities.  相似文献   

自然史类博物馆是中国近代以来出现最早的博物馆类型之一,中国最早的在华大英博物馆、徐家汇博物院、上海亚洲文会博物馆以及北疆博物院等都是自然史类的博物馆。深入考察这些博物馆建设之初的讨论,并对比这些博物馆建设者的具体意图和办馆实践,可以看出这些博物馆都以服务西方自然史研究为主要目的,但却有着不同的建设取向。这些自然史博物馆不仅为西方的自然史研究提供中国的标本资料,有的博物馆还成为了西方人在华开展自然史研究的平台,为西方提供自然史的研究成果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内外自然博物馆藏品收藏现状,分析我国自然博物馆存在藏品收藏总体不足、各区域自然博物馆之间藏品收藏差距较大、收藏范围较狭窄、藏品来源单一等问题,并进行了原因分析,提出正确认识自然博物馆的研究、收藏与教育的关系,加强对博物馆科研的投入,授予博物馆标本采集权,打破体制机制限制,加强对各方标本资源的利用等建议。  相似文献   

科技类博物馆中的导览式学习是最常见也是最基本的一种博物馆中开展的学习方式。本文通过对一项在南加州自然博物馆中开展的导览式学习的评估研究的改编与分析,从中学到对导览式学习开展研究和评估的方法。本文同时借鉴该研究中的建议,为改进科技类博物馆中的导览式学习提供帮助和支持。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of young children and the nature of their learning through museum experiences. Environments such as museums are physical and social spaces where visitors encounter objects and ideas which they interpret through their own experiences, customs, beliefs, and values. The study was conducted in four different museum environments: a natural and social history museum, an art gallery, a science center, and a hybrid art/social history museum. The subjects were four‐ to seven‐year old children. At the conclusion of a ten‐week, multi‐visit museum program, interviews were conducted with children to probe the saliency of their experiences and the ways in which they came to understand the museums they visited. Emergent from this study, we address several findings that indicate that museum‐based exhibits and programmatic experiences embedded in the common and familiar socio‐cultural context of the child's world, such as play and story, provide greater impact and meaning than do museum exhibits and experiences that are decontexualized in nature.  相似文献   

University natural history museums are much like their public museum counterparts, yet they differ in some important ways including how they are funded and staffed and how they serve their parent institutions. These circumstances provide some unique opportunities for university‐based natural history museums but they also present challenges, especially for their public education goals. While there are surely a variety of creative solutions for resolving these dilemmas, this article explores how the graduate program at the University of Colorado Museum may be seen as an example serving as an interface between diverse facets of the Museum and its several audiences and constituencies. The usefulness of the program as a model and as a means of training and nurturing future museum professionals is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Restorative environments possess a combination of attributes that facilitate recovery from mental fatigue. Most previous research in this regard has focused on natural environments, but this paper explores the extent to which museum environments also provide access to restorative experiences. Visitors (307 tourists and 274 local residents) to a history museum, an art museum, an aquarium, and a botanic garden completed a questionnaire regarding the restorative qualities and benefits of the environment they visited. The findings indicate that for some people, museums are at least as restorative as natural environments. The paper contributes to the development of a theoretical understanding of museums as restorative environments and provides insights into the factors that facilitate and enhance restorative experiences. Such experiences have the potential to contribute to visitors’ well‐being and satisfaction.  相似文献   

以色列的两位学者基于社会文化理论设计了调查内容与方法,对4家自然历史博物馆的学生集体参观学习的过程、活动形式、交流互动和博物馆工作人员的导览内容、方式进行了分析,讨论了组织学生集体参观科技类博物馆不同策略下的学习效果。研究结果显示:传统的参观导览内容与方式,既不符合当代的科学教育发展趋势和博物馆对学习效果的新追求,也不适用于科技类博物馆基于实物展品的体验式学习和探究式学习。本研究的内容、方法、结果及其理论基础,对我国科技类博物馆均有启发。  相似文献   

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