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In diesem Beitrag wird das konzeptionelle Profil von evangelischen und katholischen Schulen beschrieben und es werden diese Schulen mit solchen in ?ffentlicher Tr?gerschaft hinsichtlich ausgew?hlter Bildungs- und Sozialisationsertr?ge verglichen. Anhand der in PISA 2000-E aufgenommenen Schulen in kirchlichter Tr?gerschaft untersuchen wir, inwieweit sich das konzeptionelle Profil dieser Schulen in schulischen Effekten zeigt. Dabei werden Rekrutierungseffekte erfasst, was einen Blick auf die Effizienz der Schulen erm?glicht. Anders als bisher vor dem Hintergrund der Schuleffizienzforschung angenommen, gelingt es diesen Schulen, ihren konzeptionellen Anspruch zumindest in Teilbereichen (Kompetenzvermittlung, Schulklima) umzusetzen. Keine Effekte zeigen sich hinsichtlich der Lernmotivation und des sozialen Lernens.  相似文献   

The introduction of comparative tests in a low-stakes system was carried out in the expectation that the data feedback to schools would act as a stimulus for the development of the schools and the standard of classroom teaching. By contrast with the use of data to develop teaching, the use of data for personnel development has not yet been studied in Germany. On the basis of an on-line survey of head teachers and a paper-and-pencil survey of teaching staff, the study examines for the first time the extent to which comparative test data is used by head teachers for personnel development and as a means to plan in-service training in subject conferences, and what factors influence whether the data is used in this way. Of the head teacher characteristics which were studied (attitude in relation to the perceived usefulness of the data, qualifications, organisation and age of the head teacher), usefulness is the only characteristic which has a positive effect on the use of the data. The use of comparative test data to plan in-service training in subject conferences is positively influenced by data-wise leadership by the head teacher and by collaborative evaluation.  相似文献   

Peer popularity is a relevant aspect of well-being and academic success. Amongst other impact factors self-concept and academic achievement are predictive for peer popularity. The present study focuses on the correlation of students’ grades, competencies and self-concepts in mathematics and reading to perceived peer popularity. Against the background of gender stereotypes with respect to the domains mathematics and reading, we hypothesized differential relationships with boys’ and girls’ perceived popularity. In a sample from the National Educational Panel Study of grade five students (N = 4427) from lower (Hauptschule), middle (Realschule) and highest (Gymnasium) track schools, we conducted a multiple group comparison. The results showed similar relationships for both girls and boys in all three school forms. There was a correlation of students’ grades in mathematics and of their verbal self-evaluation with their perceived peer popularity. However, grades in language arts (i.?e. German), domain-specific competencies and mathematical self-concept were not related to perceived popularity. Results suggest that high verbal self-concept is positively associated with high self-assurance in social situations and in communication situations and that mathematics is regarded as more difficult and cognitively challenging compared to language arts.  相似文献   

The term and schope ‘inclusion’ features prominently in public, political and pedagogical discussion. However, from an academic point in view there is neither a clear understanding of the term, nor it is clarified how the partially contradictory ideas of inclussion as a social principle and inclusion in its realisation in the field of education are related to one another. The article clarifies the term of inclusion by an interdisciplinary academic reflection of the normative settings and single patterns of logic. Therefore, the relationship between ideal and the reality is elaborated by referring to an ethical and philosophical body of thought. Then educational theory is used to reconsider how inclusive principle of the school system can be understood. Finally, implementation measures of the inclusive principle and the aporia linked with them are discussed, amongst others referring to discourses in sociology, school pedagogy and school psychology. Academic perspectives and profession-related implications are discussed using the example of teacher education.  相似文献   

Eine M?glichkeit, das Verh?ltnis von P?dagogik und Gesellschaft zu beschreiben, scheint im Begriff P?dagogisierung zu liegen. In der jüngeren Diskussion lassen sich zwei Konzeptualisierungen dieses Begriffs unterscheiden. P?dagogisierung kann erstens als Transformation sozialer Probleme in p?dagogische Probleme gedeutet werden. Hier wird unterstellt, dass soziale Probleme durch die Einwirkung auf Menschen mit den Mitteln institutionalisierter Erziehung und Bildung zu bearbeiten seien. P?dagogisierung l?sst sich zweitens als Ausdifferenzierung eines symbolisch-kommunikativen Systems innerhalb der Gesellschaft beschreiben. Diese Vorstellung referiert auf die Abl?sung des P?dagogischen von den klassischen Erziehungsinstitutionen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Unterscheidung rückt der vorliegende Beitrag in drei Fallstudien den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit dem so genannten Dritte-Welt-Problem in der Bundesrepublik in das Blickfeld. Die dabei zu beobachtenden Bezugnahmen auf P?dagogik durch die Dritte-Welt-Protestbewegung, das zust?ndige Bundesministerium und Organisationen des Erziehungssystems werden als je unterschiedliche P?dagogisierungsf?lle rekonstruiert. Deren Hybridit?t, d.h. sowohl Eingrenzung wie Entgrenzung, sowohl Bezug des P?dagogischen auf wie auch Abl?sung des P?dagogischen vom institutionalisierten Erziehungssystem, legt es theoretisch nahe, so die These, P?dagogisierungsprozesse in den Zusammenhang von Formbildungen des P?dagogischen einzuordnen.  相似文献   

At the beginning problems of reconstructing the recent development of empirical educational research are discussed, especially problems resulting from its interdisciplinary character, its divergent institutional contexts and its multimethod approach. The next parts deal with the position of and relation between various disciplines involved in educational research in Germany. Compared to previous times currently important shifts concerning the relation between involved disciplines can be observed. It is a quarrel about responsibility, about the right do define success criteria and about resources. Neither from practical nor theoretical contexts, however, an indisputable Archimedean point can be obtained – where such a point would lie is precisely debatable.  相似文献   

The career choice motivations of potential teachers, their interests and other factors relevant to their choice of career are studied in order to achieve the best possible recruitment of new entrants to the teaching profession. However, the research and findings which are already available in this field are inadequate. The article is the first study which aims to analyse the structure and applicability of the internationally accessible FIT-Choice instrument to detect the relevant factors for teaching as a career choice in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on the basis of representative samples (n = 6,601) in order to create a data basis which will enable the previously unconnected research initiatives in German-speaking countries to be combined. In addition, teaching experience is taken into account and used to check how valid the career choice motives stated by the students are. The overall objective is to explore the extent to which measurements of career choice motives and teaching experience and analysis of two areas can be generalised across different institutions and countries and can go beyond the limited significance of the previously available findings, and eventually to formulate generalisable assumptions about the ideas which influence teaching as a career choice, and especially the motivation which leads to this career choice.  相似文献   

Die fachhochschulische Praxis steht erfahrungsgemäß vor dem Problem, dass sie bei der Wahrnehmung ihrer Aufgaben auf nur ganz wenige gesetzliche Vorschriften zurückgreifen kann; selbst diese sind teilweise unklar formuliert. Zwar ist bestimmten Organen die Entscheidung über subjektiv-öffentliche Rechte zugewiesen; deren Inhalt ist jedoch unbestimmt geblieben. Angesichts dieses Zustands der Rechtsunsicherheit erscheint es angezeigt, Teile des FHStG auf ihre Verfassungskonformität, insb auf ihre Übereinstimmung mit dem Legalitätsprinzip, zu überprüfen, und zwar vor allem nach der für die Praxis ausschlaggebenden Judikatur des VfGH. Nach derselben wird auch geprüft, ob das FHStG – wie in der Literatur vertreten – ein "Planungsgesetz" ist. Weiters werden Vorschläge für eine Präzisierung des FHStG im Zuge einer früher oder später anstehenden Novellierung gemacht.  相似文献   

The overview article deals with the interaction of internal and external evaluation within the current paradigm of school governance. The actual practice of both approaches and the current state of research about the effects on school development is described. Both evaluation approaches are less focused on aspects of school output such as student performance, and more on school processes such as school management or the quality of teaching. External evaluation in the form of school inspection mainly fulfills the function of accountability and the identification of weak schools. Internal evaluation is probably a better way to achieve school development. However, the necessary competence to use internal evaluation as a systematic process of quality management for which each individual school takes responsibility is currently underdeveloped. Considerations about the future relationship between internal and external evaluation focus on using external evaluation as a kind of “meta-evaluation”. But before external evaluation can build on results of internal evaluation in this way, a broad capacity building in schools and a different understanding of the role of inspectors are necessary.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of attending kindergarten, the most common early childhood care and education program in West Germany, on children’s placement at secondary school level. The analysis is based on an education production function that controls for parental background and regional variation in the educational system. The analysis confirms the hypothesis, that kindergarten attendance can have a long-lasting positive effect on educational chances. In four of six specifications a longer attendance of early childhood care and education increases the probability of attending a higher level secondary school. However, there are diminishing returns to early childhood education.  相似文献   

This contribution starts out from the assumption that participation in continuing professional education is realized in the context of different opportunity structures and an analysis of participation selectivity must take account of both self-selection and external selection processes. The different opportunity structures are described using approaches from segmentation and economic theory, which lead to the identification of three segments of continuing professional education. Participation structures in the three training segments are shown using logistic regressions, which take account of socio-demographic and individual characteristics of the social and employment environment. These predictors display segment-specific influences, which emphasizes the importance of differentiated perspectives on continuing professional education. Overall, participation is shown to be clearly influenced by external selection processes. The basis of the analyses is data from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), cohort 2009/10.  相似文献   

The positive impact of families’ higher social origin on the transition into more demanding secondary school forms can be split up into two effects: the primary effect, which is conditioned by higher achievements of children from privileged social origin, and the secondary effect, which is independent of achievement differences and can be explained by the fact that higher school curricula are less costly and promise more benefits for parents of higher social status than for parents of lower social status. It is examined how the relative size of both effects has changed in Germany between 1969 and 2007 using two comparable studies in the federal state Hesse, which measure students’ achievement and their social origin in very similar ways. The transition to the Gymnasium, the most prestigious track of the German tripartite secondary school, is investigated applying the method by Karlson et al. (2012). The primary effect has increased, specifically because of an increasing impact of achievement; and the secondary effect decreased such that school has gained more impact compared to the child’s parental home.  相似文献   

This article reports on a project in which the analytical competence of teachers and trainee teachers is measured. The term analytical competence refers to the ability to assess and evaluate the quality of lessons which are observed. The sample consists of 800 teaching staff (200 students, 200 probationary teachers, 200 qualified teachers, 200 teacher training personnel). They are shown a video of a school lesson (in Physics) and then given a test in the form of a questionnaire in which they are asked to analyse the lesson. In the evaluation, the item scale of the test is checked for Rasch homogeneity. In the medium term, the results of this study should lead to consequences for the development of analytical competence in the various phases of teacher training.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Anwendungsf?higkeiten und das Interesse für neueste mediale Technik sind zu einem Kennzeichen moderner Adoleszenz geworden. Dabei spielen das Medium Computer bzw. Anwendungsweisen neuer Medien eine erhebliche Rolle. Doch die Computernutzung Jugendlicher geht über einfache technische Anwendungsweisen weit hinaus. In der Relation von Medium und Subjekt ereignen sich individuelle Identit?tsbildung und Selbststabilisierung, geschehen Suchbewegungen und Explorationen von Subjektgestaltung. Innerhalb dieser Prozesse der Identit?tsbildung und Subjektgestaltung sind Dimensionen jugendlicher Computernutzung zu beobachten, die in den Bereich der individuellen Sinngenese fallen und in den Kontext der Diskussion um Medienreligion bzw. um Formen „verflüssigter“ Religion geh?ren. Wie sich diese Formen ausdifferenzieren will der folgende Beitrag entfalten, dem ein qualitativempirisches Forschungsprojekt zugrunde liegt.
Summary Religion, Identity and Computers — Fluid forms of religion in youth culture Competency and interest for new media technology have become recognizable elements of modern adolescence. The computer and the use of new media play particularly significant roles in this context. However, adolescents’ use of computers goes far beyond simple technical application. The relationship between medium and subject influences identity formation and self-stabilization, and initiates a process of searching and exploration of individual development. Dimensions of computer use within these processes can be viewed in the context of individual processes of sense-making construction and are therefore relevant to the discussion of media religion and of so-called “fluid” forms of religion. This paper will show how the forms develop on the basis of a qualitative empirical research project.

Dieser Beitrag untersucht Konzepte der Organisationsentwicklung einerseits als diskursives Ereignis im Foucaultschen Sinne und andererseits als institutionelle Handlungslogiken. Das hier zu untersuchende Wissen funktioniert auf normalisierende Weise. Es entwirft den „lebenslang lernenden Unternehmer seiner selbst“. Das „F?rdern und Entwickeln“ l?sst sich als Normalisierungswissen zur Steigerung der Leistungsf?higkeit von „Humanressourcen“ beschreiben, das innerhalb eines Machtdispositivs zur Geltung kommt. Dieses Machtdispositiv entspricht nicht mehr dem pyramidenf?migen Modell der Maschinenbürokratie, sondern dem netzf?rmigen Machtmodell des Organisationstypus „Markt“. Die Brücke zwischen Diskursanalyse und Organisationsforschung l?sst sich mittels eines Verfahrens „loser Kopplung“ schlagen. Auf der Ebene einer organisationssoziologischen Analyse lassen sich organisationstypische Varianzen des diskursanalytisch untersuchten „Drehbuchwissens“ feststellen. Verschiedene Organisationen nutzen dieses Wissensangebot auf verschiedene Weise. über die Singularit?t und Partikularit?t des Einzelfalles hinausgehend lassen sie sich in die Typologie von „Bürokratie“, „Clan“ und „Markt“ einbetten. In dieser Typologie nimmt das P?dagogische systematisch unterschiedliche Positionen ein. Die Position des „F?rderns und Entwickelns“ l?sst sich dem Organisationstypus „Markt“ zuordnen. Auf der Ebene eines diskursanalytischen Konstruktivismus hat die Organisation den Stellenwert des Ortes, an dem die Norm sich ausstellen kann.  相似文献   

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