Blais and Gélineau use the 1997 Canadian federal electionpanel study to explore the relationship between supporting thewinning side in an election and satisfaction with democracy.While it is well established that winners tend to have higherlevels of satisfaction than losers, less research has been doneto determine whether it is the election result in itself thatcauses this difference in satisfaction. The authors theorizethat in a parliamentary system voters might gain different utilityfrom winning at the local and national levels, and that theirexpectations as well as  相似文献   

Our words,our story: a textual analysis of articles published in the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association/Journal of the Medical Library Association from 1961 to 2010     
Mark E. Funk 《Journal of the Medical Library Association》2013,101(1):12-20


This lecture explores changes in the medical library profession over the last fifty years, as revealed by individual word usage in a body of literature.


I downloaded articles published in the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association and Journal of the Medical Library Association between 1961 and 2000 to create an electronic corpus and tracked annual frequency of individual word usage. I used frequency sparklines of words, matching one of four archetypal shapes (level, rise, fall, and rise-and-fall) to identify significant words.


Most significant words fell into the categories of environment, management, technology, and research. Based on word usage changes, the following trends are revealed: Compared to 1961, today''s medical librarians are more concerned with digital information, not physical packages. We prefer information to be evidence-based. We focus more on health than medicine. We are reaching out to new constituents, sometimes leaving our building to do so. Teaching has become important for us. We run our libraries more like businesses, using constantly changing technology. We are publishing more research articles.


Although these words were chosen by individual authors to tell their particular stories, in the aggregate, our words reveal our story of change in our profession.The Janet Doe Lecture on the history or philosophy of medical librarianship: I will warn you right now that you will get very little philosophy out of me today, for two reasons. First, my predecessor T. Scott Plutchak, AHIP, was a philosophy major, and I knew that a zoology major like myself could not compete with that. Second, “philosophy” in many Janet Doe lectures is actually a strong personal viewpoint of medical librarianship—what it is or what it should be. I do collection development, where things change so much and so rapidly that I have not had time to develop a strong viewpoint like many of my Doe predecessors. Like most of my collection development colleagues, I''m just trying to survive day to day. That tends to create a very pragmatic attitude. If I believe in anything strongly, it is that I believe I''ll have another cookie.Without philosophy, I am left with history. And here I will echo the complaint of many Doe lecturers by stating that I have a severe lack of historical research skills. I became painfully aware of this lack as I read previous Doe Lectures, such as David Kronick''s 1980 lecture 1. Kronick was a true scholar, with a doctorate in librarianship. We honor him to this day with the Medical Library Association''s (MLA''s) David A. Kronick Traveling Fellowship. In his Doe Lecture, Kronick quoted H. Curtis Wright''s “The Oral Antecedents of Greek Librarianship,” Francis Bacon, and the fifteenth-century Abbot Johannes Trimethius. In contrast, later in this speech, I will quote the Talking Heads.While I am totally unqualified for traditional historical research, that still leaves informal, or personal, history. Although I am old enough to be in my anecdotage, I just do not have many interesting stories to tell. And as Thomas Basler, FMLA, told us in his 2008 Doe Lecture, there are no more giants. While I met some of those giants, I did not know them, and I certainly do not have any stories to tell about them. I suppose I could tell stories about some of the taller than average individuals I have met in my career, but that does not sound very exciting.  相似文献   

Tacit narratives: The meanings of archives     
Eric Ketelaar 《Archival Science》1987,1(2):131-141
Archivists and historians usually consider archives as repositories of historical sources and the archivist as a neutral custodian. Sociologists and anthropologists see “the archive” also as a system of collecting, categorizing, and exploiting memories. Archivists are hesitantly acknowledging their role in shaping memories. I advocate that archival fonds, archival documents, archival institutions, and archival systems contain tacit narratives which must be deconstructed in order to understand the meanings of archives. Revision of a paper presented, on the invitation of the Master's Programme in Archival Studies, Department of History, University of Manitoba, in the History Department Colloquium series of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 20 February, 2001. Some of the arguments were used earlier in two papers I presented in the seminar “Archives, Documentation and the Institutions of Social Memory”, organized by the Bentley Historical Library and the International Institute of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 14 February, 2001.  相似文献   

Tacit narratives: The meanings of archives   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Eric Ketelaar 《Archival Science》2001,1(2):131-141
Archivists and historians usually consider archives as repositories of historical sources and the archivist as a neutral custodian. Sociologists and anthropologists see “the archive” also as a system of collecting, categorizing, and exploiting memories. Archivists are hesitantly acknowledging their role in shaping memories. I advocate that archival fonds, archival documents, archival institutions, and archival systems contain tacit narratives which must be deconstructed in order to understand the meanings of archives. Revision of a paper presented, on the invitation of the Master's Programme in Archival Studies, Department of History, University of Manitoba, in the History Department Colloquium series of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 20 February, 2001. Some of the arguments were used earlier in two papers I presented in the seminar “Archives, Documentation and the Institutions of Social Memory”, organized by the Bentley Historical Library and the International Institute of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 14 February, 2001.  相似文献   

Talk of saying,showing, gesturing,and feeling in Wittgenstein and Vygotsky     
John Shotter 《The Communication Review》2013,16(4):471-495

I have a number of interlocking concerns in this paper. Primarily, I want to highlight the practical importance of introducing new and different words into the ways of talking we employ in conducting our social lives together—and why it is that some forms of talk (talk of feeling and feelings, for instance) are much more difficult for us to employ than others. For although we clearly do influence other people's behavior (and our own) with words, we are still so fixated upon the idea of words as arbitrary ‘forms’ representing states of affairs, that we find it difficult to talk of our words in this way, especially of them as having an influence on our own conduct as thinkers and speakers, as listeners, readers, and writers and so on. We can better understand our words as functioning in this way, I suggest, if we see them primarily as having a relational function, that is, as working to relate us both to each other and to our surroundings in direct, immediate, and practical ways. Both Wittgenstein and Vygotsky discuss this gestural, nonrepresentational, function of words in coming to a grasp of people's psychological nature. Thus my aim in the paper is to explore what they claim is involved, practically, in drawing each other's (and our own) attention to the more embodied, less cognitive, aspects of our own activities in the world, and to bring to attention the power of our embodied ‘voices’ in doing this.  相似文献   

Hierarchical clustering of a Finnish newspaper article collection with graded relevance assessments     
Tuomo Korenius  Jorma Laurikkala  Martti Juhola  Kalervo Järvelin 《Information Retrieval》2006,9(1):33-53
Search facilitated with agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods was studied in a collection of Finnish newspaper articles (N = 53,893). To allow quick experiments, clustering was applied to a sample (N = 5,000) that was reduced with principal components analysis. The dendrograms were heuristically cut to find an optimal partition, whose clusters were compared with each of the 30 queries to retrieve the best-matching cluster. The four-level relevance assessment was collapsed into a binary one by (A) considering all the relevant and (B) only the highly relevant documents relevant, respectively. Single linkage (SL) was the worst method. It created many tiny clusters, and, consequently, searches enabled with it had high precision and low recall. The complete linkage (CL), average linkage (AL), and Ward's methods (WM) returned reasonably-sized clusters typically of 18–32 documents. Their recall (A: 27–52%, B: 50–82%) and precision (A: 83–90%, B: 18–21%) was higher than and comparable to those of the SL clusters, respectively. The AL and WM clustering had 1–8% better effectiveness than nearest neighbor searching (NN), and SL and CL were 1–9% less efficient that NN. However, the differences were statistically insignificant. When evaluated with the liberal assessment A, the results suggest that the AL and WM clustering offer better retrieval ability than NN. Assessment B renders the AL and WM clustering better than NN, when recall is considered more important than precision. The results imply that collections in the highly inflectional and agglutinative languages, such as Finnish, may be clustered as the collections in English, provided that documents are appropriately preprocessed.  相似文献   

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Analyzes attitudes and use of archives by post-colonial scholars who find that colonial records offer the voices of the master narrative but do not reflect the voices of the oppressed and voiceless. Argues that framing records within social provenance and a ‘community of records’ offers archival solutions to the dilemmas of locating all voices within the spaces of records. “As for what we were like before we met you, I no longer care. No periods of time over which my ancestor held sway, no documentation of complex civilizations, is any comfort to me. Even if I really came from people who were living like monkeys in trees, it was better to be that than what happened to, me, what I became after I met you.” Jamaica Kincaid, A Small Place  相似文献   

The chances are the first thing you when you set out to write an article is the title. But what factors transform a mediocre title into a good title? Firstly, it should be both informative and specific, using words or phrases likely to be used when searching for information, for example ‘nurse education’ rather than simply ‘nurse’. Secondly, it should be concise yet convey the main ideas clearly; articles with short titles reporting study findings have been found to attract higher numbers of viewing and citations. Thirdly, provide details of the study design to assist the reader in making an informed choice about the type of project your article is reporting. In taking these small steps when developing your title, your title can present a more concise, retrievable and clear articulation of your article.  相似文献   

From work to text to document   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The defining trope for the humanities in the last 30 years has been typified by the move from “work” to “text.” The signature text defining this move has been Roland Barthes seminal essay, “From Work to Text.” But the current move in library, archival and information studies toward the “document” as the key term offers challenges for contemporary humanities research. In making our own movement from work to text to document, we can explicate fully the complexity of conducting archival humanistic research within disciplinary and institutional contexts in the twenty-first century. This essay calls for a complex perspective, one that demands that we understand the raw materials of scholarship are processed by disciplines, by institutions, and by the work of the scholar. When we understand our materials as constrained by disciplines, we understand them as “works.” When we understand them as constrained by the institutions of memory that preserve and grant access to them, we understand them as “documents.” And when we understand them as the ground for our own interpretive activity, we understand them as “texts.” When we understand that humanistic scholarship requires an awareness of all three perspectives simultaneously (an understanding demonstrated by case studies in historical studies of the discipline of rhetoric), we will be ready for a richer historical scholarship as well as a richer collaboration between humanists and archivists.  相似文献   

In this short article, Henry Rosenbloom, the founder of Australian independent publisher Scribe, complains about the tactic of UK-based publishers buying ‘Commonwealth’ rights and preventing Australian publishers from acquiring separate Australian rights. ‘UK publishers are not entitled to Australia as a territory. It is our country, our market, and our industry,’ he writes. This article was originally published in The Age newspaper in early 2008, then on Rosenbloom’s blog, and it was the catalyst for a spirited debate at this year’s London Book Fair.  相似文献   

Conversation is key and as the communication landscape shifts rapidly, harnessing ‘e’ is pivotal in extending ‘story’ as digital evolves, catapulting publishing from analogue to digital. Harnessing ‘e’ is an exciting and effective way to add value, but for ‘e’ to be implemented successfully and seamlessly requires more than a standard ‘roll out’ of strategy. Staying Single [1] was my MA dissertation project in the form of a fictional blog that bridged a fictitious digital world with a real physical one as I supplemented Sophie’s story with souvenirs, additional digital content, UGC, and social media elements, all channelled through Sophie’s fictional storyworld. This study was an investigation into the effects that interactivity and community might bring to contemporary fiction, traditionally published in print form, by women, for women. The presentation of Staying Single as a cross-media, digital story challenged conventional boundaries for story enjoyment and involvement and attempted to vastly expand the story universe, recording how the option for interactivity impacted the story. Readers were offered choices to receive Staying Single through blog feeds, by email or downloaded podcasts, with additional options for involvement through multiple platforms—‘Pulling Power’ ‘relationship’ documentaries, SMS alerts and ‘meeting’ Sophie in Second Life. My current transmedia romantic comedy fiction, Loving NY will push these resources and opportunities further, enhancing and driving the story whilst engaging and interacting with readers. Transmedia storyworld development is extremely fast-moving and with magazines offering web-cam enabled augmented realities and iPhone apps allowing readers to GPS tag co-readers, these are extremely exciting times! To harness ‘e’ is to offer options—levels of immersion and engagement, multi-platform choices, perhaps even linear or non-linear narratives with the intention of organically reaching a wider readership far beyond the restrictions of print based novels.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Qualit?t von Software kann je nach Anwendungsgebiet an unterschiedlichen Kriterien gemessen werden. Für grosse Software-Systeme spielen u. a. Kriterien wie Wartbarkeit, Verst?ndlichkeit und Erweiterbarkeit eine wichtige Rolle. Mein Ziel ist es, Entwurfsm?ngel in Software-Systemen zu erkennen und somit „‘schlechte“’ – unverst?ndliche, schwer erweiter- und ?nderbare – Programmstrukturen zu vermeiden. Prominente Entwurfsm?ngel sind z. B. die von Fowler eingeführten Bad Smells in objektorientierten Programmen. Entwurfsm?ngel werden abh?ngig von der Sichtweise und dem Erfahrungsschatz des Suchenden unterschiedlich interpretiert. Ich kombiniere daher bekannte Verfahren zur Erkennung von Entwurfsm?ngeln auf der Basis von Metriken mit maschinellen Lernverfahren. Damit kann Entwurfsmangelerkennung individuellen Sichtweisen angepasst werden. Ich pr?sentiere ein Werkzeug für Java-Programme und zeige die Ergebnisse einer ersten Fallstudie.
Criteria for software quality measurement depend on the application area. In large software systems criteria like maintainability, comprehensibility and extensibility play an important role. My aim is to identify design flaws in software systems automatically and thus to avoid “bad” – incomprehensible, hardly expandable and changeable – program structures. Depending on the perception and experience of the searching engineer, design flaws are interpreted in a different way. I propose to combine known methods for finding design flaws on the basis of metrics with machine learning mechanisms, such that design flaw detection is adaptable to different views. This paper presents the underlying method, describes an analysis tool for Java programs and shows results of an initial case study.
CR Subject Classification D.1.5,D.2.2,D.2.5,D.2.7,D.2.8,I.2.6  相似文献   

王志刚 《出版科学》2012,20(3):25-29
版权资源是出版产业的生命之源,因此出版企业应该重视版权业务的战略化管理。本文以部分美国出版企业作为研究对象,从版权获取、版权运营、版权保护三个层面分析其经验,以期对我国出版企业版权战略管理有所启示。  相似文献   

The phrase “peace, order and good government,” common to the definition of federal powers in both the Australian and the Canadian constitutions, has defined the relationship of the Crown and the citizen for more than five centuries. The archival record is fundamental to that relationship, providing its authoritative legal basis, documenting its evolution and continuing as a reminder of both our proudest achievements and our most dismal failures as a society. This paper reflects on the role of archives in recent Canadian human rights issues, highlighting both the strengths and the weaknesses of the record, the perception of archives as an agency of the state and the role of archives in helping society address highly contentious issues.  相似文献   

作为一家规模不大、只专注某些特定学科出版领域的商业性学术出版社,布瑞尔通过精准的出版定位、战略性的产品布局、灵活多样的销售策略,在当今学术出版日益全球化,数字化和服务个性化的趋势中,走出了一条有自己特色的道路.  相似文献   

A panel which included a librarian, publisher and e-book providers presented issues confronting the growth of e-books in the academic library marketplace. The e-book market projections are a small part of the higher education book market. Frontlist titles are demanded by libraries with suppliers eager to supply such titles. However, publishers are feeling their way through various rights and contract issues as well as business models as they determine which frontlist titles to provide in electronic form. The instability of business partners has contributed to publisher delays in releasing titles as e-books. No one, (librarians, suppliers, publishers) is throwing in the towel on e-books but the position this format takes in the publishing industry and therefore in library collections in the near future is unsettled.  相似文献   

The archival sliver: Power, memory, and archives in South Africa   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Far from being a simple reflection of reality, archives are constructed windows into personal and collective processes. They at once express and are instruments of prevailing relations of power. Verne Harris makes these arguments through an account of archives and archivists in the context of South Africa's transition from apartheid to democracy. The account is deliberately shaped around three themes — race, power, and public records. While he concedes that the constructedness of memory and the dimension of power are most obvious in the extreme circumstances of oppression and rapid transition to democracy, he argues that these are realities informing archives in all circumstances. He makes an appeal to archivists to enchant their work by engaging these realities and by turning always towards the call of and for justice. This essay draws heavily on four articles published previously by me: “Towards a Culture of Transparency: Public Rights of Access to Official Records in South Africa”,American Archivist 57.4 (1994); “Redefining Archives in South Africa: Public Archives and Society in Transition, 1990–1996”,Archivaria 42 (1996); “Transforming Discourse and Legislation: A Perspective on South Africa's New National Archives Act”,ACARM Newsletter 18 (1996); and “Claiming Less, Delivering More: A Critique of Positivist Formulations on Archives in South Africa”,Archivaria 44 (1997). I am grateful to Ethel Kriger (National Archives of South Africa) and Tim Nuttall (University of Natal) for offering sometimes tough comment on an early draft of the essay. I remain, of course, fully responsible for the final text. I presented a version of it in the “Refiguring the Archive” seminar series, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, October 1998. That version was published in revised form in Carolyn Hamilton et al.,Refiguring the Archive (Cape Town: David Philip, 2002).  相似文献   

A new digital distribution infrastructure is being created to parallel the structure in the physical world by which content is stored, distributed, and invoiced. Like in the physical world, book publishing will need fewer points of distribution than it has points of creation: there will be “distributors” handling the digital content of many publishers and some large publishers will handle the digital content of smaller ones. This system is just now taking shape and this paper defines the terms and enumerates some of the emerging players in this role. This paper was first presented during the “Making Information Pay 2007” on May 10, 2007 organized by the Book Industry Study Group (). The research completed will help any publisher with the task of finding a DAD. The research paper version of our work will be made available as a final White Paper, with conclusions and updated information by Klopotek Inc. that can be ordered at  相似文献   

In this section the International Journal of Public OpinionResearch reviews articles that have recently been publishedin peer-refereed journals and which broadly relate to the fieldof public opinion. The intention is not to give an exhaustiveoverview of a given study but rather to alert our readers tointeresting ideas and research in our field.
   Blais, André & Gélineau, François (2007). Winning, losing and satisfaction with democracy. Political Studies, 55, 425–441.
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