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The increasing amount of empirical research shows that the role of regulatory processes is critical in CSCL and collaborative learning settings. However, the current conceptual definitions and specificity of the findings vary. This is most probably because of limitations in the methods investigating regulated learning in a collaborative learning context. This study aimed to provide empirical evidence for how self- and shared regulation activities are used and whether they are useful for collaborative learning outcomes. Eighteen graduate students worked in collaborative groups for seven weeks in a CSCL course and the data of this study focuses on three one week online collaborative learning phases in the course. Temporal and sequential analysis of chat discussions and log file traces were matched to find evidence about whether the students' collaboratively planned regulatory activities became shared in practice. The results show evidence that collaborative planned regulatory activities become shared in practice. The groups that achieved good learning results used multiple regulatory processes to support their learning and also reached shared regulation. The four microlevel examples demonstrate simplified patterns of the activation of self-regulation and shared regulation. In conclusion, individual socially shared regulation plays a critical role in successful collaborative learning.  相似文献   

A sociocultural perspective on teacher learning was used to investigate how three beginning teachers’ conceptions of classroom management affected their developing teaching practices. Students were followed from student teaching through their first 2 years of teaching. Data sources included interviews, classroom observations, and teacher education portfolios. Although all three teachers shared common conceptions of management as establishing positive learning environments, only two of the teachers were successful in doing so. Four key ideas shared by these two teachers served as pedagogical tools that framed their decision-making and scaffolded their early practice. These four conceptions are linked to a course on classroom management not taken by the third teacher. Implications of these findings for teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

共享调节学习评价涉及协作学习的不同维度和过程,同时兼具群体感知的功能。现有的评价存在分析维度单一、数据利用不足、缺乏对互动过程的挖掘和跟踪等问题。将社会网络分析(Social Network Analysis,SNA)引入共享调节学习的评价,可以充分反映共享调节学习特有的理论观照,呈现调节过程不同阶段的特点、不同评价维度的关联性以及调节的内在机制。基于SNA的共享调节学习评价框架,在数据收集以及分析工具方面,拓展了现有的共享调节评价维度,其引入群体交流模式、群体互动紧密性、个人或群体角色、不同关系维度、多模社会关系等评价分析工具,对共享调节学习过程进行评价与跟踪,促进了群体的自我感知。以华东师范大学教育信息技术学系的一门专业选修课程为解释案例说明概念框架的应用过程,也表明了基于SNA的共享调节评价能够评估共享调节学习的协作过程,促进共享调节水平的提高,相应的评价工具能够促进协作学习活动开展,强化成员的群体感知。未来仍需要进一步深化实证研究,完善评价工具,拓展应用案例,进一步挖掘概念框架的潜在价值。  相似文献   

This study investigates when and how students activate co- and socially shared emotion and motivation regulation in collaborative learning and whether the S-REG mobile application tool can support this regulation. In a mathematics course, 44 higher education students worked with a collaborative assignment. The S-REG tool traced groups' emotional and motivational states in different sessions, and the occurrence of co-regulation and shared regulation of motivation and emotions were coded from video-recorded collaborative work (44 h). The groups activated more co-regulation than shared regulation of emotions and motivation, but the shared-regulation episodes were longer-lasting. The groups’ emotional and motivational states were associated with the occurrence of co-regulation in the beginning of the learning sessions. The results suggest that the S-REG tool balanced collaboration by prompting the groups to regulate emotions and motivation right in the beginning of the motivationally and emotionally challenging learning sessions.  相似文献   

The students of a Greek junior high school collaborated to prepare the teaching material of a theoretical Computer Science (CS) course and then shared their understanding with other students. This study investigates two alternative teaching methods (collaborative learning and peer tutoring) and compares the learning results to the traditional learning context. A test was used to measure all participating students’ learning results and a questionnaire was distributed to record participant student attitudes towards the alternative teaching conditions. The questionnaire was designed to evaluate each aspect in terms of perceived knowledge, experience, satisfaction, diversity, oddness and interest. The analysis explores potential differences of students’ learning results between alternative and traditional teaching and also differences in the two aspects in relation to students’ preferences. Results provide evidence that active-learning methods can promote positive attitudinal shifts and improve skills in creativity, teamwork, collaboration and communication. Students perceived higher levels of learning than with traditional teaching. Finally in terms of students’ preferences, the majority wanted to have more courses taught with active-learning methods.  相似文献   

Approaches to classroom instruction have evolved considerably over the past 50?years. This progress has been spurred by the development of several learning principles and methods of instruction, including active learning, student-centered learning, collaborative learning, experiential learning, and problem-based learning. In the present paper, we suggest that these seemingly different strategies share important underlying characteristics and can be viewed as complimentary components of a broader approach to classroom instruction called transformational teaching. Transformational teaching involves creating dynamic relationships between teachers, students, and a shared body of knowledge to promote student learning and personal growth. From this perspective, instructors are intellectual coaches who create teams of students who collaborate with each other and with their teacher to master bodies of information. Teachers assume the traditional role of facilitating students’ acquisition of key course concepts, but do so while enhancing students’ personal development and attitudes toward learning. They accomplish these goals by establishing a shared vision for a course, providing modeling and mastery experiences, challenging and encouraging students, personalizing attention and feedback, creating experiential lessons that transcend the boundaries of the classroom, and promoting ample opportunities for preflection and reflection. We propose that these methods are synergistically related and, when used together, maximize students’ potential for intellectual and personal growth.  相似文献   

网络课程的内容进化机制设计与技术实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国网络课程建设与应用普遍存在以下问题:课程内容结构封闭和更新迟缓,教学形式具有单向传递性;课程内容与学习活动在应用上的分离,影响学生主体地位的发挥;不同教学学期衔接或课程内容在不同教师间共享时,教学过程中的生成性资源存在丢失的现象。因此,探讨如何根据网络课程内容进化理念,提供相应的环境与机制,从而促进学习内容、教师及学生三者在网络教学过程中的交互,并通过积聚大众智慧来促进课程内容的动态发展,对于提高网络课程教学质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

泛在网络时代,大学英语精品课程泛在学习资源的建构与共享是大学英语精品课程建设可持续发展的必经之路。课题组通过行动研究,针对大学英语精品课程教学资源建设存在的问题,以建构主义学习理论、联通主义学习理论为指导,创设了基于卫星通信、互联网、电信网和有线电视网等无缝泛在学习环境,建构了“三多”大学英语精品课程泛在学习资源共享平台。该平台突破了大学英语学习情景语境缺失的瓶颈,解决了优质大学英语学习资源不足这一突出问题,扫清了碎片化学习(微学习)的障碍。  相似文献   

This study examined how temporal sequences of regulated learning events, such as types and processes of regulated learning, emerge during different stages of collaborative learning. Earlier research has focused on individual learning and not on the captured temporal sequences of regulation in collaborative learning. The data were collected during a two-month math didactics course taken by teacher education students who collaborated in three member groups. Twenty-two hours of video data were collected to follow how sequences of regulated learning events, along with task execution, emerged within the six groups as their collaboration advanced. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis and lag sequential analysis. The results showed that the groups engaged mostly in co-regulated planning and monitoring. Temporal analysis showed that collaborative interactions focusing on task execution promoted socially shared planning, indicating that task execution provided grounding for socially shared planning and regulation to occur. The sequential analysis illustrated that metacognitive monitoring played a facilitative role in the progress of task execution.  相似文献   

Drawing on the sociocultural view, shared knowledge is regarded as a basis for interdependent working and multi-professional learning in early childhood education. Shared professional knowledge can be seen as a central element in successful collaboration facilitating individual and collaborative professional learning. This study aims to investigate the content and implementation of shared professional knowledge in an early childhood context. Video-taped data were collected using a stimulated recall method from the two participating teachers. The results show that the content of shared professional knowledge was related to two areas in the teachers’ professional knowledge: professional self and professional tasks. In addition, the shared professional knowledge varied according to the teachers’ work contexts. This study offers new knowledge on early childhood education practices and teacher education, considering multi-professional collaboration, and shared learning.  相似文献   

近年来欧洲一些国家提供跨校、跨国的学位课程越来越多,以网络课程为依托的课程共享已成为欧洲跨国高等教育的主要模式之一。笔者亲历了由瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学等校共同开设的“基于ICT的协作交流”课程的学习过程。该课程的学习目标是锻炼学习者在多元文化情况下的沟通能力和协作能力。课程主要采用通过网络的个人自学和小组团队学习相结合的方式。笔者总结完成全球性课程的原因主要是,政府对网络学习的重视,拥有发达的信息技术基础设施,拥有成熟的具有较高信息素养的远程学习者,学校对教学各环节的精心组织和设计。当然,全球性课程建设根本保障是欧洲高等教育一体化的发展,成功实施了欧洲学分转换系统,鼓励欧洲各国大学利用各自优势,共同建立世界一流的网络课程。  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce restorying, a pedagogical approach based on social constructivism that employs successive iterations of rewriting and discussing personal, student-generated, domain-relevant stories to promote conceptual application, critical thinking, and ill-structured problem solving skills. Using a naturalistic, qualitative case study design, this study describes and analyzes how restorying promoted learning and transfer for master’s level students in two sections of a conflict management class. Data sources included course documents, course assignments, class observations, interviews, focus groups, and surveys. An inductive analytic approach using constant comparative methods was employed for analyzing qualitative data, and course section assignment performance averages were calculated for analyzing quantitative data. The restorying approach emphasizes learning new content through personal story application and story sharing among course participants. The restorying approach offers a potentially viable alternative for those not satisfied with conventional case studies. Conventional case studies may fall short in providing the desired range or complexity of problem space elements or may embed problems in contexts that are not learner relevant. Moreover, the sustained analysis of a past personal experience may result in deeper internalization of domain content and transfer of learning. While restorying may not be appropriate for some learning contexts, it holds promise for settings that can incorporate the key elements and address the adoption considerations described in this paper. The restorying approach invites one to consider how personal, student-generated, domain-relevant stories may be employed, shared, reflected upon, revised, expanded upon, and redeployed to promote achievement of desired learning outcomes.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors propose a comprehensive integration model (CIM) based on learning transfer principles that promote integration by systematically and multidimensionally linking coursework with field education. This model improves the integration of classroom and field instruction by specifying how content in each course and in the field is shared, by coordinating the learning process in both settings, and by defining the contributions of faculty, students, field instructors, and field liaisons.  相似文献   

《设施园艺学》是园艺专业一门重要核心课程,“互联网+”的应用不仅可为课程提供更为丰富的共享资源,也可为教与学提供更好的沟通平台。通过初步探索“互联网+”背景下《设施园艺学》课程“雨课堂”教学改革的实践过程,表明“雨课堂”能显著提升学生的积极性和自主性。  相似文献   

This research focuses on the study of the processes of collaborative solving of information problems and their impact on group learning outcomes. Forty-nine pairs of students solved three learning tasks with learning goals of increasing complexity: information selection, information interpretation, and interrelating concepts. We analysed two types of data: group work processes and group learning outcomes. The group work processes were assessed using eight dimensions, and group learning outcomes were evaluated in two ways: quality of the group written product, and shared correct knowledge. Findings reveal the significant influence of some aspects of the group work processes (such as searching for information, processing information, shared task regulation, the construction of shared knowledge, and emotional climate) in the group learning outcomes. Results also show that this influence is most evident in tasks with more complex learning demands. Finally, some educational proposals for school education are provided.  相似文献   

This paper discusses writing as a social practice and speculates on how wikis might be used to promote higher quality academic writing and support collaborative learning. This study of undergraduate teacher trainees’ online learning activities focuses on how shared spaces – wikis – might be used to communicate ideas and generate course‐specific content. The study also explored how students, through such activities, were able to improve their academic writing skills and engage more critically in learning. Data captured from student discussion boards and a post‐module email questionnaire (n = 35) were used to map student perceptions of the usefulness of wikis in support of their academic studies. The data indicate that most students raised their skill level in writing directly to the publicly viewable wiki space, in sharp contrast to the more informal content they posted on the discussion boards. The scope of collaborative writing was limited due to students’ reluctance to edit each others’ work, but students appreciated the shared environment as a means of discussing their work and the content of the course. Students reported that their academic writing skills had improved through their formal participation in the wiki.  相似文献   

This article chronicles and discusses a two-semester graduate level action research course in which the co-authors were instructors. Evidence of prospective teachers' appropriation of a ‘teacher researcher’ identity prompted a closer look at the dynamics of the course experience. Using a theoretical foundation based on the work of Vygotsky, Wertsch, Kozulin and Bakhtin, the notions of experiential learning, shared pedagogical mediation, collaborative problem posing and problem solving, and a resultant commingling of teacher and researcher identities are explored  相似文献   

文章基于精品资源共享课的性质与交互设计的理论,结合课程本身的特点和用户特征,提出服务于网络课程的界面交互、导航交互、按钮交互、内容交互、动画交互、测试交互的设计方法,以便学习者提高学习的效果和达到优秀课程资源的共享.  相似文献   


Higher education in the U.S. sees global learning as critical to student development. Over the last seventy years, study abroad has emerged as the method of choice for teaching global knowledge and intercultural competence. In this context, community-based global learning programs are a type of program where students live in communities to learn directly from people and place. Looking at a field studies program in Northern Thailand, this paper explores the educational mobility of study abroad and impact on host communities. It shares findings on the experiences of two communities who have hosted study abroad students for almost twenty years. Best practices and recommendations for faculty and institutions running community-based global learning programs are shared, including the centrality of community voice in curriculum, benefits of applying a range of pedagogical methods on course, the critical nature of adequately preparing students for cultural immersion, and compensating communities justly for their work.  相似文献   

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