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大学教师流动影响因素涉及教师隐私,传统研究往往效果不佳。本文首次尝试引入"非接触式"研究方法,试图通过对互联网平台的大数据资源进行扎根分析,克服传统大学教师流动影响因素研究的失真失实等问题。本研究对部分大学教师流动传统影响因素进行了验证,并首次发现了多个新的重要因素。本研究对大学教师流动各影响因素的重要性进行了重新排序,构建了包含4个一级指标、13个二级指标和若干个三级指标的"四维度-多中心-开放式"大学教师流动影响因素新的理论框架。本研究具有重要的方法创新意义,未来随着更多大学教师流动大数据资源的引入,将可能构建形成更具有流动预测能力的大学教师流动理论模型。  相似文献   

The study explores teachers’ experiences of teaching a context‐based chemistry course, Salters Advanced Chemistry, as compared with teachers of a conventional course. Second, main factors that appear to influence decisions over whether or not to adopt context‐based courses are investigated. Two hundred and twenty‐two teachers’ views of a context‐based and a conventional school advanced chemistry course were obtained from a questionnaire. Responses were analysed in six dimensions: motivation, chemical knowledge and development of concepts, learning activities, assessment, challenge to teachers and students, and teacher support. Both sets of teachers agreed that the context‐based course is more motivating to study and teach, that students would be more interested in chemistry and more likely to go to university to study chemistry, that students would be better able to study independently but that it is more demanding to teach and study. The groups differed principally about concept development and teaching strategy. The context‐based teachers believed that their course gave as good a foundation for further study as a traditional course and that the spiral curriculum was advantageous. Conventional course teachers disagreed with both statements. One significant implication to emerge from the study is the crucial role played by in‐service support in influencing the impact of a curriculum innovation.  相似文献   

This study inquires into the influence of subject communities on the practice of secondary school teachers as they teach a new science and technology course that crosses traditional subject and department boundaries. The study focuses on two teachers from different professional communities—a science teacher and a technology teacher—who were teaching an applied physics course that was piloted in British Columbia. Interview and observational data were collected that illuminate the classroom practices and perspectives of the two teachers. As the teachers taught the course, they both changed their normal teaching practice. Their respective new practices, however, were different in important ways even though they both started with the same course outline, textbooks, and laboratory materials. We interpret these differences in the teachers' practices using sociocultural practice theory and argue that the differences can be understood in terms of the influence of their different professional communities which are shown to provide the backdrops against which the teachers developed their approaches to the course. Recommendations are made that encourage using the subject community as a unit of analysis in educational change studies and using sociocultural practice theory as a theoretical perspective for thinking about educational change and making policy decisions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach, 35: 777–789, 1998.  相似文献   

新教师入职培训需要摆脱被动接受知识的窘境,用最短的周期实现从学生到教师、从不熟悉课堂教学到能站稳讲台的两个转变。反思四年来连续四轮的新教师培训实践,具身认知理论为新教师培训突破窘境提供了理论基础。文章以"教学语言技能训练"实践案例为载体,呈现了具身认知理论下的新教师培训实践创新的五个方面:培训模式从接受学习向具身学习的模式创新;参训教师由离身旁观者变为具身建构者的角色转型;课程内容从惰性知识设计到认知、身体与环境系统知识设计的范畴迭代;学习过程从头脑参与到身心参与的全人学习;培训目标从知道知识指向知识理解、应用与创新的认知升级。这种培训实践创新为新教师及各类教师培训提供了一个新的理论指导实践的范式。  相似文献   

Concern with the problem of science curriculum implementation has been highlighted by surveys which have shown that the impact of the major NSF sponsored curriculum projects has not been as pervasive as might be expected. Although there has been some recent research and theory development on the problem of implementation, little work has been done on the determinants of implementation, especially in science. This article describes a replicated study of factors influencing implementation of a hypothetical elementary science curriculum. The instrument used allowed teachers to respond to a particular implementation scenario devised by combining a number of statements about properties of an innovation with school and teacher reactions to the innovation. Responses were given as estimates of the probability of implementation under the conditions described in the scenario. Results showed that the staff attitude factor was by far the most salient influence on implementation. An inservice factor which was highly significant in one of the applications of the instrument failed to replicate. This suggested the possibility that context differences between the two samples may have been important for this factor. The findings are interpreted in relation to Fullan's
  • 1 See: Fullan, M. The meaning of educational change. Toronto: OISE Press, 1982.
  • model of implementation and to other research which highlights the importance of individual interpretation of the properties of an innovation.  相似文献   

    美国心理学家霍夫兰德的态度改变说服模型指出了态度如何改变的过程及其主要影响因素。基于该模型,要改进思想政治课教学,转变学生消极的学习态度,教师须从自身可信度和吸引力、教学内容组织和教学方法选择、课堂环境、学生心理特点四个因素出发,内外兼修,增加可信度,提高吸引力,塑造良好形象;合理组织教学内容,选择恰当的教学方法;在课堂环境中适当使用“分心”、“强化”方法来达到对学生学习态度潜移默化的影响;针对学生的心理特点进行针对性教学,有的放矢。  相似文献   

    Professional development that aims to build school change capacity requires spaces for collaborative action and reflection. These spaces should promote learning and foster skills for distributed leadership in managing school change. The present study analyses the case of the Seminar for Critical Citizenship (SCC) established by teachers of infant, primary, secondary and higher education to experiment with and share innovative practices. A focus group was formed first to identify which factors SCC participants perceived as influencing the development of this leadership for change, and second, to verify whether the SCC offers a space where the development of distributed leadership is promoted. We find that while it enables a network for collaboration, egalitarian dialogue and empowerment, certain tensions persist between theory and practice, and in attitudes towards innovation and school culture.  相似文献   

    This paper describes a study of observed relationships between the design of a preservice elementary mathematics methods course with accompanying field practicum and changes in the extent to which participating prospective teachers identified themselves with the mathematics reform movement after becoming practicing teachers. The curriculum of the course with its embedded field practicum experiences was designed to support prospective teachers in interweaving methods coursework and pedagogical instruction with classroom practice. University and elementary school structures were interwoven by conducting weekly mathematics methods course sessions at a school site followed immediately by related practicum experiences in classrooms in the school. The interweaving of conceptualizations about mathematics teaching and learning was facilitated as the methods instructor provided professional development for classroom teachers simultaneously with the methods course, encouraging the teachers to create “reform-friendly” classroom environments. Survey data from 68 prospective teachers involved in the project were analyzed to identify and describe relationships between course/practicum experiences and the degree to which they as practicing teachers, 1–3 years following the course/practicum, identified with a reform mathematics perspective, as well as to examine factors influencing those relationships.  相似文献   

    传统的以教师为主体的英语教学模式已经不适应高职教育新的目标和要求。社会语言学的相关理论对高职英语教学的实践创新有着积极的指导意义。社会语言学主要通过研究社会因素来研究语言。这种研究方式对高职英语教学产生了很大影响,特别是对学生的交际能力的培养。  相似文献   

    师徒互动是指师与徒之间发生的各种相互作用和影响。在动作技能教学中,学习动机、知识技能与理论、讲解与示范等都是影响技能形成的因素。师徒互动的结果作用于师或徒,使师或徒的认知或情感发生变化,进而使徒的动作技能形成的相关因素发生变化,最终影响徒的动作技能的形成。因此,师徒双方都应该熟练把握动作技能形成的影响因素,有意识地控制和调整自己的情感,努力提高自己的认知水平。  相似文献   

    This study investigates how relevant indicators of teachers’ sense of their professional identity (job satisfaction, occupational commitment, self-efficacy and change in level of motivation) are related. A model is proposed, tested with structural equation modelling (SEM) and refined using data from 1,214 Dutch teachers working in secondary education. Classroom self-efficacy and relationship satisfaction play a key influencing role in the relationships between the indicators. Using multiple-group SEM, the parameters of the overall model are similar for the novice, experienced and senior teachers in a constrained model. This aspect of similarity across experience groups is in line with findings of previous research on teachers’ professional identity. The present study contributes to the further development of a solid theory on teachers’ professional identity, which has been lacking.  相似文献   

    教师在参与应用戏剧教学法的培训过程中,通过在虚构情景中扮演与体验“假想(what-if)角色身份”,使其“本然”(what-is)的自我角色身份起了变化.他们在经历自身的转变后,促使他们反思旧有的教学观念,以新的目光去看待自己及自己的教学身份及与学生的关系,从而尝试新的教学模式.通过个案剖析教师在学习及实践戏剧教学法的过程中,所经历以上提及的变化,从看待自己的角色转变伸延到教学上的角色转变,影响学生对他们的态度转变,正面促进师生关系.探讨关于持续维持这些转变的因素如教师信心建立、外力认可、教学氛围、实践机会与校方鼓励的不确定所带来的挑战.  相似文献   

    In workplaces, innovative products and processes are required to address emerging problems and challenges. Therefore, understanding of employees’ innovative work behaviour, including the generation, promotion, and realisation of ideas as components of this behaviour is important. In particular, what fosters innovation development and what triggers these activities is important for its promotion and adoption in contemporary workplaces. To investigate how and why innovations at work are developed and enacted, an explorative study comprising structured interviews with vocational teachers in the German vocational system was conducted. The teachers reported on activities they undertook during the development of a specific innovation. Furthermore, they provided information on factors that made this innovation necessary and that they were activated by. The study indicates that even when opportunities for innovation development existed in a workplace, the needs and goals of teachers were pivotal for these opportunities to be recognised and teachers’ innovative work behaviour to be triggered. By analysing vocational teachers’ work activities, we found that the development of innovations was a complex, iterative and primarily social process. By encouraging teachers to act on opportunities for change and by establishing a collaborative structure at schools, innovation development can be facilitated. We also found that throughout the development of an innovation, reflection played an important role. If the importance of reflective activities is acknowledged by workplaces such as these participants’ vocational schools, this not only fosters innovations but also the teachers’ professional development.  相似文献   

    随着我国高校外语教学改革不断深化,改革内容已从教学框架和教学硬件向课程内容及其文化内涵等方面转移,课程实质的重新定位使外语既是工具又作为人文科学课程加以建设和发展.同时,改革对高校外语教师的专业素养也提出更高要求以适应外语教学的工具性和人文性特征.高校外语教师在职专业发展的MPC模式对同伴互导理论的拓展运用,使高校外语教师能在有效模式的支持下及时更新专业知识技能、持续进行在职专业发展.  相似文献   

    We propose a new model of the factors influencing acceptance of evolutionary theory that highlights a novel variable unexplored in previous studies: the feeling of certainty (FOC). The model is grounded in an emerging understanding of brain function that acknowledges the contributions of intuitive cognitions in making decisions, such as whether or not to accept a particular theoretical explanation of events. Specifically, we examine the relationships among religious identity, level of education, level of knowledge, FOC, and level of evolutionary acceptance to test whether our proposed model accurately predicts hypothesized pathways. We employ widely used measures—the CINS, MATE, and ORI—in addition to new variables in multiple regression and path analyses in order to test the interrelationships among FOC and acceptance of evolutionary theory. We explore these relationships using a sample of 124 pre‐service biology teachers found to display comparable knowledge and belief levels as reported in previous studies on this topic. All of our hypothesis tests corroborated the idea that FOC plays a moderating role in relationships among evolutionary knowledge and beliefs. Educational research into acceptance of evolutionary theory will likely benefit from increased attention to non‐conscious intuitive cognitions that give rise to feeling of knowing or certainty. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 95–121, 2012  相似文献   

    普通高中新课程改革与义务教育阶段新课程改革相比,观念、内容和方式更加全新和深入,理性地思考高中教师在新课程改革中的角色定位与专业发展是普通高中课改成败的关键。新型学习方式:自主学习、合作学习和研究性学习应与高中课改内容如选修课、学分制模块式教学等紧密联系,从而建立高中教师资料提供者、情境创设者、促进迁移者、引导者、支持者、激励者等角色定位;在高中教师专业结构中,从专业知识显性化、自我反思经常化、系统化和专业知识的学术渗透方面着手将建立起新型的高中教师专业发展观。  相似文献   

    This study examines the process of change among grade 4 teachers (students aged 9–10 years) who participated in a yearlong Teacher Quality Grant innovation program. The concerns-based adoption model (CBAM), which informed the design and implementation of the program, was used to examine the process of change. Two questions guided the investigation: (1) How did teachers’ concerns about and levels of use of the innovation evolve during the course of the project? (2) What changes in teachers’ perceptions and practices arose as a result of the innovation? Results showed that several of the teachers’ concerns evolved from self/task toward impact. With continued support, several participants achieved routine levels of use, which they sustained beyond the project.  相似文献   

    以浙江财经大学为例,从教学内容与目标、教学方法与手段、教师技能、教学效果评估等视角分析了大数据时代对经管类专业统计学教学的新需求,并通过构建结构方程模型(SEM),探究了经管类专业学生对统计学教学的满意度、影响教学满意度的各因子及其影响路径,进而提出构建"理论—实验—实践"三位一体的教学范式、创新数字化项目式教学手段、...  相似文献   

    Beginning teachers are entering the profession with increasing confidence in their ability to use digital technologies which has the potential to change the way teachers of the future make pedagogical decisions. This paper explores how pedagogical reasoning and action might occur in the digital age, comparing Schulman’s 1987 model with the reality for a small sample of digitally able beginning teachers as part of the emerging generation of teachers. The latter were examined through a multiple case study during their first year of teaching as they made decisions about using digital technologies within their teaching practice which gave an insight into pedagogical reasoning and action through the use of open‐ended interviews and observation. The conclusion drawn is that while the pedagogical reasoning and action model remains relevant, it was based on an assumption that teaching involves knowledge being passed from a teacher to their students, which was found to restrict innovation by digitally able teachers. A broader interpretation of knowledge and teaching within this model building on emerging learning theory could help reform practice once again, providing a framework for teachers in the digital age.  相似文献   

    费斯勒与格拉特霍恩的教师发展影响因素论述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
    教师的发展是一个连续的过程。其中,各种因素会对教师发展产生积极或消极的影响。为此,探讨教师发展的影响因素是适切协助教师发展的前提与依据。费斯勒与格拉特霍恩的教师发展因素论是当代美国比较有影响的教师发展理论,本文试对此作一述评,以资借鉴。  相似文献   

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