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张洪飞  韩栋 《天中学刊》2007,22(5):42-45
基于Word2003对XML文档的支持,提出了将Word文档转换成自定义XML模式的XML文档,再对XML文档进行签名加密,从而实现对Word文档多重签名和部分加密的思想.在将XML转换成Word时,还提出了适用于在各种平台中实现动态生成有格式Word文档的通用解决方案.  相似文献   

XML文档数据的存储是目前XML相关研究的热点.提出一种基于模型映射的将XML文档中的数据映射到关系数据库中存储的方法,关系数据库中的数据亦可反向映射重新生成对应的XML文档,给出了映射的算法实现.实验结果表明,该映射方法生成的表结构简单且保留了XML文档的结构信息,能够实现XML文档与关系数据库的相互转换.  相似文献   

对XML文档的处理包括文档检索和文档过滤。XML文档过滤是对XML文档的订购,发布访问.是对XML文档的在线处理,文档的过滤效率、引擎的构造及过滤引擎的动态可维护性是影响过滤引擎使用的关键要素。基于有限自动机理论。提出了一种新的基于XPath和有限自动机高效构造过滤引擎的模型。给出了实现XML文档过滤引擎有限自动机的相关构造算法。该算法实现了对所构建的过滤引擎有限自动机的在线更新。并可实现对XML文档的不停机过滤。  相似文献   

使用XML实现数字签名更加体现了XML的灵活性和可扩展性,而在.NET Framwork下提供了标准的加密算法,在此条件下设计完整有效的程序,并实现了XML文档的签署和验证.同时这种实现方式以及成为提高信息安全性的必要选择.  相似文献   

基于XML Schema的数据建模应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
数据交换是XML最重要的用途之一,只有XML文档的格式/结构得到交互各方的一致认可,这个目标才有可能实现。DTD/XML Schema被用来定义XML文档的结构,描述XML文件所能包含的内容的类型。通过对XML文档的结构进行定义,应用程序能够在执行任何计算和转换之前对文档进行验证,从而保证文档格式的有效性,以利于数据的传输和交换。本文首先介绍XML数据模式语言,然后以某高校研究生招生管理系统为例,使用XML Schema对研究生招生专业目录进行数据建模。  相似文献   

胡凯 《德州学院学报》2005,21(6):72-75,92
在介绍XML技术及Schema文档的特点基础上,着重探讨了XML模式与关系模式间数据转换的具体实现.  相似文献   

本文通过对XML数据库查询实现方法的研究,对XML文档的构造、基于XML的查询和XML查询结果的表示进行了详细的论述,提出了基于XML对Web数据库进行查询的技术,并介绍了该技术在一个书店书目数据库查询中的实际应用.  相似文献   

XML作为Internet数据表示和交换的工具,已经成为了众多应用领域中的标准数据格式.XML文档的存储方式极大地影响了查询处理的效率,成为一个非常重要的研究方向.目前一些组织和学者已经提出了一些XML文档的存储策略,本文主要对主要的存储策略进行优劣分析.  相似文献   

本文介绍了Flash影片如何加载XML文档,说明了如何使用XML对象和XMLSocket对象动态产生XML文档树并利用其提供的方法、事件及属性与服务器端交互的过程。一、基本原理 Flash对XML文件的调用是通过Flash里的内置对象XML或XMLSocket对象来完成的。Flash从5.0以后的版本开始支持XML,通过XML对象和XMLSocket对象,Flash不但可以调用本地的XML文档,还可以调用远程的XIVIL文档,并且可以生成动态的XML文档和服务器传送数据。Flash影片调用XML文档的方法如下。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION With the tremendous growth of the digital en- tertainment industry in the past decades, the scale of game scene is becoming more gigantic. To effectively manage and organize the massive data, game engine usually uses hierarchical scene graph. Many popular 3D modelling tools, such as Maya, 3D Studio Max, use scene graph to manage the scene content (Sowizral, 2000). 3D modelling software—Houdini directly edits scene graph to create and modify the virtual environment. Most v…  相似文献   

Real physical objects (e.g., a chair) can be distinguished from mental entities (e.g., a thought about a chair) on the basis of a number of criteria. 3 of these are behavioral-sensory evidence--whether the entity can be seen, touched, and physically acted upon; public existence--whether other persons experience the entity; and consistent existence--whether the entity consistently exists over time. Two studies tested 3-5-year-old children's ability to distinguish real versus mental entities on the basis of these criteria and to categorize such entities suitably. Even 3-year-olds were able to judge real and mental entities appropriately on the basis of the 3 criteria, to sort such entities as explicitly real and not-real, and to provide cogent explanations of their choices as well. A further distinction between real and mental entities is that mental entities can be about physically impossible, nonexistent things (e.g., a dog that flies). A third study demonstrated that 3-5-year-olds also appreciated this distinction. Taken together, these results contradict a common characterization of the young child as unaware of the fundamental ontological distinction between the internal mental world and objective reality. The implications of these findings are discussed for 3 other bodies of research: Piaget's characterization of young children as realists, Keil's theory of ontological development, and recent research on children's understanding of the mind.  相似文献   

Learning science interpreted in existing theoretical frameworks often means that students are assimilated, accommodated or enculturated from the entity of the vernacular world to the entity of the scientific world. However, there are some unsolved questions as to how students can best learn purely a new language or new knowledge of science. The purpose of this study is to conduct microanalysis of moment-to-moment interactions in order to understand how science language is taught and learned in details. Informed by Bakhtin’s dialogism, the analysis indicates that learning science is a process of appropriating authoritative discourse into internally persuasive discourse. Based on our analysis and findings, we propose the framework of discursive evolution to describe the process of teaching and learning the language of science. Four different stages of discursive evolution are identified to demonstrate the discursive changes during the course of science teaching and learning discourse: (a) using deictic references to connect scientific terminologies, (b) understanding science terminologies through its derivatives, (c) communicating science practices conventionally through science terminologies, and (d) communicating science practices innovatively through mutated science terminologies. The findings suggest that science teaching and learning comprise a heterogeneous process which draws on both science and non-science language and is a constantly evolving process. Understanding teaching and learning as a heterogeneous and constantly evolving process allows us to reunite the roles of teachers and students as mutually responsible collaborators rather than science knowledge givers and consumers.  相似文献   

传统基于统计的命名实体识别方法存在需要大量人工标注的缺陷,导致识别准确率较低。为了提升识别效果,提出一种基于条件随机场的半监督学习方法(S-CRF)对命名实体进行识别。该方法将实体识别看作序列标注问题,对少量数据进行人工标注并构建实体集,通过K-means聚类算法选取有代表性的未标注数据文本进行自动标注,采用条件随机场对语料进行训练测试。选取中文应急预案文档进行实验,该方法在各个标签上的识别效果分别达到93.52%、93.04%、95.81%。实验结果表明,该方法优于传统规则方法,能有效提高应急预案命名实体的识别效果。  相似文献   

在分析企业销售合同管理应用流程基础上,基于ERWin对企业销售合同管理系统进行了数据建模,细述了模型中包含的实体和关系,给出了其逻辑模型和物理模型,并就售后服务中如何验证服务的产品是否是合同中的产品、所购买的产品是否在服务期内这一问题给出了示范的完整性约束.本文对于想高效、快速建立信息系统数据模型的数据库应用开发者来说,有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

语言表达式的意义并非只存在于它所描绘的实体或场景(situation)的内在特征之中,它还涉及我们选择思考这一实体或场景以及在心智上去描绘该实体或场景的方式。同一场景由于观察方式和角度不同,在大脑中形成的意象不同,从而产生不同的语言表达式。  相似文献   

In this second part of the article, we present how S N Bose’s 1924 paper provided a systematic derivation of Planck’s formula using the conception of photons, filling the major lacuna that was preventing the acceptance of the photon concept by the physics community. This derivation further widened the chasm between classical conceptions and the actual behaviour of the microscopic world as already heralded by the photon proposal. In particular, the very concept of a quantum as an ‘independent’ entity even when not interacting with other entities was rendered invalid. Classical intuition was subverted in Bose’s derivation by a new rule, regarding counting of independent states of the system rather than counting individual quanta. We discuss the implications of the quantum mechanics that eventually emerged, showing that the seeds of some of its uncanny conceptual content were already foreshadowed in Einstein’s proposal. While he was instrumental in setting off the revolution, the full implications of the revolution became unpalatable to him. We may expect that as experiments make the quantum world more familiar, the currently projected enigmas will gradually disappear.  相似文献   

附属医院或非直属附属医院是举办医药卫生类专业高职院校专业实体化建设的基石。近年来,襄阳职业技术学院以加强附属医院和非直属附属医院专业实体功能建设,初步构建了医教结合、以教促医、以医助教、医教相长、教学与医疗两翼齐飞的专业实体整体发展模式。  相似文献   

Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of a given financial entity requires comparisons of two kinds. We must examine current data in light of the historical data of the entity with which we are concerned; and we must assess all such data in relation to that of other, similar, entities. Making the necessary comparisons is not currently possible for Illinois Public Community College Districts because all independent public accounting firms do not prepare their financial reports in the same way. The firms do prepare their financial reports consistently from year to year, but reports are not uniform throughout the industry. This lack of industry‐wide uniformity prohibits locally‐elected boards, creditors, investors and taxpayers from analyzing a district's financial report and determining its overall financial position. This study points out the need for a financial reporting methodology that allows not only for an accurate determination of a district's past and present success, but also for a reasonable projection of its financial future.  相似文献   

This study identified governing state entities charged with the development of a funding formula for community colleges. Analysis of the data revealed that 40 states utilized a funding formula. Twenty-one states had a “Higher Education” entity with governing control of the formula, 5 states had a “Community College” entity with distinct funding formulas for community colleges, funding formulas in 2 states fell under a “Comprehensive (K-20) Education” entity, and in 12 states control of a state funding formula was the responsibility of a state statute. Findings and implications of funding formula governance patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

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