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“龙”是中国人想象出来的也是中国人崇拜的一种神奇的动物。传说中的龙,是形体大小可以自由变化(小可以藏身于芥子之内,大可以头如巨瓮),生活于深水中,遨游于太空,行动伴有风雷,能兴云布雨的神兽。 由于“龙”是这样的神奇并令人敬畏,历代皇帝为了使百姓对他敬畏崇拜,便自称为“真龙天子”,是“龙”的化身。据《史记》记载,汉高祖刘邦在做皇帝前曾乘醉用剑斩断了一条拦路的白蛇,后来一个老妇人对人哭诉说她的儿子“白帝子”为“赤帝子”所杀,说完后突然不见。笔者想这些都是刘邦等人编造出来的故事,用以宣传刘邦就是“赤帝子”,是“龙”转世的,将来一定做皇帝。 皇帝既然是“龙”转世的,皇帝的“脸”便是“龙颜”,身体便是“龙体”,旧小说中常有“龙颜大怒”、“龙体欠安”的说法。皇帝的子孙便是龙子龙孙。 现在有一种说法,说中华儿女都是“龙的传人”,我不敢苟同。我辈乃一介草民,女娲氏做的泥人罢了。《水浒传》中公孙胜绰号入云龙、李俊绰号混江龙;他们都是绿林好汉,可以有那样的绰号。但绰号毕竟是绰号,不是“真”的。皇帝的后裔,龙子龙孙,才是龙的传人哩。  相似文献   

史叶 《文化交流》2009,(5):87-87
赵丹是个博闻强记的人,他能把别人或自己演过的戏,在几十年后叙述得一清二楚,描绘得活灵活现。可是,一离开舞台和银幕,他这种惊人的记忆力似乎立即不复存在,甚至最普通的事物也经常糊里糊涂。他的儿女们在他外出工作时,总要开玩笑似地提醒他:“爸爸,侬姓啥名啥?”“阿拉姓赵名丹。…“侬有几多岁了”“我,我搞不清爽了。”  相似文献   

汉高祖刘邦弥留之际,吕后在侧,问身后之事,刘邦钦点了曹参、王陵、陈平和周勃四人为“顾命大臣”,对于周勃更是委以重任:“周勃重厚少文,然安刘氏者必勃也,可以太尉。”此后的历史发展证明了汉高祖的英明。在周勃的主持下,汉室旧臣铲除了吕氏王侯对刘汉皇权的威胁,力挽狂澜。  相似文献   

副校长买不起房广州市天河区副区长丁建华在政协会议分组讨论上“坦白”自己仍是无房一族,他说,“现在房价确实过高”,“房价涨得不可开交,很多公职人员,凭正常收入是很难供得起房的”。副区长虽自称无房一族,还能以低价租住政府提供的房子,恐怕对居  相似文献   

叶建华 《职业圈》2012,(10):22-23
汉文帝,称刘恒,汉高祖刘邦的第四个儿子,母亲为薄氏。公元前196年,刘邦打败陈稀叛军,平定代地,刘恒被立为代王。吕后去世,朝廷文臣武将合力诛灭诸吕,迎立刘恒为皇帝,称为汉文帝。汉文帝以仁政、孝道著称,与儿子汉景帝刘启共创了“文景盛世”。  相似文献   

汉文帝,称刘恒,汉高祖刘邦的第四个儿子,母亲为薄氏。公元前196年,刘邦打败陈稀叛军,平定代地,刘恒被立为代王。吕后去世,朝廷文臣武将合力诛灭诸吕,迎立刘恒为皇帝,称为汉文帝。汉文帝以仁政、孝道著称,与儿子汉景帝刘启共创了“文景盛世”。  相似文献   

逸名 《文化博览》2007,(4):38-39
从一个乡长做到皇帝,刘邦连升二十八级。刘邦在推翻秦帝国的革命运动中,第一不是元老,匹夫首倡的是东涉,也就是陈胜,是他和吴广揭竿而起;第二没有身份背景,刘邦不是六国的贵族,出身不如项羽之流;第三实力也不强,刚开始百八十人,本来想混个师长旅长也就算了,没想到先封王,后称帝。项羽比他志向远大,但事情没做成;刘邦没那么大的抱负,却做上了皇帝。为什么?  相似文献   

“用人不疑,疑人不用”这句话说得过于绝对,它与当今企业实际的管理要求相脱节。如果哪个老板“用人不疑”,企业肯定要被整得一塌糊涂,如果哪个老板“疑人不用”,那么,在他公司里除了他自己,再也找不到让他不疑的人,那样,公司里的人都得走掉。凡是说“用人不疑,  相似文献   

漂泊 《职业圈》2011,(22):90-90
“用人不疑,疑人不用”这句话说得过于绝对,它与当今企业实际的管理要求相脱节。如果哪个老板“用人不疑”,企业肯定要被整得一塌糊涂,如果哪个老板“疑人不用”,那么,在他公司里除了他自己,再也找不到让他不疑的人,那样,公司里的人都得走掉。凡是说“用人不疑,  相似文献   

香椿和臭椿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁雨 《生态文化》2003,(1):39-41
小时候,我们一群小伙伴常在吃过晚饭后去听一个叫“瞎话儿刘”的老人讲故事,也就是大人们说的讲“瞎话儿”。“瞎话儿刘”肚子里装满了稀奇古怪的瞎话儿,妖魔鬼怪,长虫精、狐狸精在他的嘴里一讲就是一大串。在那个文化和经济都极匮乏的年代里,“瞎话儿刘”的“瞎话儿”把我们带进了一个又一个虚幻而神奇的世界里。可是有一天,母亲对我们说,快不要去听“瞎话儿刘”讲的烂瞎话儿,那都是他瞎编出来骗你们的呢。我说,那你能给我们讲不是编出来的故事吗?母亲笑了,说,故事都是编出来的,可他整天编些鬼呀怪呀的事儿来,也只能骗你们这些不懂事的小傻瓜,瞧瞧你们,一个个都听得鬼里鬼气的了。我们说,那你快给我们讲一个不是鬼的故事吧。母亲说好。  相似文献   

远古的神话把天上的彩虹说成是"人间天上的桥";而历代诗人却爱把人间的桥比作天上的彩虹。由此可见,钱塘江架起的一座座桥梁是多么令人赞美。  相似文献   

严子陵,名严光,字子陵,浙江会稽余姚(今宁波余姚市)人,是吴越文化史上的一位重要人物。严子陵少年时就很有才气,与刘秀是同学好友。其后他积极帮助刘秀起兵。公元8年,王莽称帝,法令苛细,徭役繁重,吏治腐败,民怨沸腾。公元25年,刘秀终于击败王莽,在洛阳建立起东汉王朝,当上了皇帝,这就是历史上有名的汉光武帝。而这时严子陵却避居僻乡。  相似文献   

在杭州岳庙长长回廊的东端,数百年来一直陈列着一件碑刻,上面的书法字迹潇洒,充满了“铁划银勾”的大宋气度。碑刻的原形,是宋高宗赵构的手书御诏《起复诏》,它记载了公元1136年(宋高宗绍兴六年)岳飞在为母亲守孝期间,朝廷令岳飞出山抗金的历史。在长达700余年的岁月里,《起复诏》作为岳飞后裔世守的秘宝,珍藏于杭州岳庙。一直到清代的太平天国之乱才让它遗落江湖,辗转千里。  相似文献   

南宋的岳飞、明代的于谦和明末清初的张苍水三位民族英雄,并称为“西湖三杰”。“西湖三杰”不仅以惊天地、泣鬼神的崇高气节为历代所敬仰,而且以他们精妙瑰奇的书法艺术为世人所称道。岳飞挥笔《出师表》 在西湖之畔肃穆庄严的岳王庙内,陈列着岳飞手书的三国诸葛亮《前出师表》和《后出师表》碑。  相似文献   

通过重读《汉书》,对比刘贺先王后帝的表现和其他不守丧礼的结果,可知他在奔丧和典丧过程中所表现的诸多违礼行为,正是他一贯不修个人品行、不好治国之道的体现。而且惩治"不孝无礼"乃是先王们的惯有做法,故而《汉书》的相关记载真实可靠,对此海昏侯墓存在诸多与之相合的信息,亦为其证。至于随葬的儒家经典,反映的只是当时尊孔崇儒的社会风气。刘贺帝位的被废,就是在于他"荒淫迷惑,失帝王礼谊,乱汉制度",而不是霍光因私废公,更不是班固刻意丑化,由此可观丧礼对于西汉社会的重要性。  相似文献   

The binding media of the polychromy of Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Army   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The “Terracotta Army” is a worldwide known archaeological finding in China. It is a part of the burial complex of the emperor Qin Shihuangdi (259–210 BC), which is still under excavation and study. The fact that the sculptures, chariots and weapons of the First Chinese Emperor's Terracotta Army were originally all painted in bright colours is still not widely known. The chemical characterisation of the paint medium was performed through an analytical procedure based on GC-MS. The proteinaceous binder was identified for the first time through a desalting procedure used in proteomics. The identification of egg as a paint binder is extremely interesting in terms of the historical significance of the work of art itself and important in terms of the method of conservation. Moreover it represents one of the first steps towards an understanding of the painting technique used on ancient sculptures in China, of which – despite their fame – nothing is yet known.  相似文献   

CiteSpace分析发现:水文化和大运河文化的研究热点分别为"大禹治水""李冰"和"大禹"与"大运河""京杭大运河""浙江"和"漕运"。前者的演化路径呈现为从"李冰""郭守敬"及"水利工程"向"大禹治水",再向"导淮""大禹""张謇"及"李仪祉",最后向"治水思想""都江堰"及"长江"转向的趋势。后者呈现为从早期关注隋炀帝开凿运河的原因探索、功过评价、个人轶事追溯向大运河漕运研究、大运河沿线城市研究以及大运河文化带建设研究转向的模式。在研究前沿方面,前者以"李冰"以及"李冰父子""李冰水利功绩"和"李冰修复都江堰"为重点,而后者以"大运河"以及"漕运"和"大运河沿线城市发展与繁荣"为重点。上述分析结果对中国水文化在世界范围走出去、走上去、走进去,并向不同文化背景的听众讲清、讲明、讲懂大运河文化故事能够发挥积极有效的作用。  相似文献   

Efforts to make (and keep) knowledge public have provided a powerful counter-model to the recent expansion of exclusive intellectual property rights in such arenas as information technology, digital media, biological research, and pharmaceutical access. While sympathetic to the impulse to counteract the new ‘enclosures’ with knowledge made public, this essay critically interrogates some of the constitutive limits – in fact, the constitutive outsides – to these counter formulations. Paying particular attention to how public domain initiatives, like their strict intellectual property counterparts, also police the line between the proper and the improper copy, I argue that mechanisms for keeping knowledge public do not just circle the wagons against the predations of the Monsantos and Microsofts of the world. In their rhetorical and normative commitments to the proper copy, they also risk reproducing some of the same constrictions and exclusions that we tend to associate with (privatized) acts of enclosure itself. I explore this argument first in reference to creative commons and copyright, which can reproduce a strong ideological commitment to improvement – ‘innovation’ or ‘creativity’ – against the mere copy. What is the cost, I ask, of making the idea of improvement the price of admission not just to intellectual property claims, but to participation in newly ‘democratic’ public and common spaces of knowledge production? Second, I look to global pharmaceutical politics – specifically, regulatory efforts to improve access to cheaper copied and generic drugs in Argentina – to raise questions about the public domain's normative place in the continued expansion and harmonization of intellectual property regimes in the so-called global South. Together, these discussions suggest how the public domain and the commons, like their IP counterparts, can rhetorically and normatively expand and be secured against the improper copy.  相似文献   

Luciano Kay 《Minerva》2012,50(2):191-196
Inducement prizes have been long used to stimulate individuals and groups to accomplish diverse goals. Lately, governments have become more and more interested in these prizes and sought to include this kind of incentives within the set of policy tools available to promote science, technology, and innovation. To date, however, there has been little empirically-based scientific knowledge on how to design, manage, and evaluate innovation prizes. This note discusses aspects of the prize phenomenon and the opportunities and challenges related with the use of innovation prizes as a government policy instrument. Compared to other incentive mechanisms, prizes are likely to present advantages to, for example, accelerate the development and commercialization of technologies that are held back for diverse reasons and help to leverage public money with external ideas, collaborative efforts, and the participation of diverse individuals and organizations. Still, despite these advantages and other interesting features of prizes, there are key questions that policy-makers and scholars must address to better understand this kind of incentives and further improve prize designs and implementations before governments move forward to a more widespread use of innovation prizes in science and technology policies.  相似文献   

Many deterioration processes are linked to unsuitable microclimatic condition in cultural buildings. One of the most diffused processes is soluble salts crystallization that can be accelerated in masonry structures within specific microclimatic values for different chemical compounds. In this paper, microclimate and efflorescence diffusion were monitored over a one-year period in the Crypt of the Cathedral of Lecce (South Italy). This allowed to relate the microclimate with the efflorescence variation over time. A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was then developed to detail the thermo-hygrometric parameters and airflow patterns responsible for salts crystallization and artworks deterioration. Two main conditions were reproduced; one to simulate the current microclimate, which simulations showed to be inadequate for conservation, and the other to search for a more appropriate solution. In both cases, summer and winter conditions were simulated and compared to find a microclimate able to ensure more suitable thermo-hygrometric intervals required by the constituting artworks materials. The results helped to suggest actions to improve maintenance of the Crypt.  相似文献   

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