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随机抽取92名大学生为被试,以攻击性词语和友好性词语为实验材料,采用偏好判断法来探讨被试的内隐攻击性。结果发现,在攻击性词语和友好性词语之间,个体偏好于友好性词语,且这种偏好不存在性别及攻击特质差异。个体身上存在明显的友好倾向而并未表现出内隐攻击性,内隐友好倾向对内隐攻击性具有抑制效应。该研究为我们提供了防止攻击性行为发生的另一独特视角。  相似文献   

以攻击性面部表情图片、攻击性文字、攻击性声音为启动材料,采用评价词语关联程度的方式考察不同的自尊水平上不同启动材料对内隐攻击性的启动效应的差异。结果表明:男被试和女被试在内隐攻击性的启动效应上并无差异;不同自尊水平被试的内隐攻击性地启动效应有显著差异,并成负相关;攻击性面部表情图片要比攻击性文字和攻击性声音更易启动被试的攻击性。  相似文献   

随机抽取39名在押罪犯和92名大学生为被试,以攻击性词语和友好性词语为实验材料,采用偏好判断法来探讨被试的内隐友好倾向。结果发现,在押罪犯和大学生身上均存在着明显的内隐友好倾向而并未发现内隐攻击性;在押罪犯的内隐友好倾向显著低于大学生,但这种差异集中体现在高攻击特质在押罪犯的内隐友好倾向显著低于其余被试,其余被试在内隐友好倾向上不存在显著性差异。这一结果让我们看到了人性中友好、向善的一面,给予了我们战胜恐怖暴力的信心与勇气。  相似文献   

刺激物属性与内隐攻击性的性别差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用偏好判断这一内隐社会认知研究方法,探讨了不同属性的刺激物对男女两性的内隐攻击性差异的影响。研究发现,当刺激物的属性设计为被攻击者是女性时,男女两性在内隐攻击性上存在差异,反之,则不存在差异。同时还发现,传统的社会内隐态度会以间接启动的方式影响人们对内隐攻击行为的社会认知模式。  相似文献   

张帆  蒋重清  郭庆科 《考试周刊》2010,(14):210-211
本文采用采用教师评定法挑选被试,以偏好组词测验和情绪稳定性量表为实验材料,探讨情绪稳定性与内隐社会认知中的攻击性对青少年攻击性行为的影响,实验结果表明:(1)相对于外显的攻击行为,存在着内隐的攻击性倾向:(2)攻击性行为被试比亲社会行为被试更具有内隐攻击性:(3)青少年在情绪稳定性和内隐攻击性上并不存在性别的差异:(4)青少年攻击性行为受其情绪稳定性影响较大。  相似文献   

本研究采用BUSS攻击性问卷,E—Prime启动实验以及词干补笔测验相结合的方法,考察互联网中暴力材料对不同攻击性特质青少年内隐攻击性的影响作用,以及不同青少年对攻击性材料选择偏好的差异。结果发现,网络暴力刺激会增加青少年的内隐攻击性,但这种内隐攻击性水平不存在性别差异;特质攻击高的青少年受网络暴力刺激启动的内隐攻击性...  相似文献   

使用攻击者与被攻击者图片和竞赛情境(拳击竞赛、篮球竞赛、体育舞蹈竞赛)的录像片段为实验材料,抽取大学生运动员90名,采用3(竞赛情境)×2(性别)×2(偏好攻击者、偏好被攻击者)混合方差设计,考察不同性别大学生运动员内隐攻击性特征.结果表明:男女运动员都具有较强的内隐攻击性;在篮球竞赛、体育舞蹈竞赛启动下,女性内隐攻击性强于男性内隐攻击性,在拳击竞赛启动下,男女没有统计意义上的差别,但男性有强于女性的趋势;竞赛情境启动对男性运动员有效应;内隐认知的研究可为体育问题提供新的解释视角.  相似文献   

上世纪80年代,在社会认知取向研究的启发下,研究者们开始采用社会认知的研究方法研究人类的攻击性,并由此发现了人类的攻击性具有内隐性,即内隐攻击性。到目前为止,已有较多方法可以用来研究人类的内隐攻击性,但有些方法仍然需要提高信度和效度。本文总结了以往主要的内隐攻击性研究方法,并对这些方法的利弊做出了探讨,提出了可能的在研究方法上的改进建议。  相似文献   

国内外研究表明性别比与择偶心理有密切关系,性别比失衡会影响个体的攻击性.本研究以性别比偏高和性别比偏低的新闻报道为启动材料,对男性大学生的择偶心理进行内隐实验研究.结果显示,在内隐联想测验和词组偏好测验中,性别比例对男性大学生的内隐攻击性的影响差异不显著,表明单身男性大学生的攻击性行为不受性别比失衡的影响,即男性大学生择偶心理在不同男女性别比例条件下都具有较好的稳定性.  相似文献   

采用阈下启动实验范式,探讨初中生内隐攻击性的发展特点。采用2(启动条件:暴力启动/中性启动)×2(性别:男/女)×3(年级:初一/初二/初三)被试间设计,对331名初中生进行施测。结果表明,暴力启动组和中性启动组、年级间的反应倾向存在显著的差异,初一、初二、初三年级两两之间的消极反应倾向均存在显著的差异,男生和女生之间的反应倾向差异不显著。结论:初中生的内隐攻击性会受到无意识的激活;随着年级递增,内隐攻击性受到阈下启动影响的程度有明显下降趋势;初中男、女生内隐攻击性不存在差异。  相似文献   

人类的大多数认知活动都发生意识觉察或意识控制之外。部分内隐加工会影响社会知觉、判断和行为。基于大量的内隐测量程序被开发、应用,以及更多使用内隐测量程序研究社会认知的报告的事实,内隐社会认知的最近15年可以被称为"测量时代(Age of Measurement)"。内隐测量的内容、结果与外显测量的既有区别也有联系,在关于社会认知的内容、加工过程及预测行为等方面各有优势。今后内隐测量的研究方向是探索内隐测量背手的心理机制,以及内隐测量到的心理构念影响行为的过程。  相似文献   

In this paper, research on implicitly measured teacher associations with social groups of students (attitudes and stereotypes) is reviewed. The aim of this review is to describe the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of the use of implicit measures in educational research, to summarize the research completed so far in which implicit measures have been used, how implicitly measured attitudes and stereotypes are related to different teacher factors and student outcomes, and to discuss challenges and directions for future research on implicit measures and their effects. A total of 49 studies was reviewed. These studies show that the use of implicit measures of teacher attitudes and stereotypes has great potential for the understanding of differential treatment of students by their teachers, but also that this line of research needs further development, with more focus on the validation of implicit measures and study designs in experimental and field settings.  相似文献   

Implicit bias, unconscious beliefs based upon stereotypes and prejudices, has emerged as a useful way to understand and explain issues of discrimination, particularly involving race. The influence of implicit bias has been explored in various academic disciplines and numerous contexts, including education. Despite the burgeoning research literature, there is limited research on the role implicit bias plays within the classroom. The goal of this special issue is to broaden and challenge the current thinking on teacher implicit bias and attitudes as well as their influence on students.  相似文献   

Implicit beliefs about the nature of human abilities have significant motivational, behavioral, and affective consequences. The purpose of this article was to review the application of implicit beliefs to the youth sport context and to provide theoretically derived and evidence-based instructional strategies to promote adaptive implicit beliefs about human abilities within this context. A narrative overview of theory and a review of research pertaining to implicit beliefs in education, sport, and physical activity are undertaken. Theoretically derived and evidence-based instructional strategies are outlined, and specific coaching behaviors are suggested. Six instructional strategies to promote adaptive implicit beliefs in these contexts are suggested: focusing on effort and persistence, facilitating challenge, promoting the value of failure, defining success as effort, the promotion of learning, and providing high expectations. It is concluded that instructional strategies may be used to facilitate positive motivational, behavioral, and affective outcomes for young people within a sport context.  相似文献   

Implicit attitudes can be activated by the mere presence of the attitude object. They are assumed to guide behavior in demanding situations, including the educational context. Implicit attitudes toward racial minority students could be important in contributing to the disadvantages those students experience in school. This study employed three different measures to investigate implicit attitudes toward racial minority students among preservice teachers. The IAT and the AMP showed more negative implicit attitudes toward racial minority than toward racial majority students; the affective priming task revealed that implicit attitudes toward racial majority students were positive, while those toward racial minority students were neutral. Results are discussed in their implications for preservice teachers’ judgments and behaviors.  相似文献   

Students often have a negative view on science, particularly women. Furthermore, academic level in math and science is usually considered as an innate ability. The aims of the study were to create an Implicit Association Test (IAT) in order to highlight the stereotype that science is innate, to identify if the gender of the participants impacts the results of this implicit measure and to compare self-report and implicit measures. Results showed that (1) science and innate are more easily associated in the IAT than liberal arts and innate, (2) women have a higher association of science and innate than men in the IAT (that is not the case in self-report measures).  相似文献   

Minority students are often disadvantaged in school. One factor contributing to this disadvantage may be teachers’ judgments; these may, in turn, be influenced by implicit attitudes. Implicit attitudes often guide automatic behavior, which comes into play when cognitive resources are restrained. This is particularly important for preservice teachers, who lack experience in the classroom. In an affective priming task, results showed ambivalent implicit attitudes toward students with immigration background and positive implicit attitudes toward native students. Such asymmetrical implicit evaluations could bias preservice teachers’ interactions with students in the classroom. Acquiring an understanding of the influence of implicit attitudes during their academic studies might help preservice teachers counter implicit and automatic influences.  相似文献   

网络社群是学习者提高认知水平的一种重要方式,社群中学习者的隐性知识在其认知过程中发挥着重要的作用。文章在分析隐性知识内涵的基础上,详细分析了网络社群中隐性知识的转化机制与问题,并提出了促进社群中学习者隐性知识习得的策略。  相似文献   

英语中否定形式多种多样,直接否定,含蓄否定也称意义否定,委婉否定,迁移否定,双重否定等。含蓄否定表达方式繁多,用法灵活。本文着重论述英语中含蓄否定的表达方法,分析含蓄否定可以达到的语言效果以及如何理解和翻译这一语言现象,以供英语学习者借鉴。  相似文献   

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