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In New York state, there is a perception that the fiscally dependent status of the five large city school districts creates an impediment to the attainment of standards. I attempt to assess the impact of fiscal dependence on educational spending. The results suggest that levels of spending may be systematically lower in the fiscally dependent districts. There is, however, little evidence that the general purpose governments to which these districts are fiscally dependent “steal” a disproportionate share of state aid for education. I conclude by evaluating policies that could mitigate any detrimental impact that fiscal dependence might have. This evaluation leads me to the conclusion that, even if spending levels are inadequate, elimination of fiscal dependency may not be the best policy for addressing this problem. Instead, policy makers may want to consider governance changes that would better align responsibilities for allocating revenues to the schools and for governing the schools.  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in the condition of school facilities as a dimension of school finance adequacy, reliable measures of capital stock for large samples of schools are hard to come by. In this article, we offer new methods for (a) measuring the existing capital stock of public schools, (b) defining adequacy in school facilities, and (c) measuring the cost of bringing existing school facilities up to an adequate standard. We apply our procedures to all school districts in Michigan, one of the few states that offers no state aid to local districts for the construction of capital facilities. Our estimates indicate large variations in school buildings and facilities across local communities that are highly correlated with local property wealth. Because we use publicly available data that are recently available for school districts nationwide, these methods can be readily replicated for other states.  相似文献   

Educational cost functions are used to estimate the additional costs associated with certain student and school district characteristics. Scholars and policymakers often assert that the results of cost function analysis can be used to distribute state aid more equitably among school districts. This technique, commonly referred to as “costing out,” allows state aid to vary with characteristics over which school officials have no control, with weights equal to coefficient estimates. This article reviews the literature that estimates educational cost functions and attempts to facilitate the comparison between the studies' methodologies and results.  相似文献   

In 2004, over 300 school districts in Texas challenged the constitutionality of the Texas system of school finance. In West Orange-Cove et al. v. Neeley et al., the plaintiffs argued that because most school districts were at or near a state-imposed property tax rate ceiling and because the share of state education funding was declining, most school districts had inadequate funds to satisfy the student performance standards mandated by the Texas Educational Accountability system. To address the empirical question of whether school districts have insufficient resources to meet the state's accountability standards, two cost function analyses were conducted. One study, entered into evidence by the state of Texas, reached the conclusion that "in aggregate, the level of education funding in Texas is more than sufficient to meet performance goals consistent with the state's accountability system." The other study, entered into evidence by the plaintiff school districts, concluded that, in aggregate, Texas school districts would need at least $2 billion in additional revenue to satisfy the requirements of the accountability system. In this article we describe the methodological similarities and differences between the two cost function studies and provide an assessment of why the two studies arrive at such different results. Based on the outcome of the case in district court-a victory for the plaintiffs-the article draws some lessons about the use of statistical-based models in a judicial setting.  相似文献   

美国四年制公立院校办学成本的递增折射出高校办学成本递增的一般特点,表现为办学成本的增长快于一般物价水平的增长,办学总成本的增幅快于生均教育成本的增幅,学生资助增幅快于教学费用增幅以及不同层次院校成本递增具有一定的差异性等方面。驱动办学成本递增的因素有入学规模、学术竞争、组织效率、教育产业属性、学生资助等。我国应加大高等教育投入、促进院校之间的适度办学竞争、加强学校成本管理、创新产权制度、完善学费和资助政策,以提高我国高等教育的质量和效率。  相似文献   

Conclusion As recently as 1970, total state and federal aid per capita for education was $65 for the CC and $83 for OCC areas (Colman, 1975, p. 169). Rather than helping to offset the significant cost disadvantages confronting cities, such aid actually contributed to the problem. As the plight of cities and their schools has surfaced, state and federal governments have responded with significant amounts of aid. While much has already been accomplished, a great deal still needs to be done. As long as cities continue to be the home of the poor and disadvantaged, equal educational opportunity requires that urban school systems spend considerably more per pupil than the surrounding suburban areas. While the question of just how much more should be spent on urban pupils is beyond the scope of this paper, in light of the special problems facing city schools, it is safe to assume that the difference noted in Table 6 will not be effective in securing equal educational opportunities for urban pupils. It is also true that although state aid has increased substantially since 1970, in many cases these increases have barely kept pace with diminishing local revenues. The differences found in Table 14 must increase if city school districts are to meet the challenge of providing quality education to their citizens.Joseph F. Murphy is a doctoral student in the Department of Educational Administration at the Ohio State University.  相似文献   

Charter schools can influence a school district's costs by reducing economies of scale and by changing the share of high cost students a district serves, but might also increase the district's efficiency through competition. Utilizing data for New York State school districts from 1998/99 to 2013/14, we estimate difference-in-differences models to assess the effect of charter schools on enrollment and student composition. Then, we estimate an expenditure function, using data prior to the charter school program, to measure the costs associated with reaching a given performance standard for students in various need categories and different enrollments. Next, using the entire data set, we run a second expenditure function to determine changes in efficiency associated with charter school entry. We find that charter schools increase the cost of providing education, and that these cost increases are larger than short-run efficiency gains, but are offset by efficiency gains in the long term.  相似文献   

This paper offers some evidence on the extent of substitution by local educational agencies of federal and state revenue for local revenue. Employing data for all school districts in South Carolina for 1978 and 1982, it is shown that each additional dollar of federal aid reduces local avenues (on average) by between 25 and 35 cents, implying that while local revenues are stimulated by federal aid, some of the latter is used in the form of tax relief. State aid appears to be more stimulative, especially for 1978 and 1982, although preliminary data for 1985 indicate some local substitution. The stability of the regression coefficients from 1978 to 1982 is also explored.  相似文献   

This article develops a general framework for the analysis of education finance reforms. Most of the recent literature concentrates o on the demands and ignores the costs of educational services. Proposed reforms that account for different costs assume that the supply of all educational inputs are infinitely price elastic. The article presents a model for the supply of different types of teachers and an optimization model of the school district which maximizes a general welfare function subject to production function and budget constraints. Derived demand equations are obtained under the assumptions of (1) perfect competition, (2) monopsony, and (3) monopsony plus endogenous property tax rates. The equations are simplified and estimated using data from Pennsylvania school districts. A major policy implication for school finance reform is that present schemes for state equalization aid may be fundamentally flawed because they do not properly account for the effects of demand shifts (with upward sloping supply curves) on education input prices.  相似文献   

The Yonkers public school district is under a federal court order to desegregate its schools. Accordingly, the district has developed and implemented a detailed desegregation plan that will cost up to $170 million over a five-year period. However, there are various constraints on school district financing that could affect the plan. The Board of Education in Yonkers, which is appointed by the mayor, is fiscally dependent on the city. Thus, the school district budget must be approved by city officials. Also, because Yonkers appears to be a wealthy district, it receives less wealth-equalized state aid than other large-city districts. Given these circumstances, in addition to increase in state and federal aid, other measures to assist the district should be explored. Note: The opinions expressed in this paper are my own and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the New York State Education Department.  相似文献   

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) requires states to test specified subjects and grades, to establish minimum performance standards for students, schools and school districts, and to provide assistance and impose sanctions on schools and districts that do not meet performance goals as a condition of receiving federal aid. NCLB builds on earlier federal and state education reform initiatives, and its success depends on the willingness and capacity of states and localities to enact its more stringent provisions. This article examines challenges facing states as they implement the new law and concludes that most lack the human and fiscal resources to support school improvement.  相似文献   

This paper investigates estimation methods to model the relationship between school district size, costs per student and the organisation of school districts. We show that the assumptions on the functional form strongly affect the estimated scale economies and offer two possible solutions to allow for more flexibility in the estimation method. First, we introduce a model by adding higher‐degree district size polynomials, allowing for multiple optima. Second, we develop a Fourier cost function, innovative in the literature on scale economies in education. We then compare both models to classical approaches in the literature. We illustrate how a minor change in the estimation method can alter policy conclusions significantly using Flemish school district data. In doing so, we find sizeable potential cost savings from the consolidation of school districts, especially at the lower tail of the district–size distribution. The organisational transition from small to large school districts is characterised by an interval between two optima. Beyond an apparent slowdown in cost savings in medium‐sized school districts, cost savings from school district consolidation increase again, up to the optimal size of around 6,500 students. Beyond this optimum, school districts incur diseconomies of scale. The commonly used quadratic form (‘U’‐shaped cost function) overestimates scale economies, and fails to identify the interval between both optima.  相似文献   

As the sophistication of technology has increased, so has public demand for quality. This expectation of quality has occurred across a broad range of products and systems, including education. To meet the demand for quality, many products and systems (including educational ones) have become increasingly complex. Within education there are also other factors which have driven up levels of complexity. These factors include increased diversity in the student body, a greater emphasis on collaboration and the drive to replace simple “delivery models” of teaching. It is well known from other fields, though, that as systems become more complex, they become more vulnerable to failure. For this reason, a formalised methodology known as “systems engineering” is often applied in industry to the management of large systems. The author argues that the use of systems engineering concepts in education would be likely to reduce failure rates and improve quality. This is particularly so in large-scale complex learning systems. The paper also discusses some implications of trying to use systems engineering methodology in modern educational systems.  相似文献   

This paper considers how the structures of teacher salaries in public school districts have changed over the last quarter century and whether salary increases have been allocated so as to achieve the greatest gain in educational quality. Using New York state data for the 1970–1994 period, we find that even though some districts appear to behave in ways consistent with the often expressed goal of recruiting and retaining the most able college graduates, most districts do not. The vast majority of districts have inefficiently allocated a disproportionately large share of resources to veteran teachers for whom job tenure is only marginally affected. This finding has important implications for the policy debate regarding whether increased spending on education will, or could, improve educational performance as well as the design of alternative compensation schemes.  相似文献   

Despite its essential role in educational reform, professional development typically does not receive adequate support in systemic reform efforts. This article presents an exception—a state that incorporated professional development as a central priority in its reform effort and four schools that used state resources to build their capacity for enacting the reform agenda. We describe central features of Kentucky's approach to professional development, characterize elements of professional development within the four schools, and discuss how these elements promoted three dimensions of school capacity: individual teachers’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions; professional community; and program coherence. Based on this “image of the possible,” we offer recommendations for professional development that supports systemic, standards-based educational reform.  相似文献   

Most states have adopted assessment and accountability systems that involve common measures of student performance. A state assessment system that allows school districts to choose the specific strategies they use to measure student performance on state-adopted content standards presents a unique state accountability challenge. The authors propose an accountability model that addresses this challenge using a combination of student performance, technical quality, and noncognitive indicators of performance. They also describe a study that evaluated the proposed model using data from all school districts in a southern state.  相似文献   

Recent legislative and local school accountability efforts have placed a premium on the collection, analysis, and use of student assessment data for educational improvement. As a result, schools have sought assessments that will provide additional information about student performance. In response, a burgeoning boon industry formed—formative educational assessment systems. In this study we describe how districts search for and acquire formative assessment systems to meet their needs. We focus on three school districts that adopted three different formative assessment systems. Our findings suggest the fit between a system’s characteristics and a school district’s intended use is the most important consideration in instituting a successful formative assessment system that will have a positive impact on teacher education and student learning.  相似文献   

论NCLB法案以来美国教育行政管理体制的改革趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着对教育公平和教育质量的诉求不断深入,美国传统的基础教育管理体制近年来也不断重构,以适应教育改革的需要。如今,联邦已通过推进问责和评价机制以及增加教育拨款,主导了教育改革的方向与进程;各州通过建立和推行州内的问责体制、学术标准和评价体系,其教育决策权和管理权得到了极大扩张;学校获得了更多的灵活性和自主权来优化课程与教学;而学区却向辅助性、支援性的角色蜕变。由NCLB法案确立并广泛施行的问责和评价机制,是导致上述体制变革的直接原因。  相似文献   

This paper examines the combination of expenditure and revenue problems that contribute to the financial plight of central-city school districts. Both educational overburden and related overburden are examined, as are expenditure differentials between central-city and other types of districts. Big-city problems in the areas of tax capacity and effort are examined, and the effects of intergovernmental activity on the problems of city school districts are analyzed.  相似文献   

This article addresses the broad issue of how research information can be integrated into the policy and decision processes of educational systems. Our specific foci here is on one type of educational system -- school districts; on research designed to answer specific questions for that district; and, on one major element of the research process -- dissemination. This paper draws heavily upon our experiences in a large, urban American school district, where we work on the problem of how to improve the system's evaluation research capability. This work began in 1978 and continues today. This article has four major section. Background is provided on the nature of the collaboration with the school district. Then, basic strategies for conducting decision-oriented educational research that have emerged from the work are described briefly. This is followed by a discussion of the broad issue of research use. The final section is a detailed review of what we have learned about the relationship between dissemination and utilization.  相似文献   

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