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Objectives: To explore the mechanism of development and aggressiveness in gastric carcinomas by investigating the expression and role of CD97 and its cellular ligand CD55 in gastric carcinomas. Methods: Tumor and corresponding normal mucosal tissue, collected from 39 gastric carcinoma patients, were examined by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR for the expression of CD97 and CD55. Results: CD97stalk was strongly stained on scattered tumor cells or small tumor cell clusters at the invasion front of gastric carcinomas. The expression of CD97stalk was frequently observed in tumors of stage Ⅰ and T1 gastric carcinoma patients. The expression of CD97stalk between Stage Ⅰ and Stage Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ specimens showed significant difference (P<0.05), between T1 and T2, T3, T4 specimens also showed significant difference (P<0.05). Specimens with tumor invasion depth limited in mucosa of T 1 specimens showed higher positive CD55 expression than specimens with the same tumor invasion depth in T2, T3, T4 specimens, the expression of CD55 between T1 and T2, T3, T4 specimens was significantly different (P<0.05).There was strong correlation between the distribution patterns of CD97stalk and CD55 on tumor tissues (r=0.73, P<0.05). Signet ring cell carcinomas frequently contained strong CD97stalk and CD55-staining. Conclusions: Our results suggest that CD97stalk is probably involved in the growth, invasion and aggressiveness of gastric carcinomas by binding its cellular ligand CD55. CD97stalk and CD55 could be useful as molecular markers for prognosis and therapy of gastric carcinoma patients.  相似文献   

Objectives: To explore the mechanism of development and aggressiveness in gastric carcinomas by investigating the expression and role of CD97 and its cellular ligand CD55 in gastric carcinomas. Methods: Tumor and corresponding normal mucosal tissue, collected from 39 gastric carcinoma patients, were examined by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR for the expression of CD97 and CD55. Results: CD97stalk was strongly stained on scattered tumor cells or small tumor cell clusters at the invasion front of gastric carcinomas. The expression of CD97stalk was frequently observed in tumors of stage I and T1 gastric carcinoma patients. The expression of CD97stalk between Stage I and Stage II, III, IV specimens showed significant difference (P<0.05), between T1 and T2, T3, T4 specimens also showed significant difference (P<0.05). Specimens with tumor invasion depth limited in mucosa of T1 specimens showed higher positive CD55 expression than specimens with the same tumor invasion depth in T2, T3, T4 specimens, the expression of CD55 between T1 and T2 T3, T4 specimens was significantly different (P<0.05). There was strong correlation between the distribution patterns of CD97stalk and CD55 on tumor tissues (r=0.73,P<0.05). Signet ring cell carcinomas frequently contained strong CD97stalk and CD55-staining. Conclusions: Our results suggest that CD97stalk is probably involved in the growth, invasion and aggressiveness of gastric carcinomas by binding its cellular ligand CD55. CD97stalk and CD55 could be useful as molecular markers for prognosis and therapy of gastric carcinoma patients. Project (No. 2004C34010) supported by the Science and Technology Bureau of Zhejiang Province, China  相似文献   

1IntroductionHyper-IgMsyndrome(HIM)isarareimmunodeficiencycharacterizedbyanincreasedsusceptibilitytorecurrentinfectionsandmar...  相似文献   

系统地记录中国蚱总科中羊角蚱属、柯蚱属及台蚱属的种类,以检索表形式进行分类研究,共记述羊角蚱属33种,柯蚱属29种,台蚱属55种,其中包括7新种,即广东羊角蚱Criotettix guangdongensis sp.nov.、广州柯蚱Coptotettix guangzhouensis sp.nov.、尖峰柯蚱Coptotettix jianfengensis sp.nov.、直缘柯蚱Coptotettix orthomarginis sp.nov.、海南台蚱Formosatettix hainanensis sp.nov.、波股台蚱Formosatettix undulatifemura sp.nov.及黑胫台蚱Formosatettix nigritibia sp.nov..模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所.  相似文献   

目的探讨CD40-CD40配体相互作用对体外培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)增殖及迁移的影响。方法采用Ⅱ型胶原酶消化法培养人脐静脉内皮细胞,以3H-胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷(3H-TdR)、3H-亮氨酸(3H-Leu)掺入法分别测定HUVEC增殖,内皮细胞的迁移采用琼脂糖凝胶刮取法,倒置显微镜观察。结果CD40-CD40配体相互作用能明显促进HUVEC3H-TdR、3H-Leu的掺入,两者具有时间、剂量依赖性,CD40-CD40配体相互作用随CD40L浓度的增加及刺激时间延长(30h内),能明显增加内皮细胞迁移率,an-ti-CD40单克隆抗体能明显抑制上述效应。结论CD40-CD40配体相互作用能促进内皮细胞增殖、迁移。  相似文献   



Salmonella enterica remains a major cause of food-borne disease in humans, and Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) contamination of poultry products is a worldwide problem. Since macrophages play an essential role in controlling Salmonella infection, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of glycyrrhizic acid (GA) on immune function of chicken HD11 macrophages.


Chicken HD11 macrophages were treated with GA (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, or 800 μg/ml) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 500 ng/ml) for 3, 6, 12, 24, or 48 h. Evaluated responses included phagocytosis, bacteria-killing, gene expression of cell surface molecules (cluster of differentiation 40 (CD40), CD80, CD83, and CD197) and antimicrobial effectors (inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), NADPH oxidase-1 (NOX-1), interferon-γ (IFN-γ), LPS-induced tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α factor (LITAF), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and IL-10), and production of nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).


GA increased the internalization of both fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran and ST by HD11 cells and markedly decreased the intracellular survival of ST. We found that the messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of cell surface molecules (CD40, CD80, CD83, and CD197) and cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-6, and IL-10) of HD11 cells was up-regulated following GA exposure. The expression of iNOS and NOX-1 was induced by GA and thereby the productions of NO and H2O2 in HD11 cells were enhanced. Notably, it was verified that nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways were responsible for GA-induced synthesis of NO and IFN-γ gene expression.


Taken together, these results suggested that GA exhibits a potent immune regulatory effect to activate chicken macrophages and enhances Salmonella-killing capacity.

教育要因材施教   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨因材施教原则在我国高等教育教学改革中的具体运用。我国各大高校在高等教育教学改革的进程中 ,注重因材施教 ,努力探索 ,为国家、社会培养出高素质的学生。如浙江工业大学的“提高班”、福州大学在本科生中推行的“导师制”、湖南师大英语A、B、C三层次教学法 ,大学的辅修专业制、我院在英语课程中采用分层次教学 ,文理科学生选用不同的英语教材及实行学分制等  相似文献   

山东博山是著名的鲁中古镇、琉璃之乡,明清时期人文荟萃、名家辈出。其中赵、孙、钱、蒋四姓,有"四大家族"之称。四姓之中,赵氏由科第起家,成为明清著名的文学世家,赵进美、赵执信等人对明末清初文坛产生了巨大影响;孙氏由琉璃世家转为文化世家,孙廷铨的《颜山杂记》是国内唯一一部涉及古代琉璃生产的专著;蒋、钱二姓则由工商业起家,号为博山首富。在博山陶琉业的传承与兴盛方面,孙氏、蒋氏的贡献首当其冲;蒋、钱二姓则多次联手举义,在地方文物、园林建筑的保存与重建方面功不可没。  相似文献   

江泽民同志曾亲自参加过"一二·一"运动,并在"一二·一"运动的锻炼中表现出色且逐渐成为"学生领袖",并随继加入了中国共产党.可以说,"一二·一"运动对江泽民同志的影响是显而易见的.江泽民同志还对西南联大的后继者--云南师范大学寄予了殷切的希望.  相似文献   

两岸四地“将”字句的使用频率相差不多,但是语义类型却有不小的差别,这主要表现在谓语动词的选择和使用上:大陆多为[+强处置性、弱致使性],而台港澳地区则多用[+强致使性、弱处置性]动词。除此之外.大陆与台港澳在“将”字句在书面语体色彩上还有一定的“程度”之别,而台港澳三地之间也存在“大同”之下的“小异”。  相似文献   

<正>Comment on Vigliocco,G.et al.(2005)and Review on SapirWhorf Hypothesis Does language shape thought?The question derived from Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis has never been easy to answer with certainty.Nevertheless,the attempts and trials of tackling this question seldom stops.The Vigliocco et al.paper"Grammatical  相似文献   

江泽民“三个代表”思想的提出与列宁主义党建思想的产生有着相似的历史背景;“三个代表”思想实践并丰富了列宁主义的党建思想;“三个代表”思想同列宁主义的党建思想一样,各自在不同的历史时期起到了历史性的伟大作用。  相似文献   

江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想,是对马克思主义的重大理论创新。本文通过对江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想的深入研究,提出了江泽民同志创新马克思主义的四条重要的方法论原则并作了系统阐述,强调了学习掌握江泽民同志创新马克思主义的方法论对于全面贯彻“三个代表”要求的重要性。  相似文献   

Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) may be a more inclusive entry point to scientific research than independent research experiences, and the implementation of CUREs at the introductory level may therefore be a way to improve the diversity of the scientific community.The U.S. scientific research community does not reflect America''s diversity. Hispanics, African Americans, and Native Americans made up 31% of the general population in 2010, but they represented only 18 and 7% of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) bachelor''s and doctoral degrees, respectively, and 6% of STEM faculty members (National Science Foundation [NSF], 2013 ). Equity in the scientific research community is important for a variety of reasons; a diverse community of researchers can minimize the negative influence of bias in scientific reasoning, because people from different backgrounds approach a problem from different perspectives and can raise awareness regarding biases (Intemann, 2009 ). Additionally, by failing to be attentive to equity, we may exclude some of the best and brightest scientific minds and limit the pool of possible scientists (Intemann, 2009 ). Given this need for equity, how can our scientific research community become more inclusive?Current approaches to improving diversity in scientific research focus on graduating more STEM majors, but graduation with a STEM undergraduate degree alone is not ­sufficient for entry into graduate school. Undergraduate independent research experiences are becoming more or less a prerequisite for admission into graduate school and eventually a career in academia; a quick look at the recommendations for any of the top graduate programs in biology or science career–related websites state an expectation for ­undergraduate research and a perceived handicap if recommendation letters for graduate school do not include a ­discussion of the applicant''s research experience (Webb, 2007 ; Harvard ­University, 2013 ).Independent undergraduate research experiences have been shown to improve the retention of students in scientific research (National Research Council, 2003 ; Laursen et al., 2010 ; American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011 ; Eagan et al., 2013 ). Participation in independent research experiences has been shown to increase interest in pursuing a PhD (Seymour et al., 2004 ; Russell et al., 2007 ) and seems to be particularly beneficial for students from historically underrepresented backgrounds (Villarejo et al., 2008 ; Jones et al., 2010 ; Espinosa, 2011 ; Hernandez et al., 2013 ). However, the limited number of undergraduate research opportunities available and the structure of how students are selected for these independent research lab positions exclude many students and can perpetuate inequities in the research community. In this essay, we highlight barriers faced by students interested in pursuing an undergraduate independent research experience and factors that impact how faculty members select students for these limited positions. We examine how bringing research experiences into the required course work for students could mitigate these issues and ultimately make research more inclusive.  相似文献   

江淹"才尽"时间考辨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“江郎才尽”是一个有意味的话题。搞清楚江淹“才尽”的时间对探讨江淹“才尽’’的原因十分重要。江淹在永明前或永明初已经“才尽”,至永明中有“才尽”之恶谥,到建武年问江淹方以托梦之说来解释自己“才尽”的原因。  相似文献   

"清空"是宋代词学发展的一个趋向,表现为词在创作上由运用才学到化用才学为"清空";词在理论上由无意为词到建立法度,然后再超越这些浅易的法度而走向"清空"。宋代词学实际上存在两种"清空":一是苏轼突破法度行云流水式的"清空",二是姜夔的那种蕴含着一定法度的"清空"。江湖词派所尊崇的姜夔式的"清空",与吴文英的"质实"在词法上有疏密之分,但不存在整体风格上的矛盾;二者前后相继,取长补短,共同承载着骚雅的审美理想。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the attitudes of Latina/o college students in the U.S. toward online counseling, with particular attention to the role of gender, self-stigma, perceptions of stigma by others, and acculturation within a sample of 231 college students. This cross-sectional survey used the ‘Perceived Stigmatization by Others for Seeking Psychological Help Scale’ (Vogel et al. 2009), the ‘Self-Stigma of Seeking Psychological Help Scale’ (Vogel et al. 2006), and the ‘Short Acculturation Scale for Hispanics’ (Marin et al. 1987) to measure attitudes toward online counseling. Online counseling had a significant but weak relationship with self-stigma. Additionally, a hierarchical multiple regression analysis tested variables that might predict attitudes toward online counseling, using previous experience with counseling and gender as control variables. In the overall model, previous experience with counseling, acculturation, and self-stigma significantly predicted attitudes toward online counseling. The implications of the findings as well as areas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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