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声乐是音乐艺术中的一门特殊学科 ,长期以来 ,声乐教学没有统一的标准和训练方法。我们认为 ,声乐教学必须正确处理好声音与气息、喉头相对稳定与调整变化、声音靠前与靠后、声与情的辩证关系 ,这也是搞好声乐教学必须遵循的一般规律  相似文献   

声乐的魅力取决于声音的情感表现,不仅仅在于声音的美妙,更重要的是情感的真挚抒发,所以情感是声乐演唱中最重要的部分。在声乐演唱中,声音、演唱技巧与情感的辩证关系,说明了在声乐演唱中声音、演唱技巧与情感是密不可分统一的整体。情感表达是声乐演唱的灵魂和生命。  相似文献   

声乐教学是一项复杂的系统工作,它要求从事声乐教学的教师,具备应有的知识和经验,同时还要能够摒弃主观武断,运用辩证的思维方式,正确地处理好歌唱发音与说话发音、歌唱训练中的紧张与松驰、歌唱呼吸中的控制与流动之间的辩证关系,寻求声乐训练的最佳效果。  相似文献   

从分析声乐教学艺术的独特个性入手,结合声部的鉴定,论述声乐艺术在教与学两方面的辩证关系,强调在知识传授的基础上的基本技能培养;在示范讲解的基础上的自我感觉培养;在统一声音观点认识基础上的客观听觉感受与主观听觉感受的谐调。探讨教学过程中充分运用科学的教学手段来体现上述要点,其中包括:准确示范与直观模仿;主观与客观多方位的转换;直观性与形象化的融合以及声音训练与歌曲音乐表现的灵活处理。  相似文献   

“声情并茂”是传统声乐的审美原则,在声乐教学里要处理和体现好“声”(声音技能)和“情”(作品的情感)二者之间的辩证关系,这是声乐教学中的重要环节。  相似文献   

民族声乐女高音是民族声乐演唱中具有华丽色彩的重要部分。笔者阐述了民声女高音学习者对民族声乐女高音声音形象的定位与把握,分析了民族声乐女高音声音形象形成的原因,提出了通过科学的发声训练,完成民族声乐女高音声音形象塑造的方法,旨在使歌唱观念与科学训练相结合,完成民族声乐女高音声音形象的塑造。  相似文献   

高师声乐生在歌唱技能训练过程中,普遍存在喊叫现象、气息僵化、喉头不稳、声音无力等技术问题,章剖析产生这些问题的原因,并对矫正策略作出研究。  相似文献   

协调好各个器官的正常运动和相互间的协调关系对声乐演唱至关重要,文章研究了声乐中舌位与共鸣协调的辩证关系。首先从舌位的生理结构、舌位与共鸣的结构关系方面简略的分析了舌位与共鸣协调的关系,然后重点从舌头与气息、舌头与通道、舌肌与共鸣体、舌头与咬字吐字等的辩证关系角度,分析了如何使这些器官按照需要活动,并且不断的打破原来的平衡获得新的、更高的平衡,从而获得更加优美的声音。  相似文献   

协调好各个器官的正常运动和相互间的协调关系对声乐演唱至关重要,文章研究了声乐中舌位与共鸣协调的辩证关系。首先从舌位的生理结构、舌位与共鸣的结构关系方面简略的分析了舌位与共鸣协调的关系,然后重点从舌头与气息、舌头与通道、舌肌与共鸣体、舌头与咬字吐字等的辩证关系角度,分析了如何使这些器官按照需要活动,并且不断的打破原来的平衡获得新的、更高的平衡,从而获得更加优美的声音。  相似文献   

声乐是情感的艺术,声音中技能训练与歌唱有机结合,才能完成声乐作品的演唱。  相似文献   

本文从英汉语言对比的角度入手,分析了英语的静态优势与汉语的动态特征在翻译过程中的体现。作者从两种语言的语义特征、语法结构差异的角度出发,探讨了英语中“名词优势于动词”现象及其对应的各种英汉翻译技巧。  相似文献   

全球化与相互依赖的发展为威斯特伐利亚体系的继续生存带来了严峻挑战。如何适应新的环境、并适当调整以延续其生命力,是当前国际关系乃至于政治学面临的重要问题之一。本文从探讨威斯特伐利亚体系的初始逻辑出发,全面分析了该体系的宽容、自由放任以及自我超越的逻辑,并与现实对立面相比较。本文认为,该体系有很大的弹性和适应性,当前国际关系发展很大程度上是对其初始逻辑的回归,而非超越。要全面、充分地实现这些逻辑,仍需将低政治领域广泛存在的宽容外溢至高政治领域,通过寻求实现资源稀缺的和平解决方式实现其自由放任逻辑,推动全球治理由等级制向网络化方向转变、保证自我超越逻辑的首要地位。  相似文献   

John J. Furedy 《Interchange》1997,28(4):331-350
The paper begins with an elaboration of the terms in the title, for which I claim accuracy though no comfort. Academic freedom is defined for all members of the academic community (students and faculty) as the right to be evaluated only in terms of performance (merit), and not at all in terms of opinions (comfort). The current contrasting culture of comfort on Canadian campuses is a velvet totalitarian one, where, except for the severity of punishments, all other salient features of totalitarian regimes are present. Distinctions that are clear in principle (though difficult to make in practice, under some circumstances) are asserted to hold between: acts and opinions; opinions and performance; academic freedom and power; symmetrical and asymmetrical power relationships; issue- and person-directed opinions. The paper concludes with brief comments on the papers of Professors Bond (1996), Kubara (1996), and Wilson (1996), which were included in the Symposium on Climate Issues, Speech Codes, and Academic Freedom published in Interchange, Volume 27, #2, 1996. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Study of cultural difference of paralanguage use between Chinese and American TV talk show hosts is important for intercultural communication. The result shows that American TV talk show host uses more paralanguage signals than her Chinese counterpart. And American host uses more types of paralanguage signals than her Chinese counterpart. The difference of paralangue use indicates the cultural difference between China and America on the values of equality vs. hierarchy and individualism vs. collectivism. The study is significant in that it helps us to understand the hidden cultural values in TV talk shows and promotes nonverbal communication.  相似文献   

Study of cultural difference of paralanguage use between Chinese and American TV talk show hosts is important for in?tercultural communication. The result shows that American TV talk show host uses mor...  相似文献   

This study examined and compared various statistical methods for detecting individual differences in change. Considering 3 issues including test forms (specific vs. generalized), estimation procedures (constrained vs. unconstrained), and nonnormality, we evaluated 4 variance tests including the specific Wald variance test, the generalized Wald variance test, the specific likelihood ratio (LR) variance test, and the generalized LR variance test under both constrained and unconstrained estimation for both normal and nonnormal data. For the constrained estimation procedure, both the mixture distribution approach and the alpha correction approach were evaluated for their performance in dealing with the boundary problem. To deal with the nonnormality issue, we used the sandwich standard error (SE) estimator for the Wald tests and the Satorra–Bentler scaling correction for the LR tests. Simulation results revealed that testing a variance parameter and the associated covariances (generalized) had higher power than testing the variance solely (specific), unless the true covariances were zero. In addition, the variance tests under constrained estimation outperformed those under unconstrained estimation in terms of higher empirical power and better control of Type I error rates. Among all the studied tests, for both normal and nonnormal data, the robust generalized LR and Wald variance tests with the constrained estimation procedure were generally more powerful and had better Type I error rates for testing variance components than the other tests. Results from the comparisons between specific and generalized variance tests and between constrained and unconstrained estimation were discussed.  相似文献   

王夫之是明清之际最杰出的思想家之一,与当时的一代宗师顾炎武、黄宗羲、孙奇逢及陆世仪等比较,他更具思辨性和哲学抽象性。因此他留下的思想更显傅大精深。他以出众的睿智和超凡的勤奋潜心于中国传统思想的整理研究,尤其是对传统理学的研究。他在宇宙观上继承发展张载的“气”论说,并吸收程朱理学、陆王心学的合理因素,提出气本生化论,完成了对儒学宇宙观的最高总结。以此为基础,他对理学的主要范畴进行整理、阐释,从而构建起自己引发新观念的理学创新思想。因此,他的著述虽然被隐埋了很长时间,但他那极具生命活力的思想在近代中国历史上仍然闪烁着耀眼的火花。  相似文献   

喀什新派汉语方言有许多文白异读字,这些文白异读字的语音来源各不相同,分别来自中原官话关中片、甘肃兰银官话和北京官话。经研究表明,喀什汉语方言仍然属于关中官话南疆片,但北京官话对它的影响已经越来越显著,从文白异读字这个角度就可以看出这一特点。  相似文献   

从发话人的角度对英语被动语态进行语用平面分析,重点分析发话人的话语意图和被动语态的使用策略。  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of marital disruption and family environment on three major events that mark the transition from adolescence to young adulthood for children between the ages of 16 and 25, these being leaving school, entering the labor market and obtaining permanent employment. This is a gender approach, given that the two sexes experience the process in different ways.The duration models that estimate the timing of events reveal that the factors which favor education (i.e., intact family, parents’ education, mother more educated than father, mother never worked for pay) produce a higher-performance work path, and vice-versa (i.e., family disruption, number of siblings, caring for grandparents). The comparative gender analysis shows that daughters receive more education, are less likely to obtain a permanent job and, at the same time, they are more sensitive to the family environment and produce a positive externality on both brothers and sisters.  相似文献   

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