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目的:了解湘潭市在校大学生结核病流行特征及其影响因素,为制定高校结核病防治措施提供科学依据。方法:对该市2006年-2011年大学生结核病疫情进行监测和分析。结果:2006-2011年大学生新登记结核病病人269例,平均年发病率为51.33/10万,痰涂片阳性64例,痰涂片阳性率为12.2%。结论:该市大学生结核登记率呈上升趋势,应加强大学生结核病的监测防治,以降低发病率和控制暴发流行。  相似文献   

目的:探讨预防性治疗在大学生结核病防治中的效果。方法:对该市5所大学2000-2001年入学新生18950人进行PPD试验,PPD试验阳性且胸部X线检查正常的学生进行预防性治疗。将学生分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组给予利福喷汀和力克肺疾每周2次;肝泰乐每日3次,连续3个月。观察3年的发病情况。分别计算发病率。结果:参加学生3457人,其中有1875名学生参加了治疗,完成率92.96%,不良反应率1.22%。三年中治疗组发生结核3例,年均发病率53.33/10万;对照组1582名发生结核11例,年均发病率231.77/10万。两组的年发病率有显著性。结论:大学生中进行的该结核感染预防性治疗有效、可行。  相似文献   

目的:为了解宜春市袁州区1990-1999年钩端螺旋体病的流行特征,方法:对袁州区1990-1999年疫情资料进行描述性流行病学分析,结果与结论:宜春市袁州区1990-1999年共发生钩端螺旋体病3174例,死亡40例,年发病率为36.91/0万,年均病死率为1.26%,农民为主要发病人群,男女之比为2.34:1,7至9月为发病的高峰月,发病人群均有稻田劳动史,大搞爱国卫生运动,防鼠灭鼠,生猪圈养,对钩端螺体易感人群接种钩体疫苗,能够有效地降低钩端螺旋体病的发病率。  相似文献   

目的:掌握祥云县HIV/AIDS流行趋势,为制订防控措施提供依据。方法:利用描述流行病学方法分析祥云县2004年至2011年报告的祥云籍HIV/AIDS疫情资料。结果:2004年至2011年祥云县共报告祥云籍HIV/AIDS389例,年平均报告率10.6。1/10万,死亡58例;其发病率的分布特征为:2004年至2007年呈快速增长趋势,2008年至2010年趋于平缓;县城高于坝区,坝区高于山区;男性(14.62/10万,年均)大于女性(6.89/10万,年均),两者差异有统计学意义(X%36.82,P〈0.05),在男性和女性中的比例为2.27:1;以20~40~为主,占79.69%;以农民(293例)为主,占82-4%;以初中以下学历为主,占97.13%;以非婚性接触和静脉吸毒为主,分别占病例总数的45.76%、38.56%。结论:祥云县艾滋病疫情经过实施全球基金艾滋病控制项目后,疫情已得到初步遏制。由于HIV/AIDS疫情的复杂性,感染途径的多样性,必须加强对艾滋病防治知识宣传,提高全民预防艾滋病的意识;重点应对农民、待业青年开展宣传和教育,加强对流动人口的管理;进一步完善咨询检测网络,提高艾滋病的发现,以有效控制艾滋病的蔓延。  相似文献   

2005年,教育部给我省提出的中职指导性招生计划是37万,比2004年扩招10万,占全国扩招总数的1/10。中等职业学校实际完成招生39.8万人.其中职业高中招生18.1万人,中专招生17.2万人.技工学校招生4.5万人。目前,全省中等职业学校在校生数达到91.6万人。  相似文献   

近几年,张家口市梅毒发病率逐年增长,现将1996~1998年梅毒疫情分析如下:1 资料来源 根据传染史,临床和实验室检查确诊后上报的疫情。疫情资料来源于本市各县、区各级医疗单位、性病防治中心报病。2 流行特征2.1 发病情况 张家口市报告梅毒,1996年6例发病率为0.1378/10万;1997年26例发病率0.5942/10万;1998年53例发病率为1.2114/10万。2.2 一般资料  相似文献   

癌症,给人的印象是既熟悉又可怕。熟悉在于:它的总发病率在180/10万左右,也就是每10万人中有180个人患癌症,可以说癌症已经成为一种常见病和多发病;可怕在于:2010年,大约60万美国人、全世界超过700万人死于癌症。四分之一美国人、全球15%人口的死因归咎于癌症。不久前,卫生部部长陈竺在第21届世界抗癌大会发言中说,癌症已成中国居民第一死因,每年有180万人因此去世。我国癌症死亡率持续增长。当前的死亡率分别比上个世纪70年代和90年代增加83.1%和22.5%。  相似文献   

阴道毛滴虫感染引起的滴虫性阴道炎是一种常见的妇科病,近年来已被列为最流行的性传播疾病(STD)之一[1].据WHO估计,滴虫病占全球每年3亿3千多万性传播疾病新患者的50%以上.  相似文献   

分析全国各地历年中考物理试题,本章考点有五个.考点一:质量和密度的单位及换算例1下列单位换算中正确的是:()A0.5千米=5×109微米;B.1.7×10-27千克=1.7×10-24毫克;C.54千米/时=15米/秒;D.78千克/米3=7.8克/厘米3.(94年,天津市)分析与解本题考查了长度、速度、质量、密度的单位换算,只要掌握了它们的单位进率,即可得出正确答案.因为1千米=10’微米,1干克=106毫克,1千米/时米/秒,1千克/米3=10-3克/厘米3,所以选项A、B、D错,故本题正确答案为C.考点二:天平的使用例2使用托盘天平称物体…  相似文献   

目的:研究奉新县尖锐湿疣的发病现状及流行特点,为控制尖锐湿疣的流行制定对策提供科学依据。方法:对奉新县所有开展皮肤性病诊疗的医疗机构收集尖锐湿疣的新发病例,其确诊采用肉眼观察、醋白试验与病理活检相结合的方式进行。结果:全县31.7万人口中,半年内尖锐湿疣新发病人数42例,年发病率26.5/10万,其中男性32例,女性10例,男性发病率高于女性;42例患者中年龄最小的18岁,最大74岁,主要集中在25-34岁这一年龄段;职业分布以无业人员最多;患者的文化程度、经济收入分别以高中/中专和500-2000元/月为主。结论:奉新县尖锐湿疣发病率在全国同类地区处于较低水平,及时加强卫生宣教并采取有针对性的措施是其当前控制尖锐湿疣流行的重要手段。  相似文献   

网络嗅探器(sniffer)无论是在网络安全还是在黑客攻击方面均扮演了很重要的角色。通过使用网络嗅探器可以把网卡设置于混杂模式,并可实现对网络上传输的数据包的捕获与分析。在网络安全方面,网络嗅探手段可以有效地探测在网络上传输的数据包信息,通过对这些信息的分析利用是有助于网络安全维护的。但如为黑客所利用也可以为其发动进一步的攻击提供有价值的信息。可见,嗅探器实际是一把双刃剑。本将对网络嗅探器的原理进行分析并探讨了一些防止被sniffer的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨尿激酶对有小房形成的胸腔积液的治疗作用.方法:配合病因治疗,对64例有小房形成的胸腔积液随机分2组,治疗组34例胸腔内注射生理盐水10~20ml 尿激酶10~20万单位;对照组30例给予生理盐水10~20ml 糜蛋白酶10~15万单位.结果:尿激酶组优于糜蛋白酶组,统计学上具有显著性差异(P<0.05).结论:尿激酶和糜蛋白酶治疗有小房形成的胸腔积液安全而有效.  相似文献   

子网掩码是一个32位地址,用于屏蔽IP地址的一部分以区别网络地址和主机地址。子网划分时,子网掩码设置不同,所得到的子网就不同,每个子网能容纳的主机数目也不同。若设置错误,则可能导致数据传输错误。详细介绍了子网划分与掩码的设置方法。  相似文献   

Attempts to identify characteristics of children who have been sexually abused have generally been based on cases reported to clinics, hospitals, law enforcement and social service agencies. In this study a questionnaire was mailed to a representative sample of the adult population in Texas. Child sexual abuse was defined as sexual interaction between a child and an adult or between two minors when the perpetrator is significantly older than the victim or is in a position of power over the victim. A return rate of 53% was obtained. The surveys returned varied from previous studies of the same population in that the respondents were slightly older, more often married and from a slightly higher socioeconomic level. They were, however, closely matched on the variables of sex, race and educational level. Childhood sexual victimization was reported by 7.4% of the respondents. Female victims comprised 82% of this group. The racial/ethnic distribution of victims paralleled that of the Texas census with 77% white, 5% black, and 16% Hispanic. Victimization rates were highest for Hispanic females followed by black and white females in that order. Hispanic and black males reported the lowest victimization rates. Based on these findings, it was estimated that 821,359 adult Texas residents were sexually abused as children. These results were compared with those of other studies along with their implications for policy-making.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Understanding the impediments that prevented sexually abused adolescents from disclosure to their family or to professionals, and analyzing the responses they received when they did disclose. METHODS: In depth anonymous interviews were conducted in Italy through a toll-free telephone line with 36 young people who experienced sexual abuse in adolescence. A qualitative analysis was carried out of the adolescents' feelings, fears and needs, and of the help received, if any. RESULTS: The main impediments to disclose to a family member were fear of not being believed, shame, and fear of causing trouble to the family. The main impediments for not seeking services were ignorance of the existence/functioning of protective agencies, wish to keep the secret, lack of awareness of being abused, mistrust of adults and professionals, and fear of the consequences of disclosure. When they did disclose to professionals, the teens received very limited support. CONCLUSION: Adolescents need to receive proper information about the risk of being sexually abused and about the help they can receive from their social network and protective agencies. There is a crucial need for appropriate training of professionals.  相似文献   

目的:探讨慢性肺心病继发消化道出血防治。方法:回顾分析24例慢性肺心病继发消化道出血的表现。结果:慢性肺心病继发消化道出血死亡率很高,本文通过对24例患者的观察,死亡率为72.5%,其中因窒息死亡率为53.33%。结论:慢性肺心病继发消化道出血患者早期预防和治疗是减少死亡率的关键。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to explore how mothers' developmental history and current functioning affects their sexually abused children's functioning and recovery. METHOD: A sample of 67 African-American mothers and their sexually abused children participated in this study. Interviews and a range of adult and child measures were administered in order to assess maternal developmental history and current functioning, and child functioning. RESULTS: Mothers' past experiences as children were associated with their children's behavior and general functioning following the sexual abuse. Mothers who experienced more discontinuity of childhood care, who were sexually abused as children, and/or had more problems in their family of origin had children who showed poorer functioning and more behavioral symptomatology. In addition, mothers who currently were experiencing more trauma symptomatology, reported substance abuse, and/or were less able to provide support to their children, had children with more behavior problems and poorer functioning. CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this study point to the impact of mothers' developmental history and current functioning upon the symptomatology of their sexually abused children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to describe patterns of forgetting and remembering childhood sexual abuse (CSA) in a nationally representative sample of US adult women. METHOD: The respondents were a national probability sample of 711 women, aged 26 years to 54 years, residing in noninstitutional settings in the contiguous 48 states. In a 1996 face-to-face interview survey, trained female interviewers asked each respondent whether she had experienced any sexual coercion by family members or nonfamily members while growing up; whether she believed that she had been sexually abused (by family members or others); and whether she had ever forgotten the CSA experiences and, if so, how she had subsequently remembered them. RESULTS: Twenty-one and six-tenths percent of respondents reported having sexually coercive experiences while growing up; of these, 69.0% indicated that they felt they had been sexually abused. More than one-fourth of respondents who felt sexually abused reported that they had forgotten the abuse for some period of time but later remembered it on their own. Only 1.8% of women self-described as sexually abused reported remembering the abuse with the help of a therapist or other professional person. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that, among women who report CSA, forgetting and subsequently remembering abuse experiences is not uncommon. According to the women surveyed, however, very few (1.8%) of those who felt abused recovered memories of CSA with help from therapists or other professionals. As one of the few studies of CSA memories in a nationally representative sample, this study suggests that therapist-assisted recall is not a major source of CSA memories among women in the US general population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine significant predictors of severity of sentencing of sex offenders of minors in a jurisdiction which obtains many confessions. METHOD: Data were abstracted from 323 criminal court case records of sexually abused minors over 11 years in a county which places a high priority on sexual abuse prosecution. The sample used in this analysis consisted of 218 men who received a sentence for a sex offense. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine what factors predicted severity of sentences. Specifically this study explores whether, in a county which is very successful in obtaining confessions to sexual abuse of children, the severity of sentence is explained by the seriousness of the crime (more severe type of sexual abuse, younger age of the victim, prior conviction of a sex offense, and abusing more than one child), or by factors unrelated to the seriousness of the offense, offender confession and/or having a court-appointed attorney. RESULTS: Factors that predicted the severity of the sentence were the seriousness of the sex crime, prior conviction of a sex crime, and young age of the victim. CONCLUSIONS: This community, with a high confession rate and a high conviction rate, imposed sentences that were consistent with the crimes, with more severe sentences for more serious crimes. Convenience factors, such as the fact the offender confessed, and systemic factors, such as having a court-appointed attorney, did not result in more severe sentences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the factors which influence custody change in cases of children who have been sexually abused. Of 180 children admitted to La Rabida Children's Hospital and Research center with a suspicion of having been sexually abused, 138 met the state's criteria for proven sexual abuse, and 30% of those children had a sexually transmitted disease. One-third of the children with proven abuse were under 4 years of age. Of the children with proven abuse, ultimately 40% had a custody change. Only an initial outcry of abuse was associated with an increased probability of a change in custody. A change in custody was not found to be related to the patient's age, sex, the perpetrator's relation to the child or access to the home, the presence of sexually transmitted disease, whether the child was also physically abused, or whether the child had had developmental delay. These data suggest an absence of any discernible guidelines in the juvenile court's decision concerning custody change of a sexually abused child.  相似文献   

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