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王超  李真真  蒋萍 《科研管理》2021,42(2):88-99
环境规制政策是中国重污染行业经济转型升级,解决环境污染问题,提升环境绩效的有效手段,但是环境规制政策如何影响中国重污染行业的技术创新水平,以及环境规制政策对工业行业技术创新的影响是否存在行业动态差异,都尚待深入研究。因此,文章基于2004—2015年中国38个工业行业面板数据,遵循2008年中国生态环境部颁布的《上市公司环保核查行业分类管理名录》将工业行业分为处理组和控制组,使用连续性DID方法和S-GMM方法,估计环境规制政策对中国重污染行业的技术创新影响机理和动态影响。研究显示:首先,环境规制政策的实施并不能显著的促进重污染行业技术创新水平的提升,可是研发投入的增加和资本驱动型的经济发展模式可以明显促进了重污染行业绿色技术创新的改善。第二,尽管外商直接投资存在市场准入和投资比例等限制,可是外商直接投资已经在一定程度推动中国工业行业绿色技术创新的提升。第三,环境规制政策的实施对工业行业绿色技术创新的影响存在明显的滞后效应,但是,传统化石能源的消费结构占比对工业行业技术创新有明显的阻碍作用。本文的研究结果表明,有关部门应该稳步有序推进重污染行业能源消费结构改革,提升我国传统重污染行业能源消费的效率,加快工业行业的产业结构升级,推动技术创新水平的提升。  相似文献   

    低碳经济与绿色发展密切相关,目前关于碳交易机制对企业绿色创新影响的分析缺乏微观企业层面的经验证据。本文基于2009—2016年间中国沪深两市A股上市公司的专利数据,以2013年末在7个省市开展的碳排放权交易试点作为准自然实验,采用三重差分的估计方法,通过对比碳交易试点政策实施前后、试点省市相对于非试点省市、高污染行业相对于低污染行业的企业绿色专利申请占比的变化情况,探究碳交易机制政策对企业绿色创新活动的影响,并进行了一系列异质性讨论和稳健性检验。实证结果表明:(1)相对于非试点省市和试点省市的低污染行业,碳交易试点政策能够提高试点省市高污染行业的企业的绿色专利申请比例。(2)相比于发明类绿色专利,该政策对绿色专利中的非发明类专利的促进作用更强。(3)相对于国有企业,该政策对试点省市上市公司中非国有企业的绿色创新的激励作用更加显著。此外,本文发现:碳排放权交易试点政策能够增加高污染行业企业的科研人才引进和提高科技研发支出、提高企业资产净利润率,进而直接或间接地促进了企业绿色创新发展。本文的研究结论能够为中国实施全国碳排放权交易政策提供一定经验支持;为如何实现提质增效、更好促进企业节能降耗和绿色发展提供政策建议。  相似文献   

中美高校创新群体技术多样性特征比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
胡小君  张誉宁 《科研管理》2017,38(11):75-81
中国高校近年来专利申请量居全球首位,美国居第二位。为观察两者在专利技术多样性方面的分布特征,本研究以近十年德温特数据库收录的中美高校授权专利为大数据分析样本,通过深层分析,揭示了两国高校在八个行业中的专利分布及其多样性与差异性。分析结果表明,医学和卫生学领域是两国高校最活跃的技术门类,且专利数相近;除机械工程行业外,中国高校在其他七个行业中的技术多样性指数均高于美国,而美国高校在人类必需品行业的专利相对占比高,并表现出一定的技术集中度。本文的主要研究结论提示,我国高校整体的专利数多及其多样性指数高,并不能代表在单个专利水平上的"创新度"和"技术复杂性"。此外,文章指出了多样性指数在专利计量应用中的局限性,在理解技术多样性指数的涵义时,要结合其他相关指征。  相似文献   

日本科学技术政策的特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过比较日本与美国的科学技术政策 ,试图阐明日本科学技术政策的特征 ,并进一步探讨了其中的问题及最近的动向。  相似文献   

National surveys of R&D labs across the manufacturing sectors in the US and Japan show that intraindustry R&D knowledge flows and spillovers are greater in Japan than in the US and the appropriability of rents due to innovation less. Patents in particular are observed to play a more central role in diffusing information across rivals in Japan, and appear to be a key reason for greater intraindustry R&D spillovers there, suggesting that patent policy can importantly affect information flows. Uses of patents differ between the two nations, with strategic uses of patents, particularly for negotiations, being more common in Japan.  相似文献   

摘 要 基于2004-2015年中国沪深股市上市公司绿色专利数据,建立环境规制综合衡量指标,运用系统GMM估计方法,研究环境规制对企业绿色技术创新的影响特征与作用机理,分析绿色专利类型、企业所有制性质与行业类型的异质性。环境规制对企业绿色创新有先抑制后促进的“U”型影响特征;绿色技术创新活动中,环境规制会促进价值更高的绿色发明专利创新;非国有企业对于环境规制容忍度较低,“U”型拐点到来较早,且倾向于价值更高的绿色发明专利创新;环境规制对清洁行业与污染行业绿色技术创新的“U”型影响特征存在差异,清洁行业多体现“U”型曲线右半段,拐点较早,污染行业则完整体现了“U”型曲线全过程,拐点较迟。因此,采取灵活性差异化的环境规制政策对促进绿色创新与绿色发展具有积极作用。  相似文献   

作为一门长久不衰的科学,化学一直走在各个学科的前沿。可是随着经济快速的发展,传统的化学给环境带来了严重的污染和破坏。环境问题已成为世界各国面临的共同问题,化学产品对环境污染越来越引起人类的关注。人们逐渐意识到只是靠治理污染已经无法从根本上对环境进行保护,要保护环境就应该从源头消除污染,“绿色化学”这一新型理念就应运而生。本文针对基础化学实验的污染问题,运用化学绿色化的原则和思想,从精选实验的内容、建设绿色化学实验室、改良实验方式、科学地处理实验室废弃物等方面,对化学实验的绿色化建设进行了探索和实践。  相似文献   

为充分发挥专利对区域产业发展的创新引领作用,聚焦“十二五”、“十三五”时期甘肃省重点发展的产业,以专利视角分析论证产业技术发展趋势。通过incoPat检索甘肃省重点优势产业专利数据,提取IPC技术构成和聚类主题进行分析,传统产业以装备制造为支撑,占比达62.0%,体量大,增速快;新兴产业专利资源布局相对均衡,以新材料专利资源产出最为活跃,占比17.2%,覆盖领域广,有色金属和化工材料领域技术优势突出。各产业专利资源产出量在“十三五”时期成倍增长,尤其是新一代信息技术增幅达2.7倍。同时结合产业发展现状提出了各产业技术创新发展方向。  相似文献   

 稀土是现代工业中不可或缺的战略资源,并作为重要的基础性材料对传统工业等行业有显著的改造和创新。为深层次探析稀土产业中游核心技术的发展情况,本文基于1967-2016年德温特数据库收录的稀土产业中游有关的专利数据,还应用到的方法有统计分析方法和科学知识图谱方法,从多个角度对国际稀土产业中游专利技术研发进行分析:对时间趋势分析发现整体趋势呈周期性指数增长,并可划分为三个阶段;对区域分布分析发现中、日、美三国是推动稀土产业中游技术发展的主要力量;对专利申请人分析发现专利在核心申请人中比较集中,而在边缘申请人中比较分散,核心技术掌握在少数人手中;绘制专利申请人合作网络分析后发现,合作团体主要由两个部分构成,并且发现国外的公司与机构之间有密切的合作,〖JP2〗中国对稀土应用材料的研究起步较晚,各研究机构之间合作关系稀疏,且多为大学和研究所;对热点技术领域分析发现,在图谱中处于核心位置的有B01J-023/63、B01D-053/94、B01J-023/10、B01J-037/02等技术领域,且密度较大;分析演进路径出现的专利的强度发现并非全部为核心专利。稀土产业中游应加大核心产业的升级,紧随国际前沿发展趋势,保持技术研发优势,强化创新体系和能力建设,从而促进稀土产业中游技术的高质量发展。  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to analyse the single and joint impact of regulation policies and research network policies on environmental innovation. Our theoretical framework combines the open eco-innovation mode approach with the Porter Hypothesis, by adapting them to the knowledge production function where green patents are the dependent variable. We focus on the factors that influence the production of green patents as a proxy of new “environmental” knowledge for a panel of European countries over time. We find that both marked-based regulation policies and participation in green European research networks (in particular with universities and public research centres) positively affect environmental innovation. Moreover, the two policy tools have a complementary effect. This suggests that the effectiveness of environmental regulation policies can be increased by combining them with appropriate innovation policies.  相似文献   

刘祥霞  王锐  陈学中 《资源科学》2015,37(2):280-290
利用修正的投入产出法和2001-2012年中国海关货物进出口商品分类数据,研究和测算了中国进出口商品中的隐含碳排放量。研究结果显示:中国的出口贸易隐含碳排放量和进口贸易隐含碳排放量都有明显增长,但出口贸易隐含碳排放量增长更快;中国是典型的隐含碳净出口国,且少数产业部门集中了国内绝大多数的碳排放。为了改善国内的生态环境,本文以贸易差额、生态环境差额和碳排系数为依据进行了产业归类,提出了绿色贸易转型的相关策略,以便更好地实现国内节能减排的目标。  相似文献   


Modern growth theory acknowledges that a country's economic prosperity depends in large part on its capacity for technological innovation. Empirical evidence, however, supports the view that not all sectors are equally innovative. As a result, it seems desirable from a public policy perspective to identify and promote sectors displaying both a high innovation rate and, in an increasingly competitive international economy, a high degree of international competitiveness. It is frequently argued that the high-tech industry sectors, in contrast to low-tech sectors, satisfy both conditions, with the clear implication that public policy should be directed to enhancing the performance of high-tech sectors. This approach raises at least two important issues. The first is whether such classifications can be meaningfully constructed given both the intractability of the concepts involved and the difficulties in data collection. A second issue is the basic assumption that policy emphasis should be placed on technology-intensive industries because they have a greater impact on growth. In this paper, we argue that while it may be possible to construct indices of technological intensity that are useful for some purposes, the ones that are currently proposed do not, in fact, address questions of economic growth and firm performance very well. In part, this is a reflection of the technicalities involved in formulating and operationalising the indices, but it also reflects problems in the underlying premise, namely technology-intensive sectors are more growth-inducing than low-tech sectors. We call, therefore, for the adoption of a more sophisticated and detailed approach that would provide a sensible classification of industries and new policy insights.  相似文献   

利用专利计量方法,对全球软件专利进行计量分析,计量结果显示,全球软件专利在2000年以后呈现出蓬勃发展的生机;美国和日本是全球软件专利申请最多的国家;全球软件专利的高产机构大部分分布在日本,但是全球软件领域的核心专利大多数却分布在美国;中国软件产业有了一定的发展,但还需要加强和完善立法工作,为软件技术的发展提供良好软环境.  相似文献   

张成  郭炳南  于同申 《科研管理》2015,36(3):138-144
本文以工业部门18个行业1996-2011年的面板数据为样本,从变化率的角度,使用面板门槛技术研究了三种环境规制强度变化率对生产技术进步变化率的非线性影响,研究结果表明:(1)废气、废水和固废三种环境规制强度变化率对生产技术进步变化率的影响均存在两个门槛效应,只有适度的环境规制强度变化率才能引致理想的生产技术进步变化率,但三种环境规制强度变化率指标的门槛值有较大差异,最优环境规制强度变化率区间分别为(14.93%,53.18%)、(16.96%,37.75%)和(32.90%,48.11%);(2)在废气和废水环境规制强度变化率上,分别有8个和4个行业处于合理水平,其余10个和14个行业低于合理水平;在固废环境规制强度变化率上,有2个行业处于合理水平,9个行业低于合理水平,其余7个行业则高于合理水平。因此,为实现环境保护和生产技术进步的"双赢",可以有针对性地对各行业的不同污染物制定有差异性的环境规制强度。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of antitrust regulation of patent consolidation on the development of follow-on innovations. Our reconciliation of the various strains of literature hypothesizes that in sectors where cumulative innovation is crucial to firms’ market operations, a firm that consolidates patents for substituting technologies for its already-possessed technologies discourages market competitions and follow-on innovation by competitors. In this case, antitrust regulation of patent consolidation is anticipated to positively affect competitors’ follow-on innovation. We empirically test this hypothesis with the case of the US Department of Justice's regulation of Novell's software patent transfers to four large proprietary software companies (i.e., Microsoft, Oracle, EMC, and Apple) in 2011. Our analyses using US patent, trademark, and copyright data have found evidence corroborating our hypothesis. Our research provides policy and scholarly implications regarding how antitrust law can be a complementary institution to the patent law for promoting innovation.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》1999,28(2-3):275-302
Based on a questionnaire survey of large corporations in Japan and Sweden, representing chemical, electronic and mechanical engineering sectors, this paper probes three research issues: (1) the level, pace and possible nation-specific mode of internationalization of R&D, (2) the relative roles of demand and supply side factors, and (3) the possible internationalization of industry–university collaborations. The results show a general growth of international R&D across sectors and countries and a particular Japanese mode of internationalization of R&D with a high pace although starting from lower levels, a strong supply-led component, and a strong emphasis on collaborations with US universities. The concept of psychic distance was found to be of limited relevance as an explanatory concept. The paper argues that due to, e.g., technology diversification and emerging technology market conditions, internationalization of R&D will in general become increasingly supply-led, and as industry–university collaborations internationalize, competitive US universities will become increasingly important and internationalize themselves, some conceivably becoming genuine multinational universities.  相似文献   

Better understanding of, and policies towards, technical change, requires better measurement of technical change. No single measure is perfect. Taken together, statistics on R&D and on patenting activities give important clues about the rate and direction of innovative activities, and also show the dangers of too hasty interpretation based on one measure. They both show a neavy concentration of innovative activities in chemicals and engineering (electrical, electronic and non-electrical) sectors; relatively rapid growth of innovative activities in drugs, scientific instruments and food products, and slow growth in aerospace and electrical products, in the USA between 1963 and 1974. They both show relatively high levels of innovative activities in Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, and relatively rapid rates of increase in Japan and Sweden between 1967 and 1975. They also show the strong association in the chemicals and engineering industries between the levels of innovative activities and of export competitiveness.On the other hand, taken together they suggest that patent statistics underestimate innovative activities in large firms, and that R&D statistics do so in small firms. This casts doubt on widely held assumptions about diminishing rates of innovative activity in very large firms, and about the non-electrical machinery and fabricated metal products sectors as “traditional” and “non-innovative” industries. Four factors are put forward to explain differences in what is shown by the patent and by the R&D measures: First, competitive behaviour, with smaller firms making a relatively greater use of patents, and bigger firms of R&D activities; second, different degress of specialisation and formalisation of innovative activities in and around R&D departments; third, variation across sectors in the degree to which patents measure an increment of technical improvement; fourth, institutional factors in aerospace and other defence-related sectors, and in motor vehicles, where patenting is low and the proportion of routine testing in R&D comparatively high.  相似文献   

选取上海市1989—2018年统计数据,运用回归分析模型和柯布—道格拉斯生产函数模型,分析各类专利对经济增长的影响。研究结果表明,上海专利授权对总体经济增长具有明显的促进作用;不同类型的专利对上海市经济增长影响存在差异;不同产业经济受不同类型专利的影响也存在较大差异。最后,根据研究结果提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

选取中国在USPTO所获发明专利最多的十个技术领域,通过专利发明人和专利权人信息分析了中国核心技术领域专利活动国际化渠道与模式.结果表明,不同技术领域专利活动的国际化渠道存在差别,在专利活动国际合作方面,图像分析、数据库管理(数据处理)和数字通信领域比较突出,合作对象主要是美国,其次是日本和新加坡;在外国对中国专利的跨国所有权方面,图像分析、数据库管理(数据处理)和语音信号(数据处理)领域最为突出,专利权主要被美国、芬兰及日本控制;在中国对外国专利的跨国所有权方面,中国仅拥有少数的跨国专利权.最后,从专利国际合作和跨国专利权两个方面,讨论了中国主要技术领域专利活动的国际化模式.  相似文献   

The size of patent applications has doubled over the past two decades, resulting in a dramatic surge in the workload of patent offices all over the world and serious concerns over patent quality standards. The current paper investigates the sources of this inflation in claims and pages for EPO applications. Four hypotheses are quantitatively examined: the diffusion of national drafting practices, the complexity of research activities, the emergence of new sectors, and filing strategies. The results validate the four hypotheses. They reveal major differences across countries in patent drafting styles, especially between Civil and Common Law countries, the latter being characterized by much larger patents. Second, the success of the PCT route is leading to the harmonizing of drafting styles worldwide on the US model. This paper therefore challenges the commonly accepted idea that more claims reflect a broader scope of protection by showing that the size of patents is partly due to institutional changes in the system.  相似文献   

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