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近年来,举重腰带的使用已从竞技运动延伸到娱乐、休闲性运动中,其他进行举重和力量训练的运动员以及各种水平的健美、健身运动员和业余爱好者批在使用举重腰带。因此,必须明确举重腰带在举重和力量训练中的作用,不正确的使用方法会导致不良影响。  相似文献   

对世界举重运动发展过程及其现状进行系统分析,指出了世界举重发展的一些主要特点:竞技举重的影响日益扩大;举重水平不断提高;女子举重成为发展热点;举重研究日益深入,研究水平不断提高。揭示了举重发展的主要趋势;运动水平将继续提高;选材年龄进一步稳定下来,注重内在发展潜力;突出专项训练,加大训练强度;举重技术进一步完善,更加重视比赛成功率;注重心理训练和恢复训练;多学科综合利用.训练日趋科学化。  相似文献   

举重运动已不像足球、棒球或篮球项目那样流行。实际上,从美国举重协会的调查报告中可知:最近,练习举重的人数在逐渐减少。如果要想使举重运动能保持长久不衰,那就要求参与的人数应越来越多。我所在学校已开设了大学举重课程,这些课程都  相似文献   

我国女子举重运动员随着年龄和体重的增长,举重成绩将产生什么变化?研究这一问题有助于使我国女子举重运动员年龄、体重变化与举重成绩的关系调整好,以提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

少年举重运动员的训练内容与安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国举重运动员,一般13.14岁开始从事举重训练,到20岁左右(个别的要到22岁)才能全面成熟。因此,一个优秀的举重运动员成熟,从开始学习举重的年龄算起大约需要5.6年的时间才能出成绩,但是在这段时间里尤其前3.4年的基础最为重要,因此有必要根据少年举重运动员的特点认真研究和探讨因材施教的问题,并对运动员的训练进行周密计划安排。  相似文献   

我国优秀举重运动员运动成绩增长规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对我国100名优秀举重运动员成长过程的调查研究,总结出我国优秀举重运动员成绩增长的规律,为我国举重运动员的选材和训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文从举重运动员竞技心理特点出发,阐明了影响青少年举重运动员竞技心理状态的主要因素,探讨了赛前心理训练的方法,为青少年举重运动员比赛水平的发挥奠定了基础。  相似文献   

当前国际女子举重已广泛开展,为使我国女子举坛处于不败之地,本文对女子举重运动员血型与气质的关系、血型与承受专项负荷能力的关系、CNV波幅的变化与血型的关系进行研究,探讨女子举重运动员血型与运动成绩的关系,为女子举重运动员的选材提供依据。  相似文献   

我国举重项目能在奥运会上金夺银,与我国基层训练网络的展开是分不开的。现在从事举重训练的少年儿童年龄比过去小多了,因而,达到世界水平的举重运动员年龄也比过去小了。因此在抓少年儿童的训练、提高少年儿童的举重水平方面,教练员如何选择适合少年儿童特点的训练内容、方法、手段以及保护等,是提高少年儿童健康水平和举重水平的关键。[第一段]  相似文献   

目前,我国举重运动员,一般从11~13岁开始从事举重训练,到20岁才能全面成熟,因此一个优秀举重运动员的成长过程,从开始学习举重的年龄算起大约要6~7年的时间才能出成绩,在这段时间里最为重要的是前3~4年的基础训练。  相似文献   

The present paper reviews published studies on the body shape of weight lifters. The differences between the somatotype ratings of weight lifters studied using the Sheldon and the Heath‐Carter methods, and the differences between performance levels and age groups of weight lifters are discussed. The differences in mean somatoplots among the weight lifters studied as a whole group, weight lifters divided into two, three or four groups according to body weight, and weight lifters considered according to the official weight classes, are assessed.

Weight lifters in the lighter weight classes are found to be ectomorphic or balanced mesomorphs, while those in the heavier weight classes tend to be endomorphic mesomorphs. Ectomorphy decreases, whereas mesomorphy and endomorphy increase with weight class. When three age groups of weight lifters were compared within each weight class, the same pattern of differences between ages occurs. The younger lifters in each weight class have higher endomorphy and lower mesomorphy than the senior lifters. Ectomorphy is higher in the younger lifters below the weight class of 82.5 kg.

Since significant differences in all three somatotype components between 10 weight classes of weight lifters and also within three age groups were noted, it will be necessary in future studies to consider the somatotypes of weight lifters according to the official weight classes.  相似文献   

The present paper reviews published studies on the body shape of weight lifters. The differences between the somatotype ratings of weight lifters studied using the Sheldon and the Heath-Carter methods, and the differences between performance levels and age groups of weight lifters are discussed. The differences in mean somatoplots among the weight lifters studied as a whole group, weight lifters divided into two, three or four groups according to body weight, and weight lifters considered according to the official weight classes, are assessed. Weight lifters in the lighter weight classes are found to be ectomorphic or balanced mesomorphs, while those in the heavier weight classes tend to be endomorphic mesomorphs. Ectomorphy decreases, whereas mesomorphy and endomorphy increase with weight class. When three age groups of weight lifters were compared within each weight class, the same pattern of differences between ages occurs. The younger lifters in each weight class have higher endomorphy and lower mesomorphy than the senior lifters. Ectomorphy is higher in the younger lifters below the weight class of 82.5 kg. Since significant differences in all three somatotype components between 10 weight classes of weight lifters and also within three age groups were noted, it will be necessary in future studies to consider the somatotypes of weight lifters according to the official weight classes.  相似文献   

随着我国肥胖人口的急剧增加,各种减肥产品应运而生,但其效果和安全性如何不得而知。迄今为止,我国食品药品管理局还没有出台检查减肥产品安全性和有效性的标准化指标。本文试图对国内、外广泛使用的减肥产品,根据其减肥机制进行分类总结,探讨其减肥效果和使用安全性。结果表明,到目前为止还没有一个强有力的科学证据表明某个减肥产品在一定时间内使体重明显减轻,并且市场上的很多减肥产品会影响人体的健康状态。因此,对减肥人群来讲,应更理性地去选择有助于减肥的方式、方法,而不是盲目选择减肥产品而达到减肥目的。  相似文献   

福州市肥胖青少年减肥的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用问卷法、访谈法、文献资料法、数理统计法等对福州市肥胖青少年的减肥行为及其相关因素进行了调查分析,主要结论:肥胖青少年对肥胖的认知极其有限和片面:综合运用多种方法进行减肥在肥胖青少年中具有普遍性;运动在控制体重和减肥中的重要作用得到了青少年的重视;肥胖青少年减肥效果较差;不良减肥行为的发生比例较高。建立加强肥胖与控制体重知识教育,宣传科学的减肥方式,预防和控制不良减肥行为的发生,旨在指导福州市肥胖青少年进行科学减肥,并为有关部门决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

运动员减体重研究现状   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
总结了国内、外运动员减体重的最新研究成果,对运动员理想体重的确立、减体重的生理生化理论与方法、减体重的适宜幅度及其对运动员生理机能和运动能力的影响、运动员在减体重过程中存在的问题,以及合理减体重的原则和措施进行了综述。  相似文献   

中国优秀男子跆拳道运动员身体成分的研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
本文对1997年全国跆拳道锦标赛男子各级别前4名运动员(共30名)的身体成分进行了测定,结果运动员体脂%为10.23%,去脂体重、去脂体重/体重、去脂体重/身高等值均随比赛名次的升高而增加,同时,去脂体重与比赛名次高度相关(r=0.951,P<0.05);运动员的体脂%和去脂体重均随级别的增加而升高,尤其是大级别运动员的体脂%较高,与小级别运动员相比有显著性差异;与国内同项群如拳击、柔道、摔跤等项目优秀运动员相比,其体脂%最低(10.23%),去脂体重/体重比值最高(89.63)。  相似文献   

通过对分别采用慢速结合快速减重和匀速减重两种不同减重方式的摔跤运动员赛前减体重期间的体成分、免疫系统、内分泌系统、氧运转系统、物质能量代谢及力量素质的有关指标进行跟踪监测和对比研究,结果显示:对运动员体成分的改善,慢速结合快速减重优于匀速减重方式;对运动员免疫能力、内分泌系统、能量物质消耗、力量素质的影响,慢速结合快速减重小于匀速减重方式;对运动员氧运转系统能力影响,匀速小于慢速结合快速减重方式。  相似文献   

为探究国外运动减肥研究的热点内容和演化趋向,以Web of Science核心合集中的SCI-EXPANDED、SSCI、A&HCI为来源数据库,对其中运动科学领域减肥研究的1 211篇文献进行科学计量和文本内容分析。结果显示:(1)有34个国家和地区的学者对运动减肥进行研究。2004年之后,逐渐形成内容丰富的研究体系;(2)研究演进过程可分为萌发、快速发展、深入发展和领域拓展四个阶段;(3)主要聚焦于减肥对健康的影响、减肥的方式方法、减肥后如何防止体重恢复等热点主题;(4)呈现四个方面的发展特征,研究对象越来越有针对性,研究内容从减肥健康原理向减肥方式方法的应用性转化,干预手段从单一运动方案向多重组合方式转变,研究结果倾向量化的数据指标反映关联关系。  相似文献   

We examined the psychological effects of rapid weight loss among a sample of 41 professional jockeys (mean age 30.9 years, s = 7.0). Participants completed the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) and the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) to establish the relationships between rapid weight loss, mood, and attitudes towards eating. These instruments were administered on three occasions: at the jockeys' minimal weight (achieved through rapid weight loss), their optimal riding weight (when they were not excessively restricting their weight and felt healthy), and their relaxed weight (when there were no forthcoming light rides or no rides at all). It was hypothesized that when riding at minimal weight, jockeys would record a more negative mood profile compared with scores recorded at optimal or relaxed weights. The same trend was expected for eating attitudes. These hypotheses were supported as jockeys reported significantly more negative mood profiles and eating attitudes at minimal weight. The EAT-26 scores indicated the presence of disordered attitudes towards eating at this weight. These results suggest that jockeys' endeavours to reach the minimum weight limit stipulated by governing bodies are likely to jeopardize their psychological well-being. Dialogue surrounding the appropriateness of current weight regulations is therefore encouraged.  相似文献   


We examined the psychological effects of rapid weight loss among a sample of 41 professional jockeys (mean age 30.9 years, s = 7.0). Participants completed the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) and the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) to establish the relationships between rapid weight loss, mood, and attitudes towards eating. These instruments were administered on three occasions: at the jockeys' minimal weight (achieved through rapid weight loss), their optimal riding weight (when they were not excessively restricting their weight and felt healthy), and their relaxed weight (when there were no forthcoming light rides or no rides at all). It was hypothesized that when riding at minimal weight, jockeys would record a more negative mood profile compared with scores recorded at optimal or relaxed weights. The same trend was expected for eating attitudes. These hypotheses were supported as jockeys reported significantly more negative mood profiles and eating attitudes at minimal weight. The EAT-26 scores indicated the presence of disordered attitudes towards eating at this weight. These results suggest that jockeys' endeavours to reach the minimum weight limit stipulated by governing bodies are likely to jeopardize their psychological well-being. Dialogue surrounding the appropriateness of current weight regulations is therefore encouraged.  相似文献   

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