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单人皮划艇500m竞速结构与竞赛策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国优秀皮划艇运动员测试数据的分析,提出了基于桨频曲线转折点的皮划艇500m比赛竞速结构划分方法;根据全程桨频和船速的变化特点,对每个阶段重新命名,更准确地反映了皮划艇500m竞速规律;冲刺阶段桨频的增加并不一定意味着船速的提高,船速是否增长取决于平均桨力,它才是船速的最终决定因素;对世界大赛中分段成绩的进行对比分析;以我国划艇运动员杨文军参加世界大赛成绩为例,说明了竞赛策略的重要性。  相似文献   

研究目的:通过比较参加亚运会与全国皮划艇春季冠军赛的皮艇运动员划桨技术和竞速结构的不同,分析运动员在比赛中的技、战术特点,从而能更有针对性地提高优秀运动员的划桨技术和竞技能力;研究方法:通过SONY摄像机对2010年全国皮划艇春季冠军赛和广州亚运会的200 m皮艇项目中参加男子单人皮艇(MK1-200 m)的运动员进行全程跟踪与定焦定点拍摄,运用德国SIMI运动分析系统对MK1比赛中亚洲优秀代表队的划桨技术和竞速结构做出对比分析;研究发现,MK1-200 m皮艇项目中,参加亚运会与冠军赛的运动员在一桨划距指标上无显著性差异,在时间、艇速和桨频指标上有非常显著性差异;两组运动员的划距与桨频呈现出高度负相关,处理好桨频与划距的关系是运动员提高艇速的关键;两组运动员的出水角呈显著性差异,尤其是B组的出水角过小,划桨周期的时间较长,桨频降低从而使艇速下降,因此认为,桨的出水角不能过低。  相似文献   

采用SIMI MOTION运动分析系统对中外优秀500 m单人划艇运动员的划桨技术进行运动学分析.研究结果表明:中国优秀艇的划桨节奏与国外优秀艇存在非常显著性差异,我国优秀艇拉桨阶段的时间与回桨阶段的时间比例为1.4:1,而国外优秀艇的拉桨阶段的时间与回桨阶段的时间比例为2.1:1;国内优秀艇途中划阶段采用的是大划距中低桨频技术,国外优秀艇采用的是中低划距高桨频技术;500 m单人划艇项目的成绩与桨频的相关性大于划距;国内外优秀艇的桨叶入水角度和出水角度较为一致,平均入水角度在55°左右,出水角度在35°左右.建议中国优秀单人艇适当地提高桨频,减小回桨阶段时间比例,优化一桨节奏,提高每桨划船效果.  相似文献   

运用定点定焦、跟踪扫描摄影测量法及桨下力量分析系统,对国家皮划艇队重点艇(WK2-500m)测试赛进行拍摄,并采用Dartifish4.5.1.0视频分析系统和SIMI°Motion7.50运动动作解析系统,对该双人艇的桨叶角度、时间参数、船速、桨频、力量、冲量等参数进行分析,讨论该配艇优化方案.结果表明:一号位左桨转右桨节奏稍慢;一号位左右侧力量相对平衡;二号位左侧力量明显小于右侧力量;全程船体左侧颠簸及晃动程度均大于右侧等.  相似文献   

通过二维摄像解析优秀男子划艇运动员500m划过程中桨频、单桨桨力以及桨幅等动力学指标,研究运动员全程划技术特点和体能特点,研究结果表明:500m划过程中,桨频、单桨桨力以及艇速的变化基本一致,表现出起航时高桨频,中途由高桨幅代替桨频维持艇速,而在冲刺阶段是以高桨频和高桨幅维持冲刺效果的特征。但是运动员在途中划阶段,由于耐酸能力的下降,导致抓水不牢、晃桨的现象。  相似文献   

优秀运动员皮艇K1-500 m加速阶段的速度构成研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用两台高速摄像机,对2005年全国皮划艇春季冠军赛中参加单人皮艇500m决赛的36名优秀男、女运动员的启航加速阶段进行跟踪扫描录像分析。结果显示:启航加速能力男子A(前1~9名)、B(前10~18名)2组无统计学意义,女子A、B组则有非常显著性差异;启航阶段男子A组的拉桨效果优于B组;女子A组桨频高于B组,B组启航时间和总成绩高度正相关;其余3组无统计相关意义。提示,启航阶段以提高每桨的划水效果获取艇速增加的技术更符合现代优秀运动员体能结构经济有效分配模式的技术要求。  相似文献   

研究皮划艇静水项目运动员冲刺阶段的技术类型问题。文章从艇速的角度将皮划艇静水运动员在冲刺阶段的技术类型区分为:高桨频高速冲刺型、瞬间加速冲刺型、基本匀速冲刺型、减速冲刺型以及减速滑行冲刺型5种,并分别对这5种冲刺方式的特征和运动员的技术特点进行了分析。  相似文献   

皮划艇运动属周期性竞技体育项目。多年来,人们常在比赛中统计划距、桨频等数据,作为判断或分析竞赛成绩的依据。现就我们积累的资料,对皮划艇运动划距和桨频进行分析,探讨提高运动成绩的关键,旨在促进皮划艇运动的科学训练。  相似文献   

基于多传感器数据融合技术的水上训练监控系统通过利用GPRS网络传输、桨频计算、嵌入式系统、GPS等现代科学技术,在不影响运动员正常水上训练的前提下,能即时采集运动信息,并生成运动训练参数的监控过程图,便于教练员现场监控运动员训练时的船速、桨频、加速度、心率等运动学指标和生理指标。该系统已经应用于国家皮划艇队和武汉体育学院赛艇队的日常训练中,为教练员实时诊断训练效果,提高运动员专项训练的效率、进行有针对性的训练提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

一个优秀的皮划艇运动员,除了划船时的技术动作合理外,还应具有一定的桨频。如何快速判断运动员在训练时的桨频,这就需要教练员手中有一块频率表。当前,只有国外有赛艇频率表。由于赛艇与皮划艇在桨频上存在一定差距,故不能通用。至此,皮划艇教练员在训练时仍用心  相似文献   

赛艇运动中拉桨阶段的桨力曲线反映了运动员的发力特征,是专项竞技能力诊断的重要途径。根据国家队的测试实例,对不同艇种、不同桨位的桨力曲线特征进行归纳分析总结,对赛艇项目进行系列测试(桨频:35桨/min),结合专项认为专项技术较好的多人艇运动员大多采用A型;双人单桨项目中.领桨手倾向于采用A型桨力-时间曲线,一号位桨手倾向于采用B型桨力-时间曲线。不同桨频下的桨力-时间曲线特征可作为训练效果的评估依据,低桨频训练必须保持合理的拉桨速度和拉桨力量。  相似文献   

采用SIMIMotion运动分析系统,对中、外赛艇女子单人双桨项目(W1X)优秀运动员一个完整划桨周期技术进行分析。结果表明:中国赛艇W1X优秀运动员在划桨技术周期的艇速、划距指标上与国外W1X优秀运动员有显著性差异(P<0.05),推拉桨时间、桨角和各关节角度指标没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。中国赛艇W1X运动员的推拉桨时间、划桨身体姿势比较合理,建议在保持推桨动力的基础上,借鉴国外赛艇W1X优秀运动员低桨频高稳速划桨的技术,缩短与世界级赛艇W1X优秀运动员的差距。  相似文献   

Our aim was to present a mathematical model of rowing and sculling that allowed for a comparison of oar blade designs. The relative movement between the oar blades and water during the drive phase of the stroke was modelled, and the lift and drag forces generated by this complex interaction were determined. The model was driven by the oar shaft angular velocity about the oarlock in the horizontal plane, and was shown to be valid against measured on-water mean steady-state shell velocity for both a heavyweight men's eight and a lightweight men's single scull. Measured lift and drag force coefficients previously presented by the authors were used as inputs to the model, whichs allowed for the influence of oar blade design on rowing performance to be determined. The commonly used Big Blade, which is curved, and it's flat equivalent were compared, and blade curvature was shown to generate a 1.14% improvement in mean boat velocity, or a 17.1-m lead over 1500 m. With races being won and lost by much smaller margins than this, blade curvature would appear to play a significant role in propulsion.  相似文献   


Our aim was to present a mathematical model of rowing and sculling that allowed for a comparison of oar blade designs. The relative movement between the oar blades and water during the drive phase of the stroke was modelled, and the lift and drag forces generated by this complex interaction were determined. The model was driven by the oar shaft angular velocity about the oarlock in the horizontal plane, and was shown to be valid against measured on-water mean steady-state shell velocity for both a heavyweight men's eight and a lightweight men's single scull. Measured lift and drag force coefficients previously presented by the authors were used as inputs to the model, whichs allowed for the influence of oar blade design on rowing performance to be determined. The commonly used Big Blade, which is curved, and it's flat equivalent were compared, and blade curvature was shown to generate a 1.14% improvement in mean boat velocity, or a 17.1-m lead over 1500 m. With races being won and lost by much smaller margins than this, blade curvature would appear to play a significant role in propulsion.  相似文献   

赛艇技术的生物力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用赛艇多参数遥测分析系统和IPL型高速摄影机同步测试方法,对我国国家赛艇集训队16名高水平运动员(男10,女6)的双桨技术进行了测试研究,分析结果如下:①在三种划桨类型中,“平缓力型”的动力学效率最高。“平缓力型”意味着拉桨力平稳增长达到峰值,然后对称下降直至拉桨结束。②艇速曲线有“单峰型”和“双峰型”两种类型。“单峰型”的特点是艇速变化平稳、能量消耗较少;“双峰型”能量消耗多。出现“双峰型”的主要原因是没有“边拉边按”和运动员身体在滑轨上加速不稳。③建立了浆力有效冲量与艇平均速度、艇速波动程度关系式。④发现一些选手左右手划桨力差别较大,桨叶入水角偏小和“拉提”时拉的不够等问题。  相似文献   

In rowing, mechanical power output is a key parameter for biophysical analyses and performance monitoring and should therefore be measured accurately. It is common practice to estimate on-water power output as the time average of the dot product of the moment of the handle force relative to the oar pin and the oar angular velocity. In a theoretical analysis we have recently shown that this measure differs from the true power output by an amount that equals the mean of the rower’s mass multiplied by the rower’s center of mass acceleration and the velocity of the boat. In this study we investigated the difference between a rower’s power output calculated using the common proxy and the true power output under different rowing conditions. Nine rowers participated in an on-water experiment consisting of 7 trials in a single scull. Stroke rate, technique and forces applied to the oar were varied. On average, rowers’ power output was underestimated with 12.3% when determined using the common proxy. Variations between rowers and rowing conditions were small (SD = 1.1%) and mostly due to differences in stroke rate. To analyze and monitor rowing performance accurately, a correction of the determination of rowers’ on-water power output is therefore required.  相似文献   

The deflection of rowing oar shafts subjected to a static load was investigated. Two sets of sculling oars of different design stiffness were tested at three different lengths from 2.66 to 2.70 m. Loads up to 201 N were applied to the blade end of the oar shafts, and deflections were measured at six positions along the length of the shafts. The experimental results were compared with theoretical predictions obtained by modelling the oar shafts as homogenous end-loaded cantilever beams. The results show that the oar shafts are not uniform, in contradiction to the assumed model, but rather are most compliant near the sleeves and up to 80% stiffer towards the blades. The effect of oar shaft stiffness and length on the deflection angle at the blade end of the oar shaft was at most 1.18 ± 0.01°. The measured variation of stiffness along the shaft has implications for boat propulsion and rowing performance.  相似文献   

论竞技体操技术创新过程中的信息运动及运用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对竞技体操技术创新过程中的信息运动及运用的研究,揭示了信息是竞技体操技术创新过程中的重要要素以及竞技体操技术创新过程中信息运动的结构模型。认为在竞技体操技术创新过程各个阶段之间,以及创新过程与外部环境之间都不断地进行着信息交换,信息的运动不是单向的而是多向的。  相似文献   

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