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主要从运动学的角度出发,着重从摆动腿膝关节角度的变化特点来分析不同水平男子跳远运动员起跳过程中摆动腿技术的异同,高水平运动员,在最后一步摆动腿蹬离地面瞬间,表现出相对较小的摆动腿膝关节角,角度变化曲线上表现为角度峰值出现在离地后0.02~0.03秒左右的瞬间,不同水平男子跳远运动员在起跳腿着地、起跳腿膝最大屈、起跳离地3个特征时刻,摆动腿膝关节角度差异不明显。  相似文献   

背越式跳高起跳技术主要由起跳腿的蹬伸技术与摆动腿的摆动技术所组成。目前,大多数人们集中于跳高起跳的"蹬伸"技术研究,对起跳阶段的"摆动"技术研究相对较少。文章运用现场技术录像和运动图像解析的方法,对我国优秀男子跳高运动员在起跳阶段摆动技术进行解析研究,结果表明:我国优秀男子跳高运动员起跳前摆动腿最大缓冲幅度比较大;在起跳阶段摆动腿蹬离瞬间,摆动腿膝关节角度变化较小。背越式跳高起跳过程中的摆动腿缓冲阶段,身体重心的高度、摆动腿膝角的变化情况与助跑水平速度的损失有显著性相关。助跑最后一步摆动腿的伸膝角度、伸膝速度与起跳腿着地时摆动腿的摆动速度、摆动腿离地后的最大摆动速度都有高度的相关性。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料、数理统计和图像解析的研究方法,对二级跳远运动员的运动学指标进行研究。结果表明:(1)二级运动员起跳时间平均值是0.130s,缓冲时间平均值为0.048s,蹬伸时间平均值0.082s。缓冲时间、蹬伸时间与整个起跳时间过长。这与二级运动员本身身体素质和技术动作的优劣存在很大关系;(2)二级运动员着板瞬间,摆动腿的摆动角速度平均值为451.72°/s,膝关节角度平均为87.14°上板速度为8.58m/s,与前人的研究有出入;(3)二级运动员速度利用率为76.30%,速度利用率明显低于优秀运动的速度利用率。腾起角平均为26.66°,明显高于优秀运动员的18°-25°;(4)在蹬伸阶段摆动角速度的最大值与腾起角和成绩明显正相关。  相似文献   

跳远起跳阶段摆动腿摆动的运动学特征及对起跳效果的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
采用 JVC高速摄像系统对参加第 4届城市运动会 (1999,西安 )男子跳远比赛前 10名运动员起跳过程摆动腿动作运动学特征及对起跳效果的影响进行分析。研究表明 ,摆动腿摆动技术在跳远起跳过程中对增加身体重心垂直速度起着重要作用 ;我国男子跳远运动员在起跳过程中摆动腿摆动速度在蹬离地面至最大缓冲阶段角速度不断增加 ,蹬伸阶段角速度为零 ,其特征与运动生物力学有关原理相符 ;与国外优秀男子跳远运动员相比 ,我国男子跳远运动员起跳瞬间摆动腿摆动时机晚、速度慢、摆动幅度较小 ,从而影响了起跳效果 ,这是影响跳远成绩提高的原因之一。  相似文献   

通过三维摄像对我国部分优秀男子跳高运动员的起跳技术进行运动学分析,研究结果表明:我国部分优秀男子跳高运动员的最后一步步长及质心水平速度、摆动腿的摆动速度、起跳腿的缓冲蹬伸方面与世界优秀选手存在差距.此外,起跳腾起角较小,也是影响跳高成绩的因素之一.  相似文献   

跳远起跳技术是由起跳腿的“缓冲与蹬伸”和摆动腿的“蹬、摆”两个技术构成,作为跳远起跳动作的重要技术构成之一的摆动腿摆动技术对整个起跳起着重要的作用。就我国优秀男子跳远运动员在起跳中摆动腿技术有关的运动学参数进行定性、定量分析研究,探讨我国优秀男子跳远运动员起跳中摆动腿技术的运动学特征。  相似文献   

跳远起跳肌肉专项能力生物力学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王琨  魏文仪 《体育科学》2005,25(1):42-45
运用生物力学理论和实验研究方法 ,对跳远运动员起跳过程中起跳腿肌肉群表现出的专项能力特点进行研究。结果表明 ,髋关节伸肌群离心收缩能力对起跳十分重要 ;起跳表现出“前支撑蹬伸”特征 ;起跳过程中膝关节伸肌群的主动向心收缩能力对人体产生必要制动和适宜的腾起垂直速度具有重要意义 ;起跳初始阶段 (起跳过程 8%的时间里 )膝关节产生较大的屈肌力矩 ,即表现出膝关节屈肌群的主动收缩。  相似文献   

鲁家琪 《体育科学》2005,25(4):51-57
运用标准的三维摄像DL T法测量和录像解析的方法,以参加2 0 0 2年全国速度滑冰冠军赛(哈尔滨站)的男运动员为研究对象,对其5 0 0 m比赛疾跑技术进行运动学研究。结果表明,1 )运动员在疾跑阶段髋、膝关节角速度变化受浮腿收摆影响较大,髋关节快速蹬伸的能力较弱;2 )运动员在疾跑阶段普遍髋、膝关节同时在蹬冰结束瞬间达最大值,而踝关节达最大值的时间相对滞后约0 .0 7s±0 .0 1 s,主要原因在于踝关节在蹬冰结束末期爆发式蹬冰速度力量较大;3 )运动员疾跑前四步步频差异不显著,步幅、着冰角和蹬冰角的大小对5 0 0 m比赛的疾跑速度影响较大  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、视频拍摄和解析、实地观察、数理统计和对比分析等研究方法对董子昂进行研究。认为,(1)其技术特点为:助跑最后2步步长稳定、步速快且保持能力强和质心不断升高;起跳过程中H0与H1较高,起跳着地时已获得向上的垂直速度,起跳时间短;起跳腿着地膝角较大,腿部肌肉弹性和超等长收缩能力出色;摆动腿摆动速度快。(2)其技术不足为:助跑速度、节奏和点位不稳定;起跳腿支撑能力差;起跳阶段速度转化率低,垂直速度慢、腾起角小和质心垂直工作距离短;过杆经济性差。(3)其失败跳次成因为:助跑速度过快超出自身可控范围;助跑节奏和助跑点位发生改变;起跳阶段速度转化能力降低;摆动腿摆速降低,离地时刻折叠程度和制动高度不充分;起跳腿蹬伸幅度小,离地时髋关节和膝关节未充分伸展。对青少年跳高运动员的训练提出建议:(1)助跑阶段训练中,在提高助跑速度前应先评定运动员起跳阶段速度转化能力;在提高助跑速度的同时注重助跑节奏、助跑点位及助跑稳定性;关注髋关节在助跑过程中的相对位置。(2)起跳阶段训练中,除训练运动员起跳腿支撑能力和蹬伸能力、摆动腿的快速摆动和高摆制动...  相似文献   

采用IVC高速射像系统对参加第七届全国城市运动会男子跳远比赛前10名运动员起跳过程摆动腿动作运动学特征及对起跳效果的影响进行分析。研究表明,摆动腿摆动技术在跳远起跳过程中对增加身体重心垂直速度起着重要作用;我国男子跳远运动员在起跳过程中摆动腿摆动速度在蹬离地面至最大缓冲阶段角速度不断增加,蹬伸阶段角速度为零,其特征与运动生物力学有关原理相符:与国外优秀男子跳远运动员相比,我国男子跳远运动员起跳瞬间摆动腿摆动时机晚、速度慢、摆动幅度较小,从而影响了起跳效果,这是影响跳远成绩提高的原因之一。  相似文献   

We propose a new method, based on inertial sensors, to automatically measure at high frequency the durations of the main phases of ski jumping (i.e. take-off release, take-off, and early flight). The kinematics of the ski jumping movement were recorded by four inertial sensors, attached to the thigh and shank of junior athletes, for 40 jumps performed during indoor conditions and 36 jumps in field conditions. An algorithm was designed to detect temporal events from the recorded signals and to estimate the duration of each phase. These durations were evaluated against a reference camera-based motion capture system and by trainers conducting video observations. The precision for the take-off release and take-off durations (indoor < 39 ms, outdoor = 27 ms) can be considered technically valid for performance assessment. The errors for early flight duration (indoor = 22 ms, outdoor = 119 ms) were comparable to the trainers' variability and should be interpreted with caution. No significant changes in the error were noted between indoor and outdoor conditions, and individual jumping technique did not influence the error of take-off release and take-off. Therefore, the proposed system can provide valuable information for performance evaluation of ski jumpers during training sessions.  相似文献   

We investigated the immediate effects of the combined use of inclined and raised flat boards on the take-off motion of the long jump. Eight male long jumpers were videotaped with two high-speed video cameras (250 Hz) set perpendicular to the runway. The athletes jumped with three modified take-off boards: upward-inclined boards of two different inclinations (2.5 and 5.0 degrees), and a raised flat board (50 mm high). The jumpers performed pre- and post-jumps using their own techniques before and after use of the boards to test their effects. The post- jump revealed significantly less reduction in the horizontal velocity during the take-off than the pre-jump, and the effectiveness of converting the velocity from horizontal to vertical increased significantly in the post-jump. The post-jump demonstrated significantly less knee flexion of the take-off leg during take-off. The reduced knee flexion and slower extension velocity of the take-off leg in the second phase of the post-jump contributed to increasing the knee extension torque in the second phase and resulted in the increases in vertical ground reaction force and vertical velocity. These results suggest that the combined use of the inclined and raised flat boards induced immediate effective changes in the kinematics and kinetics of the take-off motion and represent appropriate training tools for take-off techniques of the long jump.  相似文献   

研究选取2010年全国田径锦标赛跳高比赛前六名运动员作为研究对象,使用三维高速摄像机对助跑阶段最后两步进行全程拍摄,使用APAS软件对数据进行定量分析。通过对中国顶尖跳高运动员起跳阶段的步长、摆动腿蹬伸膝角、起跳腿离地水平速度等技术指标进行生物力学分析。结合国内外学者对跳高运动员起跳阶段技术分析的研究成果与跳高运动的技术特点和发展趋势,为中国跳高运动员训练提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

中外优秀男子跳远选手起跳阶段技术对比   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用文献资料和比较分析的研究方法,对中外优秀男子跳远选手起跳阶段的技术进行研究。结果表明,我国选手的技术差距并非是水平速度损失率大,相反速度的利用率明显优于外国优秀选手;而起跳角度偏小。起跳腾起垂直速度慢等问题,是影响我国优秀男子跳远选手提高成绩的关键。  相似文献   

In this study, we measured the vertical and horizontal take-off forces, plantar pressures and activation patterns of four muscles (vastus lateralis, gluteus maximus, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius) in 10 ski jumpers in simulated laboratory conditions when wearing either training shoes or ski jumping boots. We found significant differences in vertical ( P ? 0.001), horizontal ( P ? 0.05) and resultant ( P ? 0.001) take-off velocities and vertical force impulse ( P ? 0.01). We found no significant differences in the jumpers' initial take-off positions; however, the jumping boots condition resulted in a smaller displacement in the final position of the following joint angles: ankle angle ( P ? 0.001), knee angle ( P ? 0.001), hip angle ( P ? 0.01) and shank angle relative to the horizontal ( P ? 0.01). This corresponds with less electromyographic activity during take-off in both the gastrocnemius (300 to 200 ms and 200 to 100 ms before take-off) and gluteus maximus (300 to 200 ms and 100 to 0 ms before take-off). During the early take-off in the jumping boots condition, significantly more pressure was recorded under the heel ( P ? 0.001), whereas the forefoot was more highly loaded at the end of the take-off. Differences in take-off velocity (representing the final output of the take-off) can be accounted for in the main by the different use of plantar flexion, emphasizing the role of the knee and hip extensors when wearing jumping boots. We conclude that the stiffness of the structure of the jumping boots may result in a forward shift of pressure, thus limiting the effective vertical force. To avoid this pressure shift, the pattern of movement of simulated take-offs should be carefully controlled, particularly when wearing training shoes.  相似文献   

In this study, we measured the vertical and horizontal take-off forces, plantar pressures and activation patterns of four muscles (vastus lateralis, gluteus maximus, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius) in 10 ski jumpers in simulated laboratory conditions when wearing either training shoes or ski jumping boots. We found significant differences in vertical (P < 0.001), horizontal (P < 0.05) and resultant (P < 0.001) take-off velocities and vertical force impulse (P < 0.01). We found no significant differences in the jumpers' initial take-off positions; however, the jumping boots condition resulted in a smaller displacement in the final position of the following joint angles: ankle angle (P < 0.001), knee angle (P < 0.001), hip angle (P < 0.01) and shank angle relative to the horizontal (P < 0.01). This corresponds with less electromyographic activity during take-off in both the gastrocnemius (300 to 200 ms and 200 to 100 ms before take-off) and gluteus maximus (300 to 200 ms and 100 to 0 ms before take-off). During the early take-off in the jumping boots condition, significantly more pressure was recorded under the heel (P < 0.001), whereas the forefoot was more highly loaded at the end of the take-off. Differences in take-off velocity (representing the final output of the take-off) can be accounted for in the main by the different use of plantar flexion, emphasizing the role of the knee and hip extensors when wearing jumping boots. We conclude that the stiffness of the structure of the jumping boots may result in a forward shift of pressure, thus limiting the effective vertical force. To avoid this pressure shift, the pattern of movement of simulated take-offs should be carefully controlled, particularly when wearing training shoes.  相似文献   

An effective start enhances an athlete's chances of success in ski cross competitions. Accordingly, this study was designed to investigate the biomechanics of start techniques used by elite athletes and assess the influence of different start environments. Seven elite ski cross athletes performed starts indoors on a custom-built ramp; six of these also performed starts on an outdoor slope. Horizontal and vertical forces were measured by force transducers located in the handles of the start gate and a 12-camera motion capture system allowed monitoring of the sagittal knee, hip, shoulder, and elbow kinematics. The starting movement involved Pre, Pull, and Push phases. Significant differences between body sides were observed for peak vertical and resultant forces, resultant impulse, and peak angular velocity of the shoulder joint. Significantly lower peak vertical forces (44 N), higher resultant impulse (0.114 Ns/kg), and knee joint range of motion (12°) were observed indoors. Although movement in the ski cross start is generally symmetrical, asymmetric patterns of force were observed among the athletes. Two different movement strategies, i.e. pronounced hip extension or more accentuated elbow flexion, were utilised in the Pull phase. The patterns of force and movement during the indoor and outdoor starts were similar.  相似文献   

采用运动生物力学测量法,对刘飞亮2007年参加全国第8届大学生运动会创5.71m全国纪录时的插穴起跳技术进行三维运动学剖析,并与国外优秀选手的相关参数进行比较研究。主要研究结果表明:刘飞亮在起跳离地瞬间,注重向上起跳,形成了较大的腾起角,而国外优秀选手则注重向前上方起跳,重视水平速度的保持与利用。  相似文献   

中外男子跳远技术的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴玲  魏家骏 《安徽体育科技》2004,25(2):18-20,30
通过对中外男子跳远技术的发展趋势的比较和分析,发现我国男子跳远运动员的平跑速度较慢,起跳能力较差,腾起角相对较小,是造成我国男子跳远成绩偏低的重要因素.笔者认为,在今后的跳远训练中,应在保持较高速度利用率的基础上,合理增大腾起角,提高平跑速度,完善起跳技术.  相似文献   

最后2步助跑至起跳技术是撑竿跳高中的关键技术环节。本文采用文献资料法、比较研究法,数理统计等方法对中外优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员最后2步助跑至起跳技术相关运动学参数进行对照。结果表明,我国优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员在身体重心运动轨迹变化、摆动膝角等多项指标中与世界优秀选手均存在一定差距,揭示我国优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员最后两步助跑至起跳技术的一般性规律与特征。为我国优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员的科学训练提供定量化参考依据。  相似文献   

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