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运用文献资料调研、观察及数理统计等方法,对第19届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段进球进行统计分析。统计结果表明,第19届足球世界杯场均进球仅为2.27个,仅高于1990年世界杯。随着现代足球攻防逐渐平衡,世界杯进球数量显现减少的趋势。在不同比赛阶段,上、下半场的射门次数具有显著性差异;在进球球权转换中,后场、中场、前场的球权转换不具有显著性差异,但通过定位球(任意球、掷界外球、角球)的球权转换有显著性差异;进球数量随着比赛时间的推移而逐渐增多,随传球次数的增多而锐减;罚球区仍是进球的主要区域,前锋、前卫运动员进球数量占总数量的88%,进球前的传球方式多以传中、传脚下、直塞等为主,射门部位以脚背、脚内侧、头球、脚背内侧为主;比赛获胜球队与失败球队的控球率存在显著性差异,控球率占优球队获胜的概率更大。  相似文献   

吴兆祥 《安徽体育科技》2010,31(2):49-51,63
通过对2006年德国世界杯足球比赛决赛阶段部分球队边路传中的传球区域、传球目标区域和传球性质等技术指标进行比较析,探索现代足球比赛边路进攻中边路传中的基本特征。研究结果表明,2、3区为最佳传中区域,前点区、后点区为较理想的传中目标区域。  相似文献   

以第16届亚运会日本、韩国和朝鲜男子足球队所参加的决赛阶段比赛为研究对象,选取球队传球和抢断球的次数作为球队进攻和防守能力的指标,球队核心球员传球方向的次数、成功率和比例作为球队技战术特征的指标进行数据统计和分析,以期为我国男子足球队在今后比赛中能够更好地应对对手提供理论依据。  相似文献   

蔺红伟  高峰 《体育世界》2014,(2):22-23,25
现代足球比赛中,边路进攻战术常常成为攻破敌方大门的有效手段。在比赛中由于中路防守队员密集,中路进攻遭遇到的阻力相对于边路也是大大增加。本文通过对2011-2012欧洲洲冠军杯联赛皇家马德里队小组赛的比赛边路传中的传球区域,传球目标区域和传球性质等指标进行分析,探索现代足球进攻中边路传中的基本特征。研究结果表明,1、2区为最佳的传中区域;前点区和后点区为较为理想的传球目标区域。  相似文献   

<正>传球,是篮球运动中最重要的基本功之一,它是球员之间衔接配合的纽带,是球队之间攻防转换的发动机,是篮球魅力的集中体现。在实际运用中传球的策略应包括:早传、多传、短传、快传、变传、简洁。这六者之间既相互独立,又相辅相承,每一次极具威胁的传球都体现出传球策略的重要。  相似文献   

第19届足球世界杯参赛队技术能力综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对参加第19届世界杯足球赛的32支球队进行分析比较,对各球队技术能力进行量化评价。结果表明:强弱队在进攻能力方面的差距主要体现在场均进球、角球、助攻、传中、传球成功率、突破和控球率7个方面,防守能力的差距主要体现在拦截、断球和解围3个方面;多元发展的欧洲球队在与南美球队的对抗中占据明显优势,攻守平衡是现代足球技战术发展的主要趋势。  相似文献   

通过对第18届世界杯足球赛前四名球队与亚洲球队前场30m区域应用边路传中战术指标数据进行统计及比较,探讨世界强队与亚洲球队应用边路传中战术的效果差异。结果表明:前四名球队应用边路传中战术的场均成功次数、场均成功率及效果比亚洲球队好,对传球区、目标区的选择更平均,左右两边路应用更平衡,采用外围性与肋部传中相结合的战术,传球线路的可选择性显得更丰富。亚洲球队的传中手段单调,对肋区的利用少。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像观察法、Q型聚类分析法、数理统计法,对参加亚洲足球俱乐部联赛(以下简称:亚冠联赛)的32支队伍、126场比赛的进攻情况进行分析,结果显示:各球队之间在传球成功率、突破成功率、射门次数等9项指标上存在显著性差异,其中射门次数、射正次数、传中数、关键传球、角球次数5项指标存在非常显著性差异.可见运用Q型聚类分析对球队的各项进攻指标进行量化评价具有较高的可靠性,能够客观地反映出各球队的进攻能力,同时,揭示现代足球进攻的发展趋势,并探索出一种比较合理有效的量化评价球队进攻能力的方法.  相似文献   

对2007—2008意大利足球甲级联赛参赛球队的比赛技术统计指标与联赛结果的相关性进行比较、分析,结果表明:对联赛结果影响较大的技术统计指标依次为传球成功率、控球率、射中门框以内、射门、犯规、射偏、黄牌。此外,各名次段球队之间在多项比赛技术统计指标上存在显著性差异,反映出参赛球队的技术水平和特点的差异性。  相似文献   

为了考察和分析中国足球超级联赛中主客场与球队整体表现的关系,使用2016赛季中国足球超级联赛(CSL)16支参赛队伍30轮共240场比赛中的传球网络数据,构建传球矩阵。基于复杂网络(Complex Network)方法分析球队的整体表现,计算了度和集聚系数等网络结构参数,并对其进行配对样本T检验和分析。结果表明,主场球队传球网络的度和集聚系数均显著大于客场,说明比赛中球员的关联程度和小组配合的成功率均受到比赛地点的影响。因此,传球网络中的参数能够从物理意义上有效和客观地解释球队的比赛表现,可以作为反映比赛表现的重要指标。  相似文献   

足球比赛快速进攻的手段与攻击位置研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
笔者通过分析 ,得出快速进攻效果明显比一般进攻效果好 ,且在不同的场区发动快速进攻的方式与攻击的位置不同。最好的手段是中长距离斜传球 ,最佳的攻击位置是肋部  相似文献   


Squad management, injury and physical, tactical and technical match performance were investigated in a professional soccer team across five consecutive league seasons (2008–2013, 190 league games) with specific focus on a championship-winning season (2010/11). For each player, match participation and time-loss injuries were recorded, the latter prospectively diagnosed by the team's physician. Defending and attacking tactical and technical performance indicators investigated included ball possession and possession in opponents' half, passes, forward passes, completed passes and forward passes, crosses and completed crosses, goal attempts and goal attempts on target, successful final third entries, free-kicks and 50/50 duels won/lost. Physical performance measures included total distance and distance covered at high-speeds (≥19.1 km/h). Results showed that during the 2010/11 season, squad utilisation was lowest potentially owing to the observed lower match injury occurrence and working days lost to injury thereby increasing player availability. In 2010/11, the team won both its highest number of points and conceded its lowest number of goals especially over the second half of this season. The team also won its highest number of games directly via a goal from a substitute and scored and conceded a goal first on the highest and lowest number of occasions, respectively. While multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) detected a significant difference in some attacking and defensive performance indicators across the five seasons, these were generally not distinguishing factors in 2010/11. Similarly, univariate ANOVAs showed a significant difference in running distances covered across seasons, but the trend was for less activity in 2010/11.  相似文献   

李阳  焦巍  郑鹭宾 《辽宁体育科技》2012,34(2):67-70,76
采用文献资料、数理统计等方法,对2010-2011赛季欧冠联赛各队的技战术情况进行研究。结果显示:攻守平衡是现代足球的发展方向,也是球队取得优异成绩的根本;与比赛结果密切相关的技术指标依次为射正球门次数、控球率、传球均数、成功传球均数、射门均数、传球成功率、角球、犯规、红牌和抢断成功率9项技术指标,其他各项技术指标对比赛结果影响不大。  相似文献   


Soccer is a team sport in which the performances of all team members are important for the outcome of a match. Even though the analysis of game events can be used to measure the team's performance, their perception, especially during the match, is extremely difficult, even for the involved agents. Soccer has been used as a simulation environment in many studies, mainly in the area of robotics. The RoboCup is an international robotics competition with an ambitious goal: in 2050 a robotics team will be capable of defeating the human world champion at the time. In this context, we compared technical similarities between human and robotics soccer. Based on an off-line automatic event detection tool, game statistics for the finals of both human and robotics soccer tournaments were collected and compared using the Wilcoxon test. The results show that the most frequent event in both forms of soccer is successful passes. Analysing the two types of passes considered (successful and missed), we conclude that there are significant differences between the two forms (W = 2, P=0.000354), with human soccer presenting a higher percentage of successful passes (77.89% vs. 66.97%). Of restart events (W=0, P=0.00048965), the most frequent one, in both forms, is the throw-in (human 59.91%, robotics 66.4%), and the least frequent is the corner (human 13.7%, robotics 14.09%). Regarding the frequency of shots, in the robotics environment “shots” were the most predominant type (43.27%), whereas in human soccer “shots on target” predominated (71.25%; W=64, P=0.000085641). Finally, the number of faults is minor in robotics soccer.  相似文献   

对2006年第18届世界杯32支球队小组赛48场比赛的117个进球进行分类统计分析,结果表明本届世界杯小组赛阶段进球具有以下特征:场均进球与上届基本持平,各队伍实力较为平均;进球最佳区域集中在罚球区及罚球弧顶;进球时间的最高峰出现在比赛的最后15min,并且已经超过了上届世界杯同时段的进球数;进球方式仍以脚射为主;进球队员仍以前锋队员最多,进球得分前的最后一次传球以接控传次数最多。  相似文献   

雅典奥运会后世界女排新格局的分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
奥运会作为排坛三大赛事中最重要的比赛,完全可以反映出世界女排各队的水平。为了备战2004年雅典奥运会,世界女排各队自2000年悉尼奥运会后都调整了队伍,雅典奥运会能反映出各队调整后的真实水平。从这次奥运会,可以清楚地看到世界女排格局的最新变化。第一集团应该有6支队伍,即中国、俄罗斯、古巴、巴西、美国和意大利队;德国、多米尼加、日本、波兰、土耳其、韩国、荷兰等队属于第二集团;阿根廷、加拿大、保加利亚、希腊、法国和泰国等队属于第三集团。  相似文献   

Within society, there are many publications regarding expectations of firm performance. These include analysis, industry insiders and ranking service. Within sports, bookmakers provide betting odds that reflect the expected outcome of matches and are determined by several factors. The purpose of this study is to analyse the determinants of expected match outcome (i.e. betting odds) and compare them to those of actual match outcome. Data from the 2010/2011 season of the German Bundesliga (soccer) are made available that are combined with betting odds for each match. Regression results show that several factors, such as difference in standing between team and opponent, difference in competitions played, difference in points earned over the last five matches, differences in standing last season and home advantage significantly influence expected match outcome. On the contrary, actual match outcome is only determined by the latter two factors.  相似文献   

刘洪  余晶 《体育科技》2005,26(3):25-27
拦网是防反的第一道防线和得分的重要手段,拦网不仅可以拦死,拦回,拦起对方的扣球,还可以削弱对方进攻锐气,动摇扣手的信心。特别是拦死后排进攻时,更能高涨本方气势。因此在高水平的比赛中,拦网的好坏直接影响比赛的胜负。  相似文献   

李洪臣  许水生  陈千山 《冰雪运动》2008,30(6):46-48,70
冰壶作为第24届世界大学生冬季运动会的比赛项目当中两个集体项目中的其中一项,其赛前组织工作的准备的充分性将关系到比赛能否成功地举办。采用实地考察、专家访谈等方法,对大冬会冰壶比赛的裁判工作、场地器材、参赛队伍与志愿者等准备情况进行调查研究,结果表明哈尔滨第24届大冬会组委会为举办冰壶比赛已经做好了充分地准备,中国女子冰壶队占地利、人和等诸多优势,预测其将在本次比赛中夺得金牌。  相似文献   

This study developed a method to determine whether the distribution of individual player performances can be modelled to explain match outcome in team sports, using Australian Rules football as an example. Player-recorded values (converted to a percentage of team total) in 11 commonly reported performance indicators were obtained for all regular season matches played during the 2014 Australian Football League season, with team totals also recorded. Multiple features relating to heuristically determined percentiles for each performance indicator were then extracted for each team and match, along with the outcome (win/loss). A generalised estimating equation model comprising eight key features was developed, explaining match outcome at a median accuracy of 63.9% under 10-fold cross-validation. Lower 75th, 90th and 95th percentile values for team goals and higher 25th and 50th percentile values for disposals were linked with winning. Lower 95th and higher 25th percentile values for Inside 50s and Marks, respectively, were also important contributors. These results provide evidence supporting team strategies which aim to obtain an even spread of goal scorers in Australian Rules football. The method developed in this investigation could be used to quantify the importance of individual contributions to overall team performance in team sports.  相似文献   

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