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三级跳远对运动员下肢的超等长收缩能力,特别是退让收缩能力的要求相当高。已有的研究表明,提高运动员起跳腿工作肌群的超等长收缩能力,是使三级跳远成绩迅速提高的新的训练途径。最近,我们在不影响运动员正常运动水平发挥的实验条件下,对其起跳腿的超等长收缩能力进行测定和研究,找出不同水平运动员在这方面的差异,从而正确地进行专项力量训练。  相似文献   

超等长训练适宜于跳跃专项少年运动员专项素质训练,对提高跳跃成绩效果显著,超等长训练对提高肌肉超等长收缩能力的作用显著,高于传统力量训练方法,尤其是跳跃专项少年运动员应积极进行超等长训练。  相似文献   

超等长练习在跳高训练中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、近年来超等长训练的误区及对策误区一 :超等长收缩训练易于造成运动员受伤 ,应尽量少用。对策 :的确 ,教练员在对运动员实施超等长收缩练习时 ,经常会碰到运动员受伤的情况。但是必须说明的是 ,这种受伤情况经常是由于运动员关节力量薄弱造成的。超等长收缩练习是提高爆发力的有效手段 ,但对少年运动员经常进行超等长收缩练习 ,容易造成受伤。同时 ,超等长收缩训练易造成肌肉酸疼 ,因此要合理安排训练量与次数 ,留出时间让肌肉得到适应和恢复 ,这会使运动员受伤次数减少。误区二 :超等长收缩练习一定可以使跳高运动员受益。对策 :这在理…  相似文献   

不同水平男子武术套路运动员心功能的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
崔振海  尹斯年 《体育与科学》2000,21(6):28-32,35
本文旨为探讨在长期武术运动训练中,运动员心脏形态、结构、功能发生的特异性变化。通过对不同运动技术水平的男子武术套路运动员的动力性负荷实验,结合超声心动图仪的检查,发现长期运动训练使得武术套路运动员心脏机能水平得到了很大的改善。由于训练全面,尤其是对身体素质训练的重视,优秀运动员的心脏收缩能力、心肌弹性、心肌厚度、泵血能力等指标明显好于对照组。  相似文献   

黄海 《中华武术》2013,(5):15-16
超等长训练是对发力肌肉的牵拉而产生爆发性收缩的练习。超等长训练是发展爆发力量的重要手段,对田径项目中短跨和跳跃运动员尤为重要,是全面身体训练内容不可缺少的组成部分。笔者结合多年训练的实践,以短跑、跨栏和跳跃项目的训练为例来探讨超等长训练的方法。一、超等长训练的方法超等长训练一般分为徒手练习和利用器械的练习。  相似文献   

以M型超声心动图及彩色多普勒超声心动图检测20名游泳、短跑女运动员的左心室结构和功能状况,并对游泳、短跑女运动员的左心功能进行比较分析,结果:20名女运动员的心脏功能均属正常。游泳运动员的每搏输出量为85.87±6.72ml;短跑运动员的每搏输出量为76.82±11.27ml,经统计学检验有显著性差异,提示游泳与短跑训练对运动员心脏功能的影响有显著的差别。提示不同项目、不同性质的运动训练对心脏的作用不同。  相似文献   

超等长训练法是目前国内外一种比较新颖、科学高效的运动训练方法,对提高运动员的爆发力有着显著的功效。本文试图通过分析影响超等长训练的因素,总结超等长训练在运动训练过程中的一般规律,指导教练员与运动员的运动训练。  相似文献   

基于国内研究不同拳种对运动员心理的影响的文章甚少,而这一研究成果有助于为武术运动员的训练、教学和科学选材提供重要依据,因此本文着重对武术运动员在演练长拳、南拳、太极拳时,进行二维超声心动图分析:(一)不同拳种运动时对心脏的影响;(二)不同训练水平对心脏的影响;(三)不同训练年限对于心脏的影响;(四)武术运动员的心肥大。  相似文献   

王刚 《冰雪运动》2017,(6):50-52
在力量速度体能类竞技体育项目中,力量素质的训练水平决定了运动员在比赛中成绩的获得,力量素质特别是专项力量素质的训练水平已经成为制约我国高水平运动员竞技能力提高的瓶颈因素之一.高水平运动员力量训练要符合项目比赛的特点,肌肉收缩表现出向心、离心和等长收缩等不同形式,主要体现为全面性、多元性、相持状态下体现爆发力以及无氧代谢功能状态下发挥最大力量等特点;最大力量训练普遍采用高强度短期刺激法,避免运动员肌纤维横断面明显增粗,对提高运动员肌肉内的协调性和肌肉间的协调性有很好的效果,从而可以在肌肉体积没有明显增大的情况下提高肌肉力量,有效控制体重的增长;快速力量的训练一般采用本人最大负重40%~60%负荷进行力量训练,既能发展力量,又能兼顾速度训练,肌肉收缩的输出功率达到最大.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法等,研究负重超等长训练对篮球运动员下肢力量的影响,包括下肢最大肌力(MVC)、起跳速度、下肢爆发力、发力率(RFD)、纵跳高度等.结果显示:负重超等长训练能有效发展篮球运动员的下肢爆发力,提高起跳速度及腾空高度,改善运动员的力量素质,提升运动表现.  相似文献   


Twelve subjects were used to determine the effect of isotonic and isometric exercises on heart rate using a military press in a sitting position. The isotonic exercise was performed for 45 sec. with one half of maximum resistance, and the isometric exercises were performed for 45 sec, with one half, two thirds, and maximum resistance. The results indicated that isometric exercise performed for 45 sec. with one half of maximum resistance could stimulate heart rate to the same extent that isotonic exercise could, using the same intensity and duration. The results also showed that increasing the load in isometric contraction resulted in a proportional increase in heart rate and that increasing the load to maximum isometric contraction resulted in a near twofold increase in heart rate.  相似文献   

张立  宋高晴 《体育科学》2006,26(3):53-57
研究目的:1)研究静力和动力性肌肉运动疲劳时肌肉氧含量的变化特点厦其规律;2)了解静力性、动力性递增强度运动时EMG参数变化;3)探讨肌氧含量与EMG参数变化之间的关系,为肌肉疲劳时影响肌电肌氧机制提供可能的理论基础。研究方法:1)肌氧含量的测试:探头纵向旋转让光源和检测器的轴线平行于股外侧肌外侧头大腿测定运动时肌氧含量的变化;2)肌电的测试:采用表面肌电图的测量,得出表面电图各指标参数;3)静力负荷等长收缩:通过力量传感器测出其最大肌肉收缩所对应的MVC;4)动力性负荷运动:采取功率自行车逐级递增负荷的测试方法作为肌肉的动力性运动,同步记录EMG参数,并在每一级负荷朱30S采血测定血乳酸浓度。结论:静力性运动时E/T值大幅度增大的时间大多出现在肌氧停止下降之后,肌氧的降低程度与肌肉疲劳程度有关。动力性运动时血乳酸值随负荷而增加,IEMG的变化趋势与血乳酸相似,IEMG、Oxy-Hb、BI值三者呈非常显著性相关,表明肌肉疲劳时肌肉氧供和内环境的改变也是影响EMG信号的重要因素。  相似文献   


An investigation was conducted to determine the effects of fatiguing exercise upon the Achilles tendon reflex. Eleven subjects performed one of four exercise tasks on each of four separate days. The exercise conditions involved low-intensity isometric, high-intensity isometric, low-intensity isotonic or high-intensity isotonic exercise. The low-intensity tasks required a 25% MVC load, while the high-intensity conditions required a 50% MVC load. Results showed that low-intensity isometric exercise reduced reflex force, as well as the time needed to reach peak force, while high-intensity exercise produced an enhancement of reflex force. Half-relaxation time was faster after subjects executed low-intensity isometric exercise, but generally somewhat prolonged following high-intensity isometric exercise. Thus, the Achilles tendon reflex may be either enhanced or depressed depending upon the type and intensity of exercise performed.  相似文献   

不同形式肌肉收缩时肌电参数变化特征及机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
研究目的:探讨动力性与静力性肌肉收缩时EMG各参数的变化特征及疲劳时各指标的差异,比较不同项目运动员肌肉收缩特征对EMG参数的影响及与该项目的关系。研究方法:27名受试者分为两组,第一组为赛艇运动员(组一),第二组为田径爆发性力量项目(跳跃、短跑)专选运动员(组二)。受试者以2/3Mvc做静力性持续等长收缩,动力性持续肌肉收缩则采用本人的MVC,同时记录EMG信号,分析IEMG、E/T值和MF。研究结果:持续静力性肌肉收缩时,随疲劳的发展赛艇运动员与田径运动员IEMG、E/T值均显著升高。但赛艇运动员从运动开始至80%时段一直保持平稳,此后迅速上升。静力性收缩时两组运动员随疲劳发展MF从高频向低频转移,但田径运动员频率下降速率要快于赛艇运动员。结论:赛艇运动训练促使大脑皮层动员运动单位工作更具有时间耐久性。快速、爆发式运动使疲劳时大脑皮层兴奋性下降更快,肌肉更易于疲劳。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a single bout of endurance exercise on subsequent strength performance. Eight males with a long history of resistance training performed isokinetic, isometric and isotonic leg extension strength tests 8 and 32 h after 50 min of cycle ergometry at 70-110% of critical power. The participants also completed a control condition in which no cycling was performed. Plasma lactate and ammonia were measured before and immediately after each strength test. Isokinetic, isometric and isotonic leg extension torques were not significantly different 8 or 32 h after endurance exercise compared with the control condition ( P > 0.05). A large (50.3%), but not statistically significant, increase in plasma ammonia was evident during the strength tests performed 8 h after endurance exercise, while a significant ( P ? 0.05) increase in ammonia was also seen 32 h after endurance exercise. No significant changes in plasma ammonia were evident in the control condition. Our results suggest that leg extension strength was not compromised by an earlier bout of endurance cycling. However, metabolic activity during the strength tests might have been altered by the preceding bout of endurance exercise.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a single bout of endurance exercise on subsequent strength performance. Eight males with a long history of resistance training performed isokinetic, isometric and isotonic leg extension strength tests 8 and 32 h after 50 min of cycle ergometry at 70-110% of critical power. The participants also completed a control condition in which no cycling was performed. Plasma lactate and ammonia were measured before and immediately after each strength test. Isokinetic, isometric and isotonic leg extension torques were not significantly different 8 or 32 h after endurance exercise compared with the control condition (P > 0.05). A large (50.3%), but not statistically significant, increase in plasma ammonia was evident during the strength tests performed 8 h after endurance exercise, while a significant (P < 0.05) increase in ammonia was also seen 32 h after endurance exercise. No significant changes in plasma ammonia were evident in the control condition. Our results suggest that leg extension strength was not compromised by an earlier bout of endurance cycling. However, metabolic activity during the strength tests might have been altered by the preceding bout of endurance exercise.  相似文献   

Currently, it is not possible to prescribe isometric exercise at an intensity that corresponds to given heart rates or systolic blood pressures. This might be useful in optimizing the effects of isometric exercise training. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the relationships between isometric exercise intensity and both heart rate and systolic blood pressure during repeated incremental isometric exercise tests. Fifteen participants performed seated isometric double-leg knee extension, during which maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) was assessed, using an isokinetic dynamometer. From this, a corresponding peak electromyographic activity (EMG(peak)) was determined. Subsequently, participants performed two incremental isometric exercise tests (at least 48 h apart) at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30% EMG(peak), during which steady-state heart rate and systolic blood pressure were recorded. In all participants, there were linear relationships between %EMG(peak) and heart rate (r at least 0.91; P < 0.05) and between %EMG(peak) and systolic blood pressure (r at least 0.92; P < 0.05). Also, when repeated tests were compared, there were no differences in the slopes (P > 0.50) or elevations (P > 0.10) for either of the relationships. Therefore, these linear relationships could be used to identify isometric exercise training intensities that correspond to precise heart rates or systolic blood pressures. Training performed in this way might provide greater insight into the underlying mechanisms for the cardiovascular adaptations that are known to occur as a result.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was twofold: to determine which exercise program was most effective in producing a static strength gain and to determine the relationship between static strength and speed of movement. Seventy-two eighth grade girls were divided into two experimental groups one using an isometric exercise program, the other using an isotonic program. A control group played lead-up games during the experimental period. Strength and speed of the arm and shoulder girdle were both measured by three tests. Prior to training, correlations indicated a rather high relationship between static strength, and speed of a dominant arm movement. Following training there was little relationship between static strength, and speed of a specific arm movement. The results of the training program indicated an increase in mean performance in all three groups with the isotonic group being superior.  相似文献   


Two groups of college men (N = 41) participated for 12 weeks in two different exercise programs to determine the relative effects of unilateral isometric and isotonic contractions of equal load, duration, and range of movement on the muscular strength of the contralateral limb. Data examined by the t test for correlated means indicated that both methods of exercise produced significant increases in the strength of the unexercised limb. Application of the multiple linear regression technique for covariance analysis revealed that no significant difference existed between the effectiveness of the exercise methods.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of research on devices suitable for home-based isometric exercise. Our aim was to compare cardiovascular responses to isometric exercise using novel and established methods. Ten individuals (age 34.0 +/- 8.5 years, mass 68.2 +/- 10.4 kg, height 1.72 +/- 0.09 m; mean +/- s) performed three different isometric exercise protocols with 48 h between each. Each protocol involved four repeated exercise bouts of 2 min at 30% maximum voluntary contraction force using alternate legs (transducer), alternate arms (transducer), or alternate arms (novel device). Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate were measured every 30 s. The highest (peak) values during each 2 min bout of exercise were recorded (peak systolic blood pressure, peak diastolic blood pressure, peak mean arterial blood pressure and peak heart rate). At the end of each 2 min exercise bout, the participants rated their perceived discomfort using Borg's CR-10 scale. There was a statistically significant difference in peak systolic blood pressure between isometric arm flexion using the force transducer and the novel device [158.1 +/- 10.8 vs. 149.1 +/- 13.9 mmHg (mean +/- s); P = 0.02]. Further analysis showed that peak systolic blood pressure was on average 9 mmHg higher using the force transducer with limits of agreement of - 15.97 to 33.97 mmHg. Analysis of the peak diastolic blood pressure, peak mean arterial blood pressure, peak heart rate and CR-10 data revealed no statistically significant differences between the three protocols. These results suggest that this novel, home-based method elicited similar cardiovascular responses during isometric exercise to those of established laboratory-based methods. However, the lower peak systolic blood pressure using the modified scales warrants further investigation before this method is used widely in the home.  相似文献   

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