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脑力、体力劳动者足底压力参数分布特征及评定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析脑力、体力劳动者自然行走过程中峰力值(maxforce,MF)、达峰力值时间(time to max force)、冲量(impulse)等参数特征,探讨职业对足底压力分布的影响。采用比利时Footscan USB2平板式足底压测试系统对50名普通健康脑力劳动者和63名普通健康体力劳动者进行自然行走过程中动态足底压力测试。结果显示:脑力、体力劳动者左脚Toel、Toe2-5、Heel Lateral区域平均峰值(MF)存在显著性差异,右脚Mid foot、Meta5区域MF差异存在非常显著性(P〈0.01),左、右双足平均峰力值(MF)最大值均出现在足跟内侧(Heel Medial)。脑力、体力劳动者足底各区域达峰力值的时间(TMF),左右双足差异均存在非常显著性(P〈0.01)。脑力劳动者与体力劳动者行走过程中左足在Toel、Toe2-5、Meta1、Heel Medial、Heel Lateral区域的冲量(Impulse,IP),体力劳动者明显大于脑力劳动者且具有显著性差异〈0.01),体力劳动者与脑力劳动者的足底MF与足弓接触面积及足角度存在不同程度的相关。结果说明:脑力劳动者与体力劳动者行走过程中左右双足的平均峰力值、接触面积、冲量等参数都存在不同程度的差异,可能与长期从事的职业不同有关,建议经常进行体育锻炼或定制矫形鞋垫,可以缓解足底压力高压区的过度集中,不断维护足健康水平。  相似文献   

目的:探讨分析体育舞蹈专业女大学生足底压力的分布特征,为参加体育舞蹈训练的普通大学生和体育舞蹈专业学生提供数据参考。方法:采用footscan USB足底压力平板测试系统对8名普通女大学生和8名体育舞蹈专业女大学生进行正常行走、伦巴走步的足底压力测试。结果:裸足正常行走过程中,体育舞蹈专业和普通女大学生在足底各分区压力分布基本一致,无显著性差异;普通女大学生在第2-5趾、第1跖骨、第2跖骨、第5跖骨、足中部区域左、右差异有统计学意义,而体育舞蹈专业女大学生除了在第1趾存在差异外,左右足无显著性差异;体育舞蹈专业大学生在伦巴走步过程中,压力中心轨迹与正常行走时有很大差异。这种差异在足底各分区压力-时间积分中表现为,左右脚的脚前掌、足中部压力-时间积分变大,足跟部位压力-时间积分明显变小,且与正常行走相比有显著性差异,做舞蹈动作时,压力主要集中于脚前掌和足弓部位。结论:体育舞蹈专业女大学生在做舞蹈动作时,压力主要集中于脚前掌和足中部,且外侧跖骨受力显著。参加体育舞蹈训练时必须穿着适当高度、适当硬度的舞蹈鞋来缓解脚前掌和足中部的压力。  相似文献   

青少年女性穿不同鞋行走时足底压力分布研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴剑  李建设 《体育科学》2006,26(6):67-70
通过F—scan足底压力分布解析系统对青少年女性穿不同类型鞋行走时的步态进行足底压力分布的测量和分析。结果表明,青少年女性穿跟高6.5cm以上的高跟鞋行走时,足底第1跖趾关节最大受力值是穿球鞋行走时该点最大受力值的4倍,是穿中跟鞋和松糕鞋行走时该点最大受力值的2倍。穿松糕鞋行走时,足底3点压力变化曲线图与裸足行走时足底3点压力变化曲线图相似,但是,穿松糕鞋行走时,足底3点最大受力值比裸足行走时足底3点最大受力值大。因此。也说明穿松糕鞋行走时下肢肌肉负荷较大。提示,穿高跟鞋行走对青少年女性足的生长发育有严重影响,建议他们日常生活中少穿或者不穿高跟鞋。  相似文献   

以上海市蹦床队5名一线男子运动员为研究对象,通过视频与足底压力同步测试的研究方法,对蹦床运动员的预跳和5个基本的技术动作进行测试,研究男子蹦床运动员在完成不同基本技术动作过程中足底压力的分布的特征及足底压力分布的一般规律。为蹦床运动员进行科学训练提供理论依据,为蹦床运动员运动技术诊断提供客观指标。研究结论:运动员完成不同基本技术动作足底压力分布特征规律相同,足底压力合力变化、压强峰值分布和压力中心变化无显著性差异。触网起跳过程双足压力合力呈单峰曲线网面达最低点时双足压力合力最大,双足压力合力最大值可达体重的3.04倍。压强峰值表现为双足第五趾骨区较高。运动员在起网蹬伸阶段双足呈现出压力中心偏移现象,与运动员起跳过程中双足用力不均有关。  相似文献   

青年女性着高跟鞋平地行走时步态的生物力学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴剑  李建设 《体育科研》2003,24(3):9-11
通过SIMI-MOTION录像解析系统和F-scan足底压力分布解析系统对青年女性穿高跟鞋行走时的步态进行运动学和动力学测量和分析。结果表明:青少年女性穿高跟鞋行走时的步态特征表现为:步长短,步速慢,步态周期长,重心起伏幅度大,单支撑时相占支撑时相比例低,说明青少年女性穿高跟鞋行走时下肢肌肉机能减弱;青少年女性穿跟高6.5cm以上的高跟鞋行走时,足底第一跖趾关节最大受力值是青少年女性穿球鞋行走时该点最大受力值的4倍,是青少年女性穿中跟鞋和松糕鞋行走时该点最大受力值的2倍。  相似文献   

测试相同人群穿跑鞋和板鞋行走时足底压力、压强及冲量特征,结合运动学采集分析不同速度行走时人体下肢的运动学和足底力学特征,结果显示:穿慢跑鞋和穿板鞋相比,第一趾骨与第二跖骨及足跟区存在非常显著差异;行走过程中这两个区域足底平均压力峰值板鞋组显著大于慢跑鞋组(P<0.05).慢跑鞋较板鞋表现出跖骨区压力小、足中部压力大、足跟区压力小,均存在显著差异(P<0.05).以期为健步走人群不同速度行走时提供可行性建议.  相似文献   

研究采用SENSOR MEDICA足底压力测试技术测试60名受试者在低头站立与低头行走过程中玩手机2种不同姿态的足底压力以及相关指标,探讨低头站立和低头行走过程中玩手机对足底压力及下肢生理结构的影响。结果:低头站立时玩手机左脚足中段和右脚面积明显增大。左右脚足底的平均压强明显减小。低头行走时玩手机行走的平均速度、平均步长、每分钟步数都明显减小,左右脚落地的时间,右脚第三跖骨的平均面积,足跟内侧的负荷都明显增大,左脚第一、二、三趾骨和足弓内外侧的平均压力明显减少。结论:低头行走和站立时玩手机的姿态会影响足底压力的分布以及步态特征,感觉系统对周围环境的观察能力下降,神经中枢处理突发事件的速度减慢,身体质量中心在质量支撑面的晃动加剧,身体维持平衡所需的肌肉活动增多,肌肉代偿增加更易产生疲劳,在面对突发事故时更易产生跌倒且损伤风险增大。  相似文献   

通过对13名高水平女子羽毛球运动员进行下肢等速肌力测试,以及静态、行走、跑步、起跳、正反手跨弓步共5种运动状态的足底压力分析,发现:女子羽毛球运动员下肢肌群力量双侧较为均衡,髋部内收肌群、屈膝肌群、膝部内旋肌群、踝内旋肌群随运动速度加快而贡献程度不断增加;常速行走时左侧下肢用力自动化过程较敏感,双腿反向纵跳(CMJ)落地时右侧下肢承担了主要的缓冲负荷,单腿CMJ落地时左侧下肢离心负荷较右侧更大;反手区域步法受力高于正手区域,反手区域步法更多是足跟部受力,正手区域步法更多是足前部受力,限制下肢旋内运动的肌群均能影响常见步法的足内侧足底受力。  相似文献   

青少年蹦床运动员静态平衡稳定性的生物力学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用德国Zebris 平板式足底压力测试系统对2009 年11 月18 日至23 日在广西桂林举行的全国青少年蹦床锦标赛的青少年蹦床运动员 进行静态平衡能力的测试,得出椭圆宽、椭圆高、椭圆面积、椭圆轨迹长、椭圆水平偏移、椭圆垂直偏移6 项平衡参数。通过6 项参数比较青少年 运动员在双足睁眼与闭眼站立;单足睁眼与闭眼站立时平衡稳定性的差别,探讨蹦床运动员静态平衡能力特征,为运动员科学选材、训练等提供 理论依据。  相似文献   

11~12 岁肥胖儿童不同步速时足底压力分布特征及步态研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用footscan 7.9 压力分布测试系统,对济南市文东小学10 名和山东师范大学附属小学15 名学生(年龄在11~12 岁)进行足底压力分布和 步态特征的测试。以BMI>26 为肥胖判定标准,将学生分成两组(正常组与肥胖组)进行对比分析。研究结果表明:(1)步行时儿童足跟负重比例相 对要高,而肥胖儿童随着步速的提高,足跟部压力显著增大。(2)慢速行走时候,肥胖儿童的步长显著高于正常儿童,随着步速的提高,正常儿童 的步长显著提高,而肥胖儿童的步长显著降低,慢速行走时,肥胖儿童较正常儿童采取大步慢行的方式,而快速行走时,采取小碎步的快行方式。 (3)无论是正常儿童还是肥胖儿童,随着步速的增加,步宽显著增大。  相似文献   

基于足底压力的优秀竞走运动员支撑足力学特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过Fcotscan足底压力步态分析系统测试优秀竞走运动员竞走支撑相足底压力分布.结果表明,竞走支撑足足底压力时间曲线具有双峰特征,足中部发力控制能力较强;压力中心轨迹在横向摆动幅度较小,纵向移动速度均匀,在足中部支撑时移动速度较快;支撑时所受冲量分布全足底,在鞋后跟着地阶段大多出现足跟内翻,在足中部支撑和蹬伸阶段左足偶有内翻现象出现,具有项目特有的动力定型.建议在训练中应增加侧重左足外侧副韧带和足底肌腱韧带的专项力量练习,以提高竞走运动员的足平衡控制能力.  相似文献   

我国冬季两项优秀运动员站立和行走足平衡能力研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
孟昭莉  元文学  郝欣莉 《体育科学》2007,27(2):34-37,78
通过Footscan足底压力步态分析系统测试我国冬季两项优秀运动员站立和行走时足底压力分布并进行分析讨论。结果表明,运动员赤足站立的平衡能力高于穿鞋,双脚站立时闭眼稳定能力高于睁眼,单脚站立时左脚好于右脚;赤足行走支撑足足底压力时间曲线具有双峰特征、压力中心在横向摆动幅度较小;大部分运动员在足中部支撑阶段出现足内、外翻现象,建议教练指导队员加以注意并选用适合的鞋或添加鞋垫,增加足背屈时对应肌腱、韧带专向力量的练习,减少行走时足内外翻情况的出现,避免身体损伤出现。  相似文献   

Nordic walking (NW), characterized by the use of two walking poles, is becoming increasingly popular (Morgulec-Adamowicz, Marszalek, & Jagustyn, 2011). We studied walking pressure patterns of 20 experienced and 30 beginner Nordic walkers. Plantar pressures from nine foot zones were measured during trials performed at two walking speeds (preferred and 20% faster), and under two walking conditions (NW vs. normal walking). In comparison to normal walking, NW experience led to a significant (p < .05) pressure reduction of about 50% on the central metatarsals. No significant increases were detected in other foot regions. The differences between experienced and beginners during normal walking including a 40% pressure reduction on the metatarsal area, suggests that regular NW practice might also have a beneficial effect on plantar pressure when walking without poles.  相似文献   

In-shoe plantar pressure systems are commonly used in clinical and research settings to assess foot function during functional tasks. Recently, Tekscan® has updated their F-Scan® in-shoe plantar pressure system; however, this system’s test–retest reliability has not been established. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the test–retest reliability of the F-Scan® 7 system in recreationally active individuals during treadmill walking. Seventeen healthy adults completed 2 sessions of treadmill walking. For each session, participants were fitted for shoes and pressure insoles and walked on a treadmill at a self-selected pace for 30 s. Following the sessions, the test–retest reliability peak pressure, pressure time integral, average pressure and pressure contact area over 4 regions of the foot (heel, mid-foot, forefoot and toes) was assessed by calculating intraclass coefficients (ICC 2,k) and coefficient of variation percentage (CoV%). Pressure contact area consistently had the highest ICCs and lowest CoV% (ICCs: 0.91–0.98; CoV%: 2.7–7.8%). Whereas, the forefoot and toe regions had the highest ICCs for all 4 measures (ICCs: 0.83–0.98; CoV%: 3.1–13.4%). During treadmill walking in healthy recreationally active individuals, the reliability of the new Tekscan F-Scan® ranged from poor to high and was dependent on the measure and region of the foot.  相似文献   

Comfort has been shown to be the most desired football boot feature by players. Previous studies have shown discomfort to be related to increased plantar pressures for running shoes which, in some foot regions, has been suggested to be a causative factor in overuse injuries. This study examined the correlation between subjective comfort data and objective plantar pressure for football boots during football-specific drills. Eight male university football players were tested. Plantar pressure data were collected during four football-specific movements for each of three different football boots. The global and local peak pressures based on a nine-sectioned foot map were compared to subjective comfort measures recorded using a visual analogue scale for global discomfort and a discomfort foot map for local discomfort. A weak (rs = ?0.126) yet significant (P < 0.05) correlation was shown between the peak plantar pressure experienced and the visual analogue scale rated comfort. The model only significantly predicted (P > 0.001) the outcome for two (medial and lateral forefoot) of the nine foot regions. Subjective comfort data is therefore not a reliable measure of increased plantar pressures for any foot region. The use of plantar pressure measures is therefore needed to optimise injury prevention when designing studded footwear.  相似文献   

竞走项目最大速度能力和足底压力特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过二维录像解析和足底压力分布实验测试,对竞走项目运动员最大速度能力和足底压力分布特征进行相关的基础研究,以获得竞走项目运动员在特定的技术规则规定下,世界级优秀竞走运动员的极限最大速度能力、关键运动学参数和足底压力分布特征参数情况,并对这些运动学和动力学参数进行了相关分析.  相似文献   

Foot loading characteristics during three fencing-specific movements   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Plantar pressure characteristics during fencing movements may provide more specific information about the influence of foot loading on overload injury patterns. Twenty-nine experienced fencers participated in the study. Three fencing-specific movements (lunge, advance, retreat) and normal running were performed with three different shoe models: Ballestra (Nike, USA), Adistar Fencing Lo (Adidas, Germany), and the fencers' own shoes. The Pedar system (Novel, Munich, Germany) was used to collect plantar pressures at 50 Hz. Peak pressures, force-time integrals and contact times for five foot regions were compared between four athletic tasks in the lunge leg and supporting leg. Plantar pressure analysis revealed characteristic pressure distribution patterns for the fencing movements. For the lunge leg, during the lunge and advance movements the heel is predominantly loaded; during retreat, it is the hallux. For the supporting leg, during the lunge and advance movements the forefoot is predominantly loaded; during retreat, it is the hallux. Fencing-specific movements load the plantar surface in a distinct way compared with running. An effective cushioning in the heel and hallux region would help to minimize foot loading during fencing-specific movements.  相似文献   


Plantar pressure characteristics during fencing movements may provide more specific information about the influence of foot loading on overload injury patterns. Twenty-nine experienced fencers participated in the study. Three fencing-specific movements (lunge, advance, retreat) and normal running were performed with three different shoe models: Ballestra (Nike, USA), Adistar Fencing Lo (Adidas, Germany), and the fencers' own shoes. The Pedar system (Novel, Munich, Germany) was used to collect plantar pressures at 50 Hz. Peak pressures, force–time integrals and contact times for five foot regions were compared between four athletic tasks in the lunge leg and supporting leg. Plantar pressure analysis revealed characteristic pressure distribution patterns for the fencing movements. For the lunge leg, during the lunge and advance movements the heel is predominantly loaded; during retreat, it is the hallux. For the supporting leg, during the lunge and advance movements the forefoot is predominantly loaded; during retreat, it is the hallux. Fencing-specific movements load the plantar surface in a distinct way compared with running. An effective cushioning in the heel and hallux region would help to minimize foot loading during fencing-specific movements.  相似文献   

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