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目的:研究体力活动水平对中国人群肺功能指标的影响。方法:对7763例中国男性人群(16-74岁,46.9±7.8)进行横断面研究。根据IPAQ-SF问卷获得参与者的体力活动水平,并按照体力活动水平将参与者分为低、中等和高体力活动水平组三组。通过多变量线性回归分析评估吸烟者和非吸烟者的肺功能与体力活动水平之间的线性关系。结果:与低体力活动水平相比,非吸烟者中,中等体力活动水平组的FVC、FVC%pre和FEV1与体力活动水平正相关,FEV1%pre和FVC/FEV1与体力活动水平的关系不显著;高体力活动水平组的FVC、FVC%pre、FEV1、FEV1%pre均与体力活动水平显著正相关,FVC/FEV1与体力活动水平的关系不显著。与低体力活动水平相比,吸烟者中,中等和高体力活动水平组的肺功能指标与体力活动水平的关系均不显著。结论:在中国人群中,体力活动水平对非吸烟者肺功能指标的改善要远大于吸烟者,且体力活动水平越高,对非吸烟者的肺功能改善效果越明显。因此,可以通过倡导不吸烟和提高体力活动水平来改善中国人群的肺功能,从而对COPD进行预防。  相似文献   

目的通过加速度计测量、评价中年女性体力活动水平现状,探讨不同水平的体力活动对机体糖脂代谢的影响。方法选取71名年龄在40~59岁的女性,采集空腹静脉血测试血糖、血脂,并让其佩戴7 d的加速度计,根据测试结果计算静坐、低强度、中等强度、较大强度体力活动的时间,比较40~49岁、50~59岁两组女性体力活动的现状,分析体力活动水平与糖脂代谢各项指标之间的相关性。结果 40~59岁女性中52.11%属于体力活动不足,其中40~49岁女性体力活动不足人数达到67.86%;超重肥胖女性中72.73%存在体力活动不足的现象,而正常体重的女性只有34.21%是体力活动不足者;体力活动不足组的血糖、TC、TG均高于体力活动活跃组,两组之间存在显著性差异(P<0.05),LDL-C明显高于体力活动活跃组(P<0.01),HDL-C较体力活动活跃组低(P<0.05)。结论约有50%的中年女性存在体力活动不足,尤其是每周进行较大强度体力活动的时间几乎为0 min;40~49岁的女性体力活动水平明显低于50~59岁的女性,超重肥胖女性体力活动水平低于正常体重的女性;体力活动不足会引起机体糖脂代谢紊乱,增加发生心血管疾病的危险因素。  相似文献   

以中国义乌小商品城287名民营企业家为例,以体力活动阶段量表、国际体力活动量表(短卷)为评估工具,探讨民营企业家体力活动阶段分布特征,体力活动量及阶段分布与体力活动量的相关性。结果显示,民营企业家阶段分布特征明显,体力活动量较低,不同体力活动阶段的体力活动量有差异。  相似文献   

以中国义乌小商品城287名民营企业家为例,以体力活动阶段量表、国际体力活动量表(短卷)为评估工具,探讨民营企业家体力活动阶段分布特征,体力活动量及阶段分布与体力活动量的相关性。结果显示,民营企业家阶段分布特征明显,体力活动量较低,不同体力活动阶段的体力活动量有差异。  相似文献   

李敬雯  任文君 《体育世界》2014,(1):15-16,14
体力活动水平与健康之间存在着剂量反应,如何准确测量体力活动水平是研究人员关心的问题。本文总结分析了行为观察法、双标水法、体力活动问卷、心率、运动传感器等体力活动测量方法各自的优点与不足,为开展中国人体力活动研究提供参考。  相似文献   

体力活动与健康:研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
规律性体力活动对健康的益处已经被既往的研究所证实。多种慢性疾病,包括心脏病、2型糖尿病、高血压、中风、肥胖、骨质疏松以及某些癌症的发病都与缺乏规律性的体力活动有关。权威机构已明确提出了关于体力活动的参与指引。大量的研究致力于体力活动干预措施的制定。本文总结了体力活动与健康的研究证据、体力活动在人群中的评价、以及体力活动干预研究的进展,为中国下一步相关研究的开展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

江苏省省级机关公务员体力活动情况调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨江苏省机关公务员的体力活动水平和不同种类体力活动的分布情况。方法:用国际体力活动量表长卷来评价机关公务员的体力活动情况。共1224名机关公务员参加测试。结果;调查的机关公务员中有62.1%的人体力活动充足;女性体力活动充足的人(69.0%)明显高于男性(58.5%),差异有显著性(P<0.05)。交通行程体力活动是机关公务员体力活动的最主要形式,其次是闲暇时间体力活动。女性在交通和家务体力活动强度显著高于男性(P<0.01)。只有交通行程的体力活动随着年龄的增大,其活动强度在下降(P<0.01)。结论:调查的江苏省省级机关公务页人群中有37.9%的人体力活动不足;交通行程体力活动是公务员主要的体力活动形式;女性体力活动充足的比率和强度都比男性高。  相似文献   

近年来,体力活动研究领域的对象年龄呈现不断下移趋势,学前儿童的体力活动研究日益受到关注与重视。采用文献资料法,从学前儿童体力活动一般概况、静态行为、体力活动与基本动作技能发展、托幼机构与家庭系统中的体力活动、重要他人对体力活动的影响、低幼儿童的体力活动等方面对国外学前儿童体力活动的研究现状与趋势进行系统化梳理与分析。在此基础上,总结目前这一领域在研究重心、研究视角、研究设计与测量方法方面主要呈现出:强调对学前儿童体力活动行为模式特征的深度挖掘;从研究行为主体本身转向考察行为发生的背景性因素;重视学前儿童体力活动研究的发展性维度与跨文化维度;多元化主客观测量手段的有机整合与效度一致性分析验证等特点,以期为我国相关领域研究的深入开展提供有力借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

以2016年国际体力活动与公共卫生大会上38个国家联合发布的《青少年体力活动报告》为基础,分析全球青少年体力活动水平及其生态学环境现状,介绍部分国家的青少年体力活动干预工作。结果显示:青少年体力活动的整体水平较低,静态生活方式普遍;政策、社区和机构维度的青少年体力活动生态学环境相对较好,但政策和社区维度的干预效果还不明显,青少年体力活动的人际环境还有很大提升空间;上海市青少年体力活动水平较低,香港的青少年体力活动水平及其生态学环境位列全球中等水平。今后还需进一步完善评价指标体系,加强国际交流与合作,以生态学理论为基础健全青少年体力活动的评价与干预机制。  相似文献   

运用2010年第三次国民体质监测调查数据对国民体力活动水平进行分析.结果显示:幼儿人群体力活动表现为:每周5天身体活动人数比例随年龄增加呈减少趋势,城镇高于乡村.成老年人群特征:成年人约有1/3、老年人约有2/3的人一周中没有中、重度体力活动;体力活动活跃度在40-54岁进入最高平台期;体力活动高度活跃的成年人群随学历的增加,人数比例呈现出降低的态势;体力活动活跃类成年人群呈现出“倒U型”结构.将交通行程、职业、家务和闲暇时间四项体力活动指标结合起来看,各性别组人群的职业体力活动活跃达标率普遍比其他三项体力活动高.  相似文献   

身体活动已成为延缓老年人认知老化、提高青少年认知功能、改善学生学习等的重要因素,然而基于特定认知效益的锻炼处方设计仍需探索。研究分别从单次身体活动和长期身体活动角度探讨身体活动强度、身体活动时间、身体活动频率、身体活动总量、身体活动类型与认知效益之间的量效关系。在此基础上,提出未来研究应该重点考虑身体活动4个要素的整体设计、考虑不同身体活动项目的认知效益、考察不同人群身体活动的认知效益、考察身体活动认知效益量效关系的机制等,进而为制定促进认知效益的身体活动方案提供循证依据。  相似文献   

为全面了解四川省城乡居民参加体育锻炼的行为状况,对推进群众体育事业可持续发展提供科学依据。2008年在四川成都、自贡、广元三市采用"入户方式"进行问卷调查。结果显示,有32.1%的四川省城乡居民在2007年参加过体育锻炼,且全省"经常参加体育锻炼"的人数比例为23.7%(含在校学生).日常生活中,体育锻炼项目以健身走和跑步为主,不同年龄段人群所选择的项目明显不同;同时,省内居民参与体育锻炼的意识有所增强,以"防病治病"为目的的人数比例最多,但有近70%的人在体育锻炼中没有接受过科学指导;而没有时间、缺乏参与体育锻炼的场地是目前省内城乡居民参与体育锻炼的主要阻碍;城镇居民在参加体育锻炼人数比例、经常参加体育锻炼人数比例、参加体育锻炼的消费等调查指标上都高于乡村,城乡差异明显存在。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to highlight important research needs related to physical activity in 3- to 5-year-old children. We identified research needs in 3 major categories: health effects, patterns of physical activity, and interventions and policies. The top research needs include identifying the health effects of physical activity, the effects of physical activity on the development of healthy weight, the effects of physical activity on learning and behavior, and the health implications of sedentary behavior. Research questions concerning patterns of physical activity include determining the prevalence of 3- to 5-year-olds meeting the current physical activity guidelines; the social and environmental factors that influence physical activity in home, preschool, and community settings; and how physical activity tracks into later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Research questions about interventions and policies include identifying the most effective strategies to promote physical activity in home, child care, and community settings and to reach diverse populations of young children, identifying effective intervention implementation and dissemination strategies, and determining the effectiveness of national, state, local, and institutional policies for increasing physical activity. In conclusion, research is needed to establish a full understanding of the health implications of physical activity in 3- to 5-year-old children, to better understand the nature of physical activity behavior in this group, and to learn how to promote physical activity in young children.  相似文献   


Numerous epidemiological investigations have shown that low physical fitness and low physical activity are related to the incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Most studies, however, have not examined both variables concurrently to determine which has the strongest association with CAD risk. The purpose of the investigation was to cross-sectionally examine the relationships among physical fitness, physical activity, and risk factors for CAD. Male law enforcement officers (N = 412) from the City of Austin, Texas, were subjects for this study. Physical fitness, physical activity, and risk factors for CAD were assessed through health screenings and from data collected as part of an annual physical fitness assessment. Multivariate analysis of covariance revealed that physical fitness, but not physical activity, was related to several single CAD risk factors. Percent body fat, smoking habits, and Type A behavior score were negatively related to physical fitness level, and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was positively related to physical fitness level. Univariate analysis of variance found both physical fitness and physical activity to be significantly related to a composite CAD risk score. Low physical fitness and low physical activity were associated with a high CAD risk score. These data suggest that physical activity must be sufficient to influence physical fitness before statistically significant risk-reducing benefits on single CAD risk factors are obtained, although minimal engagement in weekly vigorous activity provides a significant benefit for the composite CAD risk score. It is plausible, however, that physical fitness is a stronger measure than physical activity and optimally characterizes the relationship among physical activity and CAD risk factors.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to investigate how combinations of different epoch durations and cut-points affect the estimations of sedentary time and physical activity in adolescents. Accelerometer data from 101 adolescents were derived and 30 combinations were used to estimate sedentary time, light, moderate, vigorous, and combined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Data were analyzed with repeated measurement analyses of variance. Large differences of sedentary time and times of different physical activity intensities were observed between 1 s and longer epoch durations using virtually all cut-points. Generally, sedentary time, moderate physical activity, vigorous physical activity, and combined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity progressively decreased, whereas light physical activity increased with longer epoch durations. The extreme differences between cut-points were large and increased with longer epoch durations for sedentary time and for all physical activity intensities except for vigorous physical activity per epoch duration. Caution is required when cross-comparing studies using different epoch durations and cut-points. To accurately register adolescents’ spontaneous intermittent physical activity behavior, short epoch durations are recommended.  相似文献   

Influence from parents and friends on adolescents' self-reported level of leisure-time physical activity was examined through measures of (a) perceived leisure-time physical activity of parents and best friend, (b) perceived direct support for physical activity from parents and friends, (c) direct help from parents in exercising vigorously, and (d) perceived value of physical activity of parents and friends. The present analysis included 904 students in western Norway (M age 13.3 years, SD 0.3) who took part in a health behavior survey, which included questions regarding physical activity. Students completed a confidential questionnaire at school. All four measures of influence were positively related to students' activity levels. None of the examined measures was clearly stronger than the other. Parental and peer physical activity level and parental and peer support for physical activity seem to influence the reported physical activity level of the respondents. The findings indicate that, by serving as models and supporters, significant others have an important impact in promoting physical activity in young adolescents.  相似文献   

城市建筑环境与居民身体活动和健康关系是当今运动健康促进研究的新领域.通过分析城市建筑环境对居民身体活动与健康的影响,建立城市建筑环境影响居民身体活动与健康的研究模型.结果显示:1)城市建筑环境可引起居民身体活动不足进而影响健康,影响身体活动的城市建筑环境因素主要有街道网格布局、风景园林、健身康乐设施和土地规划使用以及环境安全性等; 2)目前,研究城市建筑环境对身体活动与健康影响主要有概念、综合和数据等3种模型; 3)在我国城市化高速发展进程中,应重视城市建筑环境与运动健康促进问题的研究.  相似文献   


Influence from parents and friends on adolescents' self-reported level of leisure-time physical activity was examined through measures of (a) perceived leisure-time physical activity of parents and best friend, (b) perceived direct support for physical activity from parents and friends, (c) direct help from parents in exercising vigorously, and (d) perceived value of physical activity of parents and friends. The present analysis included 904 students in western Norway (M age 13.3 years, SD 0.3) who took part in a health behavior survey, which included questions regarding physical activity. Students completed a confidential questionnaire at school All four measures of influence were positively related to students' activity levels. None of the examined measures was clearly stronger than the other. Parental and peer physical activity level and parental and peer support for physical activity seem to influence the reported physical activity level of the respondents. The findings indicate that, by serving as models and supporters, significant others have an important impact in promoting physical activity in young adolescents.  相似文献   

Identifying factors related to physical activity levels in young people is important for a more efficient health promotion. The aims of this study were to assess physical activity levels in a national sample of urban Spanish adolescents, and to examine the association between significant others' physical activity (father, mother, brother, sister, and close friends) and that of the adolescents. The present study comprised 2260 adolescents (1157 boys, 1103 girls) aged 13.0-18.5 years participating in the AVENA Study. Both the adolescents' physical activity and that of their relatives and close friends was assessed by questionnaire. The odds of being active were higher in boys than girls (odds ratio?=?2.79, 95% confidence interval?=?2.34-3.33) and tended to decrease across age groups in both boys and girls. Father's and older brother's physical activity was associated with boys' physical activity, while that of any significant other was associated with girls' physical activity. When both parents reported being active, boys had nearly two times higher odds of being active and girls had nearly three times higher odds of being active. The physical activity levels of Spanish adolescents are in line with those previously reported. Physical activity levels in girls are strongly related to the physical activity of any significant other, whereas physical activity levels in boys are only related to their male relatives' physical activity.  相似文献   

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