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通过对西北部分地区回族妇女健康需求状况和体育健身行为现状与特征进行分析,探讨了宗教习俗、生活环境等对农村回族妇女健康观念和健身行为的影响。结果显示,西北农村回族妇女文化程度偏低,缺乏固定经济来源。26~35岁年龄段妇女自评健康高于其他年龄段,疾病防治、健康体检和卫生保健知识是主要的健康需求。体育健身需求和体育健身活动有利于健康受到一定的关注,但实际经常和偶尔参加体育锻炼的比例只占总人数的13.3%。农村回族妇女体育健身活动内容较少,主要在传统节日、集会和寺院活动期间开展。农村回族妇女有较强的健康需求意愿,对体育健身行为提高健康水平有较高的认知度。提出了政府与社会共同促进农村回族妇女健康扶贫、提高健康水平、开展适宜回族妇女的体育健身活动等建议。  相似文献   

河南省城市女性体育健身状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料调研、问卷调查、访谈、数理统计和逻辑分析等方法,对河南省城市女性体育健身状况进行了调查与分析,结果表明,河南省参加体育健身活动的城市女性年龄分布较为平均和分散;参与体育活动的动机主要有"增强体质,增进健康","调节情绪,提升精神","散心解闷,消遣娱乐"和"减肥瘦身,改善体型";"工作太忙"和"家务太重"是干扰河南省城市女性参与体育活动的两大主要因素;长走、跑步、羽毛球、跳绳、健身操等对场地、技术和人数要求不高的运动项目是河南省城市女性参与体育健身活动的首选项目.社会给予女性的角色定位、我国传统的文化习惯、社会延续的必然要求、女性生理、心理特点在体育中的反映、当代媒体的宣传话语等是造成女性体育参与现状的社会原因.  相似文献   

浙江省新农村女性的健身参与与促进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,对浙江省新农村女性参与健身活动的认知、目的、行为与内容及影响因素进行了调查与分析,认为新农村女性有强烈的参与健身活动的意识,对体育健身与卫生保健知识有一定的认知,但健身项目与形式、场所的选择比较单一.主张扩大宣传,充分发挥新农村妇联及非政府组织的作用,增加投入,加强新农村女性体育的科学研究,为新农村女性提供良好的健身环境和健身方式,实现新农村体育与小康社会的和谐发展.  相似文献   

中国城市女性体育参与分层现象的质性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
熊欢 《体育科学》2012,(2):28-38
改革开放以来,城市女性对体育以及休闲运动的参与出现了分层现象,如何进行体育运动成为衡量其社会地位和身份的标准之一。本研究以社会分层理论和体育女性主义理论为指导,以质性研究的范式为基础,采用深度访问的研究方法讨论了白领阶层、蓝领阶层和失业群体三个不同群体女性的体育行为及观念。通过比较研究,分析了不同阶层的中国女性的体育经验是如何与她们的经济地位、教育背景、家庭环境以及社会文化意识相互作用、相互牵制并导致体育参与分层现象的。通过研究认为,不同群体妇女参与体育运动的机会和制约不同,她们并不能完全地、平等地获取城市体育发展的成果。一方面,女性参与体育的障碍已经减弱;另一方面,女性参与体育在制度上和文化意识上仍存在一定的限制因素,影响了女性体育参与的深度与广度以及她们对体育参与真正意义和价值的认识。  相似文献   

西北地区作为多民族聚居区,生活着哈萨克、维吾尔、回族等40多个少数民族。在历史发展过程中,各少数民族创造了丰富、独特、具有时代意义的传统体育活动,受人文背景、居住环境影响在其体育活动中蕴含了丰富、深刻的神圣性宗教文化。通过文献资料等研究方法对西北地区少数民族代表性传统体育活动进行解读和剖析,结果表明:西北地区少数民族体育活动开展多与崇拜、祭祀、节庆、丧葬等宗教文化有关,对各民族群众日常生产、生活方面有着深刻影响。不过,随着"现代化"的不断发展,传统体育活动的原始性及宗教文化内涵开始受到冲击,加强民族传统体育的整理及宗教文化发掘,是我国西北少数民族传统体育遗产发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

全民健身观念的形成是中国社会发展的现实要求,也是体育运动充分体现其社会实用价值的具体方式。而社会体育指导员有着重要的社会价质,是基层全民健身普及和宣传的中坚力量,能调动群众参与体育健身活动的积极性,引导群众终身体育观念,养成科学的锻炼方式,从而推动我国体育事业的全面发展。文章对社会体育指导员的现状和发展进行研究分析,旨在对社会体育指导员的管理提供参考,推动全民健身活动更好的发展。  相似文献   

回族体育文化是我国民族传统体育的组成部分,是在民族融和与文化冲突中形成和发展而成的体育文化,包含体育文化形式、体育文化现象、体育文化精神等诸多内容。作为民族传统体育文化研究的分支,回族体育文化以其独特的文化个性和民族传统体育的共性受到人们的重视,在诸多研究领域形成了具有一定普遍性的研究范式,作为回族特有的体育文化,研究的最终目的在于弘扬与传承、创新与发展,这是体育文化发展的趋势,也是文化传承和适应现代社会发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

我国体育旅游消费市场的现状分析与发展对策研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
采用问卷调查、数理统计、文献查询、专家咨询及逻辑分析方法,对我国体育旅游消费市场现状进行了调查,调查结果显示:我国体育旅游消费市场呈日益兴旺的态势;体育旅游消费市场的人口构成与性别、民族、年龄、文化程度、职业、家庭类型和收入有着密切关系;自费参加体育旅游呈上升趋势;体育旅游的主要内容是观赏各类体育比赛和表演及旅游期间参加各类健身活动;体育旅游消费总体水平较低;影响我国居民未能参加体育旅游的主要原因是经济实力不足和缺乏余暇时间。据此提出有关发展对策。  相似文献   

北京市社区残疾人体育健身现状与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴昕 《体育文化导刊》2012,(8):22-24,28
北京市城市社区残疾人体育健身活动项目单一,健身场所以就近为主,健身形式以独自锻炼为主;经济基础差、自身生理特殊性及无人组织指导、无合适的场地设施与活动项目是限制残疾人体育健身活动开展的主要因素;家人与社会支持及自身康复需要是促进残疾人参加体育健身活动的主要因素。残联等各级组织应建立以人为本、健康第一的残疾人群众体育发展理念,多渠道创新开发残疾人体育健身活动模式,积极争取财政经费和社会资源,为残疾人体育与健全人体育融合共享创造有利条件,使体育作为一种社会行为融入残疾人生活。  相似文献   

我国小城镇社区体育发展的主要影响因素分析   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
采用文献资料调研、调查等方法对影响我国小城镇社区体育发展的主要因素进行了研究。结果表明 :影响我国小城镇社区体育发展的个体因素是居民的文化水平、余暇时间和个人收入水平 ,它们在一定程度上影响着小城镇居民参与体育健身活动的广度与深度 ;影响我国小城镇社区体育发展的社会因素是小城镇的经济发展水平、体育发展规划、体育社会化程度、社会环境和地方传统与习惯 ,它们对小城镇社区体育的发展起着决定性作用 ,制约着小城镇社区体育发展的规模、速度和水平  相似文献   

Since economic reform in the 1980s, Chinese sport has undergone an extraordinary transformation. The most distinguishing phenomenon is the rapid growth of mass sport at the grassroots level with increasing demands for physical activities in women's daily lives. The rapid growth of women's sports participation at the grassroots is deeply embedded in the process of social stratification as a result of the urbanisation of Chinese society. The purpose of this paper is to use the socialist, feminist and theoretical framework to explore how Chinese women's different economic, educational, domestic and cultural situations shape their sports values and patterns of participation, marking social boundaries in Chinese urban communities. Semi-structured interviews and observations were conducted with 60 female physical exercisers in sports clubs, parks and neighbourhood playgrounds. Documentary research was also applied as a complement method to the interview. The findings indicate that within different classes (middle class, working class and a group who were unemployed), many different opportunities for and limitations on women to participate in sport are noticed. Chinese women have not fully and equally utilised sports opportunities created by urbanisation. Most Chinese women still live within patriarchal arrangements. Consequently, they do not completely fulfil their ambitions in sport.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和归纳法对回族传统体育文化的起源进行了研究。研究认为:回族传统体育文化成是回族文化的重要组成部分,集中体现着回族的集体人格特征,是回族的民族符号。它起源于战争、伊斯兰教信仰、回族的生产生活及民族融合。  相似文献   

村落女性是当代湘西地区民族传统体育复兴的主要力量,女性的体育参与行为来自于主体意识的觉醒或短视性的工具理性行为。通过长期的田野调查、地方文献比对,并反思前人研究成果,认为:少数民族村落女性积极参与的传统体育项目均为自古以来其所拥有参与权的项目;当下她们参与集体性传统体育活动主观上有社交的需求,客观上得到村级行政机构的支持;她们热衷于参与公共空间的展演活动,并试图在文化融合中通过传统体育行为完成身份认同,其中,以女性精英分子的文化自觉为引领的代表性项目的复兴起到举足轻重的作用;男权社会的性别结构制约女性参与者的主体能动性,政府主导的传统体育复兴为女性提供更多参与机会,但过度的主导又极易伤害其自觉性。  相似文献   

Disabled sports participants are a small proportion of sports participants at English public sports centres; but they are important to the social inclusion agenda. This paper aims to provide a detailed insight into the preferences and behaviour of disabled sports participants.It investigated whether there were statistical differences: first, between the disabled sports participants and the non-disabled sports participants in terms of (1) social demographics, (2) patterns of participation, (3) travel, (4) sports activities and (5) customer satisfaction; and second, between age, ethnic, socio-economic and gender groups of their subsamples, on (2), (4) and (5) again. Disability is defined as having any long term illness or health problem which limits a person's daily activities or the work that a person can do. The data collected through the National Benchmarking Service, for 458 sports centres from 2005 to 2011, revealed that about 9% of over 150,000 sports participants were disabled. Swimming, using fitness equipment and keep fit related exercises were the top three most frequently stated main sports activities by the disabled. It was also more likely for the disabled to participate in organised activities, own a leisure card and participate regularly when compared with the non-disabled participants. In addition, the disabled were also more likely than the non-disabled to travel to the centre by public transport, from home and travel a longer journey time. The industry weaknesses as identified by the disabled relate to physical evidence of the sports centres, particularly cleanliness attributes. Measures that can be taken to increase sports participation by the disabled include competent support at sports centres, promotions through discount schemes or leisure cards, and free transportation to sport centres in catchment areas with high proportions of disabled in their population.  相似文献   

The case study explores the experiences of Muslim women in the area of physical activity participation conducted whilst they were studying at one UK University. Previous research in the field indicated that Muslim women can be denied opportunities to participate in areas of sport-related physical activity through multiple factors such as socio-cultural, familial, religious or sporting structural constraints. Despite increased knowledge about the inclusion of Muslim girls in school-based physical education and sport, there is a dearth of literature on Muslim women's experiences post their school years. Informed by socio-cultural theories of the body, identity and embodied cultures, the study focuses on Muslim women's early physical activity experiences, university-based participation patterns and reflections on the influences that shaped their attitudes and beliefs towards such participation. Open-ended questionnaires, 34/50 returned (68%), and 6 in-depth interviews were conducted with volunteers studying a wide range of programmes. Content analysis revealed that values, attitudes and behaviours were largely influenced by the family; prior to university, the women's physical activity experiences were mixed and dependent on family activity patterns and school-based opportunities; university recreational sport-related provision did not cater for the women's Islamic needs denying them opportunities to participate. Religious belief and cultural expectations made a significant contribution to the women's preferences for participation environments that respected their Islamic beliefs.  相似文献   

竞技运动的发展历史悠久,然而学界关于竞技运动的概念界说却并未统一,学者们从不同的角度出发各抒己见,最具代表性的观点有"身体活动论"、"竞赛活动论"和"社会活动论"。本研究在对以上三个"活动论"进行解读和辨析的基础上,结合竞技运动发展的时代特征,对其概念进行重塑,将竞技运动定义为:以运动训练为主要手段合理挖掘人体生理、心理和智能等方面的潜能,以体育竞赛为主要表现形式来展示人类生命力量和满足人们审美需求的社会文化活动。  相似文献   

近7年来,以中国女排为代表的大型体育赛事等的连续触媒,在加快城市经济发展和加速城市产业经济结构调整的同时催生出其独特的文化魅力和感召力,吸引着大众观看体育赛事、参与体育,继而通过价值取向、审美情趣、思维方式等精神文化影响社会大众意识,改变社会观念。文章主要于三个层面阐述:①城市文化层面:让宁波拥有一张响亮的城市名片,增强城市文化软实力,作为城市发展的硬支撑和硬资源,丰富城市文化旅游的内涵。②大众社会层面:娱乐大众、丰富大众文化生活,激励社会大众积极向上,扩大社会就业。③城市经济层面:加速商业活动、吸引投资,催生产业链形成,加快产业空间集聚,进而推动城市产业调整、产业升级,促进产业集群。  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that Muslim women can experience particular problems when taking physical education (PE) lessons, for example with dress codes, mixed-teaching and exercise during Ramadan; and they can face restrictions in extra-curricular activities for cultural and religious reasons. The area is under-researched and there is little evidence of comparative studies that explore similarities and differences in cross-national experiences, which is the aim of this paper. Two studies conducted in Greece and Britain that explored the views of Muslim women on school experiences of physical education are compared. Both studies focused on diaspora communities, Greek Turkish girls and British Asian women, living in predominantly non-Muslim countries. Growing concerns about global divisions between ‘Muslims and the West’ make this a particularly pertinent study. Qualitative data were collected by interviews with 24 Greek Muslim women, and 20 British Muslim women.

Physical education has national curriculum status and a similar rationale in both countries but with different cultures of formality and tradition, which impacted on pupils’ experiences. Data suggested that Greek and British groups held positive views towards physical education but were restricted on their participation in extra-curricular activities. For the British women religious identity and consciousness of Islamic requirements were more evident than for the Greek women. Differences in stages of acculturation, historical and socio-cultural contexts contributed to less problematic encounters with physical education for Greek Muslims who appeared more closely assimilated into the dominant culture.  相似文献   

体育休闲的本质是通过体育文化途径消除体力的疲劳,获得精神的慰籍。依据休闲限制的相关理论,调查了解不同年龄阶段的女性休闲方式,了解以体育作为休闲方式的主要障碍。依照Craw ford和Godbey提出的休闲限制阶层模型,调查了600名不同年龄、学历和收入的城市女性。结果表明,青春期后期、成人中期和成人后期都认为自身因素是体育休闲的主要限制,成人早期将时间、经济等视为主要影响因素,人际障碍对女性体育休闲负面影响不大。除了三类限制因素之外,在一致性方面文化因素对不同年龄阶段的影响没有显著性差异,这表明中国女性的知识、信仰、道德习俗等文化基因乃是导致其不愿意参加休闲体育活动的主要原因。  相似文献   

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