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网球运动员反应判断与自信心的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网球技术动作的结果或运动成绩取决于若干因素--运动员对对方技术的感知、判断和运动员对自己动作的控制等环节,这些环节又直接与自信心和行为控制相关.研究专业网球运动员和业余网球运动员在这些环节中的反应时、反应准确度和信心程度.研究结果表明,专业网球运动员和业余网球运动员在反应时方面没有明显差异,但在反应准确度和信心程度上专业运动员显著高于业余运动员;左强势手运动员的反应时、反应准确度和信心程度略胜于右强势手运动员;反应时与反应准确度的相关关系大于反应时与信心程度的相关关系.  相似文献   

2012年2月27日,2011-12赛季德甲联赛第23轮,多特蒙德3:1战胜汉诺威96,卫冕冠军多特蒙德因而继续保持着对拜仁慕尼黑4分的领先优势。图为多特蒙德队后卫胡梅尔斯(右)与汉诺威球员迪乌夫(左)争抢。  相似文献   

余国雄  刘绥滨  凌召 《武当》2000,(5):25-28
31、金鞭打马:接上式,左脚向右脚前上步,上体微左转,右手握剑上收于左侧方,左剑指护于右腕。紧接着,右脚向左脚前上步,上体右转的同时,右手握剑朝身后下方反撩,左右腿形成左倒插步姿势,左剑指伸臂斜举于头左侧上方;头右转目视剑尖(图40)。  相似文献   

目的 为了更好探明我国中小学生的运动能力状况,首次从自身运动能力的视角探索学生体育活动中存在的不平衡性特征,通过构建男、女生不同年级运动能力的结构方程,为学生选择参加体育活动的方式提供理论依据。方法 主要采用实验测试、因子分析、系统聚类等研究方法,对石家庄、西安、成都等城市8 618名中小学生的14个动作进行测试。结果 影响男生运动能力的主要因子为YBT右平衡、YBT左平衡、直膝抬腿、体旋、肩部柔韧、非对称手拍脚、沙包投准、深蹲,代表了男生整体运动能力72%的特征。手眼协调、神经反应、身体快速反应等运动能力贡献率较低。影响女生运动能力的主要因子为体旋、YBT右平衡、5 m三向折返跑、非对称手拍脚、过栏架步、YBT左平衡、双手拍球、直膝抬腿,代表了女生整体运动能力73%的特征。髋关节稳定灵活能力、肩关节稳定、神经反应、物体精准控制等运动能力对整体能力贡献率偏低。结论 中小学男、女生运动能力之间存在显著性差异,各年龄段、各项运动能力之间存在明显的非衡性特征,各子能力之间也存在发展不平衡的现象,造成男、女生运动能力非衡性的原因也不相同。  相似文献   

对足球运动员的视野及机制的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对足球运动员及普通人右、上、左、下四个方向四种颜色的视野测试,对所得各级数据进行处理分析。结果表明:足球运动员视野明显高于普通人,尤其是下列视野远远高于普通人;女足球运动员与普通女性的视野比较,其显著性较男足球运动员与普通男性的视野相比更大。并对结果从心理、生理、生化等方面进行分析,以求对足球运动员的训练提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   

本文根据人体大脑左、右半脑不同的神经传导机制理论,针对左撇子运动员的神经传导机制和运动生理学特性及美国NBA左撇子球员比赛优势进行分析和研究证明,他们具备了许多右手运动员不具备的优势,并在篮球比赛中起到了至关重要的作用,所以提出在篮球运动中重视对左撇子运动员的培养和启用,充分利用和发挥左撇子的潜在能力,为进一步推动篮球运动的发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

屈体后滚翻技术要领 1.上体前屈,两腿伸直,臀部后坐。 2.两手靠近大腿中部手先触地。 3,臀触垫后,上体迅速后倒。 4。收腹,举腿,翻臀同时双手放至耳侧(掌心向上,指尖向后)。 弓.背,肩,头触垫后,双手迅速用力推垫,经屈体立撑成站立。 单肩后滚翻成单膝跪撑平衡技术要领 1,收腹举腿翻臀; 2.臀至垂直部位后,左(右)腿上伸,右(左)腿脚尖点地,膝关节伸直; 3.左(右)臂屈肘于耳侧,指尖向后,右臂体侧伸直滚压垫。 4.侧倒头的同时,点地腿屈膝翻转成跪立,另一腿后举成跪撑平衡。 侧手翻技术要领 1.弓步,身体前倾,左(右)手外旋,右(左)手内旋,依次撑地。 …  相似文献   

第三路 二十、左单掌 1、身体向左转45度,左足向左前方迈一步,右足跟随之悬起,腿膝微屈于后方,同时,两臂手成平掌引落至腹部,转成正掌,互成交叉,右臂在左臂外部(图51)。 2、右足上一步置于左足前,左足跟随之悬起,腿膝微屈,同时,右臂反掌由左向上旋转至右  相似文献   

张凯 《中华武术》2006,(4):44-45
一、回身放打 1、劈掌拦手 甲(白衣者)右乙(黑衣者)左。甲方向前上右步,抡右掌劈砍乙方头部,力点在掌沿,目视劈头掌,左手下垂于体左侧方。乙方向前上右步于甲方右脚前。同时右手掌自下向上拦截甲方劈头掌,力点在右手腕部外侧,目视拦截手,左手下垂于体左侧方(图1)。  相似文献   

运动专家的预期优势已被大量研究证实,然而在解释为何专家具有预期优势的问题上出现了分歧.主要原因是传统研究在概念上混淆了预期反应和动作选择反应,无法揭示运动预期与运动水平相关本质.运用图像定格技术,在实验技术上清晰分离预期反应和动作选择反应.并借鉴"专家-新手"研究范式,探讨羽毛球竞赛情景中运动预期与运动水平的相关本质.发现运动专家的预期优势主要表现在预期正确率上,预期反应时并无优势.正确预期显著缩短运动行为选择反应时,错误预期显著延长运动行为选择反应时.  相似文献   

Left-handed baseball pitchers are thought to have a number of theoretical advantages compared to right-handed pitchers; however, there is limited scientific research detailing differences in the pitching mechanics of right- and left-handed pitchers. Therefore, this study sought to understand whether any kinematic and kinetic differences existed between right- and left-handed baseball pitchers. A total of 52 collegiate pitchers were included in this study; 26 left-handed pitchers were compared to 26 age-, height-, weight- and ball velocity-matched right-handed pitchers. Demographic information, passive shoulder range of motion and kinematic and kinetic data were obtained for each pitcher participating in the study. Results indicated that left-handed pitchers did not have a glenohumeral internal rotation deficit as compared to right-handed pitchers. Kinematic analysis indicated that elbow flexion, horizontal glenohumeral abduction and wrist coronal plane motion were significantly different between the two study cohorts. It was also noted that left-handed pitchers had increased elbow varus moments. The findings of this study suggest that pitching coaches should be aware that there are biomechanical differences between left- and right-handed pitchers.  相似文献   

While 10% of the general population is left-handed, 27% of professional baseball pitchers are left-handed. Biomechanical differences between left- and right-handed college pitchers have been previously reported, but these differences have yet to be examined at the professional level. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare pitching biomechanics between left- and right-handed professional pitchers. It was hypothesised that there would be significant kinematic and kinetic differences between these two groups. Pitching biomechanics were collected on 96 left-handed pitchers and a group of 96 right-handed pitchers matched for age, height, mass and ball velocity. Student t-tests were used to identify kinematic and kinetic differences (p < 0.05). Of the 31 variables tested, only four were found to be significantly different between the groups. Landing position of the stride foot, trunk separation at foot contact, maximum shoulder external rotation and trunk forward tilt at ball release were all significantly greater in right-handed pitchers. The magnitude of the statistical differences found were small and not consistent with differences in the two previous, smaller studies. Thus, the differences found may be of minimal practical significance and mechanics can be taught the same to all pitchers, regardless of throwing hand.  相似文献   


A screening test for lateral dominance was administered to 167 college women. Twenty-six showed left dominance. Of this group four were taught to bowl left-handed, six were eliminated from the study for various reasons and 16 were taught to use their preferred hand, the right. All 20 subjects preferred using their right hand. Both groups were equated as to the amount of practice and motor ability. The group using the presumably dominant left hand were significantly poorer in their bowling average than the group which, though demonstrating left dominance, were permitted to bowl with their preferred hand.  相似文献   

When athletes fail to perform at an expected level during an important moment, it is implied the athletes have experienced “choking“ (sudden decline in performance) under pressure.”. Researchers have reported that persistent left-hemispheric activation patterns occur when an athlete experiences considerable performance deteriorations under pressure. Researchers have also observed differences in brain activation patterns between left- and right-handed people on a variety of physical and cognitive tests, with the left-hemispheric activation more pronounced in right-handed participants. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether athletes’ handedness may be linked to choking susceptibility (i.e., likelihood to experience performance decline under pressure). Method: Twenty right-handed and 13 left-handed experienced Australian football players completed 15 shot attempts, in both a low-pressure and a high-pressure condition. Both groups displayed equal state anxiety increases due to the pressure manipulation, indicating similar increases in anxiety in both handedness groups. Results: Differences were indicated in performance between the left- and right-handed groups during the high-pressure condition, with the left-handed group maintaining, and the right-handed participants declining, performance. Conclusion: Future electroencephalogram (EEG) research investigating this link may clarify the effect between handedness and choking.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the coding characteristics of kinesthetic location information acquired during learning trials. Forty-eight blindfolded subjects learned to make a linear response with the right hand to a criterion location during 13 trials. Upon completion of the learning trials, subjects performed 10 trials without knowledge of results (KR) under one of four treatment conditions which were defined by the limb used and the dominant source of feedback available. Specifically, the conditions were right-hand control with kinesthetic feedback, left-hand kinesthetic, right-hand visual, and left-hand visual. The results of the ANOVAs for absolute error (AE) and constant error (CE) from the no-KR trials revealed that the visual feedback groups made significantly greater response errors than did the kinesthetic feedback groups. The blocks main effect for CE was also significant. Analysis of variable error (VE) indicated that the visual feedback groups were significantly more consistent in their responses than were the kinesthetic feedback groups. Within a motor learning paradigm, the concept of a spatial-location coordinate system was supported by the similar performances of the right-handed and left-handed groups. A discrepancy in this system was identified when visual feedback was provided for controlling the response to a location previously learned with kinesthetic cues.  相似文献   


Previous research on laterality in sport suggests an over-representation of left-handers in interactive sports such as tennis and cricket. These findings potentially reflect left-handers' advantage over their right-handed competitors in those sports. Although considered crucial for successful performance, the tactical component of their superiority has yet to be analysed. Two studies were conducted to test for a side bias in tennis players' tactical preferences. In the first study, 108 right- and left-handed players of varying skill watched rallies on a computer screen and had to indicate where they would place the ball in the opposing half. The results showed the tactical preference of players to place more balls on a left-handed opponent's mostly stronger forehand side compared with when faced with a right-hander. In the second study, 54 professional tennis matches involving right- and left-handers were analysed with respect to ball placement frequencies on the opponent's backhand side. Significantly fewer balls were hit to the backhand side of a left-handed opponent, thus replicating the findings of Study 1 in on-court situations. Both studies indicate players' preference to place shots to their right irrespective of their opponent's handedness. Findings support the assumption that left-handers might enjoy a strategic advantage in tennis.  相似文献   

Hemispheric asymmetry, cardiac response, and performance in elite archers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Previous sport research on elite athletes has shown systematic changes in psychophysiological measures, such as heart rate (HR) deceleration and hemispheric asymmetries in EEG activity, in the few seconds prior to executing a motor response. These changes are believed to be due to a more focused attention on the external environment. Using archery (an attentive state), this investigation was designed to examine: (a) whether hemispheric asymmetry and HR deceleration would occur during the aiming period, and (b) if they did, whether this would affect performance. HR and left and right temporal EEG were recorded from 28 right-handed elite archers for 16 shots. The results indicated that (a) there was no HR deceleration; (b) during the aiming period, EEG alpha activity formed the dominant frequency and this was significantly greater in the left than in the right hemisphere; (c) there were no significant right hemisphere EEG changes in spectral power from 3 s before the shot to arrow release, but there were significant left hemisphere increases at 10, 12, and 24 Hz; and (d) at 1 s prior to the shot, there were no significant right hemisphere spectral power differences between best and worst shots, but there were significant left hemisphere differences at 6, 12, and 28 Hz. The relationships among hemispheric asymmetry, HR deceleration, attentional processes, and shooting performance are discussed.  相似文献   

This study verified earlier anecdotal evidence indicating that spatial assimilations could be reduced by offsetting movements in time. In Experiment 1, 40 right-handed participants (ages 18-23 years) made single and dual quick lever reversals of 20 degrees and 60 degrees with the left and right limbs, respectively. Participants were assigned to either the Overlapping (O) group, in which one limb began when the other limb reached the reversal point, or to the Sequential (S) group in which one limb followed the other with a delay of 114 ms, on average. The shorter-distance limb of the O group overshot relative to the S group. Short-distance spatial assimilations were also shown in the S group in Experiment 2, when the delay was increased to 250, 500, or 1,500 ms (N = 30), suggesting that assimilation effects can be caused by command interactions at both the planning and the execution levels.  相似文献   


Central fatigue refers to a progressive decline in the ability to activate muscles voluntarily. Although fatigue-related inhibitory input to the motor cortex from group III and IV afferents that carry sensory information is thought to contribute to the fatigue-related changes in the motor cortex, other sites effectively driving the motor cortex during physical fatigue have not been identified. Contribution of a mirror visual feedback system to regulate physical fatigue was examined. The study group consisted of 12 healthy participants who performed 60 repetitive left handgrips at maximal voluntary contraction every 1 s as a fatigue-inducing physical task session. Before and after the session, left and right handgrip forces were measured for fatigue evaluation. After the fatigue-inducing task session, handgrip forces of the right and left hands were reduced. Although there was no difference in the reduced level of the handgrip force of the right hand between the sessions with and without a Ramachandran's mirror box, that of the left hand was attenuated by watching the mirror of the mirror box. A mirror visual feedback system is involved in the mechanisms regulating physical fatigue.  相似文献   

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