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边扬帆  成全 《情报探索》2020,(1):112-119
[目的/意义]旨在了解国内科技政策的热点及政策导向,以期为国家科技政策的制定和完善提供参考。[方法/过程]以2015-2018年国务院和科学技术部印发的科技政策为研究对象,运用共词分析法和社会网络分析法,以及TF-IDF算法对热点主题词进行提取并分析,采用狄利克雷主题模型(LDA)提取科技政策主题并进行主题聚类,挖掘重点关注的政策主题,并对科技政策文本运用MDS(multidimensional scaling)方法进行降维分析,并对科技政策的走向进行分析。[结果/结论]国家科技政策的制定主要围绕高新技术产业、科研诚信、专项研究、科技人才发展、科技成果转化、知识产权等主题领域进行;关于教育、产能激励、装备制造、创新创业、众创空间、加工贸易、科技成果转化与知识产权保护等主题领域已经引起并将持续受到相关政府部门的重点关注。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]科技创新是驱动高质量发展的核心动力,科技新闻是人们了解科技发展情况的重要途径,识别科技新闻中的热点主题,反映国家战略发布和实施过程中的状态及变化,以为政府及科研人员提供有效的决策参考与信息支持。[方法/过程]从国家科技部网站中采集2011—2021年发布的科技新闻,借助新词发现与LDA主题模型等文本挖掘方法,文章构建了科技新闻热词发现与主题识别的研究方案,并对新闻热点进行演化分析。[结果/结论]我国科技新闻报道中主要集中于高新技术、科技交流合作、人才培养与激励、农村科技发展、绿色生态、科技创新载体建设和政府部门工作7个主题范畴;高质量发展总纲提出前后的关注热点产生了一定程度上的变化;科技创新驱动高质量发展相关新闻事件中,政府工作与高新技术的发展是关注的重点。  相似文献   

在大数据时代,新闻APP、社交网络和媒体网站成为了媒体互动的重要数据来源。互联网新媒体内容逐步从单一的发布渠道扩展到异构平台的联合发布,作为用户与媒体之间纽带的用户互动数据成为了媒体融合的基础资源。区域型媒体在当前环境下,采用基于相似度分析的新闻主题聚类、多源媒体互动融合管理等技术手段的跨平台互动,探索区域型媒体的全媒体融合之路。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 前沿技术孵育的新兴产业发展演进快,但因统计数据迟滞,产业监测难而备受研究者关注。[方法/过程] 以2014-2019年36氪网站互联网区块链新闻为数据样本,提出纳入协变量的结构化主题模型(STM)与深度学习情感分析技术结合的新兴产业新闻文本监测方法,通过监测媒体报道的产业新闻热点强度变化,文本情感倾向对新闻热点强度的时序影响,发现并跟踪新兴产业热点及趋势。[结果/结论] 2014-2019年,69%的区块链新闻主题聚焦于区块链的产业应用和比特币等数字代币的发行与交易。文本的语义和情感分析显示,2017年以来,中国的区块链产业发展存在一定的媒体炒作特征,但媒体对各类数字代币发行与交易由褒转贬的情感倾向变化可以对区块链隐含风险起到预警作用。[创新/价值] 提出的产业新闻文本监测方法具有准实时性,能与传统的事后统计指标监测方法互为补充。  相似文献   

借助CiteSpace软件,对中国知网(CNKI)收录的核心期刊和CSSCI期刊中以高校科技成果为主题的1 627篇文献进行分析,梳理出该研究领域的基础文献、重要期刊、核心作者与机构、热点主题和研究趋势。研究发现:较为稳定的核心期刊群已经形成,研究机构及作者之间的跨平台合作有待加强;热点主题包括制度和政策、高校科技成果转化、科技创新等,“科技创新”“技术转移”“知识产权”等新增关键词颇受关注;前沿研究变动频繁,“影响因素”“区域经济”“创新创业”等关键词表征了今后研究方向。对此,从强化政策扶持力度、提供均衡充足资源、加强核心作者培育力度及推动合作交流、加强在更多产业中的创新与转化4个方面对我国高校科技成果研究提供建议。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】随着互联网的迅速发展,网络媒体成为反映社会舆论的主要载体。如何有效地从网络媒体获取公共政策相关的社情民意以引导公共政策的传播议程设置是政府职能部门所关注的重要问题之一。【方法/过程】本文基于网络媒体数据,应用数据挖掘、机器学习等数据分析技术,提出了一个面向公共政策的网络媒体内容文本分析框架。利用文本语义分析方法,从主题识别、情感分析等角度对网络主流媒体的公共政策传播议程设置与社交媒体网民舆论进行挖掘和对比,并以新能源汽车政策为例对该分析框架的有效性进行了验证。【结果/结论】通过实证发现当下网络媒体报道的议题与社交媒体上公众对有关公共政策的关注焦点之间存在较大偏差,就新能源汽车政策为例,公众对于其政策的关注偏向于衡量自身获利的多少,而网络媒体报道更多以描述政策传递信息为主。建议政府职能机构针对公共政策使用网络媒体进行传播时,可根据公众关注焦点话题进行议程的设置和调整,以增强公众对此政策的认可度。  相似文献   

基于世界知识产权组织WIPO Lex数据库的知识产权法律文本和欧盟知识产权局数据库的知识产权诉讼案例数据,针对中欧班列沿线英国、德国、荷兰、波兰、意大利5个国家的规则类知识产权政策,从政策保护力度定量化分级、政策执行重点及其演变历程、知识产权诉讼案例特征及热点等方面开展政策趋势和诉讼风险研究.结果 表明:(1)英国政策的数量和力度都居五国之首,荷兰的政策数量最低但其政策保护力度相对较高;(2)在政策颁布主体上,各国均涉及多家机构,且大量适用了欧盟理事会和欧洲议会的相关知识产权政策;(3)各国在版权与相关权利、知识产权相关法律的执行、知识产权监管机构等领域均具有较强的政策力度;(4)欧盟商标是五国知识产权诉讼重要领域,其中诉讼案件赔偿金额最大值最高的为英国、最低的为荷兰,最大值和最小值差额居五国之首的为德国,而"侵权""混淆可能性"等是各国诉讼案件普遍涉及的主题.根据研究结果,建议中国有关企业注意根据目标国家的司法体系差异,充分了解其知识产权法律法规和司法实践及其沿用的欧盟法律法规,制定综合性及体系性的知识产权布局策略,做好法律风险评估和采取规避措施,并注意了解在目标市场开展知识产权诉讼的基本策略和技巧,构建全方位的知识产权保护体系.  相似文献   

为了解知识产权政策在中小企业知识产权战略推进工程中的实施情况,基于文本挖掘技术对我国2009—2020年中央层面的中小企业知识产权政策进行分析。首先采用数理统计法和社会网络分析法从宏观角度对政策发文量、发文部门进行梳理分析,其次引入Textrank算法构建政策主题词库,结合UCINET6.0工具进行政策主题和措施分析。研究发现,目前我国中小企业知识产权政策存在针对性需提升、政策合力不够、配套细则有待完善、政策措施配置不均衡等问题,并提出相应建议。  相似文献   

南湖论坛是知识产权界一年一度的盛会,2018年的南湖论坛"新时代科技革命与知识产权"国际研讨会贴近科技发展的主题、紧扣时代的脉搏。为融汇新时代科技革命的发展,推动创新,助推知识产权强国建设的现代化进程,来自五湖四海的理论界、学术界的精英们齐聚一堂、建言献策。本文介绍了会议中专家学者们的发言,以及他们所关注的理论和实践中的热点难点问题。这些探讨与交流推动了知识产权在新时代的发展。  相似文献   

为明晰中国产学研合作研究领域的热点主题和知识演化,以1992—2016年CSSCI和CNKI中的1 615篇文献为分析样本,利用文献计量学与科学知识图谱方法进行分析。分析结果表明,产学研合作领域的热点涵盖合作模式、机制和影响因素;合作中的高等教育、人才培养;协同创新主体的互动关系;协同创新过程中的要素协同;绩效评价。该领域的研究主题在过去20几年发生了显著的变化,从关注合作模式到关注人才培养、教育改革、知识产权管理和利益分配等主题,再扩展到绩效评价、协同创新和创新网络等主题。  相似文献   

谢海涛  肖倩 《现代情报》2019,39(9):28-40
[目的/意义]对社交媒体中热门新闻的及时识别,有助于加速正面资讯的投送或抑制负面资讯的扩散。当前,基于自然语言处理的传统识别方法正面临社交媒体新生态的挑战:大量新闻内容以图片、音视频形式存在,缺乏用于语义及情感分析的文本。[方法/过程]对此,本文首先将社交网络划分为众多社群,并按其层次结构组织为贝叶斯网络。接着,面向社群构建基于卷积神经网络的热门新闻识别模型,模型综合考虑新闻传播的宏观统计规律及微观传播过程,以提取社群内热门新闻传播的特征。最后,利用贝叶斯推理并结合局部性的模型识别结果进行全局性热度预测。[结果/结论]实验表明,本方法在语义缺失场景下可有效识别热门新闻,其准确度强于基于语义信息的机器学习方法,模型具有良好的时效性、可扩展性和适用性。该研究有助于社交媒体的监管机构及时识别出各类不含语义信息且迅速扩散的热点内容。  相似文献   

With the newspapers' recent move to online reporting, traditional norms and practices of news reporting have changed to accommodate the new realities of online news writing. In particular, online news is much more fluid and prone to change in content than the traditional hard-copy newspapers--online newspaper articles often change over the course of the following days or even weeks as they respond to criticisms and new information becoming available. This poses a problem for social scientists who analyse newspaper coverage of science, health and risk topics, because it is no longer clear who has read and written what version, and what impact they potentially had on the national debates on these topics. In this note I want to briefly flag up this problem through two recent examples of U.K. national science stories and discuss the potential implications for PUS media research.  相似文献   

电子商务的知识产权研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
巢乃鹏 《情报理论与实践》2000,23(2):100-103,122
As a revolutionary new situation of international trade,the rise of global Electronic Commerce makes a strong impact on the current intellectual property right system,and also poses some new problems.Whether we can successfully solve these problems shall directly influence the development of Electronic Commerce.This paper,from the angle of intellectual property right,inquires into some hot topics about intellectual property right involved with Electronic Commerce.  相似文献   

为应对我国知识产权国际保护参与双边、区域、多边贸易规则重构面临的挑战,本研究以亚太区域主要经济体之间所签订的明确包含知识产权规则的63份自贸协定文本和联合国统计的126组贸易数据为对象,开展FTA知识产权规则保护强度评价及差异分析,并在此基础上构建引力模型,针对FTA知识产权规则变革对国家出口贸易结构的影响进行实证分析。研究发现:自由贸易协定知识产权规则保护强度增强对发达国家出口贸易结构优化作用较发展中国家更为显著。为此,本文提出我国政府面对FTA双边、多边贸易协定签订过程中,短期内应尽量削弱知识产权保护强度加大带来的消极影响,长期内应积极制定政策倒逼各类出口优势产业关注自身知识产权建设,促使其转型升级的对策建议。  相似文献   

This study summarizes prior reviews of new media and Internet research, and the growth of the term Internet in academic publications and online newsgroups. It then uses semantic network analysis to summarize the interests and concepts of an interdisciplinary group of Internet researchers, as represented by session titles and paper titles and abstracts from the 2003 and 2004 Association of Internet Researchers conferences. In both years, the most frequent words appearing in the paper abstracts included Internet, online, community, social, technology, and research. The 2003 papers emphasized topics such as the social analysis/research of online/Internet communication, community, and information, with particular coverage of access, individuals, groups, digital media, culture; role and process in e-organizations; and world development. The 2004 papers emphasized topics such as access; news and social issues; the role of individuals in communities; user-based studies; usage data; and blogs, women, and search policy, among others.  相似文献   

杜智涛  张丹丹  付宏  李辉 《现代情报》2019,39(4):166-177
目的/意义]随着互联网新媒体技术的发展,国内外微学习研究逐年递增,探讨微学习研究热点与前沿,有助于明确相关研究拓展与深化的方向。[方法/过程]运用文献分析法,基于对中国知网CNKI和Web of Science数据库的检索,勾勒了2008年以来国内外相关研究的趋势;运用共词分析方法,通过SPSS软件,建立了国内外新媒体相关研究的关键词共词矩阵及其相关矩阵、相异矩阵;通过聚类分析和多维尺度分析,并结合战略坐标分析归纳了微学习热点领域;运用Citespace,绘制了微学习研究的知识网络图谱,探讨了微学习的研究前沿。[结果/结论]国内微学习热点领域分为移动学习资源、网络教育及学习行为,而国外热点领域则主要包括在线学习和教育、在线学习策略;国内微学习研究趋向专业化,微学习研究与大数据下的在线教育紧密结合,而国外微学习研究则与实际应用紧密结合,这些热点和前沿可成为进一步研究拓展和深化的方向。  相似文献   


This study summarizes prior reviews of new media and Internet research, and the growth of the term Internet in academic publications and online newsgroups. It then uses semantic network analysis to summarize the interests and concepts of an interdisciplinary group of Internet researchers, as represented by session titles and paper titles and abstracts from the 2003 and 2004 Association of Internet Researchers conferences. In both years, the most frequent words appearing in the paper abstracts included Internet, online, community, social, technology, and research. The 2003 papers emphasized topics such as the social analysis/research of online/Internet communication, community, and information, with particular coverage of access, individuals, groups, digital media, culture; role and process in e-organizations; and world development. The 2004 papers emphasized topics such as access; news and social issues; the role of individuals in communities; user-based studies; usage data; and blogs, women, and search policy, among others.  相似文献   

In this era, the proliferating role of social media in our lives has popularized the posting of the short text. The short texts contain limited context with unique characteristics which makes them difficult to handle. Every day billions of short texts are produced in the form of tags, keywords, tweets, phone messages, messenger conversations social network posts, etc. The analysis of these short texts is imperative in the field of text mining and content analysis. The extraction of precise topics from large-scale short text documents is a critical and challenging task. The conventional approaches fail to obtain word co-occurrence patterns in topics due to the sparsity problem in short texts, such as text over the web, social media like Twitter, and news headlines. Therefore, in this paper, the sparsity problem is ameliorated by presenting a novel fuzzy topic modeling (FTM) approach for short text through fuzzy perspective. In this research, the local and global term frequencies are computed through a bag-of-words (BOW) model. To remove the negative impact of high dimensionality on the global term weighting, the principal component analysis is adopted; thereafter the fuzzy c-means algorithm is employed to retrieve the semantically relevant topics from the documents. The experiments are conducted over the three real-world short text datasets: the snippets dataset is in the category of small dataset whereas the other two datasets, Twitter and questions, are the bigger datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed approach discovered the topics more precisely and performed better as compared to other state-of-the-art baseline topic models such as GLTM, CSTM, LTM, LDA, Mix-gram, BTM, SATM, and DREx+LDA. The performance of FTM is also demonstrated in classification, clustering, topic coherence and execution time. FTM classification accuracy is 0.95, 0.94, 0.91, 0.89 and 0.87 on snippets dataset with 50, 75, 100, 125 and 200 number of topics. The classification accuracy of FTM on questions dataset is 0.73, 0.74, 0.70, 0.68 and 0.78 with 50, 75, 100, 125 and 200 number of topics. The classification accuracies of FTM on snippets and questions datasets are higher than state-of-the-art baseline topic models.  相似文献   

The phenomenal spread of fake news online necessitates further research into fake news perception. We stress human factors in misinformation management. This study extends prior research on fake news and media consumption to examine how people perceive fake news. The objective is to understand how news categories and sources influence individuals' perceptions of fake news. Participants (N = 1008) were randomly allocated to six groups in which they evaluated the believability of news from three categories (misinformation, conspiracy, and correction news) coupled with six online news sources whose background (official media, commercial media, and social media) and expertise level varied (the presence or absence of a professional editorial team). Our findings indicated people could distinguish media sources, which have a significant effect on fake news perception. People believed most in conspiracy news and then misinformation included in correction news, demonstrating the backfire of correction news. The significant interaction effects indicate people are more sensitive to misinformation news and show more skepticism toward misinformation on social media. The findings support news literacy that users are capable to leverage credible sources in navigating online news. Meanwhile, challenges of processing correction news require design measures to promote truth-telling news.  相似文献   

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