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先行行为作为不纯正不作为犯罪作为义务的形式,并非毫无疑义,但由于不作为与作为在原因力上的差异以及为了避免刑罚处罚的空隙,除几种特殊情形外一般应肯定先行行为作为义务来源.先行行为应当由刑法明定化,它的实质根据是行为人实施的危险前行为使其置于保护被害人特定法益的地位,而该地位本身含有防止危害结果发生的内容.  相似文献   

关于何种行为能成为先行行为引起其后的作为义务的问题刑法理论学界进行了激烈的讨论,合法行为和违法行为做为先行行为引起作为义务尚且不是很突出,但是对于犯罪行为就存在一个两难的选择,一方面连违法行为都能引起作为的义务,难道犯罪行为却不能?另一方面如果肯定全部的犯罪行为都能引起作为义务的话那么就会出现故意伤害的犯罪人难道负有把被害人送进医院抢救的义务?否则成立不作为的故意杀人?因此本文着重讨论的是犯罪行为能不能成为不作为犯的先行行为以及在何种条件下能成立.  相似文献   

关于何种行为能成为先行行为引起其后的作为义务的问题刑法理论学界进行了激烈的讨论,合法行为和违法行为做为先行行为引起作为义务尚且不是很突出,但是对于犯罪行为就存在一个两难的选择,一方面连违法行为都能引起作为的义务,难道犯罪行为却不能?另一方面如果肯定全部的犯罪行为都能引起作为义务的话那么就会出现故意伤害的犯罪人难道负有把被害人送进医院抢救的义务?否则成立不作为的故意杀人?因此本文着重讨论的是犯罪行为能不能成为不作为犯的先行行为以及在何种条件下能成立。  相似文献   

不作为犯罪是相对于作为而言的,是指行为人在能够履行自己应尽义务的情况下不履行该义务。不作为具有行为性。研究不作为犯罪,有利于确立犯罪范围,正确区分罪与非罪。  相似文献   

目的犯是指以某种特定犯罪目的作为犯罪构成特殊要件的犯罪.犯罪动机是指刺激犯罪人实施犯罪行为以达到某种犯罪目的之内心起因.犯罪目的是指犯罪人通过实施犯罪行为以达到某种危害结果的希望和追求.动机的作用是发动犯罪行为,回答的是犯罪人为什么实施某种犯罪行为.虽然目的也可以推动人实施某种犯罪行为,但是动机是更为内在的、更直接的因素.日的犯的目的应是特定犯罪目而不是一般犯罪目的.  相似文献   

牵连犯是我国刑法理论中的一种罪数形态,在司法实践中被广泛运用.牵连犯,是指以实施某一犯罪为目的,其方法行为或结果行为又触犯其他罪名的犯罪形态.对牵连犯如何处理,我国刑法总则没有规定,但是理论和实践上对牵连犯的处罚原则问题的争议颇多.对牵连犯从一重处罚或数罪并罚原则在我国刑法理论界的争论和当前立法与司法实践的分析,我认为在我国应当确立统一的数罪并罚的牵连犯处罚原则.  相似文献   

危险犯在法定的危险状态出现后,行为人在其所期望的危害结果发生前主动采取措施有效防止实害结果发生的行为如何定性,理论界目前尚无定论,本文认为应将这种行为认定为危险犯的恢复犯,对于危险犯的恢复犯按照犯罪中止论处,应当减轻处罚.  相似文献   

目前刑法理论将危害行为根据其客观形态分为作为和不作为两类,而现在有的学者提出,危害行为应包括作为、不作为和持有三种形态;也有学者将危害行为分为作为、不作为以及以作为形式实施的不作为三种形态的观点。这两种有关危害行为的“三分法”的观点,都认为危害行为的客观形态除作为与不作为以外,还存在着第三种“行为”。根据目前的危害行为的理论,通说中对危害行为分为作为与不作为的“两分法”观点是科学合理的,“三分法”存在概念混乱和逻辑问题。  相似文献   

危险犯在法定的危险状态出现后,行为人在其所期望的危害结果发生前主动采取措施有效防止实害结果发生的行为如何定性,理论界目前尚无定论,本文认为应将这种行为认定为危险犯的恢复犯,对于危险犯的恢复犯按照犯罪中止论处,应当减轻处罚。  相似文献   

目的犯是指以某种特定犯罪目的作为犯罪构成特殊要件的犯罪。犯罪动机是指刺激犯罪人实施犯罪行为以达到某种犯罪目的之内心起因。犯罪目的是指犯罪人通过实施犯罪行为以达到某种危害结果的希望和追求。动机的作用是发动犯罪行为。回答的是犯罪人为什么实施某种犯罪行为。虽然目的也可以推动人实施某种犯罪行为,但是动机是更为内在的、更直接的因素。目的犯的目的应是特定犯罪日而不是一般犯罪目的。  相似文献   

王惠 《科教文汇》2014,(1):158-159
及物动词宾语隐形结构在传统语法中被认为是一个特例,处在动词研究的边缘地位。构式语法对此提出了挑战,认为宾语隐形结构是一个固定存在的构式,其本身含有意义。根据被隐形宾语对语境的依赖性,宾语隐形构式可分为隐含和省略两种。宾语隐含构式独立于语境,而与词汇和语法因素相关;宾语省略构式依赖语境,省略的宾语具有已知性、可恢复性和确指性。根据构式语法中的重要理论“低凸显性原则”分析,两种隐宾结构中及物动词受事论元在失去“焦点”位置时,把原有的“凸显性”转移到动词所表示的动作,受事论元即可省略。  相似文献   

Technology has provided state and federal governments with huge collections of DNA samples and identifying profiles stored in databanks. That information can be used to solve crimes by matching samples from convicted felons to unsolved crimes, and has aided law enforcement in investigating and convicting suspects, and exonerating innocent felons, even after lengthy incarceration. Rights surrounding the provision of DNA samples, however, remain unclear in light of the constitutional guarantee against "unreasonable searches and seizures" and privacy concerns. The courts have just begun to consider this issue, and have provided little guidance. It is unclear whether the laws governing protected health information are applicable to the instant situation, and if so, the degree to which they apply. DNA databanks are not uniformly regulated, and it is possible that DNA samples contained in them may be used for purposes unintended by donors of the samples. As people live their lives, they leave bits of their DNA behind. They cannot be assured that these tiny specimens will not be taken or used against their will or without their knowledge for activities such as profiling to measure tendencies such as thrill-seeking, aggressiveness, or crimes with threatening behavior. Existing racial or ethnic discrimination and profiling may also encompass genetic discrimination and profiling, creating societal class distinctions. This article will explore the constitutionality of collecting genetic materials, the ethics of such activities, and balance the social good in solving crime and deterrence against the individual's security, liberty, and privacy.  相似文献   

戴忠杰 《科教文汇》2014,(3):210-211
无差别杀人犯罪,是一种多发于现代社会的独特犯罪类型,在社会转型发展不断加快的背景下,我国的无差别杀人犯罪在近些年也多有发生。将无差别杀人案进行类型化犯罪的心理学分析研究,以探索行为人犯罪心理发生的内在机制及其规律,具有非常重要的现实意义和前瞻性。  相似文献   

A current challenge for the scientific community is the choice of appropriate policies to reduce the rate of false positives. Existing proposals differ in whether to prioritize tackling omission through transparency requirements, punishing more severe transgressions, or possibly both. We use a formal model to evaluate these possible solutions. We find that a policy that prohibitively increases the cost of ‘misdemeanor’ types of questionable research practices robustly decreases the overall rate of researcher misconduct, because the rate of ‘felonies’, such as fabrication, also decreases. Therefore proposals that aim to prevent lying by omission by enforcing reporting guidelines are likely to be effective in reducing researcher misconduct, but measures such as government audits (purported to counteract pure fraud) can backfire. Moreover, we find that an increase in the rewards of publication need not increase overall misconduct.  相似文献   

我国社区矫正工作的开展已近十年,但还存在一定问题,尤其是在关于未成年人社区方面总体存在着在法律立法、具体工作实施等过程中的缺乏针对性等问题。本文在对未成年人社区矫正问题阐述的基础上,从心理学的视角提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术的迅速发展及网络的普及,互联网正在深刻地影响着社会的发展和人们生活的各个方面.但是,互联网在给人们的生活带来诸多便利的同时,其社会危害性也日益显现.近年来,高校学生的网络犯罪问题日益突出,且发案数量呈上升趋势,这给高校的思想政治教育和管理工作带来难题.因此,分析、研究高校学生网络犯罪问题,对于预防和减少网络犯罪行为的发生,以及加强高校学生的思想政治教育和管理,都具有非常重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

李勍  何大顺 《科教文汇》2012,(22):146-148
翻译过程中的对等涉及读者反应及语言、文化背景等问题;新闻的独特性又决定了其翻译需有别于文学翻译等其他文本翻译。本文从新闻翻译实践出发,探讨如何在动态对等理论指导下,通过增译、减译和重组信息后的改译等策略,使译文在最大程度上保留原文所传递的信息,同时使译文读者与原文读者有最大趋同的认知感受。  相似文献   

Analysis of publicly available human and drug trafficking crime data faces the challenge of finding a comprehensive dataset that includes a sufficiently large number of crime incidents. Our proposed methodology attempts to address this challenge by using entity resolution techniques to merge multiple state-wide crime datasets and a county-wide incident report dataset to get a clearer picture of a category of criminal activity in a geographical area. This methodology combines incident reports, crime reports, and court records to close any gaps that may be present in a single data source. We apply this methodology to create a dataset that includes drug and human trafficking related crimes and incidents from three distinct sources (from Louisville Open Data Crime Reports, Federal Bureau of Investigation Kentucky Crime Incidents, and the Kentucky Online Offender Lookup website) to provide researchers data to study the link between drug and human trafficking related crimes. In a case study performed with the new merged dataset, an XGBoost classifier was able to label a 7-day sliding time window, within any given county, as containing a human trafficking related incident or not with a Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.86.  相似文献   

文章分析了现有入侵检测系统的弱点,针对系统的捡测精度不高,经常出现误报、漏报等问题,提出了多节点对等协作检测的体系结构。该系统基于JADE平台创建多种类型的Agent.利用多Agent的交互、协作来实现检测的自治化和多主机间协助检测,满足网络动态变化的要求。  相似文献   

Andrew J. Nelson   《Research Policy》2009,38(6):994-1005
Measurement of knowledge spillovers remains an important challenge. While patent citation analyses are one common empirical approach, questions persist about their efficacy and potential biases. In an effort to assess various measures of knowledge diffusion, this paper compares patent data surrounding recombinant DNA technology to licenses and publications building on the same technology. Evaluation of these measures highlights errors of both omission and over-representation in each measure, and reveals potential biases tied to organizational age and location. The results suggest that studies of knowledge diffusion can be strengthened dramatically by drawing upon multiple indicators.  相似文献   

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