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目的:探讨子宫内膜异位症患者泌乳素水平与不孕的关系。方法:收集病例测定患者组合对照组的泌乳素水平。结果患者组血清泌乳素含量较对照组高,通过统计软件分析,具有显著性差异。结论:患者组血清高泌乳素显著高于正常人,可能是造成子宫内膜异位症患者不孕的原因之一。  相似文献   

1,资料与方法1.1,一般资料收集2004年1月至2004年12月间,经HSG诊断为单侧或双侧输卵管间质部梗阻的不孕患者55例,共100条输卵管,其中8例为一侧输卵管梗阻,对侧通畅,2例为一侧输卵管梗阻,对侧输卵管切除。55例病例中,原发不孕21例,继发不孕34例,不孕年限2-15年(平均5年),年龄21-  相似文献   

王晓冰 《百科知识》2012,(23):12-14
1978年7月25日世界上第一个试管婴儿、重2700克的路易丝·布朗降临人世。这位试管婴儿的创造者是英国生理学家、剑桥大学名誉教授、被称为"试管婴儿之父"的罗伯特·爱德华兹。为此他获得了2010年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,因为"他使试管受精技术用于治疗不孕成为可能,为占总人口比例超过10%的不孕夫妇带来了福音"。近年来,人工生殖技术的探索有了许多新的成果,也使得这一技术能更广泛地造福于人类。  相似文献   

1,资料与方法 1.1,一般资料 收集2004年1月至2004年12月间,经HSG诊断为单侧或双侧输卵管间质部梗阻的不孕患者55例,共100条输卵管,其中8例为一侧输卵管梗阻,对侧通畅,2例为一侧输卵管梗阻,对侧输卵管切除.55例病例中,原发不孕21例,继发不孕34例,不孕年限2-15年(平均5年),年龄21-40岁(平均31.5岁),55例均曾行宫腔内注药输卵管通水2-10次(平均6次),55例基础体温均为双相,且排除其它不孕因素,男方的精液检查正常.  相似文献   

女性不孕为常见病。美国、英国等西方国家不孕症的发病率约8%~17%,我国的发病率要低于这个水平。目前,我国50%~60%不孕夫妇中的女性不孕,可望通过药物治疗而生育可爱的宝宝。但用中西医结合治疗,效果更好。子宫发育不良所致的不孕,目前西医多采用小剂量雌激素加甲状腺素片服用,或雌激素加黄体酮治疗。若在这些方法的基础上与补肾健脾养血的中药合用,治愈率将会大大提高。子宫轻、中度粘连的病人,用诊刮加活血化瘀通经中药治疗,效果更好;因子宫肌瘤不育者,用上述方法配软坚散结之晶,则可使部分患者受孕。  相似文献   

抗精子抗体测定及其评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不育不孕的原因是十分复杂的,免疫学因素的参与和某些不育不孕的发病有密切联系。在男性或女性患者体内都有可能出现抗精子抗体(AsAb),AsAb对精子有细胞毒作用及制动作用,在患者体内检出AsAb,有助于对不育不孕的诊断。早在1899年,Methnikoff及Landsteiner发现〔2〕,将异体动物精子注入机体可产生抗体。1年来,Methnikoff证实豚鼠在注射自体精子后,血液中有抗精子抗体的存在。1 精液抗原〔1.2〕人类精液抗原相当复杂,目前已知精液中含有30余种精子抗原,其中精浆抗原达1…  相似文献   

不孕症的原因很多,且极为复杂,诸如子宫发育不完全或畸形、输卵管粘连、阻塞不通,排卵障碍、黄体功能不全等等。不孕症属中医学"全不产"、"断绪"、"无子"、"不孕"、"绝子"等范畴,传统医学对于不孕症的理论已广泛地应用于临床并取得了很好的疗效。  相似文献   

张立军 《中国科技纵横》2013,(24):242-242,244
分析引起适龄母牛不孕的原因大体可分为先天性不孕和疾病性不孕及防治方法。  相似文献   

目前,输卵管性不孕症已成为妇女不孕最主要的原因。近年来,随着微创技术的发展,宫、腹腔镜越来越多地应用于治疗输卵管性不孕。宫腔镜可用于治疗宫腔疾患和输卵管近端的病变,腹腔镜则可用于治疗盆腔疾患和输卵管远端的病变。二者联合应用能同时治疗宫腔、盆腔及输卵管异常。文章针对输卵管阻塞性不孕应用宫腔镜及腹腔镜治疗进行了总结,以期提高本病的治愈率及妊娠率。  相似文献   

《科学生活》:随着环境恶化、不良生活习惯以及生活压力的增大,都市已婚人群中不孕不育的情况也随之增加,那么导致不孕症的最常见原因是什么? 邵医生:不孕症是育龄妇女的常见疾患,且近年来不孕症发病率有上升趋势,世界卫生组织(WHO)统计表明,不育夫妇占育龄夫妇的7%~15%,在中国这个比例约为1/6,造成不孕的原因,女性一方因素占60%,其中输卵管因素是妇女不孕最常见的原因,可引起36%~44%女性不孕。  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis is a common autosomal recessive disorder usually found in population of white Caucasian descent. Now it is well documented the presence of CF disease in India with the advancement of laboratory testing. As once it was thought non existence of this disease in our population. Most of the phenotype of CF disease was in accordance of western population. Genetic analysis of CFTR gene in Indian CF patients revealed that most common mutation was delta F508 mutation. However, it was less than Caucasian population. CFTR mutations are also a causative factor in the pathogenesis of male infertility due to obstructive azoospermia. There are two most common mutation viz. IVS8-T5 and delta F508 which are responsible for congenital absence of vas deferens in male infertility patients. Elevated levels of sweat chloride at two occasions along with the presence of two mutations in CFTR gene was gold standard method for diagnosis of CF disease. It is noteworthy here that due to magnitude of Indian population, the total CF disease load would be more than many European countries. Clinical data demonstrate the prevalence of both classical and genetic form of CF in India.  相似文献   

Progress in diagnosis of infertility, has been dramatically increased during the past decades with changes occurring in virtually all aspects of infertility research, thus providing innovative diagnostic testing and sophisticated instrumentation for improved management and treatment of infertility. There are about 50% of infertile couples who are suffering because of male infertility. Semen examination is a basic investigation for these infertile couples. It not only reveals the quantity and quality of sperm but also the quality of the seminal plasma, which is essential for normal sperm function. In this review, the recent advancement in investigation procedures has been analyzed which are very important in clinical practice to (a) evaluate the sperm fertilizing ability (Acrosin, aniline blue, HOS), (b) characterization of male accessory sex glands secretions (Fructose, alpha-glucosidase, PSA) and (c) the management of azoospermic patients. It is believed that use of such diagnostic procedures will facilitate wide selection of patients for whom an effective therapy might be then possible.  相似文献   

The excessive generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by abnormal spermatozoa and contaminating leukocytes has been defined as one of the few etiologies for male infertility. Administration of antioxidants in patients with ‘male factor’ infertility has begun to attract considerable interest. The main difficulty of such an approach is our incomplete understanding of the role of free radicals in normal and abnormal sperm function leading to male infertility. Mammalian spermatozoa membranes are very sensitive to free radical induced damage mediated by lipid peroxidation, as they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Limited endogenous mechanisms exist to reverse these damages. ROS attacks the fluidity of the sperm plasma membrane and the integrity of DNA in the sperm nucleus. ROS induced DNA damage accelerate the germ cell apoptosis. Unfortunately spermatozoa are unable to repair the damage induced by excessive ROS as they lack the cytoplasmic enzymes required to accomplish the repair. Assessment of such oxidative stress status (OSS) may help in the medical treatment. Treatment strategies must be directed toward lowering of ROS levels to keep only a small amount necessary to maintain normal cell function.  相似文献   

Hormones play an important role in the development and regulation of reproductive function and the menstrual cycle of women. Extremes of body weight tend to affect the homeostasis of the hypothalamo–pituitary–gonadal axis. This cross-sectional study was carried out in 113 women (57 with primary infertility and 56 with secondary infertility) in the age group 20–35 years, presenting for hormonal evaluation of infertility in a tertiary care hospital. After preliminary clinical evaluation, anthropometric indices (height, weight, BMI, waist circumference and waist hip ratio) were measured in all subjects. Fasting blood sample drawn on second/third day of menstrual cycle was analysed for serum luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Serum FSH levels showed a significant positive correlation with indicators of central obesity (waist circumference and waist hip ratio in both the study groups). In primary infertility, significant positive correlation was also observed between serum FSH levels and other markers of obesity like body weight, hip circumference and BMI. In secondary infertility, serum prolactin and serum TSH levels demonstrated a significant positive correlation with body weight and BMI. Obesity is associated with hormonal derangements which are responsible for infertility. In overweight women with infertility, weight loss should be considered as a first line treatment.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to estimate the serum concentrations of oxidative stress markers-lipid hydroperoxide (MDA-Malondialdehyde), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), nitrite; and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) — a measure of total antioxidant capacity in serum. Serum nitrite levels were high in fertile women than in infertile women (p<0.001), whereas MDA was high in infertile women than in fertile group (p<0.018). On classifying the entire group of women with infertility based on the etiology, serum MDA and LDH levels were higher in women with infertility due to unexplained factor than in women with other causes contributing to infertility compared to controls (p<0.001, p<0.02). A positive correlation among serum prolactin and nitrite suggested that hyperprolactinemia could contribute to infertility by inducing oxidative damage. Serum FRAP levels showed no significant difference in the groups studied. Lipid peroxidation was high in women with unexplained infertility which may be due to hyperprolactinemia.  相似文献   

Defective sperm function is the most common cause of infertility. A prospective study was carried out to correlate the concentration of nitrite (the stable metabolite of nitric oxide) in seminal plasma with leukocytospermia, and sperm membrane integrity. Total Fifty-seven normozoospermic subjects with and without leukocytospermia visiting the Infertility clinic at KH and MRC, Karad, were included in the present study. Semen samples were checked for sperm concentration, total sperm count, sperm motility, seminal leukocyte concentration and sperm membrane integrity as Hypoosmotic Swelling Test. Similarly the concentration of nitrite in seminal plasma was measured by Griess reaction and total antioxidant power measured as ferric reducing ability of plasma. The concentration of nitrite in seminal plasma was found to be raised with significantly increased leukocyte concentration in semen. Also significantly lowered levels of total antioxidant power along with defective sperm function was observed. Our results suggest that supplementary treatment of antioxidants with antibiotic for leukocytospermic infertile male patients may improve the sperm membrane integrity.  相似文献   

Genitourinary tuberculosis is a disease of the genitourinary system which includes the entire urinary tract and reproductive system. Genital tuberculosis is an important cause of female infertility, especially in developing nations like India. In the present study, a total of 257 clinical specimens comprising of endometrial biopsy (109), endometrial curetting (42), menstrual blood (8), semen (17), placenta (11) and urine (70) were collected from patients and subjected for PCR, Culture and AFB detection. The endometrial biopsy, endometrial curetting, menstrual blood, semen, placenta, urine showed 30.2, 45.2,12.5, 5.8, 27.2, 31.4 %, positivity rate for tuberculosis by PCR, 7.3, 9.5, 25.0, 0, 9, 8.5 % by culture and 1.8, 2.3, 0, 0, 0, 2.8 % respectively by AFB smear. Being a novel, rapid technique, PCR is the method of choice for rapid diagnosis and management of genitourinary tuberculosis shared with the other concerned tests. This study reveals that genital tuberculosis can occur in any age group, however, the majority of patients were from reproductive age (nearly 75 % of them were from 20–45 years of age) group.  相似文献   

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is one of the most common hormonally leading cause infertility disorders. The effect of oxidant-antioxidant imbalance on disease progression has been studied in many disorders. The present study was aimed to evaluate prooxidant–antioxidant balance (PAB) in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome compared to healthy subjects. We also studied the possible effect of treatment with available drugs on serum PAB. In this case–control study 100 polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients and 100 healthy individuals were enrolled in the study. The laboratory features of patients and controls like as serum LH and FSH concentration and hematological examinations were collected. PAB was evaluated by a colorimetric method. Serum PAB value was significantly higher before treatment compared to after treatment and healthy subjects. PAB values were also higher in subjects with irregular menstrual cycle compared to normal subjects. Our results represented that serum PAB values has an indirect significant correlation with serum LH concentration. We also found that drugs regimen containing spironolactone effectively reduced the serum PAB values. Our results showed that PCOS patients had increased level of PAB and treatment with spironolactone mainly decreases the level of serum PAB. Our results indicate that the measurements of PAB may be used as a potential laboratory marker for assessment of PCOS patients.  相似文献   

在高等教育体系中,医学类院校特色鲜明,专业性较为明显,培养目标的指向性也更加明确——未来的医护人员。社会对医护人员的道德要求也相对较高。然而,近年来由于医患双方信任感匮乏、双方之间沟通交流不到位、大众对于医疗事故零容忍,加之关于医护人员的负面报道较多等因素影响,社会上对医学院校学生的道德教育有所质疑,进而提出更高的要求。因此,在医护人员培养过程中加强社会主义核心价值观对医德教育的导向作用,显得尤为迫切和重要。  相似文献   

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