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咏梅词在李清照、姜夔的咏物词中占很大比重,李清照词中梅花的娇柔艳丽,以及对梅花形神俱似的描绘,与姜夔词中梅花的清冷瘦寒以及遗形取神的写法等恰成对比,反映了两位词家不同的审美趣味。  相似文献   

孟浩然诗歌的色彩由青白黄红黑五大色系构成,一共使用了20个颜色词,计131次.其中,以青绿色为主.颜色词外,他还利用物象的色彩,通过描写具象,引起人的视觉想象,以表现自己的心象色彩.为了突出色彩表现,又使语句工整优美,诗人将邻近色或对比色进行搭配.搭配的方式丰富,常用的是借助词的附加意义进行来设计.孟浩然诗歌的整体色调是中和,但稍微偏点清冷,清冷中又有清寂、清幽、清宁、清旷的区别,形成了特色鲜明的清淡艺术风格,表现了孟浩然多元的审美情趣与道家风度.  相似文献   

学作品中的化联想词已成为跨语言,跨化的交际活动-翻译的一大挑战,原因之一是由于化联想词意义及感情色彩的差异性;之二是原与译的类似物或对等词的内涵不对等。为了达到化联想词信息含量的对等传递,做到把外国学作品中的“实物-逻辑内容”原汁原味地呈现在读面前,使交际成功,应正确地采用合适的翻译技巧来处理化联想词,从而使翻译达到对等的效果。  相似文献   

题材的世俗化、平民化和创作形式上的游戏化,是黄庭坚词的两种主要创作倾向,也是黄庭坚词本质的重要表现。题材的世俗化,使词的表现视野由唐五代、宋初的花间尊前、歌筵席畔,苏东坡似的士大夫情怀,进一步转到广阔的世俗生活,丰富了词的表现内容。创作游戏化,突出了词的表意功能,促使词体进一步由音乐文学转变为文学文本。这两种倾向,共同促进了词的文体属性的形成。  相似文献   

文化差异与商标词的翻译   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
商品命名往往赋予商标词丰富的化内涵,但对这种内涵的理解因化背景不同而产生差异。通过实例分析,并结合国际惯例,提出中国出口商品商标词的三种翻译方法,强调商标词的化内涵应有针对性,使之适应不同化背景的外国消费,从而促进产品外销。  相似文献   

周之琦是清代中后期的著名词人。有《心日斋词集》《十六家词录》等词学著作。其作品数量丰富,内容精良,在清代词史上有着重要地位。其词善于工笔描摹和运用一些辞藻丰赡,色彩醒目的词语,整体风格清冷落寞,平淡厚重。  相似文献   

外来词属于词汇学的范畴。外来词通过潜词显化、显意符号化、显词重叠化三种途径产生,其中的显词重叠化造成了外来词与汉语词的同义关系,而外来词独特的修辞效果也使人们在同义手段选择活动中更青睐于外来词。  相似文献   

辛弃疾的写水词内涵丰富深厚,抒发出他对祖国河山的热爱,寄寓着他感悟到的人生哲理.他灵活运用多种艺术手法描绘各类水的形态,妙画有生命力的活水,表现水的光色、声响、凉冷乃至香味,尤其善于展开浪漫的幻觉想象,创造神奇飞动、雄伟壮丽或清冷幽静的意象和境界.辛弃疾山水词主要学习和取法屈原辞赋和苏轼诗词.辛弃疾的文学天才与辛勤创作,使其山水词在中国古代山水词史上成就最高.  相似文献   

濮贤娜是巴金的祖父的继配夫人,现存《意眉阁诗词》。她的词题材广泛,词风鲜明,其词常常具有柔而有骨的笔触,弥漫着清冷哀伤的气氛,或是伤时,或是离愁。其思想中有庄子虚实观念的影子,词中亦常见洞悉人事真谛的卓见。  相似文献   

苏轼作为文学大家,对其研究琳琅满目。但大多着眼于豪放词及积极乐观人生态度的研究,对其诗文中表现出的落寞、凄清、孤寂等清冷意境的美学价值及影响探求较少,对此进行深入透彻阐析的文章也不多见。文章对其贬谪时期作品表现清冷意境的美学意义及影响进行全面论证,揭示其创作美学价值及重大影响。  相似文献   

Feminist analyses of the “chilly climate” have documented the ways in which women have been and continue to be marginalized within institutions of higher education. Yet there has been little attention to the relationship between the “chilly climate” and the lived experiences of particular populations in specific educational settings. This article attends to that relationship and draws on a two-year ethnographic study that focused on single mothers attending a community college in the Midwestern United States. Situating their experiences within the particulars of post-welfare reform America and the dynamics of the institution they attend, I argue that the educational climate these women face is particularly chilly, something that is evident in the various attitudes, practices, and policies they encounter in their interactions with faculty, staff, and other students. In addition to analyzing the ways in which the “chilly climate” influences both academic and social aspects of single mother students' experiences, I offer specific suggestions for ways in which colleges and universities can create a more welcoming and supportive environment for members of this particular student population.  相似文献   

The year has turned its circle,The seasons come and go.The harvest is all gathered in And chilly north winds blow.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how perceptions of a chilly climate differ between students in traditionally female-dominated majors (nursing and education) versus traditionally male-dominated majors (information technology and engineering), and how these perceptions relate to students’ intentions to persist or pursue higher education in their chosen field. Students (n = 403) attending a community college completed the 28-item Perceived Chilly Climate Scale (PCCS). The primary research question asked: To what extent can scores on the five subscales of the PCCS be explained by the predictor variable set of gender, ethnicity, age, college major, and intent to leave the field? Canonical correlation analysis indicated that women found the climate chillier than men, non-white students found the climate chillier than white students, younger students perceived the climate chillier than older students, and students in traditionally female-dominated majors perceived the climate chillier than students in traditionally male-dominated majors. Intent to leave the field was not a significant predictor of perceptions of chilly climate.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(3):263-270
Abstract. Perceptions of student/professor competence and the reasons for a "chilly" classroom were investigated through a survey of 2,042 students from seventy-seven liberal arts colleges. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests showed statistically significant different responses by gender for all the questions. The perceptions of competence survey showed mixed results. With regards to professor competence, female students were much more likely to believe that male professors were viewed as more competent and treated with more respect. With regards to reasons for a "chilly" classroom, neither female nor minority students cited gender or race as a primary reason. In fact, the three most frequent reasons given by all students (regardless of race or gender) were difficulty of course content, professor's teaching style/personality, and personality style of classmates.  相似文献   

试论汉代陵寝祭祀及其对宗庙祭祀的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
:两汉是祖先祭祀方式发生重大变化的时期 ,陵寝祭祀方式逐渐发展成熟 ,成为与宗庙祭祀并行的又一种祖先祭祀方式。陵寝祭祀与宗庙祭祀既有区别又有联系 ,它的兴盛对宗庙祭祀产生重大影响 ,但是 ,它并不能从根本上取代宗庙祭祀在国家祀典中的固有地位  相似文献   

Hunting, in which the young man was an apt scholar, was now the order of the day. Tiburcio was an artist in woodcraft as well as in his knowledge of the habits of animals and birds. On chilly or disagreeable days they would take out the pack of dogs and beat the thickets for the javeline. It was exciting sport to bring to bay a drove of these animals. To shoot from horseback lent a charm, yet made aim uncertain, nor was it advisable to get too close range. Many a young dog made a fatal mistake in getting too near this little animal, and the doctoring of crippled dogs became a daily duty. All surplus game was sent to the ranchito below, where it was always appreciated.  相似文献   

李贺是中唐独具特色诗人,他善于在诗歌创作中借助色彩描写为作品涂抹底色,奠定基调,表现他那丰富复杂、抑郁苦闷的精神世界,从而形成幽冷凄艳、光怪陆离的诗境,来寄托他的幽愤和不平。文章对这一艺术特征作了探析。  相似文献   

Community colleges have provided an entree into higher education for many women. Yet, women faculty perceive the overall climate of community colleges as “chilly.” To deconstruct the interpersonal dynamics that may lead to perceptions of a chilly climate, this study examines the prevalence of workplace bullying among and between community college faulty. The purpose is to understand the nature of harassment, the ways in which women define and respond to it, and the importance of contextual factors in the prevalence. Workplace bullying is a form of interpersonal aggression that has implications for how individuals perceive the organizational climate, job productivity, and job satisfaction. Findings from this study indicate that workplace bullying among faculty includes many subtle practices characterized by informal and formal use of power, faculty workplace bullying is affected by several enabling structures specific to the context, and victims typically respond with avoidance. This study has implications for harassment policies, faculty involvement in institutional governance, and the gendered nature of interpersonal dynamics.  相似文献   

<正>学生作文We go through various things everyday,sweet and salty.But one memory still exist in my mind would never fade away.It’s was five years ago,on a freezing cold morning,which can’t be more normal.But it truly changes me in a sense.As usual,I got up early to go to school.The wind is so chilly that my legs can’t help shaking.The street is empty but there is one old man sweeping with hot  相似文献   

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