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英国殖民主义在采非建立的乌干达保护国使鸟干达成为一个统一的行政体,这为乌干达民族国家的形成奠定了基础。但是,英国在乌干达的殖民主义统治,尤其是间接统治和“分而治之”的殖民制度,阻碍了独立以后的乌干达民族国家的发展进程。  相似文献   

缅甸自独立以来面临的重大历史任务是怎样利用国家力量来整合异质化的民族地区差异和多样化的民族认同,推动民族国家构建。吴努时期政府采取的加强国家权力削弱少数民族权利的政治一体化和推行统一的民族文化政策来实现民族国家构建的政策没有取得成功。1962年政变上台的奈温政府采取的加强中央集权,镇压反政府力量的国家构建和以民族同化政策为核心的民族整合,也未能达到民族国家构建的目的,并激化了民族矛盾。  相似文献   

崔斌 《许昌学院学报》2007,26(3):114-118
穆塞维尼执政以来长期实行“运动制”,力促民族和解。乌干达民族问题的特殊性在于:南北民族、地区间发展极不平衡,国内较发达的地区、较先进的民族要求分离,后进的、在国内居少数地位的民族,独立后长期垄断政治要津。解决民族问题的关键在于能否寻求一个平衡点,既能保持国内局势的稳定,又能有效地谋求发展;乌干达民族的形成必须有巴干达族的积极参与;需要一个能为各民族、各派别所接受,并能有效地团结各方力量,推进国家政治生活民主化的政治中心。  相似文献   

走向犹太国——赫茨尔与乌干达计划评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈曦 《历史教学问题》2007,(3):54-57,44
犹太复国主义自发展之日起就将建立犹太人独立的民族国家作为明确的奋斗目标,于是复国地址的选定问题,就成为犹太复国主义运动一个重要的选择。赫茨尔作为政治犹太复国主义之父,在此问题上,他的思想与行动产生了重要的影响。乌干达计划是选择复国地址的过程中影响最重大的尝试,它虽然失败了,却导致巴勒斯坦是犹太人惟一的建国之地这一目标最终得以确立。本文试图描述整个计划的全貌,探讨乌干达计划失败的原因,并分析乌干达计划在赫茨尔一生中的地位问题。  相似文献   

吉尔吉斯斯坦分别在2005年3月和2010年4月发生两次政变①.这表明:独立以来所选择的西方式民主政治和俄罗斯威权主义两种政治模式均遭到失败,根本原因是与本国政治文化和政治传统严重脱节;2010年启动的议会制总体上符合本国政治传统和政治文化.关键在于议会制能否在操作层面上有效整合国内各主要政治力量;在部族认同被民族国家认同取代之前,部族主义依然是政治领域的重要因素,也是政治不稳定的基本动因之一;独立以来的民族沙文主义政策,主体民族意识高涨及其理论与实践是未来政治不稳定的重要诱因.  相似文献   

一、3 图中a所示国家 (印度———编者注 ) ,取得独立的方式是A 武装斗争   B 政治运动C 议会斗争   D 军事政变三、鸦片战争以来 ,中国人民前赴后继 ,努力探索民族复兴、国家强盛之路。7 洋务运动中 ,洋务派创办了中国第一批近代企业。下列企业中不属于他们创办的是A 安庆机械所   B 开平矿务局C 汉阳铁厂    D 发昌机器厂8 甲午战争失败后 ,康梁维新派突破了洋务运动的局限 ,宣传变法维新 ,其主要贡献是A 提出政治体制改革的要求B 倡导向西方学习科学技术C 明确了以“中体西用”为思想指导方针D 宣传西方民主共…  相似文献   

姚崇同一批官员关系不好,这批官员分作两类:一类是有政治投机行为的侥幸之徒及其依附人员;另一类是品质龌龊、政见歧异的人。姚崇参加过神龙元年(705)的军事政变,但不是积极分子。从这次政变开始,八年间共出现四次军事政变。唐玄宗亲政之初,姚崇再次回到中央当宰相。他具有是非分明、爱憎分明、正直耿介、坦坦荡荡的政治品格。他讨厌政治投机分子,反对阴谋政治,反对军事政变,追求施政的最佳模式,为开元之治局面的出现做出了贡献。  相似文献   

一、动荡乎?稳定乎?一提起非洲,在不少人心目中,那是一个充满战乱的大陆,不时发生武装冲突、军事政变和内战。这确是人们从新闻中所见到的非洲情景。近几年,非洲发生战乱的国家每年都超过10个,约为非洲国家总数的1/4,是目前世界上发生战乱最频繁的地区。联合国秘书长安南在提交联大的报告中说,自1970年以来,非洲爆发了30多场战争。另据统计,非洲国家独立40年来发生过80起武装冲突、内战和军事政变,25位总统丧生。不仅如此,非洲的战乱还有以下特点。()普遍性:40年来,几乎所有国家都发生过国内和国家之间的武装冲突和战乱,…  相似文献   

阿明上台后,保留了共和国体制,制定统一的语言政策,实行部分行政区改革,意在打破民族壁垒,巩固统一局面,推进民族一体化.但他利用几个少数民族和伊斯兰势力,对国内其他民族和宗教势力滥施淫威.实行残暴统治,驱逐亚洲人,满足少数族群的贪欲,对乌干达国内各民族的相互关系以及整个乌干达民族的发展走向都产生了重大的影响.  相似文献   

近几年,非洲发生战乱的国家每年都超过10个,约为非洲国家总数的1/4,是目前世界上发生战乱最频繁的地区。联合国秘书长安南在提交联大的报告说,自1970年以来,非洲爆发了30多场战争。另据统计,非洲国家独立40年来,共发生80起武装冲突、内战和军事政变,25位总统丧生。非洲的战乱有以下特点。1.普遍性:40年来,几乎所有国家都发生过国内和国家间武装冲突和战乱。2,长期性:有10多个国家独立后就陷入内战。埃塞俄比亚、苏丹、安哥拉、莫桑比克、乍得和利比里亚等国战火持续10年、20年乃至30多年。战乱先后使5000万人民背井离乡,至今…  相似文献   

Who educates teacher educators? How are teacher educators educated and prepared for their roles and tasks? This article uses a review of a two-year full-time Diploma in Teacher Education (DTE) for teacher educators in Uganda to engage with these questions. The article begins with a presentation of the Ugandan teacher education context and a literature review, focusing mainly on teacher educator knowledge, preparation, roles and tasks. It then presents the review process and discusses the main findings that emerged, exploring their implications for the education of teacher educators in Uganda and internationally. The main implications concern the critical role of teacher education pedagogy, context, teacher educator knowledge, tasks and roles, reflective practice, practitioner research, and the background, capacities and education of the educator of teacher educators.  相似文献   

Students perform better academically in schools with high levels of trust. Yet school leaders primarily responsible for building cultures of trust may not know how to effectively build trust. This research examines how visibility of Ugandan headteachers is related to teachers’ perceptions of headteacher trustworthiness. Using grounded theory, we interviewed 28 Ugandan secondary school teachers in eight schools in Mukono District, Uganda. Findings indicate teachers’ perceptions of headteacher relational trustworthiness were related to headteacher visibility, with perceptions of both relational and competence trustworthiness being moderated by teacher and headteacher personal characteristics. Findings are comparable to U.S.-based research.  相似文献   

Ugandan households play a central role in child care and protection, and household-level practices influence the ways in which children are protected from adversities. This study was designed to identify community perceptions of protective and harmful parenting practices in three districts in Uganda. It employed free-listing interviews to determine priorities and practices deemed to be important in providing care and protection to children. Findings suggest that parenting practices can be grouped into seven basic themes, which are: Investing in children’s future, Protection, Care, Enterprising, Relationship with neighbors, Intimate partner relationship, and Child Rearing. Investing in children’s future, including educating children, was cited most often as a hallmark of positive parenting; while failure to care for children was most often cited as a hallmark of negative parenting. Concrete behaviors, such as walking a daughter to school; sewing a son’s torn pants before going to church; and structuring study time at home were identified as concrete actions Ugandan parents undertake daily to promote their children’s well-being. Conversely, specific contextual aspects of neglect and abuse were identified as central components of negative parenting, including lack of investment in children’s education and not serving as a good role model. Building on community strengths is recommended as a principal means of enhancing household resilience and reducing childhood risk.  相似文献   

This article is possibly the first qualitative research on the USAID-funded School Health and Reading Program (SHRP), implemented in Uganda since 2012. The SHRP program is aimed at scaling up the Thematic Curriculum (TC) reform, which was the first attempt to standardize the use of mother tongues in lower primary schools through child-centred pedagogical practices. SHRP has expanded the TC to additional local languages and districts, providing new learning materials – including specific teaching techniques – and teacher training to support it. However, the implementation of SHRP is marked by the fact that it is a donor-led reform that is perceived by teachers as an external intervention not well suited for Ugandan classroom realities. Our research is a multi-layered analysis of how teachers perceive the reform as its grassroots implementers. We ask how SHRP’s pedagogical emphasis on child-centred pedagogy is linked to it being donor-funded, and how teachers translate this perceived link into their classroom practices. We trace the links between the policy, classroom, and community levels to make concrete suggestions on how the SHRP program can benefit from teachers’ resources and creativity, while highlighting which aspects of mother tongue education the Ugandan Government needs to prioritize on a national level, and which aspects need to be better adjusted on a regional basis.  相似文献   

Based on a fieldwork study, this article seeks to investigate the implementation of ‘thematic curriculum’ in Uganda from the perspectives of teachers. The article shows that although the majority of teachers are enthusiastic about the new curriculum, their implementation efforts are constrained by a multitude of challenges. The findings raise questions with regard to the appropriateness of the new curriculum initiative to the structural realities of Ugandan classrooms, and calls for increased attention to the implementation process.  相似文献   

In 1998 the Government of Uganda (GoU) began implementing an ambitious reform programme called the Education Strategic Investment Plan (ESIP) in order to effect Universal Primary Education (UPE). This paper offers a perspective on how the GoU has met the challenge of financing education reform, addressed the need to improve the quality of basic education and increased access and equity while improving efficiency at primary and post-primary levels of education. The development model described in this paper privileges good governance and donor co-operation within a Sector Wide Approach. Important lessons have been learned in Uganda including the need for political commitment to universal primary education within a clear conception of whole sector reform. However, the discourse of SWAPs tends to function primarily in the formal sphere and not at the level of the experience of most teachers, pupils and their families, yet it is at this level that national education policies have to be mediated in practice. More attention needs to be given in education sector reform to the processes as well as the context of change.  相似文献   

In Uganda, curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS has largely depended on public and private media messages about the disease. Media campaigns based on Uganda’s cultural norms of communication are metaphorical, analogical and simile-like. The topic of HIV/AIDS has been introduced into the Senior Three (Grade 11) biology curriculum in Uganda. To what extent do students’ pre-conceptions of the disease, based on these media messages influence students’ development of conceptual understanding of the disease, its transmission and prevention? Of significant importance is the impact the conceptions students have developed from the indirect media messages on classroom instruction on HIV/AIDS. The study is based in a theoretical framework of conceptual change in science learning. An interpretive case study to determine the impact of Ugandan students’ conceptions or perceptions on classroom instruction about HIV/AIDS, involving 160 students aged 15–17, was conducted in four different Ugandan high schools: girls boarding, boys boarding, mixed boarding, and mixed day. Using questionnaires, focus group discussions, recorded biology lessons and informal interviews, students’ preconceptions of HIV/AIDS and how these impact lessons on HIV/AIDS were discerned. These preconceptions fall into four main categories: religious, political, conspiracy and traditional African worldviews. Results of data analysis suggest that students’ prior knowledge is persistent even after biology instructions. This has implications for current teaching approaches, which are mostly teacher-centred in Ugandan schools. A rethinking of the curriculum with the intent of offering science education programs that promote understanding of the science of HIV/AIDS as opposed to what is happening now—insensitivity to misconceptions about the disease—is needed.  相似文献   

As part of a major study of Ugandan secondary education to support planning for the next 10 years, an Excel spreadsheet-based model for predicting school demands was developed. This allows variables, such as GER, population growth rate, to be changed to see the effects on school enrolments. It differs from other models in that it takes into account the widely varying considerable range of ages per year class of school students at primary and secondary levels in Uganda and the growing age cohorts.  相似文献   

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