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语言中包含大量的有丰富感情色彩和文化内涵的颜色词,但由于中西文化的差异,相同的颜色词在不同的文化背景下会有不同的含义,使人产生不同的联想。  相似文献   

This article claims that Freire’s work offers an important ground for a potential theory of intercultural ethics and, for that purpose, examines his ideas at different levels: (1) the ontological; (2) the ideological; (3) the political; (4) languages and languaging; and (5) cultural identity and diversity. Freire never used the word ‘intercultural’, although it is suggested here that this is due to the fact that terminology related to cultural diversity has changed over time and in his day this term was not yet common currency. Moreover, Freire uses more often the term ‘multiculturalidade’ rather than ‘multiculturalismo’ (multiculturalism) since the former suffix ‘-dad(e)’ has a different meaning which refers to the ontological nature of the condition and is more usual in both Portuguese and Spanish. This article also argues for the relevance of a theory of intercultural ethics in the contemporary world that imprints (inter)cultural flexibility on the current hermeneutics of ethics while preventing excessive abuses on behalf of relativism, dogmatism, essentialism and fundamentalism.  相似文献   

This article examines a critical cultural thinking framework advanced to develop an analysis of difference as it pertains to race, gender, and sexuality. We examine student journals to document their use (or lack therein) of these critical cultural thinking concepts and how these concepts influence students' understanding of difference. While there are a number of tools that students can rely on for thinking critically, we advance four concepts that are central for the development of a critical cultural consciousness. 1 1 We use the term “critical cultural consciousness” as well as related terms to distinguish critical thinking about difference and diversity from more generic or general forms of critical thinking. The critical cultural thinking skills we identify in this article are (1) organic experience, (2) relational analysis, (3) historical analysis, and (4) conception of power relations. We argue that these tools are central for an intellectual understanding of difference. As the student journals analyzed in this article demonstrate, in the absence of these tools of inquiry, much of the campus discourse reverts to oppressive frameworks, which not only serve to oppress students of color, women, and gay and lesbian students but also erodes the practice of citizenship that is crucial for the development of educational democracy.  相似文献   

百姓,本指百官族姓,战国以降,转指平民。百姓一词的语义变迁,既表现了词语意义的历史演变规律,又反映着社会生活和人们思想意识形态的变化。从批评语言学视角分析,百姓一词表现了社会权势的不平等,是社会文化生活在词语中的反映,具有一定的历史文化基础。但是,它却不合现代民主社会的政治要求,公民取代百姓一词是其发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

Intercultural competence among educators has long been recognised as important, especially in contexts characterised by growing and shifting cultural diversity such as Australia. However, the capacity to be interculturally competent has only recently been enshrined in teacher standards in Australia, and research into this field among early childhood educators is fledgling. Through the theoretical lens of self-authorship, this case study integrated a developmental model of intercultural maturity with a compositional model of intercultural competence. Combining these two models allowed for a holistic exploration of the complexities of intercultural experiences in an early childhood educational setting. This new integrated framework is applied to a case study that focuses on Heidi, an early childhood educator in a culturally diverse kindergarten. Data were collected through interviews, classroom observations and analysis of philosophy, policy and observational documents. The findings indicated the importance of critical reflection and internal meaning making, as part of a self-authored identity, in relation to intercultural competence. Implications are discussed with a focus on the potential significance of the integrated framework to explore as well as enhance educators’ critical reflection about their intercultural experiences.  相似文献   

数是数学符号和观念的合集,除了用来计算,表示字面意义之外,更多表达了文化内涵.塞尔的隐喻意义理论区分了语言中的字词意义和说话者所表达的意义,前者被成为字面意义,后者为隐喻意义.要正确理解汉英数字字面意义之外的隐喻意义,关键是了解数字中所蕴含的文化内涵.文章从对塞尔的隐喻理论观出发,基于数字的哲学内涵,对英汉数字的隐喻意义进行了对比分析.  相似文献   

This study explored the meaning high school Urban Teaching Academy participants ascribed to the critical term of diversity and how that translated into shaping their philosophies on how to address the issue in their future classrooms. Findings indicated that perceptions of diversity and its place in the curriculum were most likely related to the emphasis of the concept in the program. Thus, those participants who were taught by a teacher who included more discourse on the topic of diversity embraced a culturally relevant pedagogical stance. Whereas, those participants taught by a teacher who discussed diversity through the lens of differentiated instruction adopted a color-blind perspective.  相似文献   

This paper presents a discussion of the complexities that arise from addressing issues of cultural diversity in the early years context. It explores the challenges of developing an effective early years provision and pedagogy that values cultural difference within the framework of a mandated curriculum, The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in England. The discussion presents a critical debate based on the argument that the task of constructing an inclusive early years curriculum remains contentious. This is especially the case as children’s cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds challenge the assumptions of normality and universality that are typically produced within policy rhetoric and curricular guidelines for group provision. The discussion draws on the poststructuralist theoretical framework of Foucault and Derrida to critique notions of diversity and difference. It then provides an analysis of the EYFS as an example of the challenges that arise from attempts to address cultural diversity through the curriculum.  相似文献   

设计概念是设计师对所设计的空间环境气氛的设计要求,它集中体现了设计师对空间赋予的文化内涵。它是设计师运用形象思维方式,对所设计项目经过综合分析之后,所做出的空间总体艺术形象的设计构思。设计概念在室内设计中起着传达文化内涵的功能,学习和掌握设计概念是室内设计形式创新、空间个性化的途径.对于设计师设计能力的提高具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

〕“如字”是古代注释中常用的一个重要术语。我认为,“如字”就是“按字面音念”的意思,是相对于“破读音”的一个术语。字面音指的是一个汉字所记录词的常用的基本义的读音。古人说某个句子中的某个字如字,就是告诉读者,这个字在这个句子中,要按它通常的字面音去念,要按它的常用的基本义去理解  相似文献   

族群身份重构是在社会文化变迁、历史记忆重构、族群认同等多种历史文化因素共同作用的结果。明清以来,多元一体的国家格局的深化,促进了内地移民与丽江纳西族之间的文化互动与融合,推动了族群身份的重构与地方文化多样性发展,对纳西族的文化变迁及发展产生了积极意义。族群认同、身份建构与国家认同之间不是彼此消长、二元对立关系,而是彼此互构、辩证统一的关系。  相似文献   

Despite the growing demands for carrying out intercultural education as part of all teaching and learning, little attention has been given to the ways in which future subject teachers understand the meaning of ‘cultural diversity’ and how teacher education programmes prepare future teachers to consider intercultural aims in education. Therefore, this study investigates how future subject teachers, studying in an international teacher education programme in Finland, conceptualise the educational aims related to cultural diversity in reflective group discussions. For theorising the student teachers’ reflections, this study applies the idea of cultural reproduction depicted in the theory of communicative action by Habermas as an analytical framework for identifying how student teachers reach agreement or disagreement in issues regarding educational aims related to cultural diversity. This study identified three main forms of cultural reproduction from the student teachers’ discussions and showed that the underlying understanding about ‘cultural diversity’ and the educational aims related to it are in a state of disruption. This study highlights the need to clarify the theoretical concepts and aims used to guide intercultural education and to further emphasise issues of cultural diversity during teacher education. The findings are important for developing practices within subject teacher education internationally.  相似文献   

公民社会既是富有增殖性的理论话语,又是内蕴挑战性的现实课题。本研究力图对公民社会的历史渊源、基本内涵、经济基础、政治环境和文化蕴涵等一系列基础理论问题进行系统分析,从而考察中国公民社会的发展过程和特征,阐释当代中国公民社会建构的结构性因素路径。  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that an internal relationship exists between literacy (being able to read and write) and general education. The concrete meaning of general education and of (cultural) literacy is, however, subject to cultural and historical change. In the light of our context of cultural diversity, a plea is held to underline the liberative powers of general education, and in doing so to pay homage to pluriformity as a value. School and book serve this liberation in the sense that horizons are widened by learning about worlds of thought other than one's own. Such a general education is in keeping with an envisioned Europe predisposed to tolerance of difference and pluriformity.  相似文献   

Cultural diversity is a key concept informing the recently introduced New South Wales Stages 4 and 5 (junior high school) science syllabus. In this paper I undertake a genealogical analysis of the discourses of culture and cultural diversity found in the syllabus itself and in the accompanying syllabus support document. The discourses used in the documents can be traced back to federal government documents from the 1970s and 1980s. I attribute the impetus for specifically and extensively addressing issues of culture and cultural diversity to recent changes in the ways in which state government bodies are required to report progress in matters of “ethnic affairs”. I identify a range of contradictions in the discourses, and argue that some of these ways of thinking about culture and cultural diversity are colonial in the sense that they act to contain and constrain diversity. I argue that future versions of the syllabus need to more deftly and appropriately deal with issues of difference. In particular, they need to move beyond culturalist accounts to the provision of a wider range of concepts with which teachers can analyze the social contexts in which they are working.  相似文献   

义素分析法证明了现代汉语中的单音节层级反义词必须词性上一致且属于同一意义范畴。由于语言发展的绝对性,再加上人类对同一事物认知角度的不同,这类反义词对在运用过程中表现出语义的不对称性,无标记项不仅具有自身的意义,而且还包含与其自身相反的意义。由这类反义词对构成的复合词在构词形式上也体现了汉民族的审美意识及哲学观点。它们的词义一般都在基本义的基础上产生了引申义或比喻义,在特定的语境中,这类词的词义往往偏指一方,构成偏义复词。  相似文献   

Introductory remarks

In the following discussion, the term language instruction is used in the sense of teaching the manipulation of language mechanics. This enables the student to produce grammatically correct sentences and strings of sentences in response to any given sentence meaning or string of sentence meanings and to understand the cognitive meaning of any given sentence formulations. The skills he practises during foreign language instruction thus correspond to the content of those rules in a transformational grammar which are not contained in the base (Chomsky 1984) and to their inverse.  相似文献   

有关《红楼梦》译本的评论很多,但多侧重于化方面。这里试从语用角度对杨、霍译本进行分析。我们认为,学作品中的对话语言同样受到语用原则的约束。在翻译时,译要考虑如何在译语中体现原语的言外之力,留心原本中有意违背交际原则的地方,理解说话人的弦外之音。  相似文献   

Word learning in children: an examination of fast mapping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Children may be able to gain at least partial information about the meaning of a word from how it is used in a sentence, what words it is contrasted with, as well as other factors. This strategy, known as fast mapping, may allow the child to quickly hypothesize about the meaning of a word. It is not yet known whether this strategy is available to children in semantic domains other than color. In the first study, 2-, 3-, and 4-year-olds were introduced to a novel color, shape, or texture word by contrasting the new term with a well-known word from that domain. They were then tested for their ability to produce and comprehend the new term and for whether they knew what semantic domain the word referred to. The results show that even 2-year-old children can quickly narrow down the meaning of a word in each of the semantic domains examined, although children learned more about shape terms than color or texture words. A second study explored the effects of several variables on children's ability to infer the meaning of a new term. One finding of this study was that if the context is compelling, children can figure out the meaning of a new word even without hearing an explicit linguistic contrast.  相似文献   

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