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国际制度研究:从旧制度主义到新制度主义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
田野 《教学与研究》2005,1(3):52-58
国际制度研究在早期阶段具有形式或法律的制度主义的深刻印记,在研究方法上属于旧制度主义的范畴。行为主义革命的发生和“国际机制”概念的提出为新制度主义取代旧制度主义创造了学术积累上的必要条件。当前在国际关系研究中至少有三种不同的新制度主义,即理性选择制度主义、社会学制度主义和历史制度主义。就解释行动的基本逻辑而言,理性选择制度主义属于“预期结果逻辑”,社会学制度主义则属于“适当性逻辑”,但就历史观而言,理性选择制度主义和社会学制度主义都认为历史总是有效率的,历史制度主义则将无效率的历史带入研究议程。  相似文献   

发展本科层次职业教育需要合理借鉴国际社会的有益经验。梳理国际社会本科层次职业教育的历史脉络有助于更好地理解国际社会本科层次职业教育的发展历程和制度变迁。我国本科层次职业教育须将高等教育结构与中等教育合理衔接,以培养应用型人才为办学定位,坚持本科层次人才的培养规格。  相似文献   

制度是一种社会结构,由文化认知、规范和规则三个要素构成。它们既独立存在,又相互依存,提供了不同的意义和秩序基础,对于社会结构特征具有很强的解释力。制度理论在研究关注点、研究方法、分析层次和结论方面表现出多样性的特点。新兴的制度理论研究有以下几个动向:一是在承认制度是社会秩序和政治稳定性的基础之外,开始关注制度对于组织结构和行为的影响;二是采用特性研究方法和过程研究方法,前者注意比较与不同制度相对应的成本和效益,后者强调制度的产生和变化;三是在注重分析趋同变化过程的同时,也开始注意趋异和多样化过程;四是在多种分析水平上开展研究,从单个组织到组织域,甚至到更加宏观的系统层次;五是关注世界系统和全球化这两种力量对于国家——政府结构和行为的影响。  相似文献   

本文通过对Web of Science2000-2015年365篇高校录取制度研究文献的分析发现,国际高校录取制度研究以美国为主,发达国家占据研究的主导地位;以问题为导向,聚焦录取制度微观层面研究;以实证研究为主,其研究方法多元、规范.借鉴国际经验,我国的高校录取制度研究应该以新高考改革方案实施为契机,宏观研究和微观研究相结合;以高校录取制度的研究特征为基点,实证研究与理论演绎相结合;以构建中国特色录取制度为宗旨,国内研究与国际研究相结合.  相似文献   

当前的国际制度互动往往发生于制度复杂性的环境之中,制度复杂性是指数量众多的制度在部分功能重叠领域的治理结构特征。作为中国对外政治经济合作的重要平台,“一带一路”与不同制度之间的“对接”是一种全新的国际制度互动方式。国际制度“对接”是“源制度”与“目标制度”之间的融合,旨在产生制度间的“协同效应”。在制度复杂性的基础上,通过构建一个解释制度“对接”差异化的理论框架,本文将国际制度“对接”理论化为“制度嵌入”“制度嵌套”和“制度生成”三种模式,进而通过“一带一路”与东盟、联合国的对接和亚投行的创设作为典型案例验证了该理论框架的解释效力。  相似文献   

浅论企业管理的人性化制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辛爱云 《焦作大学学报》2009,23(2):61-62,64
人性化管理作为一种现代企业管理方式,相对于其他管理方式而言,是一种根本性的超越,是更高层次的管理方式。文章阐述了科学管理理论及其局限性,总结了人性化管理理论与科学管理理论的区别,分析了企业人性化管理制度化的技术构成。  相似文献   

课堂教学质量评价是高校整体教学质量评价体系中的重要组成部分.考虑到传统的层次分析法在评价过程中的局限性,文章基于模糊层次分析法,建立了课堂教学质量评价指标体系,得到影响课堂教学质量的主要因素以及各类评价人员的权重,改进并优化了学生评教数据的计算方法.仿真实例表明,模糊层次分析法能提高课堂教学质量评价的客观度.相对于单因素评价法而言,其准确性更高,同时也证明了此方法有较强的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   

相对于具体制度设计本身而言,关涉制度设计的理念显得更为重要.我国远程教育制度设计与运行改革的根本出路在于远程教育理论的更新和现代教育法治理念的树立.现阶段远程教育制度应着力于树立人本理念、崇法理念和良法理念.  相似文献   

二十世纪末以来,现代国际引渡制度相对于传统国际法上的引渡制度而言,已有了飞跃性的突破。但反观2000 年《中华人民共和国引渡法》却与现今的国际引渡制度存在不少距离和不足,文章在总结国际引渡制度新发展的基础上,通过对比找出了我国《引渡法》的缺陷和不足,提出了完善我国引渡法律制度的措施和建议。  相似文献   

在新自由主义的观点中,国际社会处在有秩序的无政府状态,国家之间为了各自利益走向国际合作,国际制度也随之出现.伴随着国家间相互依赖的发展,国际制度的作用日益突出,而国际制度的权威性、制约性和关联性等特性的不断完善,又促进了国际间的合作.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, higher education institutions have invested significant resources to internationalise, due to economic, political, academic and cultural pressures. Students play a dual role in this process: as customers, selecting institutions based on respective reputations (including the international dimension) and as outputs of institutional internationalisation processes aiming to produce internationally oriented graduates. Universities aspire towards integration of international, global and intercultural dimensions as main aims of higher education, reflecting the upsurging prominence of cosmopolitan capital among their future graduates. Indeed, cosmopolitanism is increasingly considered desirable on individual and institutional levels. Using data from a student survey (n = 1650) gathered at seven geographically and otherwise diverse colleges in Israel, this paper investigates Israeli college students’ perceptions of internationalisation and estimation of their institutions’ internationalisation activities. Parents’ education, previous experiences abroad, proficiency in English and institutional efforts to internationalise were found to positively impact students’ perceptions of on-campus internationalisation initiatives and characteristics. Such differences were also found to relate to the university’s general status and context. This paper presents the findings of the survey and discusses possible implications for policy and practice at institutional and national levels.  相似文献   

Similar to trends in postsecondary education across the world, today’s US universities are an increasing mix of native and foreign-born scholars. US institutions are experiencing a growing number of international faculty members, but there is limited literature examining foreign-born faculty who work in US institutions and how outputs from foreign-born faculty compare to US-born natives. Using data from the 2004 National Survey of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04), this study examines difference in faculty members’ research productivity at doctoral-granting institutions by foreign/US-born status controlling for select individual and institutional characteristics. Findings show that foreign-born faculty members spend more time on research and less time on undergraduate instruction than US-born peers, and this may contribute to their higher levels of production. Implications are discussed that consider how to ensure diverse faculty communities that lead to strong research and knowledge production.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand equity issues of international students’ learning in Korean higher education institutions by engaging with the issue of racism and identifies how international students in Korea reshape their learning trajectory and how we could provide equitable and quality education for international students. Espousing a qualitative case study design, six students from different background were interviewed to examine features of perceived institutional racism based on their learning experience in Korea. Major findings showed that internationalization has not been fulfilled in terms of engaging with international students although Korean government and higher education institutions have developed relevant policy to attract international students. This study indicates that Korean universities need to reconstruct their social, cultural, and institutional systems to embrace equity, diversity and inclusiveness to empower international students’ capacity.  相似文献   

霸权国自古就存在,但当今世界上唯一的全球霸权国就是美国。美国霸权最大的不同之处在于其霸权的制度性。美国制度霸权的特点是其霸权与国际制度相辅相成。国际制度所提供的国际公共物品,是指有纯粹的或一定的非排他性、非竞争性而为所有成员国(组织)或部分参与成员国(组织)所享用的各种制度性体系,包括国际秩序、国际合作、国际安全、国际汇率稳定等方面。国际制度既是国际公共物品的一种供给形式,也是一种特殊形式的国际公共物品。现今国际制度所提供的国际公共物品基本上是以美国霸权为基础,另一方面构成了美国霸权及其维持的主要基石。  相似文献   

This article provides an international comparative overview of institutional strategies, collaboration patterns and governmental policies related to the use of ICT in higher education. It has been produced as part of an international comparative study on the use of ICT in higher education. A study commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and published as: “The Use of Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education: An International Orientation on Trends and Issues”, B. Collis and M. van der Wende (Eds). University of Twente, CHEPS, 1999. It covers the following range of countries: Belgium, Finland, the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States of America. Additionally some main initiatives at the European level have been taken into account. On the basis of this international comparison, the following main conclusions were drawn. Due in part to the fact that in many cases institutional strategies for ICT are still lacking, interesting experimentation does not generally lead to successful dissemination and adoption on a wider scale. In many cases, the push for a substantial use of ICT in distance learning programs has come from new educati onal markets, life-long learning and international education in particular. The response of higher education to these markets is leading in many countries to a convergence of distance and traditional (on-campus) education. Inter-institutional and inter-sectoral collaboration between universities and companies are characteristics of many successful ICT initiatives, although they do not generally continue into sustainable implementation in the individual institutions. Governments facilitate the use of ICT through the establishment of infrastructure, networks and inter-institutional and public–private partnerships, and try to create the right regulatory environment. Further deregulation will enable institutions to respond to new market demands and will inspire the necessary organizational change in higher education institutions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether children's characteristics and/or institutional characteristics were predictors of severe punishments (including beatings) and/or frequency of punishments that children received from staff in Romanian institutions. The data was hierarchical with institutionalized children (N = 1391) nested within 44 institutions, and the measurement of punishments by the staff and frequency of punishments had a binary distribution. Thus, multilevel logistic regression models were used to examine the effects of individual and institutional level variables on reported punishments and to account for the clustering of the children within institutions. Two general patterns of results emerged. First, regarding individual level variables, it was found that: (1) amount of time spent by children in their current institutions had a significant effect on the probability of being punished by staff and the frequency of this punishment; (2) the probability of being punished was higher for boys than for girls; and (3) having no siblings in the institution increased the odds of being punished several times. Second, regarding institutional level variables: (4) being in placement centers for school-aged children with a traditional type of institutional organization increased the odds of severe punishment compared to a familial/mixed type. The results of the present study highlight the importance of understanding the consequences of institutionalization in a broader way, where children not only experienced early severe psychosocial deprivation as documented in other studies, but also high levels of severe punishments administered by institutional staff.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the impact of international programmes intended to improve the effectiveness of higher education institutions in transitional states is related to the extent to which the programmes are successful, through their various projects, in creating social capital within the institutions concerned. Based on case studies of similar institutions in Poland and Romania, the paper finds that projects developed within the institution had a more lasting impact on organisational change, even when the project was of an academic nature, than did externally directed projects which were actually focused on achieving institutional change. Social capital theory offers an explanation of this difference, and suggests what the mechanisms at work may be.  相似文献   

伴随系统规模的扩张,如何驱动高校迈向预定和有利的多样化成为各国面临的普遍议题。国外一般从高等教育系统或院校外部层面理解高校多样化,并从政府与市场两个维度解析其驱动因素。从院校分化的观念、分化进程中院校假设和环境因素的作用范畴等层面来看,两种观点存在一定共性和冲突,这反映出相关研究的片面和院校分化现象的动态化、持续性和多维性。借鉴国外研究经验,当前高等教育普及化进程要求高等教育部门尽早启动院校结构布局规划,应树立正确的分类发展观,平衡院校分化中政府与市场的作用力,处理好系统分化与规模扩张的关系,增进高校外部环境和内部办学要素的多样性。  相似文献   

The self-reported experiences of 50,883 undergraduates at 123 institutions were analyzed using a multinomial hierarchical model to identify individual and institutional characteristics associated with varying levels of student engagement in educationally purposeful activities. Parental education and student academic preparation were positively associated with higher levels of engagement. White students were generally less engaged than students from other racial and ethnic groups whereas men were more likely to be either disengaged or highly engaged compared with women. Students at public institutions and research universities were less engaged than their counterparts at private colleges and other institutional types. Individual student perceptions of certain aspects of the institutional environment affected engagement in complicated ways.  相似文献   

The global knowledge economy has turned higher education into a key player in societal development. Internationalization benefits higher education institutions in several aspects, such as improvement and visibility in international rankings, revenue generation via tuition fees and external funding, improvement of research and teaching quality, integration with academic communities and familiarization with scholarly attitudes. In this study, we provide insights into the challenges of internationalization faced by higher education institutions in Iran as a developing country. Several policies and practices have been adopted in Iran to improve internationalization efforts; however, these activities have had little impact on the quality of research and educational programs at Iran's universities. Understanding the challenges they face in a systematic way can help identify different factors and develop a set of suggestions to increase the quality and quantity of international cooperation. We formulate our suggestions based on the opportunities provided by the digitalization solutions in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing importance of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals in both global and national environments. We interviewed 15 faculty members in Iranian higher education institutions and 14 managers in charge of international affairs at universities in Iran. In addition, data extracted from three forums on Iranian higher education internationalization are analysed. Using a grounded theory approach, we group the challenges into macro-, institutional and individual levels and then suggest a number of practices and policies to increase the quantity and quality of internationalization efforts.  相似文献   

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