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跨国公司是世界先进技术的主要发明者及供应来源,跨国公司通过对外直接投资内部化其技术转移.这种技术转让行为对东道国会带来外部经济,即技术溢出. 跨国公司直接投资及所产生技术溢出效应是东道国获取新技术和先进技术、技能的主要途径.它将对东道国产生深远的影响.  相似文献   

跨国公司既是全球技术创新的主体,也是技术进步的重要推动力量。吸引跨国公司投资对推动浙江技术进步具有重要意义。跨国公司对东道国的技术进步具有双重效应,必须采取合理的措施利用跨国公司促进浙江的技术进步。  相似文献   

缩小区域间经济差距和技术差距一直是经济增长理论研究关注的核心问题。虽然技术进步对经济增长的促进作用已经成为学术界的共识,但对技术进步内涵的扩展以及经济收敛与技术收敛匹配性的分析研究较少。通过对体现式技术进步和非体现式技术进步对经济增长的影响进行实证研究,分析技术收敛与经济收敛的匹配性,发现经济收敛的实现依赖于技术收敛。因此,在促进技术收敛的政策实践中需要考虑技术转移、产业资本转移、人力资本转移、企业间技术联盟等多个方面的政策制定。  相似文献   

国际直接投资对东道国宏观经济影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际直接投资对投资国、东道国及整个世界经济的发展都产生了深刻的影响。改革开放20多年以来,外商对我国的直接投资规模持续扩大。已发展成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分和新的经济增长点。然而,跨国公司本土化是一把“双刃剑”,外资涌入对东道国的影响是长期性和综合性的,其间交织着利与弊的此消彼长,文章从实际资本形成、技术进步和国际经常项目收支变化三个角度分析外国直接投资对东道国宏观经济的影响,并在以上基础上探讨东道国应如何高效率地利用外资以达到扬长避短、趋利避害的效果。  相似文献   

李俞 《华章》2009,(14)
一国技术的进步主要是通过本国技术创新和外部引进与学习两种渠道获得,近年来,国际技术扩散已经成为技术进步的主要决定因素.但国际技术扩散对东道国的积极作用是与东道国国内的吸收能力紧密联系的:吸收能力越强,国际技术的扩散作用越明显,对东道国经济增长的促进作用越大.鉴于此,本文从技术外溢的主要途径(进口贸易和外商直接投资)、吸收能力的主要指标(人力资本和研发投入)影响东道国经济增长的角度对国际国内的相关研究成果展开综述,最后做出简要评析并提出进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

外资对我国经济的影响及对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引进外资对促进我国经济增长、扩大就业、欠发达地区的技术进步及产业升级起着越来越重要的作用.但伴随着各跨国公司纷纷进驻我国,引进外资的一些弊端也开始显现控制或垄断某些行业、阻碍民族品牌发展、制约我国技术进步、影响我国金融安全等.为了更有效的利用外资,使外资作为推动我国现代化发展因素的重要作用真正发挥出来,本文就此提出了一些策略、措施,对引进外资工作进行引导和规范.  相似文献   

艾红梅  周伟杰 《考试周刊》2012,(75):193-194
中国自改革开放以来,吸引了大量的外国直接投资,通过FDI的技术溢出效应,可以促进东道国的技术进步,帮助东道国经济走上内生化增长道路。本文试图从技术溢出角度分析外国直接投资对我国技术进步的影响,进而提出利用FDI促进我国技术进步的对策。  相似文献   

跨国公司对东道国企业的技术外溢:劳动力流动的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动力从跨国公司流向东道国企业,可以引起技术外溢和技术扩散,这种技术外溢是高新技术产业企业网络中技术扩散的一种主要形式,是实现东道国企业模仿和学习跨国公司技术的重要途径,对于发展中国家来说尤其重要。劳动力从跨国公司流向东道国企业是一个博弈过程,研究该博弈中劳动力流动引起技术扩散的条件与收益,对指导发展中国家构建高新技术产业企业网络具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

跨国公司技术创新是跨国公司经营管理的关键内容之一。跨国公司技术全球化给跨国公司和东道国公司带来了深远影响。跨国公司技术创新是永久性研究主题。这两三年来国内外跨国公司技术创新研究主要集中在研究其要素、趋势以及跨国公司和东道国公司关系等方面的理论和实证研究。其中跨国公司技术创新要素的动态性体现在各要素相互作用中;跨国公司技术创新具有全球化和创新集群化趋势;跨国公司技术创新对东道国公司研究集中探讨技术外溢效应问题,跨国公司和东道国公司在技术创新方面存在互动关系等。跨国公司技术创新与东道国公司出现的互动关系是近期研究的热点和重点。  相似文献   

认识和了解跨国公司推动和促进东道国的经济发展的作用,对于学习《跨国公司管理》课程是十分重要的。这里,我们通过对比跨国公司对于与发达国家的合作和与发展中国家的合作效果,从宏观层次上探讨跨国公司到底是从哪几方面对东道国的经济发展产生影响的。 跨国公司是通过对外直接投资发展起来的一种国际性企业实体,它不是单纯的资金外投,而是以资金、技术、经营管理知识的综合体由投资国的特定产业部门向东道国的特定产业部门转移。概括地说,它以控制企业经营管理权为核心,以获利润为主要目的,通过在东道国设立独资企业、合资  相似文献   

This paper examines recent historical, social and economic factors in Albania and Serbia, identifying similarities and differences that have a bearing on the provision of education. The focus is on the education of children with difficulties in learning and/or disabilities (the term ‘special needs’ is used for brevity). The paper provides a summary of the past and present situation of children with special needs in both countries. The role and motivation of international non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in funding and developing inclusive educational policies and practices in both countries are examined. There are substantial barriers to inclusive education in Albania and Serbia. These are identified and discussed before examining more recent positive developments in both countries. Two individual examples of schools that are making progress are profiled, one from each country. Finally, the prospects for the future in both countries are examined, and the prediction made that in‐country efforts and developments will result in further slow and uneven progress towards inclusive education in Albania and Serbia. For any of this to happen, however, it will be important that conditions of economic recovery, social stability, the political drive towards Europe and its inclusive standards, and further help from international NGOs, prevail.  相似文献   

One common modality of transnational higher education partnerships is programme articulations. These agreements typically include 1?+?3 or 2?+?2 or 3?+?2 arrangements, whereby students study in their home institution first, and then transfer to complete their degree studies in a partner host institution. In this type of programme articulation agreement, the transfer of students from the home institution to the host institution is not necessarily guaranteed, with many steps and challenges in the students’ decision-making process. While there may be an expectation of articulation between countries and institutions when an agreement is signed, relationships, information and communication to support student transfer from home to host institution can be underestimated. This quantitative study examines a programme articulation arrangement between a Chinese polytechnic and a Canadian university, specifically through a student view. Findings identify barriers to articulation and also the information Chinese students identify as necessary to support their decision-making on whether to progress from a diploma (China) to a degree (Canada), and what types and frequencies of communication are expected.  相似文献   

随着协作理念的深入和计算机技术的发展,支持本地协同的共显群件技术及其应用研究都取得了较大进展。本文首先系统阐述了共显群件的技术特征,然后分析了共显群件技术的教育应用情景,再次对近些年共显群件教育应用研究进行了分析和总结,并结合自身研究提出了解决共显群件技术常见问题的策略。最后,文章对共显群件的应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

国际合作:印度理工学院的一流大学之路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文考察了印度理工学院各分校通过国际合作,在联合国教科文组织、前苏联、德国、美国等援助和帮助下,大力提升教学和科研水平,迅速成为印度和世界一流理工大学的过程,从而揭示出借助世界最先进的高等教育的经验和支持,走国际合作的道路是创建世界一流大学的捷径之一.本文还就印度经验对中国的启示作了分析.  相似文献   

外国人才研究史研究可以为我国的人才学研究提供多方面的借鉴,应该成为人才学的重要研究领域。自1979年人才学形成以来的三十年间,外国人才史研究经历了哪些发展阶段并取得哪些研究成果、目前的进展如何、未来发展的趋势怎样,对于这些问题目前国内还未见系统的研究和梳理,笔者对此尝试进行回顾和整理并进行评价。  相似文献   

我国大城市选择承办国际体育大赛的策略思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国大城市选择承办国际体育大赛,应坚持如下基本策略:继续坚持增强中西民族认同感和推进城市国际化进程的主导方向;政府的干预要与市场导向相结合,并适时地降低政府干预力度;正确认识奥运会、世界杯的落户规律,适时提出申办请求;承办单项的、纯商业性的赛事,推进体育产业化发展。  相似文献   

Two main questions are discussed. First, how might transnational corporations contribute to various forms of education in developing countries? Secondly, what measures should states take in education to help them get better advantage from the transnational corporations? Adopting a pragmatic approach, the paper points out that the most important form of education is often the most overlooked, namely, on-the-job training in a range of occupations from low skilled to top management. Although this is indeed supplemented by in-service training programmes, the latter are not always on offer. In general, transnational corporations are interested in education in their host countries only insofar as it affects their own operations. For their part, host country governments have a difficult task. On the one hand they need to educate their young people to be able to take advantage of the technology and expertise made available by the transnational corporations. On the other hand, they need to give them an education which will help them to preserve their culture, despite absorbing the technology and thereby also the culture of foreign firms. More particularly, host countries seem to lack the specialized training, which is necessary for dealing effectively and advantageously with the transnational corporations. In a final note, the paper considers what might happen if a ‘real’ NIEO were introduced.  相似文献   

我国对公民意识的研究起步较晚,近年来,学术界关于该问题的研究取得了较大的进展,研究主要沿着以下路径展开:公民意识的基础理论研究、公民意识的多维研究、公民意识的比较借鉴研究、公民意识的培养培育问题研究、特殊群体的公民意识研究等。研究在取得成绩的同时,也存在着诸如研究内容不均衡、研究方式单一、理论深度不够等问题。  相似文献   

Based on probing into the literature on multinational enterprise (MNE) staffing, we set up a concept model for MNEs' subsidiary staffing by two groups of influencing factors: the national differences bwteen the parent country and the host country, and the strategies employed by MNEs. We also tested the model and proposed propositions by a sample evaluation method, specifically with 1 000 copies of questionnaires given out to managers or directors of MNEs' subsidiaries in China Mainland and resulting in 151 sets of valid answers. The empirical study supports that national differences between the parent country and the host country and the strategies employed by MNEs do have impact on the subsidiary staffing, and MNE headquarters should make different staffing plans according to the difference of nations and strategies. We welcome testing our model by peer researchers in other country.  相似文献   

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