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生活教育的理论是陶行知教育思想的主线和重要基石,陶行知的教育理论,主要包括生活即教育、社会即学校、教学做合一三个方面。主张教育同实际生活相联系,反对死读书,注重培养儿童的创造性和独立生活能力。利用生活资源对学生进行教育是促使学生健康成长的良好途径。在教学过程中渗入生活教育理念,不仅使学生更好更快地学习知识,还能提升学生的学习兴趣,促进学生主动学习。  相似文献   

生活教育理论出自于陶行知先生,随着新课程改革的推进,教育理论也发生了巨大变化,教育工作者对生活教育理论也做出了许多研究和实践,尤其是在小学教育工作中,不仅要对学生的学业负责,教学知识理论,更要对学生的生活品德、学习兴趣、核心素养等负责,让学生在学习中养成良好的学习习惯,培养出优秀的学习品质,加强学生的实践运用能力。  相似文献   

刘霞 《甘肃教育》2008,(7):49-49
新课程改革提出了新的数学教育理念:“数学教育应努力激发学生的学习情感,将学生的生活和学习联系起来.让学生学习有活力的、活生生的数学”。因此,在数学教学中,教师要尽可能地把数学教学和学生的实际生活紧密联系起来,让学生体会到数学源于生活,服务于生活.从而使其提高学习数学的兴趣。  相似文献   

教育要紧随实际,符合学生实际情况促进学生多元化的发展。注重学生生活本身的教育价值,即实现教育生活化、生活教育化。只有贴近学生生活的教育,才能使学生的学习变成真正有意义的学习。受生理和心理发展水平的限制,学生对周围世界的认知往往取决于他们自身的生活经验,因此贴近学生生活的内容往往是引发学生自主学习、主动探究的重要条件。  相似文献   

生活即教育,生活教育理念下高中信息技术课堂应该以学生的发展为教育目的,以学生能接触到的生活经验为教学内容,以学生体验生活、构建生活为教学过程,让学生学习的过程变为生活化的、体验式的学习经历。  相似文献   

李晓 《文教资料》2013,(8):128-130
本文从"结构—个人"的关系视角出发,探讨了作为统治阶级意志体现的宏观教育政策法规及以"校规"形态呈现的微观教育政策与中职学生学习生活的关系,认为宏观教育政策促成了中职学生的职业教育选择、规定了中职学生的学习生活目标,而"校规"则进一步型塑了中职学生的学习生活形态,并不自觉地与宏观教育政策一同确立了新的"精英主义"的学校教育价值取向。  相似文献   

现代教育理论提倡以人为本.以此为基础,我们提出了“学生学习生活”理论,从根本上把学生作为主体凸显出来.我们应就学习生活提出的背景、倡导学习生活的目的及提高学习生活的有效途径来研究学生的学习生活状态.  相似文献   

长期以来,一些地方中小学教育教学由于远离学生生活实际,仅仅重视书本知识的教学与训练,极端地强调认知性学习,忽视生活学习和实践学习,导致部分学生高分低能、低分低能、缺乏动手操作能力和社会实践能力等方面问题而被诟病。为了克服教育脱离社会生活、脱离儿童生活的弊端,美国著名教育家杜威提出了"教育即生活"的思想,  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的发展,为教育事业的发展创造了良好的环境。思想政治教育是大学教育的重要内容,关系到学生以后的学习生活,逐渐成为了学校和家长关注的重点问题。大学生公寓是学生学习和生活的主要场所,也是进行思想政治教育的主要阵地。因此,对大学生公寓内的思想政治工作的加强有着一定的必要性,应采取积极有效的方式对学生进行引导教育,为学生营造一个良好的学习、生活环境。  相似文献   

新课程标准下的教育不仅要使学生成为有知识的人、会思考的人,最重要的是要使学生成为会学习、会探索的创造型人才。而学会学习的基础和核心就是阅读能力,要使学生能够尽早阅读,就必须首先解决识字问题。"人生聪明识字始",识字教学是小学语文阅读教学的起点。陶行知的生活教育理论给了我们很大的启示,"生活教育是给生活以教育,用生活来教育,为生活向前向上的需要而教育。"因此,识字教学必须与生活相结合,在生活中学习,用到生活中,使学生切实体验到日常生活中到处有语文,到处能识字。  相似文献   

Using sociocultural understandings of learning, the authors probe a rationale for training programmes which are extensively school based and involved school‐based teacher mentors as supporters of student teachers' learning. They ask what it is that student teachers are learning while in schools and how that learning is supported. Drawing on evidence from a study of 125 student teachers on two training programmes, the authors suggest that student teachers' learning is heavily situated and that students are not acquiring ways of interpreting learners that are easily transferable, but they are learning about curriculum delivery. It also seems that there is a participatory version of training which is not underpinned by an understanding of the implications of learning through participation and which, as a consequence, does not make the most of the strengths of mentors.  相似文献   

Schools in England are now being encouraged to ‘personalise’ the curriculum and to consult students about teaching and learning. This article reports on an evaluation of one high school which is working hard to increase student subject choice, introduce integrated curriculum in the middle years and to improve teaching and learning while maintaining a commitment to inclusive and equitable comprehensive education. The authors worked with a small group of students as consultants to develop a ‘student's‐eye’ set of evaluative categories in a school‐wide student survey. They also conducted teacher, student and governor interviews, lesson and meeting observations, and student ‘mind‐mapping’ exercises. In this article, in the light of the findings, the authors discuss the processes they used to work jointly with the student research team, and how they moved from pupils‐as‐consultants to pupils‐as‐researchers, a potentially more transformative/disruptive practice. They query the notion of ‘authentic student voice’ and show it as discursive and heterogeneous: they thus suggest that both a standards and a rights framings of student voice must be regarded critically.  相似文献   

Providing local communities with the authority to manage school grants is a popular education policy in the developing world. However, recent studies suggest that this type of intervention has limited impact on student learning outcomes as such communities do not have adequate capacity to utilize resources. To investigate how communities can effectively utilize school resources, we conducted a randomized experiment in Niger. Communities and parents were provided with information about student learning together with school grants. They also participated in discussions about how communities and schools can work together utilizing the grants and communities’ own resources. After the intervention, the communities increased activities that enhanced student effort, and parents increased their contribution to school activities and engagement in children's learning at home. As a result, student test scores improved by 0.43 standard deviations in math and 0.20 standard deviations in French. The impact was largest for the lowest-performing children.  相似文献   

Drawing upon student narratives gleaned through qualitative interviews, this paper argues that teaching and learning ‘sensitive’ issues surrounding gender and sexualities through ‘creative’ pedagogies can be a mode of resistance against the reproduction of problematic social discourses, and to the negative impacts of neoliberalism on student’s learning within higher education. The findings point to the importance of speaking about sensitive issues; the value of creative approaches for enhancing learning; and that together these can enable students to articulate an agenda for social change. Students saw the ‘personal as political’ – of sharing personal journeys around sensitive issues as important. They further spoke of ‘apathy’ in an neoliberal era of student ‘consumers’ and how this could curtail ‘creative’ teaching and jeopardise learning. Overall, it is argued that creative approaches to teaching and learning sensitive issues can invoke a resistant potentiality which exposes the ‘hidden injuries’ (Gill, 2010) of the neoliberal university.  相似文献   

Researchers completing a study of liberal arts education sought to identify learning outcomes associated with both wisdom and citizenship. They have synthesized these themes into seven outcomes that facilitate effective student learning and development.  相似文献   

做好人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点工作要求教师率先更新教育观念,确立现代教育理念;在教学实践中探索电大人才培养模式,以学生为本,构建合作学习的新模式;要努力掌握信息技术,成为电大多媒体课程设计师。  相似文献   

Attributions can have a significant effect on academic achievement and students with learning difficulties are more likely to display negative attributions than their peers. In this article, the attributions of students identified as having learning difficulties are compared with those of other non-labelled low achievers, and non-labelled average achievers. Margaret Banks, MSc research methods student, and Dr Lisa Woolfson, Reader in Educational Psychology, both at the University of Strathclyde, involved 26 low-achieving students (15 identified as having learning difficulties and 11 without any such label) and 27 averagely achieving students in their exploratory study. The students attempted to solve two sets of puzzles that, unknown to the participants, were actually impossible. They then gave a reason for their failure and rated the stability and controllability of their failure. Participants were also asked to give a self-rating of academic achievement. It was found that teacher and student perceptions of academic achievement were not synonymous. In terms of attributions, Margaret Banks and Lisa Woolfson argue that teachers' perceptions of student achievement may not be as important as students' self concept. They suggest that low self-perception of achievement and negative attributions are both associates of low self-esteem.  相似文献   

The authors use a microeconomic theory of schools and highly detailed panel data on time allocations to examine student learning curves for reading and mathematics. In addition to examining the factors that affect student achievement, they investigate the role teachers' values play in allocating scarce learning time to students, and the subsequent effects on the distribution of learning across those students. They test hypotheses about the productivity of teachers in teaching mathematics and reading, whether marginal products vary across a sample of teachers, and whether the marginal products of time in alternate types of classroom organization significantly differ. The authors' findings are consistent with the view that more time on a subject does increase learning, but suggest that the size of the effects is small and subject to diminishing returns. With respect to teacher preferences, the results show that teachers in the sample overwhelmingly employed compensating strategies in allocating resources to the students. Teachers tend to prefer narrower distributions of learning across students than wider ones.  相似文献   

This article describes two academic development activities which exemplify how phenomenographic ideas and the results of phenomenographic research, can be built into the design of teaching development workshops for staff teaching in higher education. The activities focus on two important tenets of a phenomenographic approach to teaching and learning—the experience of variation and relevance to the participant. They are structured in terms of the examination of experience of the participants and their students. They seek to help the participants see variation within the experience as a way of helping them examine their own experience and change their way of seeing teaching. They also set the experience in a context where staff can see the connections between teaching and learning such that the goal of changing teaching to improve student learning appears to the teacher as relevant.  相似文献   

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