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In England, two concurrent but largely disconnected discourses have emerged whose representatives have promulgated initiatives relevant to students’ extended historical writing: genre theorists and the history teachers’ ‘extended writing movement’. Despite certain goals held in common, the two discourses have tended to talk past one another resulting in wastage, incoordination and replication in resourcing. One reason for these divergent discourses is that inter-discursive communication is difficult owing to epistemic differences regarding what the curricular goals regarding students’ extended historical writing should be. Using Bernstein’s model for the production of pedagogic knowledge as an interpretative framework, first I explain these discourses’ differing curricular conceptions by characterizing it as a tension between contrasting emphases on ‘recontextualization’ and ‘reproduction’ of academic knowledge. Second, as a representative of the extended writing movement, I offer a theoretical critique of genre theorists’ greater concentration on the field of reproduction. Third, I situate these developments in England in an international context by briefly comparing them to trends in the United States. Finally, I argue that these epistemic tensions regarding curricular goals matter and need to be resolved. Otherwise, the recommendations of the representatives of both discourses are destined to appeal to only limited audiences.  相似文献   

This essay reviews three recent works in the field of philosophy of education, each of which brings the work of a major philosophical thinker to bear on contemporary topics within education: Michael Peters, ed., Heidegger, Education, and Modernity ; Randall Curren, Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education ; and Mordechai Gordon, ed., Hannah Arendt and Education . I argue that these works are representative of a current trend in educational philosophers' ideas, including their political, social, and ethical philosophy. This approach to philosophy of education differs in significant ways from past approaches, in which the connection between philosophy and education was conceived narrowly. In the works under consideration here, education is not understood as an isolated field that is connected to philosophy only through a concerted effort; rather, education is understood as a presence within the broad constellation of philosophical questions. These books therefore not only shed light on educational matters, but they also demonstrate an elegant way to bring together theory and practice, mind and body, philosophy and education.  相似文献   


The documentary film is a popular curriculum tool, and the goal of this paper is to expand the educational significance of the documentary genre I argue that current understandings of this genre are limited and limiting, and offer an alternative perspective on the genre. This alternative will be built from Stanley Cavell’s philosophy of education, in particular, his understanding of the role that ‘representativeness’ plays in teaching and learning.  相似文献   


This article will highlight the distinctive role of Cavell in renewing a dawn of American philosophy. Following Emerson’s remark, ‘the inmost in due time becomes the outmost’, Cavell develops his distinctive line of antifoundationalist thought. To show how unique and valuable Cavell’s endeavor to resuscitate Emerson’s and Thoreau’s voice in American philosophy is, this paper discusses the political implications of Cavell’s Emersonian moral perfectionism. This involves a reconsideration of what measures justice and what justifies happiness. While Cavell is sometimes said to be too personal and too subjective to be political, I shall argue that his Emersonian perfectionism, with its concomitant idea of the conversation of justice, is in fact thoroughly political and democratic. I shall illustrate this by examining his writing on a Hollywood film, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936). The film shows vividly that happiness is a condition for achieving democracy from within. In conclusion, I shall propose that a readiness for the risk inherent in speech, rather than, say, acquiescing in received ideas or hiding behind the words of others, is at the heart of perfectionist education for globally minded citizens.  相似文献   

高校传统的“中国古代文学”课程在教学过程中,形成了“作家、作品思想内容+艺术特色”的“二元式”教学窠臼,笔者依据执教古代文学课的教学实践,认为应在教学实践中,贯彻孟子所提出的“知人论世”的文学鉴赏原则,立足古代作家创作实践,打通文史哲,从而古代文学作品得到全面的理解。  相似文献   

The philosophical branch of ethics is foundationally concerned with the question of right or wrong, benevolent or harmful, and ultimately what is proper conduct. The present inquiry addresses two related questions: (1) How have theories of ethics been applied to mathematics education research? and (2) What alternatives have not been considered? What might the implications be if these alternative formulations were considered? To answer the first question, I offer a review of the philosophy of mathematics education literature, considering those articles which discuss ethics and mathematics education together. The ethical perspectives adopted within the literature span normative and non-normative, modern and postmodern orientations towards ethics. To answer the second question, I explored philosophy literature to identify which philosophical perspectives of ethics have (not) been adopted by philosophers of mathematics education research. The structure of this paper parallels these two questions: the first part considers the philosophy of mathematics education research and how researchers have defined ethics while the second part discusses additional philosophical approaches to ethics and puts those approaches into conversation with those identified in part one. I conclude by intertwining these two strands into my central thesis: ethics per se is construed too narrowly in the philosophy of mathematics education literature and considering additional ethical perspectives from philosophy can be generative of new ideas.  相似文献   

高校"中国古代文学"课程在传统教学过程中,形成了作家生平思想加作品鉴赏、地位影响的窠臼。依据执教古代文学课的教学实践,总结出了打通文史哲、结合创作实践、联系社会现实的全新教学理念,对传统的讲疏法之优、缺点加以扬弃,对于高校本、专科生教学具有示范和指导意义。  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2007,12(1):60-79
High-stakes writing assessments currently exert a strong influence on the writing curriculum and instruction in schools across the United States. Under these circumstances it is important to examine the construct of writing competence on which these assessments are based, as well as the extent to which this construct supports the goals of secondary education. In this paper we conduct an exploratory analysis of the genre demands of high-stakes writing assessments from three states – California, Texas, and New York – with the aim of discerning, comparing, and evaluating the role that genre knowledge plays in the construct of writing competence measured by these assessments. Our method of inquiry includes both task analysis of the prompts and genre analysis of high-scoring benchmark papers written in response to these prompts. For the analysis of benchmark papers we employed both structural analysis and quantitative counts of key linguistic features to characterize the genres represented in these assessment tasks. Our results suggest a lack of alignment between the genres of the benchmark papers designated as exemplary and the genre demands of the prompts to which they were written. Exceptions to this pattern were most common on the New York assessments, which contextualize writing tasks in tests of subject–matter knowledge. Findings from our exploratory analysis lead us to argue for greater consistency and clarity of expectations in the design of high-stakes writing exams, and for the design of writing tasks that adequately represent the demands of discipline-specific forms of written discourse.  相似文献   

This article examines two ideologies that have been prominent in recent, if not current, education thinking. The first is that means can be separated from ends (or processes from products); the second is that learning is merely a process of knowledge acquisition. Attention to these ideologies arises from two projects in the overlapping fields of information and communications technology (ICT) and instructional design. Both projects attend to conversation as an educational resource. They are animated by the questions: should a conversation be regarded as an activity in context or can it be decoupled from the circumstances that define it as a conversation? In other words, does a conversation take place within an environment, or by means of the environment? Relating these questions to the changing view of ICT held within the European Community, the article uses a bricolage of ideas from economic history, communication theory and discourse analysis to summarise how such inherited ideologies might be realigned in the analysis of online conversation.  相似文献   

Poetry writing is felt by many primary teachers to be an important part of children's early language and literary development. It is also considered by many teachers to be very difficult to assess, due in part to the subjective nature of much poetry. Therefore poetry writing in schools enjoys both high and low status. If practice of teaching this genre is to develop it is necessary for teachers to have a clear view of what children are able to achieve within it. By looking at examples of children's poetry writing, my aim in this paper is to demonstrate how it is possible for primary school teachers to identify features of children's poetry writing which they consider to be of value. I shall argue, from the basis of an empirical research study, that teachers can, therefore, promote and encourage progression in poetry writing by their classes; but that to do so is to challenge views of poetry writing by children promoted in current orders and recommendations.  相似文献   

There is an apparent tension between Immanuel Kant's model of moral agency and his often-neglected philosophy of moral education. On the one hand, Kant's account of moral knowledge and decision-making seems to be one that can be self-taught. Kant's famous categorical imperative and related 'fact of reason' argument suggest that we learn the content and application of the moral law on our own. On the other hand, Kant has a sophisticated and detailed account of moral education that goes well beyond the kind of education a person would receive in the course of ordinary childhood experience. The task of this paper will be to reconcile these seemingly conflicting claims. Ultimately, I argue, Kant's philosophy of education makes sense as a part of his moral theory if we look not only at individual moral decisions, but also at the goals or ends that these moral decisions are intended to achieve. In Kant's case, this end is what he calls the highest good, and, I argue, the most coherent account of the highest good is a kind of ethical community and end of history, similar to the Groundwork 's realm of ends. Seen as a tool to bring about and sustain such a community, Kant's philosophy of moral education exists as a coherent and important part of his moral philosophy.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代,我国现代散文创作取得了突出的成绩。其中林语堂以闲适散文为主的创作实践为中国现代散文园地提供了一个新的品种。这一流派在现代文学史上乃至对现当代散文创作的影响和贡献都是不容忽视的:一是融合了中西方智慧的学养内涵和知性表达;二是拓展了现代散文的审美领域;三是开辟了现代散文文体探索的新路。  相似文献   

智利小说在现代尤其是二十世纪涌现出很多在拉美和欧洲享有较高声誉的卓越的作家作品,然而因为智利诗歌比小说更为悠久的历史和两位诗人曾先后获得诺贝尔文学奖,智利小说总是掩映在诗歌的光辉之下。揭开智利文学的面纱,将智利小说作为研究对象,以小说作家为纲,对其所属流派、写作手法、主要作品和中国对其研究情况进行综述,通过梳理智利十九世纪和二十世纪的作家作品及中国对这些作品的译介和研究,旨在充实我国的国别文学研究,将千里之外的智利小说系统地介绍给中国的读者和学者。  相似文献   

The study described in this article sets out to understand the barriers and affordances to successful completion of the short research thesis required in many advanced undergraduate courses or Honours programmes. In the study, the genre features of students' research projects and the criteria used to assess them were analysed and both students and supervisors were interviewed. The article focuses on one particular student from the case study and the findings provide in-depth insights into the complexities of genre acquisition in one particular department at a South African university, where writing and knowledge of the genre are often not taught, but must be acquired through a form of apprenticeship. The article concludes by raising some questions about how research genres can best be mediated in developmental contexts, where the teaching of writing may not be valued.  相似文献   

中国当代学走过了50年的风雨历程,当代学史的写作了到了一个的转型阶段。今天,我们面临的当代学史写作现状是多元与多层的,这是一个好现象。但其中仍有许多问题值得我们思考。当代学史如何选择“经典”本?十七年学应该如何评价?当代学史写作如何回到“学”与“历史”本身?这是摆在每一位当代学研究面前的问题与挑战。  相似文献   

本文对伽达默尔的对话哲学做了述评,认为其哲学解释学的核心是理解,归宿是语言,模式为对话,具有明显的伦理学倾向.高校课堂教学应该借鉴伽达默尔对话哲学的理论精髓,尊重并开发学生的"个人受教育史",追求理解的高级状态--反思,教学从独白走向对话,同时重构新的师生伦理关系.  相似文献   

This article reports on a case study of a college class for pre-service teachers on the US–Mexico border in which students participated in in-depth discussion around mathematical problems every day. This pedagogical approach promotes the socialization of students into and through the specialized discourse of mathematics. The focus of this paper is on the experience of transfronterizo students in that course. Transfronterizos are Mexican residents who periodically cross the border to attend school. For these students, whose educational background in Mexico allowed them to develop proficiency in elementary mathematical discourse in Spanish, their socialization experience includes ways in which they draw on language, and other social and learning experiences in Mexico. The focus of this paper is an assignment called Thinking Logs, a genre that required the use of mathematical discourse for teaching. Drawing on data gathered from participant observation of the course, interviews, analysis of study session discourse, and genre analysis, I highlight agentive ways that each participant used in their own socialization process. I show how participants improvised writing of models, asked for clarification in the first language, and even resisted the discourse. Students who resisted the demands might incur negative effects. Furthermore, I argue that the role of the guidance from an expert (such as a professor) is imperative in a socialization process, and I offer implications for ways that teachers can guide second language writers to develop mathematics discourse.  相似文献   

Recent announcements by Michael Sam, Jason Collins, Robbie Rogers, and others belong to a longer tradition that I label the gay male athlete coming out narrative. I chart this rhetorical genre in three waves, corresponding to the historical moment in which each narrative was published and the rhetorical tactics that each set of authors use to reconcile their identities as gay athletes and argue for the existence and suitability of gay men in professional sports. Of particular note are contemporary third-wave narratives which introduce the actively out, visible, gay male body becoming aware of his place in history as a rhetorical opportunity for social intervention. Even as I recognize the limits of athletes’ ability to represent the diversity of interests, values, and politics of the broader LGBTQ movement, I argue that these narratives should become part of what Charles E. Morris III calls “the diverse domain of the usable past.” These narratives indicate the importance of understanding genre evolution alongside individual biography, historical context, and shifting values within broader attempts at social transformation.  相似文献   

<尚书>是儒家经典之一,<尚书>是我国古代最早的一部记叙文和论说文的总集,不但表现了复杂的思想内容,在写作上也有较高的技巧,在散文的发展史上有着很重要的地位.  相似文献   

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