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蔡奕亮 《考试周刊》2011,(38):148-149
本文通过问卷调查法、访谈法、文献资料法对潮州市区和乡村地区的初中生体育态度进行调查研究和比较、分析,并提出相应建议。其结果显示:潮州市两区域初中生整体上对体育的理解还是比较深刻,而对体育成绩的重视程度,市区初中生明显高于乡村地区的初中生。在闲暇体育活动方面,潮州市两区域的初中生整体上对闲暇时间从事体育活动没有太大的兴趣。在定期进行体育活动方面,潮州市两区域的初中男生均对篮球运动表现出较高的兴趣;而市区的女生在游泳、羽毛球等项目的选择上明显高于乡村地区的女生,乡村地区的女生则在跳绳、毽球等项目的选择上明显高于市区的女生。  相似文献   

李培顺 《考试周刊》2009,(18):121-123
本文以作者所在学院198名非体育类专业的大学生为研究对象。运用综合的研究方法对大学生参加课外体育活动的动机进行了调查与分析。结果表明:大学生对课外体育活动的态度是比较积极的,男生对体育活动的热情明显高于女生,锻炼身体、增强体质仍是大学生参加体育活动的主要动机。加大经济投入、改善活动条件是大力开展课外体育活动的对策。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查、数理统计、文献资料调研等方法,对喀什师范学院学生体育现状进行调研分析,结果表明:学生对体育锻炼的意义有较明确的认知:体育需求表现出多元化的特点;体育价值取向与体育需求具有较大的一致性;关注体育的态度以及对余暇体育活动主动性较高;学生对体育课基本满意;活动场地以校内的运动场(馆)为主;大部分学生每周不同程度地参加体育活动,而且男生不论在活动次数和时间上都好于女生。  相似文献   

笔者利用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计等方法对山西省高校课外体育活动现状进行了调查与研究。结果表明:大学生课外体育活动的态度比较积极,具有较强的运动倾向,但男生对体育活动的态度要明显好于女生;多数大学生课外体育活动项目选择较为集中,并且活动频数较低、持续时间较短;缺乏运动场地和器材、缺少教师的辅导和缺少组织管理是影响课外体育活动有效进行的重要因素。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对淮阴师范学院非体育专业大一、大二学生体育锻炼的现状进行研究。结果表明:淮阴师范学院大学生对体育课和体育活动的态度总体来说是积极向上的,男生的态度明显比女生更积极;锻炼身体、增强体质仍是大学生参加课外体育活动最主要的目的。  相似文献   

张连宾 《山东教育》2004,(26):46-46
一直以来,在体育教学中存在着女生对体育运动缺乏兴趣的现象,特别是初中高年级的女生,借故请假,不参加体育活动的现象经常发生;参加活动的女生也是你推我让、东躲西藏.在男生面前表现得尤为突出。这样就影响了她们身体素质和运动能力的提高,体育课的教学目标和教学任务也难以完成。针对这种情况,我从以下几方面做了努力,收到了很好的效果。  相似文献   

篮球运动作为中专学校体育教学的主要课程之一时,我们不仅要让男生爱上篮球,还要培养女生的参与兴趣。篮球可以发展学生的速度、耐力、弹跳、协调性、灵敏性等,也有利于培养学生的团结合作精神,比较适合在大中专院校广泛推广。本文就如何在体育教学中培养女生对篮球的学习兴趣做了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

篮球运动作为中专学校体育教学的主要课程之一时,我们不仅要让男生爱上篮球,还要培养女生的参与兴趣。篮球可以发展学生的速度、耐力、弹跳、协调性、灵敏性等,也有利于培养学生的团结合作精神,比较适合在大中专院校广泛推广。本文就如何在体育教学中培养女生对篮球的学习兴趣做了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

在中专体育课上。能让学生。特别是女生生动活泼、积极主动的学习。这是每个教师的良好愿望。那么。怎样才能上好女生的体育课呢?这足一个值得探讨的问题。女生不比男生,女生在生理、心理、性格、爱好等方面与男生相差甚远,男生对各种体育活动都比较感兴趣。而女生则喜欢一些柔和、协调、有趣味性  相似文献   

运用调查实地考察和比较分析等方法,分析了高职学生体育意识的现状、形成与问题。提出高职学生体育意识的形成主要受到主体因素、体育教学模式、场地器材、余暇方式等方面的影响,高职学生参加体育锻炼的参与意只男生强于女生,需加强参与意识的培养,适当增加女生运动项目。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to validate an instrument of attitudes toward science and to investigate grade level, type of school, and gender differences in Taiwan’s students’ personality traits and attitudes toward science as well as predictors of attitudes toward science. Nine hundred and twenty‐two elementary students and 1,954 secondary students completed the School Student Questionnaire in 2008. Factor analyses, correlation analyses, ANOVAs, and regressions were used to compare the similarities and differences among male and female students in different grade levels. The findings were as follows: female students had higher interest in science and made more contributions in teams than their male counterparts across all grade levels. As students advanced through school, student scores on the personality trait scales of Conscientiousness and Openness sharply declined; students’ scores on Neuroticism dramatically increased. Elementary school and academic high school students had significantly higher total scores on interest in science than those of vocational high and junior high school students. Scores on the scales measuring the traits of Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness were the most significant predictors of students’ attitudes toward science. Implications of these findings for classroom instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

Sports participation has been shown to positively affect youth well-being. However, research has also shown that sports environments can be unsafe for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth. Using data from a large study on school-related experiences of LGBTQ secondary students who reported on their extracurricular activities in school, (N = 15,813), this study examined LGBTQ youth's participation in school sports, the effects of participation on well-being and school belonging, and whether any such benefits of participation varied by transgender status and gender binary identity. Over a quarter of LGBTQ respondents in our study had participated in school sports, and being transgender and being nonbinary were related to a lower likelihood of sports participation. Transgender males and transgender nonbinary youth had the lowest likelihood of sports participation. In general, LGBTQ youth who participated in sports had increased well-being and greater school belonging. However, in regard to self-esteem, transgender nonbinary youth appeared to have greater benefit from participating in sports than did their transgender male and transgender female peers. Considering these results, schools have a responsibility to ensure that school sports are safe and welcoming for LGBTQ youth.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether high-school sports are functional and accessible activities to keep students from school disciplinary behaviors. For this purpose, we included students racial and linguistic status, socioeconomic status, sex, and prior academic performance with the school’s proportion of free-lunch recipients and minorities, to understand how sport participation affects students of diverse groups. Additionally, the study implemented a multilevel mediation modeling to the Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) data and assessed student dropouts with sequential mediators of sport participation, school misbehavior, and suspension. The findings of the study largely revealed that White students participated in sports more than Black, Hispanic, and Asian. Likewise, students who speak English as the primary language and male students participated in sports more than their counterparts. White sport participants displayed fewer incidents of suspension than White non-sport participants. Black, Hispanic, and White sport participants had lower dropout incidents than their non-sport-participating counterparts.  相似文献   

为了解"全国亿万学生阳光体育运动"在毕节试验区一年多来的开展成效,通过问卷调查、文献研究、数理统计等方法,对毕节试验区农村中学生体育态度、体育生活方式的参与方式、体育习惯、体育消费行为以及影响参与体育活动的因素等方面进行了调研。调查表明:农村中学生总体体育态度良好,但"终身体育"意识不强、男女生在体育生活方式的参与方式差异性明显,体育活动的频率呈"U字型"分布。体育锻炼的项目多集中在有场地器材的地方进行,技能要求不高、消费也较低。通过调查,了解到场所器材缺乏,师生及家长体育意识淡薄是制约农村中学有效开展"阳光体育运动"的主要障碍。  相似文献   

我校女大学生体育兴趣可塑性的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我校220名女大学生进行问卷调查,研究结果表明:女大学生体育兴趣有较大的可塑性,她们对体育项目产生兴趣的主要原因是符合自身条件和个性特点以及受社会与环境的影响;而教师良好的修养与较强的业务能力以及活动场地和设备的完善对她们体育兴趣的稳定发展起着积极的作用.同时,老师应使她们树立正确的学习动机.促使她们对体育运动兴趣由直接兴趣向间接兴趣转化,以使她们的体育兴趣得到更好的发展与持久的保持.  相似文献   

This paper describes how the patriarchal structure of Japanese society and its notions of women, femininity, and gendered stereotypes produced strong cultural barriers to increasing the participation of females in science education. Baseline data on attitudes toward science and the perceptions of gender issues in science education, academic major and career choice were collected from 175 university students (124 female, 51 male). Students responded to a Likert scale that included the option “I don't understand the question”. All respondents took advantage of the option for items related to gender issues. On some items up to 67% of the males responded that they did not understand the question. Females in science choosing this option did not exceed 19%. In Japan, gender is an invisible, pervasive construct that impacts females' participation in science and science education. In other ways, attitudes toward science among Japanese students mirrored those found in the United States and in other countries. Respondents held the most favorable views of science when they were in elementary school and females preferred biology while males preferred the physical sciences. The exception to the Western pattern of liking science and science teachers is that male non-science majors rather than female non-science majors reported poor academic performance in elementary school, declining attitudes in middle school, and they held the most negative attitudes toward their science teacher and science subjects.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法对内江市城市在职居民休闲体育活动进行调查研究.结果表明:内江城市在职居民参与休闲体育活动的积极性不高;男性每天参加活动的时间明显多于女性;活动的内容表现出简单易行、民俗性强、时尚性不强的特点;活动空间表现出"从公、从近、从众"的"三从"需求;活动伙伴主要是朋友、家人,社会组织化程度较低;休闲体育消费意识不强,消费行为和行为方式表现为体育实物消费、发展型消费、娱乐享受型消费三类.  相似文献   

以大学男生、大学女生、初涉工作岗位的大学毕业生为对象,问卷调查了这3类运动群体对39个体育项目休闲价值的选择。采用因子分析法,测评39个体育项目的休闲贡献度,并排序。对有突出休闲贡献度的体育项目划类:小球类体育运动、极限和强力运动、新兴时尚运动等7类。在"终身体育"的休闲价值理念下,需要将高休闲贡献度的体育项目的分类研究纳入我国大学体育课程内容休闲价值体系的构建。  相似文献   

本文对厦门市集美区中学生参与阳光体育运动的情况进行问卷调查,统计表明:集美区中学生参与阳光体育运动的认知程度较高,且女生高于男生;对开展阳光体育运动的态度明确,支持力度大;参加阳光体育运动的时间主要集中在体育课和课外体育活动上;所参加的运动项目主要是慢跑、篮球、羽毛球和乒乓球.同时,也指出了集美区中学在开展阳光体育运动过程中有待完善之处,旨在为集美区中学更好开展阳光体育运动提供理论上的指导  相似文献   


This cross-sectional study explored students’ conceptions of science learning via drawing analysis. A total of 906 Taiwanese students in 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade were asked to use drawing to illustrate how they conceptualise science learning. Students’ drawings were analysed using a coding checklist to determine the presence or absence of specified attributes. Data analysis showed that the majority of students pictured science learning as school-based, involving certain types of experiment or teacher lecturing. In addition, notable cross-sectional differences were found in the ‘Activity’ and ‘Emotions and attitudes’ categories in students’ drawings. Three major findings were made: (1) lower grade level students conceptualised science learning with a didactic approach, while higher graders might possess a quantitative view of science learning (i.e. how much is learned, not how well it is learned), (2) students’ positive and negative emotions and attitudes toward science learning reversed around middle school, and (3) female students expressed significantly more positive emotions and attitudes than their male counterparts. In conclusion, higher graders’ unfruitful conceptions of science learning warrant educators’ attention. Moreover, further investigation of girls’ more positive emotions and attitudes found in this study is needed.  相似文献   

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