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青少年学生言语欺凌行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
言语欺凌行为不仅伤害了同伴,也伤害了自己,导致青少年学生对个体生命的漠视,甚至将孕育会欺凌的下一代。而其言语欺凌行为的发生既受社会认知、个体情绪、人格特征等个体因素的制约,也受家庭、校园、社会以及情境等环境因素的影响。我们要通过实施环境干预,解决欺凌问题,加强心理健康教育,展开对话与合作,开展生命教育等一系列措施,以矫正和减少言语欺凌行为。  相似文献   

校园欺凌一直是学校安全教育的重点内容。近年来,校园欺凌行为多发,不仅给学校的管理工作带来了极大的麻烦,而且给广大师生的人身安全造成了严重的威胁。在校园欺凌中,被欺凌者通常处于弱势地位。在受到欺凌后,被欺凌者若得不到及时有效的心理疏导,很容易产生不良的问题,甚至导致不可挽回的后果。本文着重从被欺凌者的角度分析了欺凌行为对被欺凌者造成的影响和危害,并从个体、家庭、校园、社会等方面分析了被欺凌者易遭欺凌的影响因素。从被欺凌者自身、家庭、学校、社会等角度提出预防和干预的对策,以期为广大教育工作者提供借鉴,预防和减少校园暴力行为的发生。  相似文献   

陈侠  刘小炼 《四川教育》2023,(19):40-42
<正>随着信息技术的飞速发展,校园欺凌现象不仅屡禁不止,更有了新的演化和发展。学者研究指出,校园欺凌行为包括人身财产伤害、精神伤害与性侵害等主要形式,可分为言语性欺凌、肢体性欺凌、社交性欺凌等主要类别。大量研究揭示,普遍存在的校园欺凌可导致隐秘而严重的后果。如果未能得到及时、有效的干预,受欺凌者容易形成自卑、退缩的消极性格,造成长期的社会适应困难,欺凌者也容易形成具有攻击性、暴力倾向的非适应性人格特征,出现严重的社会化障碍;甚至在离开校园后,曾施加或遭受过欺凌的双方都将持续在建立健康、  相似文献   

<正>近年来,关于农村校园欺凌的事件层出不穷、愈演愈烈,给受欺凌者造成无法估计的伤害,更极大地挑战了公共道德和法律威严。对于校园欺凌行为的干预和预防,不少农村中小学更多停留在口号式呼吁上,缺乏有效统一的预防和干预措施。为此,本文将围绕校园欺凌行为发生的诱因和如何预防干预校园欺凌行为,进一步探讨农村学校欺凌问题的解决办法。一、农村校园欺凌行为发生的诱因(一)家庭教育的缺失1.家庭结构的失能。由于很多父母常年外出打工,现在农村的  相似文献   

校园欺凌是发生在校园及周边强势学生持续对弱势学生的身体和心理进行的持续性故意侵害行为.欺凌易导致被欺凌学生形成消极的人格特征、学业适应困难及出现社会化障碍等问题,也会导致欺凌者形成不良人格和攻击倾向.校园欺凌事件的频繁发生,不仅对学生的身体和心理产生消极的影响,而且不利于家庭、学校和社会的和谐稳定.本文通过对校园欺凌的现状、含义、类型、特征、结构的描述,及对校园欺凌主体的心理特征、角色及心理成因的分析,试图探求以校园为核心的解决校园欺凌问题的心理干预策略.  相似文献   

文章以522名初中生为研究对象,采用问卷调查法,探讨了中学生校园受欺凌与情绪行为问题之间的关系,以及积极心理资本在两者之间的中介作用。结果发现,校园受欺凌在性别上不存在显著差异,但在年级以及在是否为独生子女上差异显著;积极心理资本在性别、年级以及是否为独生子女上均存在显著差异;情绪行为问题在是否为独生子女上差异显著,但在性别和年级上差异不显著。此外,校园受欺凌既能够直接正向预测情绪行为问题,也能够通过积极心理资本对情绪行为问题产生间接影响,即积极心理资本在校园受欺凌与情绪行为问题之间起到部分中介作用。因此,教育工作者在预防与警惕校园欺凌行为发生的同时,也应致力于开发受欺凌个体的心理资本,以减少其情绪行为问题的产生。  相似文献   

校园欺凌是中小学常见的行为问题,引发校园欺凌事件的原因也是多方面的,既有个体因素,也有家庭、学校和社会因素.在校园欺凌中,无论是欺凌者还是被欺凌者,都会受到负面影响.目前,我国中小学校园欺凌事件频发,需要引起学校工作者足够的重视.  相似文献   

校园欺凌是儿童青少年中反复出现的、存心的、实力不均的一类特殊性攻击行为.在校园欺凌行为之下,大量校园受欺凌现象随之出现.校园受欺凌是指在校园场所内频繁受到某个或多个欺凌者有意的言语羞辱、敲诈勒索、殴打、谣言、诽谤等负面行为,感受到明显的伤害、不舒服等体验.儿童青少年校园受欺凌群体的身心健康遭到了严重损害,其学习、生活、人际交往都受到了极大的消极影响.对受欺凌群体的心理干预,可以降低干预对象的抑郁情绪和受影响程度,提高干预对象的心理健康水平,对儿童青少年校园受欺凌群体有显著的保护性作用.这对干预策略实效性的推广有着重要启示,能为学校开展儿童青少年受欺凌的早期预防和后期治疗提供参考.  相似文献   

近年来,校园欺凌事件发生率呈上升趋势。被欺凌者作为校园欺凌中组成的一部分,他们是受害者也是属于弱势的一方,更应被人们所关注。校园欺凌中的被欺凌者存在着性格内向、不善与人沟通、自我认同感低等特征,校园欺凌行为对受欺凌者学习、心理、身体等产生极大的负面影响。学校、家庭和社会都应采取相应举措,如学校加大重视程度、引起家长重视、提升受欺凌者应对能力等,降低校园欺凌对被欺凌者造成的危害。  相似文献   

随着网络时代的不断深化,给人们带来了方便和经济的发展,同时负面的事件和信息也以幂次方的速度向外扩展。在这一时间点上,校园欺凌的特点和方式也发生着惊人的变化。从言语欺凌、行为欺凌到现在所谓的"心灵欺凌"上,其所产生的影响更加的广泛、传播速度也更加的快速。使得,现如今的校园欺凌事件的后果和代价越来越大,从欺凌行为上升到刑事责任的犯罪。让更多的家庭无法承受欺凌的后果,无论是欺凌者还是被欺凌者的家庭。  相似文献   

In the present study, attitudes of elementary school teachers toward different types of bullying (verbal, physical, and relational) were investigated. Six written vignettes describing all types of bullying were given to 405 elementary school teachers (F = 218; M = 187). Results indicated that teachers perceived relational bullying, specifically, social exclusion, less serious than verbal and physical bullying. Unlike previous findings, however, the teachers considered verbal bullying behaviors more serious than physical bullying behaviors and were also more empathetic toward the victim physically bullied and the victim verbally bullied than the victim relationally bullied. Coherent with the findings of empathy, they were also more likely to intervene in verbal and physical bullying behaviors than relational bullying behaviors. Gender of the participant was a significant factor for all variables. The most rated intervention strategy was having a serious talk with the bully, regardless of the type of victimization. Multiple regression analysis illustrated that seriousness and empathy scores both predicted the need for intervention scores significantly in all types of bullying. The findings of this study highlight the importance of increasing teachers’ awareness and knowledge about all types of bullying, their consequences, and intervention skills to lessen bullying behaviors.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of current research on bullying (peer victimization, peer harassment) in school, with a focus on victims of such bullying. The 1st section provides a working definition of bullying and its many forms. The 2nd section describes some of the known consequences of being bullied for mental health, physical health, and academic achievement. The 3rd section turns to individual characteristics that might place children at risk for being bullied. The 4th section describes school-based interventions to reduce bullying and its negative effects. The final section considers implications of research on school bullying for teacher practice.  相似文献   

Bullying at school has far-reaching impacts on adolescent well-being and health. The aim of this study was to examine trends in bullying at school according to socioeconomic adversities among Finnish adolescents from 2000 to 2015. A population-based school survey was conducted biennially among 14–16-year-old Finns between 2000 and 2015 (n = 761,278). Distributions for bullying, being bullied and socioeconomic adversities were calculated. Associations between bullying involvement, time and socioeconomic adversities were studied using binomial logistic regression with results shown by odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals. At the population level, the likelihoods of bullying and being bullied varied only slightly between 2000 and 2015. Bullying and being bullied were associated with socioeconomic adversities (low parental education, not living with both parents and parental unemployment in the past year). Unlike in the general population, the likelihoods of bullying and being bullied increased markedly among adolescents with most socioeconomic adversities. The increased socioeconomic differences in bullying involvement observed in this study add to the mounting evidence of polarization of adolescent health and well-being. Socioeconomic adversities should be considered in the prevention of bullying at school. In addition, socio-political measures are needed to decrease socioeconomic inequalities among Finnish adolescents.  相似文献   

Little research attention has been paid to bullied students who function better than expected and are therefore defined as “resilient”. The present longitudinal study aimed to identify individual, family and peer factors that predict fewer than expected levels of depression and delinquency following experiences of bullying victimization. The sample consisted 3,136 adolescents. Self-report data were used to measure bullying victimization at age 13 and 14 and depression and delinquency at age 14. We examined the effects of gender, self-esteem, social alienation, parental conflict, sibling victimization and number of close friends on levels of emotional and behavioral resilience following bullying victimization. The resilience measures were derived by regressing depression and delinquency scores at age 14 on levels of bullying victimization at age 13 and 14, respectively. The adolescents who reported low depression despite frequently experiencing bullying tended to be male, had higher self-esteem, were feeling less socially alienated, were experiencing low levels of conflict with parents and were not victimized by siblings. On the other hand, the adolescents who reported low delinquency despite frequently experiencing bullying tended to be female, had higher self-esteem, were experiencing low levels of conflict with parents, were not victimized by siblings and had less close friends. Relationships with parents and siblings continue to play some role in promoting emotional and behavioral adjustment among victims of bullying and, therefore, interventions are more likely to be successful if they target both the psychosocial skills of adolescents and their relationships with their family.  相似文献   

A group randomized controlled trial tested the efficacy of the Friendly Schools program to reduce student bullying behaviour. This socio‐ecological intervention targeted the whole school, classroom, family, and individual students to reduce bullying behaviour. Self‐report data were collected in 29 schools over three years from a cohort of 1968 eight to nine‐year‐olds. Surveys measured frequency of being bullied, bullying others, telling if bullied and observing bullying. Results indicate that intervention students were significantly less likely to observe bullying at 12, 24 and 36 months and be bullied after 12 and 36 months, and significantly more likely to tell if bullied after 12 months than comparison students. No differences were found for self‐reported perpetration of bullying. The findings suggest whole‐of‐school programs that engage students in their different social contexts appear to reduce their experiences of being bullied and increase their likelihood of telling someone if they are bullied.  相似文献   


We used collective analytical autoethnography (CAAE) to investigate experiences of academic bullying and mobbing in our study. Specifically, four autoethnographers shared and analyzed personal experiences of being mobbed and bullied, described their perceptions of workplace bullying, its manifestations, and explored the emotional, social, psychological and career consequences associated with being bullied and mobbed at work. In addition, the autoethnographers reflected on different resources used to cope with mobbing and bullying experiences and revealed – peer mentorship and social support – as instrumental in helping them cope with both the physical and emotional distresses associated with the bullying and mobbing experiences. Implications from the findings and suggestions for future research are also presented.  相似文献   

Twenty five class teachers completed a "Strengths and Difficulties" assessment for 523 children aged from 7 to 11 years of age. Children self-completed a 39-item "My Life in School" questionnaire. One third of the sample were self-reported victims of bullying behaviour. Boys with poor prosocial skills, emotional problems and general difficulties with social interaction, expression of emotion and hyperactivity were at greatest risk of being bullied. There was no significant effect of age. The data support previous research findings that gender influences the prevalence of bullying but not that younger children are more vulnerable. This study provides new evidence that teachers recognise social behaviour and interactions that can significantly affect whether primary school children are bullied.  相似文献   

Learning disabilities and bullying: double jeopardy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Independently, learning disabilities (LD) and involvement in bullying each pose a risk for social, emotional, and behavioral problems. Based on the research to date and on the characteristics common to children with LD and children who are bullied, there is reason to believe that children with LD are at increased risk of victimization. However, there is little research on the relationship between LD and bullying. This article presents factors and characteristics that make children and youth with LD vulnerable to bullying. Risk factors and effects of bullying are reviewed. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

小学生欺负问题的干预研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用行动研究法在某小学进行欺负问题的干预研究,通过为期五周的干预,实验班学生上学和放学路上受欺负的比率和在学校情境中受欺负的程度显著下降,三年级的下降幅度大于五年级的;学生在学校里安全感增强;教师的研究意识和解决问题的能力得到增强和提高。  相似文献   

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