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孔令香 《教师》2011,(6):108-109
目前初中化学教师教学行为现状是重智育,轻德育;重知识,轻能力;重外在表现,轻内在情感。"五严"规定和化学新课程对化学教师提出了新的要求,即必须具备崭新的学生观、教学观、课程观、学习评价观等。  相似文献   

传统化学课堂教学评价重结果轻过程,重知识技能轻情感、态度与价值观发展,评价形式、评价内容、评价主体单一,教师、学生处于被动地位,它已经无法适应和满足新课程的要求.高中化学新课程课堂教学评价应重视发展、重视过程、重视评价多元化.综合运用多元化的评价方式,充分运用灵活多样的评价方法,以提升教学的有效性,促进学生全面发展和推进教育教学的与时俱进.  相似文献   

随着我国现代信息技术的不断发展,实现信息技术与初中化学课程教学内容的有效融合,成为当前初中化学课程教师进一步深化课程改革的重要形式。与传统的“理论知识口述+重点板书”的课程教学模式相比,基于现代信息技术的化学课程教学模式能够凭借直观的课程内容深化学生理解,从而提高化学课程教学质量。但是在当前的初中化学课程教学过程中,很多教师对信息化教学手段的重视程度不足,运用现代信息技术教学的能力不足。基于此,本文通过深入探究教育信息化背景下提高初中化学课程教学有效性的相关策略,以期提升初中化学课程教学质量,为推动学生的全面发展提供一些有价值的参考。  相似文献   

初中化学的开设对初中生来说是比较重要的。初中化学课程是整个中学阶段化学课程的启蒙课程,所以在一定的意义上相对来说十分重要,能否学好初中的化学课程与未来整个中学阶段的化学方面的学习成果息息相关。所以,作为初中化学教师的我们应该重视初中化学课程的教学工作,以教材为依托,重视对教材中基础概念知识的讲解,帮助学生提高对化学的理解,引导学生学好初中化学。就具体的方面应该怎样提高初中化学的教学质量呢?  相似文献   

现行的初中化学教材安排的实验大多是验证型的 ,对实验的理论背景和操作设计不够重视 ,往往重知识轻方法 ,重结果轻过程 ,重接受参与轻探索创新 ,不利于培养学生的思维能力和创新能力。在当前落实素质教育和创新教育的新形势下 ,必须下大力气改进化学实验教学。  一、教师演示实验的改进   1 改教师演示实验为师生共同实验  不少课堂演示实验不利于学生对实验现象的观察、对实验过程的思考、对实验原理和结论的分析 ,操作技能也得不到训练。因此 ,课堂上的演示实验 ,除教师演示以外 ,应努力创造条件 ,尽量让学生能同时动手操作 ,或老…  相似文献   

初中化学的开设对初中生来说是比较重要的。初中化学课程是整个中学阶段化学课程的启蒙课程,所以在一定的意义上相对来说十分重要,能否学好初中的化学课程与未来整个中学阶段的化学方面的学习成果息息相关。所以,作为初中化学教师的我们应该重视初中化学课程的教学工作,以教材为依托,重视对教材中基础概念知识的讲解,帮助学生提高对化学的理解,引导学生学好初中化学。就具体的方面应该怎样提高初中化学的教学质量呢?  相似文献   

1 前言 教师的教学行为直接决定课程实施的走向,因此教师应转变重结论、轻过程,重知识、轻能力,重教师、轻学生,重课内、轻课外,重分析、轻阅读的教学行为,并重视应用一些策略,那中考时学生就会取得相应的好成绩。  相似文献   

苏美华 《教学月刊》2011,(12):63-64
新老教材最大的区别在于课程理念的差异,化学课程的核心理念为通过化学实验为主的多种探究活动,使学生体验科学研究的过程,激发学习化学的兴趣,强化科学探究意识,促进学习方式的转变,培养创新精神和实践能力。在新课程实施过程中,教师切忌新教材老上法,重知识轻能力,重结果轻过程,重眼前轻长远。教师要深入理解新课程的意义,  相似文献   

1实验教学现状及原因分析 当前,在初中化学教学中普遍存在着“重讲解、轻实验”,“重结论、轻过程”,“重知识、轻方法”的错误倾向。其产生的原因可慨括为:①教育思想不端正,由于受只注重中考分数、片面追求升学率的影响,有些化学教师在黑板上画实验,学生在本子上练实验,  相似文献   

随着当前阶段我国教育教学水平的不断提升,在进行初三化学课程的教学过程中我们应当重视班级整体水平的提升。在班级当中的学生发展过程中往往存在部分的同学会出现课程学习较差,在实际的学习过程中对于化学的敏感程度不高等。因此作为教师的我们需要关注这些学生的发展情况,帮助他们更好地进行化学课程的学习。同时还有部分的学生学习非常好,需要在课堂当中给予更多的教学内容等。本文笔者基于此主要来分析探究当前初中化学的有效教学方式。  相似文献   

化学作为一门传统学科,很多教学环节已经被大家默认。面对新课程改革,许多教师很茫然。不知该如何面对新课程中化学的大量知识点。研究性学习是新课改中的一个亮点,利用研究性学习的思路进行化学的日常教学,能使传统学科展现新的魅力,使化学教学真正起到提高学生科学素养的作用。  相似文献   

Science teachers need to understand the subject matter they teach. While subject matter knowledge (SMK) can improve with classroom teaching experience, it is problematic that many secondary science teachers leave the profession before garnering extensive classroom experience. Furthermore, many new science teachers are assigned to teach science subjects for which they do not hold a degree. This study investigates the SMK of new secondary science teachers assigned to teach chemistry in their first three years of teaching. These new teachers do not have the advantage of years of experience to develop their SMK and half hold a degree in biology rather than chemistry. This qualitative study explores the effects of holding a degree in the subject area one teaches as well as classroom teaching experience on teachers’ SMK for two chemistry topics, conservation of mass and chemical equilibrium. Qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews indicated that the SMK of teachers who had a chemistry degree and more extensive classroom experience was more coherent, chemistry-focused, and sophisticated than that of teachers who lacked this preparation and experience. This study provides evidence that new science teachers’ SMK is influenced by both holding a degree in the subject area and having classroom experience.  相似文献   

高校教学评价活动的设计与实施不仅需要斟酌评价方法的科学性、可行性,也要考虑参与评价活动的个体或组织之间行为伦理的合理性、公正性问题。大学作为伦理性实体不仅自身存在着伦理关系,还要以自身伦理的实践为学生和社会起到示范和引领作用。高校教师作为教育者担负伦理道德代言人和伦理道德教育家的角色,高校教师作为“学术人”也要遵循一套学术伦理规范。大学教学不仅传授知识和技能,更为重要的是影响大学生的思想道德,所以大学教学内在地具有伦理属性。教学评价是对大学教师的教学进行价值判断的活动,其具有特殊的伦理品格。在实践上,教学评价的目的应为师生的全面自由发展,在评价主体应包含教师本人,评价内容应该全面且侧重师德的发展性,评价过程应公开、公正、公平。  相似文献   

Context-based curriculum reforms in chemistry education are thought to bring greater diversity to the ways in which chemistry teachers organize their teaching. First and foremost, students are expected to perceive this diversity. However, empirical research on how students perceive their teacher's teaching in context-based chemistry classrooms, and whether this teaching differs from traditional chemistry lessons, is scarce. This study aims to develop our understanding of what teaching looks like, according to students, in context-based chemistry classrooms compared with traditional chemistry classrooms. As such, it might also provide a better understanding of whether teachers implement and attain the intentions of curriculum developers. To study teacher behaviour we used three theoretical perspectives deemed to be important for student learning: a content perspective, a learning activities perspective, and an interpersonal perspective. Data were collected from 480 students in 24 secondary chemistry classes in the Netherlands. Our findings suggest that, according to the students, the changes in teaching in context-based chemistry classrooms imply a lessening of the emphasis on fundamental chemistry and the use of a teacher-centred approach, compared with traditional chemistry classrooms. However, teachers in context-based chemistry classrooms seem not to display more ‘context-based’ teaching behaviour, such as emphasizing the relation between chemistry, technology, and society and using a student-centred approach. Furthermore, students in context-based chemistry classrooms perceive their teachers as having less interpersonal control and showing less affiliation than teachers in traditional chemistry classrooms. Our findings should be interpreted in the context of former and daily experiences of both teachers and students. As only chemistry is reformed in the schools in which context-based chemistry is implemented, it is challenging for both students and teachers to deal with these reforms.  相似文献   

This study focused on teachers’ transfer of a variety of teaching methods from a teaching module on nanotechnology, which is an example of a topic outside the science curriculum, to teaching topics that are part of the chemistry curriculum. Nanotechnology is outside the science curriculum, but it was used in this study as a means to carry out a change in the way chemistry teachers teach. The participants in the study included nine high school in-service chemistry teachers. Three research tools were used: (1) semistructured interviews that were conducted with the teachers, after they had finished teaching their nanotechnology module, and follow-up semistructured interviews that were conducted 2 years after the teachers had taught the nanotechnology module , and teachers’ assessment and evaluation of their own teaching method, determining how the nanotechnology modules influenced the students who learned according to this program. The data collection process continued for 5 years. Most of the teachers indicated that they continued teaching the nanotechnology module that they designed and all of them stated that they integrated the unique teaching methods into their teaching of chemistry. High efficacy beliefs were built based on the self-evaluation process that was part of the teachers’ professional development program. Teaching self-efficacy beliefs and organization efficacy beliefs was found to contribute to teachers’ sustainable changes. The findings in the current research are only limited to the topic of nanotechnology; however, we believe that similar results can be obtained for any modern scientific topic that is outside the high school science curriculum. We suggest that more research should be done to determine whether the same findings emerge by using the same approach but on another topic.  相似文献   

This paper describes a case study focusing on the subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and beliefs about science teaching of student teachers in Turkey at the start of their university education. The topic of interest was that of teaching chemical reactions in secondary chemistry education. A written test was developed which used the research literature on potential student misconceptions with regard to different aspects of chemical reactions. Thirty beginning science student teachers were tested, with an additional eight interviews from the student teachers in the same sample. The interviews focused on student teachers’ views about how to best teach chemical reactions in lower secondary chemistry classes. The results revealed deficits in the subject matter knowledge of the student teachers. It also became obvious that the teachers in this sample held very traditional and teacher-centred beliefs when it came to chemistry teaching at the secondary level. Their teaching attitudes were geared mainly towards the acquisition of facts by pupils, and often ignored the development of process-oriented skills. Implications for science teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

为了更好地评估职前教师实际教学表现和提高教师教育机构培养质量,美国政府与斯坦福大学联合开发了一套职前教师表现性评价标准体系(edTPA),在评价目的、评价主体、评价框架上具有明确的要求和规定,突破了传统以量化方式评估职前教师教学质量的方式,但在推广实施过程中也面临着一些挑战,对我国职前教师培养和评估改进具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

项目教学法是以项目为核心的教与学的方法。项目教学是一个学习过程和工作过程的动态活动,项目教学质量评价也是一个动态过程,评价所关注的是师生参与项目实施和完成项目的质量,而不仅仅是项目成果。因此,从项目的准备、项目的实施和项目的验收三个动态阶段对教师的教学和学生的学习质量进行监控评价,构建过程性评价与终结性评价相结合的项目教学质量评价体系,摒弃了传统的学科考试评价体系。  相似文献   

化学学科理解是一种学习活动,其主体是高中化学教师,其功能是使教师丰富化学学科教学知识、完善化学学科教学思维、提升化学教学能力,为落实“素养为本”的教学目标做好理解方面的准备。教师应从以下三个方向来增进化学学科理解:既要关注知识的成立条件,又要关注知识的依存条件;既要基于知识内在结构进行完整性理解,又要基于知识结构化进行关联性理解;既要关注知识的科学属性,又要关注知识的实践属性、辩证属性等其他属性。  相似文献   

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