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Social skills of students with special needs play a very important role in their successful integration into inclusive learning environments. The aim of present empirical research was to establish whether students with learning disabilities (LD) attending grades 7–9 of regular primary school in Slovenia experience difficulties in social skills compared to their peers without LD. The following measuring instruments were used: the Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties for Adolescents, the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents and the Self-Concept Scale. The basic research findings indicated statistically significant structural differences between the students with LD and their peers. The two groups differ in terms of difficulties in social interaction. Students with LD experience more difficulties. Statistically significant differences between the groups also appeared in tension and inhibition in social contact and social anxiety, as well as in the area of self-concept: students with LD are more anxious and reserved in social contacts.  相似文献   

为了解职业技术学校学生自我和谐与社会适应不良现状的关系,本研究采用自我和谐量表(SCCS)、社会适应不良量表(SOC)对343名职业学校学生进行调查,然后进行相关分析和回归分析。发现职业学校学生的自我灵活性、自我刻板性、社会适应不良显著高于相对人群;自我的灵活性与社会适应性不良呈负相关;自我与经验的不和谐与社会适应性不良呈正相关;自我的灵活性、自我与经验的不和谐对社会适应性不良有显著回归作用。  相似文献   

The first aim of this study was to evaluate the appropriateness of a short version of the Illinois Loneliness and Social Satisfaction Scale with children with special educational needs. The second aim was to explore loneliness in relation to self‐perceived social integration, school well‐being and the social self‐concept of students from primary and secondary schools, in both inclusive and regular classes. This study had 1,115 student participants (408 fourth graders and 707 seventh graders), of whom 126 were diagnosed as having special educational needs. Factor analyses confirmed a unidimensional latent factor structure. The scale showed satisfactory reliability and the validity coefficients indicated that the scale is suitable for surveys including students with special educational needs. Generally speaking, the level of self‐rated loneliness is low. Nevertheless, students with special educational needs in inclusive classes felt significantly lonelier than students without special educational needs in inclusive classes.  相似文献   

采用领悟社会支持量表、心理资本量表和生涯适应力量表对2934名高职新生进行调查,探究高职新生生涯适应力特点及心理资本在高职新生领悟社会支持与生涯适应力间的中介作用。结果表明:高职新生生涯适应力处于中等偏上水平,男生生涯适应力显著高于女生,理工类专业学生生涯适应力显著高于人文类专业学生,城市生源学生在生涯控制和生涯自信维度上显著高于农村生源学生;高职新生领悟社会支持、心理资本与生涯适应力两两之间存在显著正相关;心理资本在高职新生领悟社会支持对生涯适应力的影响中发挥完全中介作用。结论:高职新生领悟社会支持对生涯适应力的影响是通过心理资本产生的,教育工作者应以心理资本为抓手,全方位培育高职新生的希望、乐观、自信和韧性特质,从而促进其生涯适应力水平的提升。  相似文献   

Social anxiety has been linked with adverse consequences for adolescents in education, including low self-efficacy, poor academic attainment and difficulties with social functioning. However, studies have not considered the phenomenon from an educator’s point of view. We set out to explore the perceptions of secondary school teachers concerning socially anxious adolescents and the implications of social anxiety for their learning and development. Seven secondary school teachers in the north west of England took part in semi-structured interviews focused on their lived experiences of supporting socially anxious adolescents. The findings suggest that educators perceive social anxiety to have the potential to be persistent and debilitating, impeding learning and development. The findings also demonstrate that teachers are aware of social anxiety and supportive strategies, but face difficulties in disentangling different anxious behaviours and providing differentiation. Conclusions indicate that recurring professional development and teacher training surrounding anxieties and comorbid behaviour may alleviate negative consequences for learning and development.  相似文献   

基于中等职业教育基础性转向的政策背景,通过对全国10660位中职生的问卷调查,研究了影响我国中职生升学的若干因素。研究发现:中职生具有很高的升学意愿,且以本科为主要期望学历;毕业班和学习自我效能感强的中职生更可能选择升学;学生干部身份和学校生涯教育质量会影响中职生升学意愿;家庭对中职生升学与否的影响主要体现在经济、文化和社会资本,但影响方式和程度与普高生存在差异;对省域中职升学政策的了解和认同会促进学生升学,而对就业市场和本科招生政策的了解和认同会削弱中职生升学意愿。基于此,未来应从职教本科办学规模、高等职业教育招考机制、央地项目设置、公共财政兜底、生涯教育和升学指导等方面优化中职升学环境。  相似文献   

为探讨农村留守初中生自尊与自杀意念的关系,以及领悟社会支持在其间的中介作用和性别的调节作用,采用自尊量表、青少年领悟社会支持量表和青少年自杀意念量表对513名辽宁省农村留守初中生进行问卷调查。研究结果表明:自杀意念与自尊、领悟社会支持呈显著负相关,自尊与领悟社会支持呈显著正相关;自尊显著负向预测自杀意念,领悟社会支持在自尊与自杀意念之间起部分中介作用;自尊对自杀意念的影响受到性别的调节,相对于女生而言,男生的自尊对自杀意念的作用更为显著。因此,可通过自尊提升训练及提高领悟社会支持等角度来促进农村初中生的积极心理,减少自杀意念的产生。  相似文献   

为探讨初中聋生社会适应行为与主观幸福感状况及两者之间的关系,本研究采用主观幸福感量表和中学聋生社会适应量表对145名在校初中聋生进行调查。结果发现:初中聋生主观幸福感的总体情况好于中等水平;初中聋生社会适应行为总体状况低于中等水平;在社会适应行为的四个维度中,学业能力、寻求社会支持、亲社会行为与生活满意度、正性情感存在显著正相关,与负性情感存在显著负相关;学业能力是生活满意度与正性情感最主要的预测因素,且起显著的正向预测作用,具有跨年级的稳定性;寻求社会支持、亲社会行为也对生活满意度起着正向预测作用。  相似文献   

以探讨性格倾向、社交效能感与社交焦虑的关系为目的,采用社交焦虑量表(IAS)、艾森克人格问卷简式量表(EPQ-RSC)、大学生社交效能感问卷,对148名大学生进行问卷调查。结果表明:不同性格类型在社交焦虑、社交效能感的得分上存在显著差异(F=41.172,P<.001;F=51.582,P<.001);性格倾向、社交效能感均负向预测社交焦虑(β1=-.151,β2=-.317);社交效能感在性格倾向与社交焦虑之间的部分中介效应为总效应的60.7%。进而得出结论:性格倾向、社交效能感是影响社交焦虑的因素,社交效能感在性格倾向与社交焦虑之间发挥重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

Twenty students from different educational backgrounds within the UK were interviewed to investigate how well they considered their secondary school education had prepared them for the educational and social demands of an ‘elite’ university and life within its most traditional colleges. The study asked them how they perceived students from different educational backgrounds and how they thought they were perceived. Entering a traditional Cambridge college was found to be easiest for students from prestigious ‘public schools’ within the private educational sector. State school students were more likely to experience anxiety, and those who adapted successfully were likely to have strong independent learning skills and a robust sense of self-efficacy. The study suggests that students coming from state schools to Cambridge are making a more difficult academic and social transition than students from private schools, for which they are given no special support.  相似文献   

In the present study, the relationship between students with and without learning disabilities (LD) and different aspects of test anxiety was examined on a new multidimensional measure of test anxiety. A sample of 774 elementary and secondary school students--195 students with LD and 579 students not identified with LD--completed the Test Anxiety Inventory for Children and Adolescents (TAICA), a new multidimensional measure of test anxiety for elementary and secondary school students in Grades 4 through 12. Examination of the factor structure of the TAICA scores across LD status to determine whether accurate test score interpretation was possible revealed that the majority of the coefficient of congruence values between each pair of six corresponding factors of the TAICA (Cognitive Obstruction/ Inattention, Performance Enhancement/Facilitation Anxiety, Physiological Hyperarousal, Social Humiliation, Worry, and Lie) and the Total Test Anxiety factor were above .90, and the salient variable similarity index values were statistically significant, suggesting that the factor structure of the TAICA was similar across groups. The results of seven multiple regression analyses revealed that LD predicted higher Cognitive Obstruction/Inattention and Worry scores and lower Performance Enhancement/Facilitation Anxiety and Lie scores. Implications of the findings for school personnel who work with students with LD are discussed.  相似文献   

为考察社交焦虑在社会排斥与大学生网络偏差行为之间的中介效应以及网络消极情绪体验的调节效应,使用社会排斥量表、社交焦虑量表、网络消极情绪体验量表与网络偏差行为量表对822名大学生进行调查。结果显示:(1)社会排斥显著正向预测大学生网络偏差行为;(2)社交焦虑在社会排斥与网络偏差行为的关系中起部分中介作用;(3)网络消极情绪体验调节了社会排斥对大学生网络偏差行为这一中介过程的后半段路径。社会排斥对大学生网络偏差行为的影响是有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

以梁山县780名高中生为研究被试,以高中生物理学习自我效能感量表为工具,测查了高中生物理学习自我效能感水平,探讨了不同性别、年级和成绩水平的高中生的物理学习自我效能感差异。结果表明:(1)目前梁山县高中生物理学习的自我效能感水平一般。(2)高中生物理学习自我效能感存在显著的性别差异,男生高于女生,年级差异不显著;(3)不同成绩水平高中生的物理学习自我效能感差异显著。  相似文献   

为探究社会支持、自我效能感和大学生利他行为的关系,采用社会支持评定量表、一般自我效能感量表、大学生利他行为量表对10所高校的1995名大学生进行调查。结果显示:(1)大学生利他行为低于理论中值,自我效能感高于理论中值,获得社会支持比较高;(2)社会支持、自我效能感和大学生利他行为之间均呈现显著正相关;(3)自我效能感在社会支持与利他行为之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

通过对233名高职学生进行问卷调查和统计分析,探讨了高职学生学习倦怠的影响因素并得出高职学生的学习倦怠水平较高(超过60分);学业自我效能感、学习压力、社会支持与高职学生的学习倦怠存在密切关系。  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities (LD) are attending postsecondary education more than ever, but are also less likely to complete their education compared to non-LD peers. Using the Inputs–Environment–Outcomes model of Astin, we examined students with LD and non-LD peers during their first year of postsecondary studies. Using structural equation modeling, we found that for all students, perceived academic ability had a positive direct effect on outcomes, whereas drive to achieve had only an indirect effect. Academic integration was important for grade point average and satisfaction. Social integration was important for the acquisition of knowledge and skills and satisfaction, and these connections were stronger for students with LD. Our discussion highlights potential supports for students with LD.  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional study examined the perceptions of social support reported by middle‐school students with multiple learning disabilities (LD) (reading + math) in inclusive settings. Comparison groups included youths with a learning disability in reading only (RD), mathematics only (MD), and no LD (i.e., normally achieving) (NA). One hundred twenty middle‐school students, 15 boys and 15 girls in each group, were included in the current study. Participants were surveyed using an established measure of perceived social support. Effect size differences and MANOVA were used in the data analyses. Learning disability type explained 21% ( p < .001) of the variance in perceptions of parent, classmate, and friend support. Students with multiple LD (RD + MD) reported the lowest perceived social support on these dependent variables. Follow‐up analyses revealed that eighth‐grade boys reported the lowest perceived parent support and that boys in general reported lower perceived friend support than girls. Sixth‐grade students with multiple LD reported the lowest perceived friend support, and sixth‐grade males reported the lowest perceived teacher support. Implications for practicing school psychologists and recommendations for future research are discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 197–209, 2006.  相似文献   

目的:探讨领悟社会支持和应对方式在自我肯定与生命质量之间的作用机制。方法:采用一般健康问卷、领悟社会支持量表、特质应对方式问卷、TDL生命质量测定表对319名高职学生进行调查。结论:高职学生的自我肯定、领悟社会支持和积极应对与生命质量显著正相关,消极应对与生命质量显著负相关;领悟社会支持和积极应对、消极应对在自我肯定与生命质量之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

Learning problems, anger, perceived control, and misbehavior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fifty-four students diagnosed as having learning disabilities (LD) and 73 students in regular education were administered the School Anger Inventory and the Perceived Control at School Scale. Teachers and parents rated student deportment and motivation. Predictably, those in the LD sample indicated higher school anger levels and were rated as exhibiting more negative behavior, less positive behavior, and lower motivation for on-task performance. The samples did not differ in their ratings of perceived control, which was moderate, and were given comparable positive teacher ratings for recall of relevant and interesting material. Significant correlations between school anger and behavior were found only in the LD sample, and there was no significant overall relationship between school anger, behavior, and perceived control within either sample. Overall, however, students who reported both a high level of anger and high perceived control were found to exhibit more negative behavior than those with high anger and low perceived control.  相似文献   

采用大学生学习倦怠量表和社会支持评定量表,对601名高职学生进行问卷调查,结果显示,高职学生的学习倦怠水平较高,高职学生学习倦怠总分及其三个维度和社会支持总分及其三个维度之间均存在显著的负相关,高职学生的社会支持对学习倦怠具有显著的预测作用,增加其社会支持,可以预防和减轻学习倦怠。  相似文献   

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