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为了提高从web中挖掘数据记录的精确性和完整性,提出了同构页与目录页的概念及3个算法.如果一组网页结构相同,只是主信息不同,该网页称为同构页.一个包含有多个指向同构页连接的网页称为目录页.算法1用于发现目录页,它首先将连接排序,并对同一目录的链接记数,如果记数大于某一给定阀值,则对其链接子页进行相似比较并得到结果.同时给出了一个网页相似度判断的函数.算法2采用了噪声信息过滤方法从同构页中挖掘主信息并得到数据记录,该算法是基于在2个同构页中噪声信息相同而只有主信息不同.算法3通过采用Spider技术可以实现从整个网站中自动挖掘数据记录.实验表明所提算法比已有算法可挖掘更完整的数据记录.从同构页中挖掘数据记录是一种有效的方法.  相似文献   

为解决大规模本体理解问题,提出了一个从复杂网络分析的角度研究大规模本体结构信息和重要概念挖掘的方法.通过将基因本体的各种视图转换为网络进行全面分析,证明了整个基因本体具有明显的复杂网络特征,尤其是"小世界特性"和"无标度特性";但其子本体的复杂网络特性没有这么明显,往往只具有"无标度特性"而没有"小世界特性".同时,利用网络分析中常用的节点重要性度量算法对本体中的重要概念进行挖掘.在此基础上,提出了基于MEDLINE信息检索结果的概念重要性评价算法,评估几种节点重要性算法用于本体重要概念挖掘任务的正确性.实验结果表明介数中心性算法在各种节点重要性度量算法中最适合于本体重要概念挖掘.  相似文献   

Web中存在着大量的、丰富的超链接.挖掘链接结构可以有助于提高Web信息检索的精度、发现潜在的Web社区.全面分析了基于Web链接结构的挖掘算法及其优缺点.并对挖掘算法在Web潜在社区发现中的应用作了探讨.  相似文献   

关联规则是数据挖掘的重要内容之一.Apriori算法是关联规则挖掘的经典算法,本文对Apriori算法和改进后的FP-Growth算法进行了深入的研究,并以实际的案例进行了算法解析,通过对两种算法的比较与分析,选择FP-Growth算法应用到毕业生信息管理系统中,从大量的毕业生信息出发,找出就业信息与教育信息之间的关系,从而为决策者提供指导或数据支持,指导目前的专业建设、课程改革,促进学校的教学改革,提高人才培养质量.  相似文献   

信息技术课程中算法学习的价值探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
算法是信息技术处理信息的核心之一,也是信息技术课程的教学内容之一.在中小学教育中,当我们摒弃传统的计算机语言教学,转而将算法与程序设计作为学生信息素养培养的一部分内容以后,应该如何来认识与理解算法的教育价值是一个值得研究的问题.本文从算法思维的角度,在问题求解思维、形式化思维、人机共存思维三方面进行了探索,以期挖掘算法学习的教育价值.  相似文献   

通过对Apriori算法的分析与研究,指出其在实用中存在的主要问题,提出改进算法.最后将算法应用到教育信息挖掘中,发现一些有价值的规则,为学校的教育决策和教学管理提供有指导意义的信息.  相似文献   

详细了分析传统关联规则Apriori算法的不足,提出了一种改进的关联规则快速挖掘算法。针对当前高校招生录取后大量考生流失问题,使用该算法对某地区考生信息进行数理分析和仿真实验,挖掘了隐含的有用信息,为高校招生录取提供决策性的作用。  相似文献   

为提高计算机网络通信安全极限特征挖掘能力,提出基于改进鱼群算法的网络通信安全极限挖掘技术。构建通信多径传输信道模型,均衡控制网络通信安全的自适应信道,采用多径滤波和自相关匹配检测方法进行码间干扰抑制,建立网络通信安全极限信道容量参数估计模型,结合改进的鱼群算法进行极限信息挖掘,并利用模糊信息聚类方法对挖掘结果进行自适应寻优。实验结果表明,所提方法准确性以及信道均衡性更优,提高了网络通信的安全性。  相似文献   

频繁项目集挖掘是数据挖掘应用研究的一个重要研究内容.文章在FP-Growth算法的基础上,提出了一种基于集合的频繁项目集挖掘算法,该算法直接对FP-tree进行挖掘,不需要产生节点的条件模式基,因此在挖掘频繁模式集时节省了空间和时间,提高了算法的执行效率.最后对该算法进行了实例分析.  相似文献   

基于PrefixSpan思想的序列模式增量挖掘算法,对更新数据库的频繁模式分三类进行挖掘,利用了原频繁模式基的信息,对局部新增数据进行挖掘,只在候选集的处理中对更新数据库扫描一次。实验表明,该方法与直接用PrefixSpan算法对更新数据库挖掘相比,性能上有较大的提高。  相似文献   

樊宁 《教育技术导刊》2010,9(3):145-146
利用Web数据挖掘技术从中找出潜在的规律或信息以提高电子商务企业的竞争力是一个迫在眉睫的问题。主要对Web数据挖掘的步骤和基于Web的数据挖掘的5种主要方法及应用进行了详细的研究。  相似文献   

因特网上有海量的数据信息,数据挖掘是从大量的数据中发现隐含的规律性内容,充分利用有用数据,废弃无用数据,解决数据的应用质量问题。通过对Web的数据挖掘和XML特点进行分析,讨论了使用XML实现基于Web的数据挖掘方法,提出了一种结合HTML、XMLJ、AVA的新型数据挖掘技术。  相似文献   

论职业教育的术科导向   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
从词源分析入手,进行学术分解,厘清学术分野,探讨学术分野与教育分类的关系,可以找出职业教育与普通教育内在的导向区别点.基于这种思路,职业教育与普通教育"学科导向"真正的区别点应当是"术科导向".术科导向是职业教育的本质特征,其有助于职业教育实现内涵性发展,应当以此为切入点深入进行教育层次和类型的分析研究,但术科建设任重道远.  相似文献   

Although a wealth of research has shown that financial aid reduces hurdles to college enrollment, much less is known about how students react to the common occurrence of losing aid midway through their college careers. Using longitudinal data on two cohorts of Tennessee public college students and regression discontinuity designs centered around merit-based HOPE scholarship renewal benchmarks, we find that losing one’s scholarship results in a small degree of detachment from college and a rise in earnings of about 14 cents per dollar of lost aid. We see no local impact, however, on timely degree completion, which implies that HOPE loss may have merely accelerated a small number of students’ migration out of college. It remains to be seen how students fare farther below the renewal threshold, or whether they are better off for having had the HOPE scholarship at all, albeit for a short time.  相似文献   

Discipline-based education research (DBER) is an emergent, interdisciplinary field of scholarship aimed at understanding and improving discipline-specific teaching and learning. The number of DBER faculty members in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) departments has grown rapidly in recent years. Because the interdisciplinary nature of DBER involves social science, senior STEM faculty members may find it challenging to evaluate the quality or impact of DBER scholarship. This essay aims to address this issue by providing guidance on evaluating the scholarly accomplishments of DBER faculty members in a way that is useful to departmental colleagues and administrators during the tenure and promotion evaluation process.  相似文献   


At a time of intense interest in third level teaching in the Ireland, the UK, and the US, this paper describes an effort underway at University College Cork (UCC) to foster a new kind of scholarship, a scholarship of teaching and learning. Although impelled by the announcement in 2001 of an award for Excellence in Teaching at UCC, the project was framed by ideas first outlined by Ernest Boyer (1990) in his provocative book, Scholarship Reconsidered. This paper describes how Boyer's concept of a “scholarship of teaching” was implemented at UCC through a reflective portfolio inquiry process; presents the value and meanings staff say they find in engaging in a portfolio process; and, concludes with a consideration of the sometimes sobering institutional implications of this work. This case study of an institutions experience is one contribution to an evolving genre currently being invented: a new way of capturing and conveying the knowledge of teaching.  相似文献   

李钦业是一位不想当作家的散文作家,他的散文汲汲以求的是为自我生存营造诗意化的世界.20多年来他如燕子衔泥结巢,建构着一个学人的精神家园.自20世纪八十年代至今,他先后发表散文近百篇.他的散文饱含诗情,以学者气浓,文化品位高著称.  相似文献   

This paper provides detailed evidence regarding the nature of selection into a school voucher system. We use micro-data on scholarship applications matched with state student-level records on test scores, schools attended, and demographic background characteristics to describe the attributes of students who choose to participate in Florida's Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship Program, a means-tested scholarship program that is the largest of its type in the United States. We find evidence that those who choose to participate in the program tend to be lower-performing students from poorly performing schools, and that students of different backgrounds tend to choose different types of private schools. Students participating in the program tend to select schools that have more white students and fewer minority students, regardless of student race.  相似文献   

鲁枢元先生长期从事文学批评及文学理论的教学与研究,在创作心理学、文学言语学、精神生态学诸领域均有开拓性研究。贯穿其文论研究的主线是对人与自然始终如一的热切关注。其治学特点表现为:面对时代提出的现实问题,及时发现学术新的生长点,从学科的特点出发,致力于文艺跨学科研究的实验。他论及的学术话题常常引发热烈的反响,这源于其常常是具有边缘性与前瞻性的文艺观念。同时,鲁枢元先生还以他曲折的学术生涯,展现出其诚实、敏锐的治学风格。  相似文献   

Debates about the role of the university in society have been going on for many decades. There have been several calls for a more “engaged” form of scholarship which applies itself consciously to the pursuit of applied knowledge which can contribute towards solving some of the most pressing societal challenges. Closer collaboration between universities and community groups has been identified as a central component of this form of scholarship. This paper interrogates the literature on the role of universities in society, with a specific focus on university-community partnerships, and discusses the experience of the Philippi CityLab in Cape Town, South Africa to shed some light on the complexities, challenges and rewards of university-community interactions. The case of the Philippi CityLab confirms many of the pre-requisites for “successful” collaboration between universities and communities as identified in the literature. The paper argues that the ideal of a more engaged scholarship is certainly worth pursuing and that there is no doubt that South African universities do have a role to play in terms of working with communities to find workable solutions to the myriad of development challenges which they face. However, the experience of the Philippi CityLab also shows that stakeholders should not be naïve about the time, effort and investment which these kinds of engagements require and the difficulty of establishing, maintaining and sustaining genuine, mutually beneficial university-community collaborations. Furthermore, a truly engaged scholarship requires a significant transformation of the institutional context within universities in order to not only facilitate and support, but also reward research which seek closer collaboration between universities and communities.  相似文献   

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