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学习数学的过程就是数学语言不断内化、形成、运用的过程.学生准确、灵活地掌握了数学语言,就等于掌握了进行数学思维、数学表达和交流的工具.在课堂教学中,教师应构建起数学表达的范式,架起书本知识和学生思维之间的桥梁,把对学生数学语言表达能力的培养作为一个重要的教学目标,渗透到每一个教学环节.  相似文献   

聚焦数学核心素养发展的课堂会让学生走得更远.数学表达是一种聚焦学生数学核心素养发展,让学生走得更远的教学实践范式.以“认识不等式”一课的教学片断为例,展示了从数学表达视角下对初中数学概念教学进行设计,通过数学表达及转换助力学生思维显性化,从而使学生不仅掌握了扎实的数学基础知识,更通过数学表达发促使深度学习发生从而切实地形成数学素养.  相似文献   

数学语言是表达数学思想的专门语言,具有抽象性、准确性、筒约性和形式化等特点.加强数学语言教学对提高数学阅读能力、数学表达及交流能力具有重要作用.数学语言分为符号语言、文字语言和图表语言,三类语言之间的相互转换在数学语言学习中占有重要地位.在数学教学中,要加强数学语言的意义理解和表达,达成数学学习的最终目标.  相似文献   

<聋校数学教学大纲>指出:"数学教学要注意培养和发展学生的语言能力."笔者认为:这里的"语言能力"不能简单地理解为一般意义上的语言能力.它更多地指向"数学语言能力".数学语言是表达数学思想的专门语言,具有准确、严密、简明等特点,加强数学语言教学对提高聋生数学阅读能力、表达能力及解决问题的能力有着重要的作用.  相似文献   

学习数学的过程就是数学语言不断内化、形成、运用的过程。学生准确、灵活地掌握了数学语言,就等于掌握了进行数学思维、数学表达和交流的工具。在课堂教学中,教师应构建起数学表达的范式,架起书本知识和学生思维之间的桥梁,把对学生数学语言表达能力的培养作为一个重要的教学目标,渗透到每一个教学环节。  相似文献   

高职数学教学改革中若干问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改革现行高职数学教学模式,探索新的教学方法和教学手段,对于提高高职数学教学质量具有十分重要的意义.转变数学教育思想、更新教学观念是高职数学教学改革成功的关键;深化教学内容改革是体现高职教育特色的必然要求;紧密结合专业特色,注意学生的数学基础和思维情况,注意传授学习方法,培养学生的自学能力是高职数学教学改革中亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

<语文课程标准>指出:"要利用语文教学各个环节有意识地培养学生的听说能力."语言是交流的工具,口语表达是语文学科工具性的一个重要体现.在教学中培养学生口语表达能力,是语文课堂教学的一项重要的任务.注重开发课程资源对学生口语表达的提高具有积极的影响和重要的作用.  相似文献   

孕育数学的符号思想,向学生培养和渗透数学符号意识,培养学生的符号感是数学教学的应有之义.数学符号对简化事实表达、促进学生思考、建立数学模型等具有重要的意义和价值.实践中,通过符号理解、符号表达和符号运用,能够让学生形成初步的符号感,激活学生的符号思维.  相似文献   

在小学数学教学中引导学生进行数学表达,是促进学生数学思考、培养学生表达能力、支持学生深度学习的有效手段。为了能够充分发挥出数学表达在学生学习过程中的积极作用,教师应该采用鼓舞激励,树立学生数学表达的自信心;互动交流,给予学生数学表达的话语权;重视评价,提升学生数学表达的有效性等引导策略。  相似文献   

在中国全面深化课程改革的今天,培育中小学生核心素养成为课堂教学的重要目标.核心素养是学生在接受相应学段的教育过程中,逐步形成的适应个人终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力.研究旨在阐述数学教学在"教思考、教体验、教表达"(简称"三教")的教育理念下,重在培养学生的数学思维、促进学生的数学领悟、强化学生的数学交流,并最终培育学生的数学核心素养;在此基础上进一步阐述了"三教"之间的逻辑关系.  相似文献   

张侨平 《课程.教材.教法》2021,41(1):105-109,137
普及教育推行以来,处理课堂中学生的学习差异一直是一个世界性的课题。在数学科,按照数学问题或习题的难度进行分层教学是一贯的做法,期望不同能力的学生逐阶而上。然而,激发学生的数学思考,提供不同学生更多的学习机会,是处理差异化教学的关键。在面对混合能力的大班教学中,运用数学开放问题,结合平行练习任务进行分层教学或是一条有效的处理学生数学学习差异的途径。  相似文献   

数学课堂规范包括支配课堂的一般社会规范和围绕特定数学交互的数学规范.数学课堂规范的特征有:数学课堂规范是"预成性"和"生成性"统一的结果;学生数学观念影响数学课堂规范的发展;社会规范和数学课堂规范之间有差异;创生数学课堂规范就是创造一种信任和尊重的学习气氛.做数学的新规范和标准也需面对传统教学方式的桎梏,学生数学观的局限性,以及数学参与公正性等的挑战性和复杂性。  相似文献   

“数学化”是近年西方学者提出的一个概念 ,指师生在数学教学过程中共同努力、相互作用 ,使儿童准确理解各种数学表达或运算所需的规则和准则 ,最终形成儿童自身关于各种物体和情境的数学模式。本文以对数学课堂教学的大量观察为基础 ,阐述“数学化”的含义和过程 ,分析影响“数学化”顺利进行的社会因素和心理因素 ,并为数学教学提出一些建设性的建议。这对于我国数学基础教育中儿童数学能力的培养及思维的发展有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

学生学习的关键能力主要表现为阅读能力、思考能力和表达能力。数学关键能力主要表现为数学的阅读能力、运用数学知识的思考能力、借助数学知识的表达能力。为此,在小学数学课堂教学中实施“读思达”教学模式,以提升学生学习数学的关键能力。  相似文献   

Although skilled mathematics teachers and teacher educators often “know” when interruptions in the flow of a lesson provide an opportunity to modify instruction to improve students’ mathematical understanding, others, particularly novice teachers, often fail to recognize or act on such moments. These pivotal teaching moments (PTMs), however, are key to instruction that builds on student thinking about mathematics. Video of beginning secondary school mathematics teachers’ instruction was analyzed to identify and characterize PTMs in mathematics lessons and to examine the relationships among the PTMs, the teachers’ decisions in response to them, and the likely impacts on student learning. These data were used to develop a preliminary framework for helping teachers learn to identify and respond to PTMs that occur during their instruction. The results of this exploratory study highlight the importance of teacher education preparing teachers to (a) understand the mathematical terrain their students are traversing, (b) notice high-leverage student mathematical thinking, and (c) productively act on that thinking. This preparation would improve beginning teachers’ abilities to act in ways that would increase their students’ mathematical understanding.  相似文献   

The Common Core State Standards provide teachers with a framework of necessary mathematics skills across grades K‐12, which vary considerably from previous mathematics standards. In this article, we discuss concerns about the implications of the Common Core for students with mathematics difficulties (MD), given that students with MD, by definition, struggle with mathematical skills. We suggest that instruction centered on the Common Core will be challenging and may lead to problematic outcomes for this population. We propose that working on foundational skills related to the Common Core standards is a necessary component of mathematics instruction for students with MD, and we provide teachers with a framework for working on foundational skills concurrent with the Common Core standards. We caution, however, that implementation of the Common Core is in its infancy, and the implications of the Common Core for students with MD need to be monitored carefully.  相似文献   

This study utilized discourse-based instruction as an alternative method of instruction that emphasizes the teaching of mathematics by actively engaging students in mathematical discourse practices. A quasi-experimental study was employed to determine the effectiveness of mathematical discourse-based instruction in enhancing eleventh-grade students’ conceptual and procedural understanding of probability and statistics. A researcher-constructed test instrument was used for data collection from the experimental and control groups. The data analysis performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the experimental group outperformed the control groups in terms of conceptual and procedural knowledge. Furthermore, the results suggest that discourse-based instruction when appropriately designed and implemented can increase students’ understanding of mathematical topics.  相似文献   

In 1997, the Ontario government, like many other jurisdictions, undertook systemic reform of their elementary school mathematics programme, developing a new mathematics curriculum, report card, and province‐wide assessment. The curricular reform embodied a new vision of mathematics learning and instruction that emphasized instruction using challenging problems, the student construction of multiple solution methods, and mathematical communication and defence of ideas. While the design of the original large‐scale assessment incorporated much of the latest research and theory on effective practices at that time, these traditional item development and scoring practices no longer adequately assess mathematics achievement in reform‐inspired classrooms. The difficulties of marrying traditional assessment practices with a reform‐inspired curriculum could be addressed by creating a construct definition from the recent research findings on students’ mathematical development in reform‐inspired classrooms. The importance, challenges and implications of redefining the construct on the basis of existing research on students’ mathematical development, as well as collapsing the traditional content‐by‐process matrix for item development, are explored.  相似文献   

运用数学方法论指导中小学数学课堂教学是提高教学效率的一个有效途径,恰当运用数学方法论有利于加深学生对知识的理解和记忆,有利于发展学生的数学能力特别是创新能力和应用数学的能力,有利于节省讲授时间,有利于提高学生探究问题的效率。  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of cognitive strategy instruction (CSI) on mathematical word problem solving of students with mathematics disabilities. A sample of fourth-grade students in a Chinese primary school was divided into a treatment group (75 students) and a comparison group (75 students). The sample consisted of students with mathematics disabilities only, students with both mathematics and reading disabilities, as well as average- and high-achieving students. Results showed that students at all ability levels (except high-achieving students) in the treatment group outperformed significantly their counterparts in the comparison group; the intervention effect was stronger for students with mathematics disabilities only than for those with both mathematics and reading disabilities. The present study indicates that CSI is a contextually and pedagogically appropriate model that has a strong potential to improve mathematical word problem solving.  相似文献   

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