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学术休假思想起源于犹太民族周期性和长时间集中休假的神话故事。学术休假制度作为一种教师发展制度则首创于19世纪的哈佛大学。为了历史地、全面地了解这种高校教师发展制度,本文详细阐述了美国学术休假制度的起源、涵义与构成要素、价值导向、内容规定以及运作过程,并展望了其未来发展的着力点,即未来的学术休假制度将会引导教师关注和投入教学,同时将加强对休假教师的问责力度。  相似文献   

张秀红 《教育》2012,(17):30
吉林大学推出"学术休假"等一系列学校科研制度改革的消息公布后,一时激起教师的学术创造力,缓解教师的职业倦怠等问题,再次成为教育界关注的焦点。追溯学术休假的缘由资料显示,"学术休假"是美国高校对教师科研的平衡制度,是指高校教  相似文献   

学术休假制度(sabbatical)是指大学教师在大学工作到一定年限后暂时离开教学或与大学经营相关的工作,获得一定假期,在此假期内到国内外其他机构从事研究或者学术交流,以此来提高自身学术水平的一种制度。本文以中日大学学术休假制度的比较为例,通过对此制度的介绍和现状分析,以期给中国高校相关制度的教育研究改革提供些参考。一、日本国立大学学术休假制度本文选择了几所日本大学的学术休假制度作如下的总结归纳。(一)资格和休假期间获得学术休假首先要具备一定的资格,休假长短也有明确规定。东京大学的规定是作为本校教师连续工作年限每7…  相似文献   

夏丽 《文教资料》2006,(27):181-182
学术自由思想在美国发展的历史是一个充满斗争和分歧的历史。它主要经历了学术自由思想的孕育、确立和制度化三个阶段,从而使学术自由思想在美国大学中根深蒂固。美国大学学术自由的一个突出特征是学术自由与教授终身聘任制紧密结合。终身聘任制已经成为保障美国大学教师享受学术自由的制度性工具;成为对大学教师学术生涯脆弱性的制度性保护;成为大学与教师营建共荣共生关系的一种制度性纽带。  相似文献   

正在发达国家的大学,学术休假是一项基本制度,这一制度给教师一段"休假"时间,既可以一定程度缓解职业倦怠感,又可以自由支配这段时间做自己感兴趣的研究,近年来,国外一些学者就利用学术休假时间来我国内地高校做访问学者,共同开展研究。我国政府部门也早已认识到学术休假制度的积极意义。《2002-2005年全国人才队伍建设规划纲要》明确提出,要实施学术休假制度。2012年,教育部下发《关于全面提高高等教育质量的若干意  相似文献   

美国大学评议会制度探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国大学评议会制度的产生伴随着美国大学学术队伍力量的壮大和教师专业化程度的加强,已成为了大学学术管理的主体力量。学术评议会的成立、机构设置、人员构成,以及职能部门的运行都有一系列的法和规章制度作为依据。总体来看,教师评议会制度已经相当成熟,并且成为全体教师有效参与大学治理的制度保障。  相似文献   

作为市场驱动型的高等教育系统,美国大学教师聘任制的制度设计充分体现了市场机制的作用。与此同时,在大学中,学术职业有着自己独特的、与其任教大学机构相关的纪律、职业和物质利益。因此,美国大学教师聘任制在市场机制的作用下,在强调学术生产率的同时,通过基于学术自由的理念和学术共同体的内部规范长期发展起来的有效的学术管理机制,形成了在市场高度竞争的学术环境中对学术职业利益的一种保护和制衡机制。在这两种机制之间维持一种张力正是美国大学教师聘任制成功并为其他国家所借鉴的重要原因。  相似文献   

研究生导师学术休假制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对建立导师学术休假的必要性以及我国导师学术休假的现状进行了分析,重点介绍了构建导师学术休假制度的实施策略,总结了为建立具有中国大学特色的学术休假制度而需逐步营造的导师学术休假的政策环境。  相似文献   

学术自由权利是保障大学教师从事知识创新与探索活动的基本权利,美国的终身教职制、教师工会与集体谈判、黑名单制度较好地协调和解决了美国大学教师学术自由权利保障问题,促进了美国高等教育的发展和繁荣。对其制度进行分析,以期促进中国大学教师学术自由权利保障。  相似文献   

学术自由和参与院校管理是目前美国高等院校教师权利的主要内容。上述权利的获得离不开美国大学教授协会(AAUP)的努力。美国大学教授协会不仅制定了教师学术自由和终身聘任以及参与院校管理的制度规范,而且还采取切实措施,保障这些制度的落实。  相似文献   

The purposes of the study were to obtain and analyze data on the need for, and desired characteristics of, faculty in deaf education at American institutions of higher education (IHEs), and to assess the present and projected status of doctoral-level teacher preparation programs in deaf education at American IHEs. Program directors and coordinators provided information on current and projected faculty openings, the number of active doctoral students, faculty research interests, program strengths, and needs in the field. Results indicated a pending shortage due to faculty retirements and a paucity of doctoral-level graduates. Most faculty listed literacy and language as a primary research interest as well as a program strength. The ability to generate new knowledge through research was found to be less desirable for future faculty than teaching ability. Suggestions for improving doctoral preparation and moving the field to evidence-based practices are provided.  相似文献   

Universities attempt to hire the highest quality faculty they can, but they are not always successful at retaining them. Furthermore, some faculty members who do remain may not function as engaging colleagues who make others want to stay. This study investigates why some faculty members leave and why others stay by illuminating the complexities of individual experiences. Using semi-structured interviews rather than surveys, a matched cohort of 123 faculty members (half current and half former) from one institution was interviewed. Although some of their primary reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction (e.g., collegiality, mentoring) were predicted by general survey research, there were also unforeseeable issues that strongly influenced satisfaction and decisions to stay or leave, demonstrating the importance of institution-specific research. This paper provides a method for collecting institution-specific information as well as several arguments for conducting interviews instead of pre-defined surveys.  相似文献   

Since 2004, we have offered a postgraduate training program in aging research for social work faculty from across the country. The overarching goal of the program is to expand the pool of social work faculty engaged in aging research. This, in turn, will reinvigorate participants' teaching; prepare them to update aging-related content in the curriculum, with special emphasis on cultural diversity and methodological issues; and enhance their ability to motivate new generations of students to pursue the study of aging. Program design includes an initial 8-day institute in Summer I; ongoing consultation, update meetings at several national conventions, and a 4-day midyear meeting during the intervening year; and a follow-up institute during Summer II. Between 2004 and 2009, seven cohorts of social work faculty (with 14–15 members in each cohort) participated in the program. More than 40 percent of the participants were from communities of color including African American, Hispanic American, Native American, and Asian American. This article reports the results of initial evaluation from two most recent cohorts (Cohort 6 and Cohort 7). In addition, it reports the results of a follow-up study we conducted in June 2010 on cohorts 1–5. Key lessons learned in offering the program are also shared.  相似文献   

From the program faculty of St. Scholastica's National Institute on Aging Summer Institute on the Psychology of Aging, 7 members responded to a series of questions posed to them in individual telephone interviews. They represented a wide range of disciplinary interests and institutions. Their motivation for participation, their advice for both program participants and others at similar institutions, and their sense of the niches that could be filled by aging research conducted at primarily undergraduate teaching institutions differed among the faculty in provocative ways. At the same time, their positive experiences with the program, willingness to return, and respect and admiration for its goals and its director were very apparent. This suggests that programs such as this might provide opportunities for faculty development, with benefits extending also to the faculty who bring their expertise to the program. The motivations and benefits mentioned are consistent with those identified in the mentoring literature. The results suggest that programs such as this can provide opportunities for faculty development, with benefits also extending to the program faculty who bring their expertise to such a program.  相似文献   

A causal model of faculty turnover intentions   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
A causal model is proposed and estimated to assess the relative influence of individual attributes, institutional characteristics, contextual-work environment variables, and multiple measures of job satisfaction on the intentions of faculty to leave their current institutions. Special attention is given to similarities and differences among variables in the model for tenured and untenured faculty. Regardless of tenure status, younger faculty, those at institutions that have experienced decline and that have more autocratic forms of governance, and those that have lower levels of organizational and career satisfaction are more likely to leave their institutions. Being a male, spending more time on research, and having a stronger record of scholarly productivity are positive influences on the intentions of tenured faculty to leave their institution, while salary satisfaction is an influential variable only for nontenured faculty. The research and policy implications of these findings are discussed. Source of data: Carnegie Surveys of Undergraduates and Faculty. Copyright 1985, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1985.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting faculty intent to leave is important to the development of improved conceptual frameworks of faculty success as well as the implementation of effective retention strategies for academic leaders and institutions that invest considerable resources in recruitment, institutional support, and compensation. This study examined the relationship between various research-based factors and faculty intent to leave by integrating components identified in the extant literature for employee turnover more generally and faculty intent to leave more specifically. The results of binary logistic regression models identified workplace stress, being in a “soft-pure” discipline, fewer years of service at the university, and higher research productivity as key predictors of faculty having considered leaving for another institution. Key predictors for faculty having considered leaving academe altogether were being in a “hard-applied” discipline, not having a spouse or partner, a perceived lack of support, a perceived lack of fit, stress of raising a family, and dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the “faculty job”. The implications for research, policy, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

院校研究与质量保证——以美国高等教育为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从20世纪80年代的"里根改革"以来,美国高校的成本越来越多地要由学生及其家庭而不是政府分担,使得人们愈益关注投资高等教育的收益。因此,美国高等教育质量倍受社会公众的关注。院校研究在高等教育质量保证方面具有积极的促进作用。它为高校能够对外部的报告、认证、项目审批,以及内部项目评议和专项研究等方面的社会问责做出说明,同时也在学生学习评估、教师行为分析以及学籍管理三方面发挥了关键作用。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代中期迄今,美国研究者就诸多教师教学发展项目进行了大量评估。在评估内容上,基于不同目的,以及评估活动的各不相同,评估对象以教师与学生为主,对管理者的评估日益受到关注;在评估方法上,多采用严谨的对照实验与前后测实验设计,使用问卷、观察、访谈以及混合方法等实证研究方法,戏剧表演、学习评估工具等也是常用评估方法;在评估效果上,很多项目不仅改善了教师教学,也促进了学生学习。其项目评估可以给我国以借鉴:扩展项目评估对象,丰富项目评估活动;加强实证研究设计,提高评估的科学性;重视形成性评估,确保评估的连贯性。  相似文献   

Academic development that supports the enactment of positive psychology practices through student–faculty pedagogical partnership can increase faculty confidence and capacity in their first year in a new institution. When student partners practice affirmation and encouragement of strengths-based growth, processes of faculty acclimation and self-authoring can be accelerated. This article presents a student–faculty pedagogical partnership program and positive psychology practices that focus on faculty strengths and capacities as the foundation for reinforcing and revising existing pedagogical strategies and for sustaining energy for continued development. It combines collaborative autoethnographic and comparative case study approaches to investigate the pedagogical benefits of these practices.  相似文献   

The present study identifies characteristics of individuals and work settings that influence Asian international faculty members’ intentions to continue their employment in US research universities. Given the demand for researchers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields (STEM), the higher rate of turnover among untenured faculty, and the replacement costs associated with turnover in STEM, the sample is limited to assistant professors employed in these areas. Multinomial regression analyses are conducted to identify variables that “pull” and “push” uncertain faculty toward intentions stay and leave their current institutions. The results suggest that faculty who are more satisfied with time available for research and those who express stronger organizational commitment are more likely to say they will stay. Those dissatisfied with the fairness of work evaluations and believe tenure decisions are not merit-based, are more likely to say they will leave.  相似文献   

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