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中西诗歌中的酒文化比较略谈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酒作为一种文化可谓源远流长,但在中西诗歌作品中,酒的文化意义表现出很大差异.在中国,饮酒多为一种个人化行为,饮酒诗大多表现个人的借酒消愁,醉酒中仍有太多的理性和清醒;在西方,饮酒诗大多表现一种群体的狂欢、追求快乐,醉酒常常是一种大众行为,表现着人们最本能原始的冲动.  相似文献   

竞争与合作是社会互动中最基本的两种形式。从伦理学的角度审视.竞争与合作这两种互动行为具有非道德性、道德性和不道德性。在我国市场经济的条件下,为了预防竞争与合作由非道德行为滑向不道德行为,我们应该努力使竞争与合作的行为朝向道德的转变。竞争与合作上升为道德行为对促进市场经济的繁荣有着积极重要的意义。  相似文献   

合作学习是我国新一轮课程改革所倡导的一种重要的学习方式,小组合作学习是其基本形式。合作学习不仅是一种个体的学习行为,同时还是一种群体活动行为。合作学习理论本身就是起源于20世纪现代社会心理学的研究。从社会心理学角度有针对性地认识合作学习中的几种典型的心理效应很有现实理论指导意义,它有利于对合作学习中小组成员的行为与思想的变化形成更清晰地认识,以便采取更有效的措施。1.从众效应从众效应是指在群体活动中,当个人与多数人的意见和行为不一致时,个人放弃自己的意见和行为,表现出与群体中多数人相一致的意见和行为方式的…  相似文献   

现代社会不仅讲求个人的才能,而且讲求集体的智慧和人与人之间的相互合作。人只有学会与同伴合作,才能获得生存的空间,赢得自身的长远发展。随着年龄的增长及在集体生活中经验的积累,幼儿已基本具备了合作意识,他们交往目的也越来越倾向于同伴本身,即为了引起同伴的注意或为使同伴与自己合作、交流而发出交往的信号。从小培养幼儿友好的合作行为对于幼儿个体全面、和谐的发展来说,十分重要。因此,在幼儿教育阶段,培养幼儿的合作行为是行为发展的重点。一、培养幼儿友好合作的行为在与同伴的交往中,幼儿学到很多社  相似文献   

周玉琴 《成才之路》2011,(15):23-23
合作是指为了共同的目的而两人或多人、两个集体或多个集体齐心协力共同完成某一任务的行为。培养幼儿的合作能力,有利于幼儿在学会合作的过程逐渐克服自我中心,关心他人,养成一种协商合作和利他的亲社会行为。在幼儿之间营造一种团结、友爱、互助、合作的群体氛围,增强幼儿的社会适应性。  相似文献   

唐诗中处处飘着浓浓的酒香,让人沉醉其间。通过对唐诗的品读,我们发现唐代的酿酒业十分发达,酒的种类非常丰富,全国各地酒馆林立。酒馆为人们的日常交际提供了一个开放的空间,饮酒逐渐成为一种社会性的行为。  相似文献   

以高职计算机专业学生非合作学习行为为研究对象,将其划分为课堂行为、心理行为、认知行为、社会行为,并深入分析其所属非合作类型及形成原因,最后从教学改革、课程设计、学生管理、校园文化等方面来研究应对措施和策略。  相似文献   

以683名农村中小学生为研究对象,考察了农村中小学生吸烟饮酒行为的特点及其与亲子关系、同伴压力和学校活动卷入的关系。结果发现:(1)10.70%的农村中小学生报告曾有过吸烟行为,14.80%报告曾有过饮酒行为,不同性别和年级的农村中小学生吸烟饮酒行为差异显著,不同留守状况的农村中小学生的吸烟行为差异显著,但饮酒行为差异不显著;(2)亲子关系可以直接预测农村中小学生的吸烟饮酒行为,同伴压力和学校活动卷入在亲子关系与中小学生吸烟饮酒行为关系中发挥着部分中介作用;(3)学校活动卷入对农村中小学生吸烟饮酒行为的总效应值与亲子关系差异不大,且均大于同伴压力。提醒研究者除了关注家庭和同伴这两个影响中小学生吸烟饮酒行为的常规因素外,尤其要关注学校因素对农村中小学生群体吸烟饮酒行为的重要影响。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 合作,社会互动的一种方式,指个人或群体之间为达到某一确定目标彼此通过协作而行成的联合行为。人生活在社会中,就必须与人合作。著名心里学家阿德勒曾说过:一个缺乏合作精神、台作能力的人,其职业生涯、人际关系以及爱情各方面都会出现严重问题和遭到失败。幼儿期是培养合作精神的关键时期,我们应加强对幼儿合作能力的培养,为幼儿一生的发展奠定必要的基础。  相似文献   

反讽的语用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从合作原则、礼貌原则、言语行为理论等语用的角度探讨反讽问题。反讽是说话人出于礼貌故意违反质量准则而产生的,通过表面上对合作原则的违反,反讽原则使说话人能够给自己不礼貌的言语披上一层礼貌的面纱,从而既从根本上遵循了合作原则和礼貌原则,又表达了自己的真实意图。反讽是一种间接言语行为,一种“戴了面纱的”威胁面子的言语行为。  相似文献   

"被"字网络流行语是被动意义的凸显与强化。本文结合逻辑命题的真假来分析被字网络流行语的语义特点:一方面它突破了传统被字句的语义模式;另一方面它更突出了其被动性、非自愿性、不自由性等语义特点。  相似文献   


The present study examines self-regulation variables (goals, feedback, goal commitment, efficacy, discrepancy) within the context of a brief intervention designed to decrease heavy drinking amongst college females. Participants (N= 76) were randomly assigned to one of six between subjects conditions created by crossing goal conditions (no goal, proximal goal, distal goal) with feedback conditions (feedback, no feedback), and were assessed across time on drinking behavior and self-regulation variables. Neither goal setting, feedback, nor the combination of goal setting and feedback were superior to assessment and information in the reduction of heavy drinking. The interaction of efficacy, commitment and discrepancy failed to add to the prediction of future drinking beyond that accounted for by current drinking behavior and the main effects of self-regulation variables in hierarchical regression analyses. Correlational analyses revealed a negative relationship between efficacy and commitment and future drinking behavior. Results are discussed in relation to theory, the college student environment, and the potential limited efficacy of individual level interventions within this environment.  相似文献   

计算机视觉技术越来越多地应用于生猪饮水等行为识别中,以判断生猪健康状况。现有的饮水识别方法主要依赖目标轮廓,而传统的阈值分割方式受光照、噪点等因素影响较大,提取的轮廓不够精确。提出一种基于深度学习目标检测算法YOLO(You Only Look Once,YOLO)的生猪行为识别方法,根据生猪位置与饮水区的关系以及是否处于静止状态综合判断其饮水行为。该方法不依赖目标轮廓,且无复杂的手动特征提取过程。在深度学习框架tensorflow上进行群养猪检测、定位以及饮水行为识别。实验证明,该算法比基于轮廓的饮水识别算法精度提高3%,达到94.0%。  相似文献   

Three experiments delivered food at fixed or random intervals independently of the rat’s behavior, always less than the amount eaten with food freely available. The results revealed a Polydipsie response to this experimental suppression of eating, and total drinking decreased as total eating increased. When we added a lever that signaled each food delivery, leverpressing and drinking rose far above their baseline levels; both responses decreased as total eating increased. When a similar schedule presented lever and food independently, rats still became Polydipsie, but showed no sign of autoshaped leverpressing. A fourth experiment revealed a hypophagic response to schedules that suppressed drinking; total eating increased with total drinking. As mutual substitutes in the economic sense, one behavior falls as the other rises; as mutual complements in the economic sense, the two behaviors rise or fall together. We discuss polydipsia and autoshaping in terms of drinking as an intrinsic substitute for eating, and leverpressing as a learned substitute for eating. The results suggest a revision of conservation theory, which views drinking and eating as substitutes when the schedule suppresses eating but as complements when the schedule suppresses drinking.  相似文献   

Previous researchers have established the relationship between substance abuse and shame and religiosity/spirituality and shame. This study investigated the associations among shame, religiosity, spirituality, and drinking behavior in a college student sample (N = 310). Participants classified as hazardous drinkers reported higher levels of shame associated with drinking behavior. Elements of religiosity and spirituality significantly explained state shame among hazardous drinkers. Implications for college counselors are presented.  相似文献   

The behavior of 4 rats living in complex environments was monitored 24 h per day during free-feeding baseline and under conditions of periodic access to food. Under the periodic schedules, the minimum interfood interval (IFI) was increased from 16 to 512 sec in an ascending series. Periodic food produced robust overall increases in investigation of the feeder, drinking, general activity, and rearing, but not in wheel-running. The temporal distribution of behavior within the IFI was similar across subjects and supported the hypothesis that some responses were largely time-locked to the period immediately following eating, while other responses expanded to fill the interval. However, these response differences were not adequately captured by present classification schemes. Finally, the distribution of drinking following a food pellet strongly resembled the distribution of drinking following bouts of feeding in baseline. The results suggest that adjunctive behavior stems from three sources: (1) a simple increase in the number of opportunities for expression of normal preprandial and postprandial behavior, (2) an increase in the preprandial behavior directed toward the site of expected food, and (3) an increase in the postprandial distribution of both site-directed and more general exploratory behavior. These findings suggest that adjunctive behavior is not extraneous, but is an orderly distribution of responses ordinarily related to feeding and foraging for food.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported in which short pauses from the drinking behavior of four hooded rats (rat study) and four mice (mouse study) were analyzed. Both of these studies supported the hypothesis that the interlick interval (II) can be used as a unit (PU) for scaling short pauses in licking behavior during water drinking. The outcomes of these studies are seen as suggesting that the factor responsible for the constancy of the II is also functioning during short pauses and is responsible for the tendency herein reported for pauses to be scaled by the PU.  相似文献   

The researchers investigated the effects of classical conditioning procedures on the attitudes and choice of social behavior of elementary and secondary students associated with drinking, smoking, and the use of drugs. The experimental treatment involved the pairing of words having negative connotations with the concepts smoking, drinking, and the use of drugs. The results indicated that the experimental group expressed more negative attitudes toward smoking and drinking and chose the use of drugs in social settings less frequently than did the control group.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, 12 rats were exposed to an FT 60 schedule of food reinforcement, followed either by extinction or by a massed-food control condition, in the presence of a wood block. In 9 rats, wood-chewing behavior increased systematically during the FT 60 condition and declined again during extinction or massed food, while the other 3 rats showed virtually no chewing behavior at any stage of the experiment. In Experiment 2, frequency and bout duration of wood-chewing under an FT 60 schedule of food reinforcement declined as body weight increased, in 7 rats. We conclude that wood-chewing qualifies as a schedule-induced behavior, and that it resembles schedule-induced drinking in its dependence on body weight. Unlike drinking, however, induced chewing occupied the middle region of the 60-sec interreinforcement interval, declined markedly within the session, and showed considerable within- and between-subject variability.  相似文献   

Pecking in chickens is a ubiquitous response that does not appear to be exclusively linked to any single motivational state. Because of this, certain earlier findings are ambiguous regarding the extent to which socially mediated pecking in chickens extends to theories of social facilitation effects. In the current research, drinking was identified as a possible alternative response for the study of socially mediated consummatory behavior in chickens. Tests of satiated subjects paired with deprived companions (or tested alone) showed that the pattern and relative amount of the social facilitation of drinking conformed exactly to the pattern for pecking. Therefore, it was concluded that socially enhanced consummatory behavior in the chicken can bear on theories of social facilitation.  相似文献   

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